The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3022 Resurrection is luck

Chapter 3022 Resurrection is luck

Whether it is Master Bessa or the head of Qianyun, for them, the result after going to the resurrection gate will be more uncertain, it is better to maintain the status quo and not change!At least they are used to the current situation, so it's impossible to make it worse, right?
But for Ji Xiaoyan, she hoped that they would change!At least it can be better than it is now, that's a good thing!
From Ji Xiaoyan's point of view, after going to the Gate of Resurrection, the result will definitely be better than now. Luotu has already agreed to help Hess manage their recovery, so the situation can't be worse, right?
It's just that when the head of Qianyun heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he said that Ji Xiaoyan was too naive, smiled at the same time, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji, you need to know that everything that is exchanged here is nothing. It is at the cost of the lives of the aborigines! With such a price, do you think the result will only get better and better? How is that possible? Every time the aborigines are resurrected, why do they need so many resources to be sent to resurrection? Go to the door? Is it just because the people from the Resurrection Sect want those things?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't think about this question, but when he heard Qian Yun's words, he frowned and showed his face Doubt expression come!
Then I heard the head of Qianyun continue to say: "Some of the resources for resurrection were indeed collected by the aborigines of the resurrection gate as rewards, but more of them are what they need to use these things in It is used during resurrection! The remuneration that the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate can get actually does not account for a high proportion of the total resources. Most of the resources are consumed on the resurrected aborigines. It was given to Lord Lord God! Lord Ji City Lord, you should understand this point, right?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and looked at the head of Qianyun and signaled him to continue, so the head of Qianyun thought about it again, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "All of this is handed over to the Resurrection Sect, and for them Said, they only need to revive the aborigines, right? But the adverse effects after the resurrection, Mr. Ji City Lord, have you ever thought about how all this happened? It was because we gave the Resurrection Gate There are not many resources, which makes them feel that the rewards are not generous, so the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate deliberately made a fool of themselves?"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned immediately when he heard the words, and naturally knew that such a situation was unlikely, so he could only look at Sect Master Qianyun in doubt, and asked him: "Master Qianyun, what do you say? The meaning is to tell me that all of this is actually not decided by the Resurrection Gate, but by the Lord God, right?"

"That's natural! All our aborigines are the aborigines of Lord God, aren't they?" Head Qianyun nodded affirmatively, but laughed, and said seriously to Ji Xiaoyan: "Everyone of us What the aborigines unconditionally get from the Lord God is just this life! This is something that all the aborigines and monsters get fairly! However, when this life is gone, we still want to get a new life from the Lord God. Your life, Master Ji thought. Does every aborigine have that kind of opportunity and special treatment? Without paying any price?"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at the head of Qianyun, and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"How important a life is to the aborigines, Lord Ji, you should know it! Now that the elders in our sect have been resurrected once, then send them to the resurrection gate for the so-called Recovery, Lord Ji thought it was just to recover?"

"Isn't it? I see Lord Luotu's meaning, this recovery should be a very simple process!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at Sect Master Qianyun suspiciously and asked, looked at Sect Master Qianyun After shaking his head affirmatively, he regretted that he didn't ask Luo Tuduo about the situation in the Resurrection Gate.

Sect Master Qianyun looked at Ji Xiaoyan's gloomy expression, but he laughed, thought for a while and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "The so-called sending to the Resurrection Sect for recovery is nothing more than letting the people of the Resurrection Sect take the Change the state of our elders, let them become a half-dead state, and then let them think of a way to resurrect them again! Because this time the resurrection is in a half-dead state, it is necessary There are very few resources, and it is almost a state that the Resurrection Gate can give! Of course, if the Resurrection Gate can’t bear it, we can give it to us if you ask for it! But ah, the resurrected aborigines can be regarded as re-stealing from the Lord God I got a chance to be reborn! Since I got one more chance, I will naturally have to pay a new price! In this way, Master Ji, do you understand?"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned and shook his head, still a little confused.

"Let's put it this way! If exchanging for a chance to be reborn after death is a complete chance of survival, then if you send it to the resurrection gate to recover now, you will use half of your chance to survive again. Then, the side effects of the resurrection you get are the same Will bear half of it! Now they have already taken on the bad effects of one resurrection, and then send them to recover, that is, on top of this, add half of the side effects, so that the bad effects will be added by half again. In this way, you understand ?"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at Master Qianyun and shook his head again, expressing that he was not very clear.

Sect Master Qianyun sighed when he saw this, and after thinking for a while, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji City Master, think about it carefully, the situation is better now! The elders of our Qianhua Sect have been resurrected Once, they have already received the bad effects that they need to bear after being resurrected once. If they are asked to half-dead again, can this bad effect be completely eliminated? This is impossible! The side effects derived from this , will be superimposed after their next resurrection, and it will become a heavier punishment! Do you understand, Master Ji, right?” Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at him in disbelief. After looking at Sect Master Qianyun, he nodded affirmatively to himself, then frowned and said: "But Sect Master Qianyun, when I was at the Resurrection Sect, I didn't hear Master Luotu and the others mention this matter! Could this be your overthinking?"

"Of course they won't bring it up. After all, it's not you, City Master Ji, who was resurrected! Moreover, they didn't mention it to you, City Master Ji, but the people from the Resurrection Gate probably didn't mention it, and they will definitely be able to get rid of these bad influences." Get rid of them all?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, thought about it carefully, shook his head at Qianyun's head and said, "No! Master Luotu said that this situation can be eliminated on the elders! Since Master Luotu If it can be eliminated, it must be eliminated!"

"Master Ji City Master, you are too naive." Sect Master Qian Yun shook his head with a smile, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with incomparable certainty: "Sending the elders to the Resurrection Gate will indeed eliminate their current situation! But what about the new situation they may get? The people from the Resurrection Gate certainly didn’t tell Lord Ji City Master about this!”

Ji Xiaoyan thought about it, but still didn't quite believe it.The head of Qianyun saw Ji Xiaoyan still suspicious, and said to her: "If Lord Ji doesn't believe it, you can go to the Resurrection Gate and ask again! If the answer is different, I can think about it." Send the elders over there to try."

"That's fine! Then, Master Sect Master, you just wait for me. I'll go to the Resurrection Gate and ask Master Luotu!"

The head of Qianyun Sect didn't seem to refuse, he just shrugged his shoulders and agreed to Ji Xiaoyan, and then watched her leave Qianhua Sect, and then told the disciples of Qianhua Sect to continue to catch her. Elders who haven't been caught yet!On the contrary, he didn't look forward to it at all because of Ji Xiaoyan's words.

And Ji Xiaoyan didn't delay, and quickly teleported to the Resurrection Gate, saw Luo Tu again in the Resurrection Gate, and then quickly told Luo Tu what he heard from Qian Yun's head.

I thought that Luotu would shake his head with a smile and directly deny these words of the head of Qianyun, but Ji Xiaoyan looked at Luotu with a hesitant expression on his face, and after a while, he shook his head at her Said: "Master Ji City Master, what the head of Qianyun said is also part of the truth!"

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Luotu in surprise when he heard the words, and asked him. "Indeed! What Sect Leader Qianyun said is correct! If Director Hess or the elders of Qianhua Sect are sent here, our Resurrection Sect can solve their current situation! But this once again extends The other situations that come out are beyond the control of our Resurrection Gate! Unless we can use the method Lehe used to engrave certain things on the bodies of these aborigines, maybe we can restore them to their normal appearance! But now it seems that no aborigine will agree to such a thing!" Luo Tu said to Ji Xiaoyan with a sigh.

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan could only frown and look at Luotu, and then asked after a while, "Is there really no other way?"

Luotu shook his head affirmatively, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji, you should know that this is not controlled by our Resurrection Sect, it is controlled by Lord Lord God! All aborigines have only one life, and all All the aborigines on the mainland know this after they are resurrected. You see, we resurrected so many aborigines at our resurrection gate. Has anyone ever come to our resurrection gate to make trouble? Even if they have various situations, even if they are restricted by Lord Lehe, among the aborigines who know the news, Lord Ji, can you see how many people will come to us for resurrection Is the door noisy?"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned and thought about it, and suddenly understood.

If you really want to make trouble, whether it was Qianhuamen or other aborigines who came to the resurrection gate, it was her who made the trouble. She let these aborigines come to the resurrection gate and let them resurrect once!All of this was caused by Ji Xiaoyan!
And the reason why the Master of the Resurrection Sect didn't punish her too much before, presumably it was only because she would never need to obtain the identity of the Resurrection Sect!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan's brows suddenly frowned a little bit more, and he looked at Luotu with a depressed face, but looked at Luotu and smiled helplessly at himself. "Master Ji City Lord, you must know that our Resurrection Gate sometimes has limitations, and not everything can be done!"

"Yes, I know that too!" Ji Xiaoyan could only nod helplessly, and then asked Luotu, "That is to say, whether it's Manager Hess or the elders of Qianhuamen, if they want to send If the Resurrection Gate comes to recover again, it also needs to become a half-dead state, and then resurrect once again to eliminate the current situation! However, after that, they will get some random and uncertain other conditions, Is that so?"

"Yes!" Luotu nodded affirmatively, thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan in a consoling way: "The situation after recovery is actually very good! This is just a matter of luck." It’s just an opportunity! Some aborigines may be lucky, and they may encounter some problems of gluttony, or like to jump around, but other conditions are normal. These small problems are similar to the lives of ordinary aborigines. There will be some flaws! If you are unlucky, you will probably encounter a situation like Manager Hess’s out-of-control situation, or a situation like Jiajia’s who doesn’t know anything! Thinking about it this way, it’s actually possible Try it!"

When Jiajia was mentioned, Ji Xiaoyan's mood suddenly became heavier.

Now she really understands the reason why Jiajia will become like this after being resurrected, and the patriarch of the sub-god clan didn't dare to make too much trouble with the resurrection gate, and she knew that such a situation might happen!It's just that what he never expected was that although there were some problems after Kaka's resurrection, he was not as strong as he imagined, and was still as strong as before!This made him so disappointed that he went to the head of the Resurrection Sect!
Ji Xiaoyan is also a little curious now, why didn't the head of the Resurrection Sect immediately drive away the patriarch of the Sub-God Clan after seeing Kaga's state? Are those resources given back to them?
Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's doubts, Luotu shook his head and said, "Since our Resurrection Sect collected so many items from the sub-protoss to revive Jiajia, it is natural to ensure that Jiajia is in a certain resurrection state! Can you imagine that the resurrection of Jiajia will be so different from what we expected? As for how the patriarch of the sub-protoss talked with the leader, we have no way of knowing. Anyway, in the current situation, the leader The reason why my lord lost everything to the patriarch of the sub-shen clan at the beginning was probably because the resurrection of Jiajia was too different from what all of us expected, which surprised the head of the clan and felt ashamed of the sub-shen clan, so That's why you did it!"

(End of this chapter)

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