The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3026 This time is different

Chapter 3026 It's Different This Time
It is very simple to go from Qingcheng to the sub-protoss, all you need is a teleportation array.

Lord Bessa didn't waste much time, he was directly teleported back to River Water City, and soon he took Chief Hess and the guards with him, and all of them were teleported to Qingcheng to wait.It's just that at this moment, the manager of Hess still needs to be weak for a few days because he has been soaked in water, so he can only be carried by the guards of River Water City, and cannot move by himself.

The aborigines of the sub-god race have always been very enthusiastic about Lord Bessa all the way. I don't know, they thought that the relationship between Master Bessa and the others was the same as the relationship between the Xuanmen and the sub-god race.

"Xiaoyan, why do those people from the sub-god race treat Lord Bessa differently?" Yu Mo was also very puzzled by this. He had followed Ji Xiaoyan to the sub-god clan back then, so he naturally knew how the sub-god clan treated other people. Therefore, looking at the attitude of those sub-protoss aboriginals in contact with Master Bessa, Xuan Mo was very strange.

"I'm not too sure about this! Maybe it's because Lord Bessa is very reliable?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, then shook his head and said to Xuan Mo: "However, it seems that these sub-protoss are really against Beisa." Master Sa is different from us!"

"Right! I just think that they are a little too enthusiastic!" Yu Mo nodded suddenly, and said something to Ji Xiaoyan with great doubts, but looked at Friesman who was on the side, but took it for granted. Immediately, he couldn't help frowning, patted Friesman and asked him, "Friesman, what's your expression? Do you know what's wrong?"

"Me?" Friesman was stunned for a moment, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo, and then said to them seriously: "What news can I know? It's just that I have some ideas about your doubts." !"

"What's your idea? Let's hear it?!" Xuan Mo immediately raised his eyebrows.

Friesman glanced in the direction of Master Bessa, then lowered his voice and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Think about it, is Master Bessa powerful?"

Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo looked at each other and nodded.Master Besa is naturally powerful, otherwise Ji Xiaoyan would not have let Master Besa come to Qingcheng to help guard it.

"Then Master Bessa and I will deal with Jiajia more powerfully?" Friesman couldn't help straightening his back, and asked Ji Xiaoyan and the others again.

"Friesman, are you asking for compliments?" Yu Mo couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and asked Friesman in a speechless manner. Seeing his expression of rolling his eyes suddenly, it was a bit strange Said impatiently: "If you have anything to say, just say it directly, or we will set off when you wake up in a hurry! Who will be in the mood to listen to you when the time comes?"

Friesman glanced at Xuan Mo with a displeased face, and then continued: "I think those aborigines of the sub-protoss just look at Lord Bessa's power, and together with Xuan Mo and I, Three people can stop Jiajia in a state of madness, so they are trying to curry favor with Master Besa, thinking that after we reach the sub-protoss, Master Besa can help suppress Jiajia! Such a simple truth, don’t you Can't you see it?"

"What you said is like not saying anything!" When Yu Mo heard what Friesman said, he immediately rolled his eyes, and said a little speechlessly: "Is Master Bessa able to control Jiajia alone? Didn’t you just say that? It’s also due to the two of us! If it’s because of this reason, then the aborigines of the sub-protoss should also be very enthusiastic about us! But look for yourself, we are now and those The demigods are together, how did they treat us? How did they treat Master Bessa? I don’t think it’s the reason you mentioned at all!”

"If it's not this reason, what else could it be?" Friesman couldn't help being stunned when he heard what Xuan Mo said, and said in disbelief: "Didn't the two of us have been unable to suppress Jiajia before?" ? Later Master Bessa came to solve the problem! This sub-protoss will naturally think that Master Bessa is very powerful!"

"They're not fools! Don't they know if Lord Bessa can control Gaga by himself?" Yu Mo still said to Friesman in disbelief, "I think these aborigines of the sub-protoss They treat Master Bessa differently, there must be other reasons!"

"If it's not what I said, then tell me, what else could be the reason?" Friesman asked Xuan Mo unhappily when he heard what Xuan Mo said, and looked at Xuan Mo It also looked like he couldn't say anything, so he continued: "Look, you don't know, and you still don't believe what I said!"

"I don't know, so I have to believe what you say?" Yu Mo gave Friesman a blank look, but looked at Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, who do you think is right?"

"It's all reasonable! It's all reasonable!" Ji Xiaoyan also looked helpless, and could only look at Xuan Mo and Friesman and said.

"Xiaoyan, aren't you curious?" Xuan Mo looked at Ji Xiaoyan's expression, thought for a while, and couldn't help but ask her: "You don't want to know why the aborigines of the sub-protoss treated Bessa? Do adults have a different attitude?"

"Maybe it's the same as what Friesman said?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and said to Xuan Mo, seeing that Xuan Mo frowned suddenly, and then smiled and said: "Lord Bessa We are already stronger than us, and it is normal for the aborigines of the sub-gods to respect the strong, isn't it? What's more, Mr. Bessa is going to the sub-gods to help watch Gaga. The attitude of the adults is better, and it makes sense!"

Yu Mo frowned, looked in the direction of the people in River Water City, but still shook his head and said: "Anyway, I don't believe it! I'm also very powerful, and I haven't seen that the aborigines of the sub-protoss have a better attitude towards me." Woolen cloth?"

"Xu Mo. You don't believe it, is it because of this reason?" Friesman couldn't help laughing when he heard what Xuan Mo said.

"Why? Don't you think you are very powerful?"

When Friesman heard what Xuan Mo said, his smile froze immediately, but he couldn't say anything.He also thinks he is very powerful, but why aren't the aborigines of the sub-god race very enthusiastic about him and Xuan Mo?

"Xiaoyan Xiaoyan! Otherwise, why don't you go ask!?" Friesman frowned and thought about it, and couldn't help but said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I don't know the reason, I feel a little uncomfortable!"

"Curiosity! Curiosity!" Xuan Mo hurriedly said to Ji Xiaoyan, his face full of anticipation!

"What am I going to ask here?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the two of them with a look of embarrassment, frowned and said to Xuan Mo and Friesman: "Besides, how can I ask?" ? Ask the aborigines of the sub-protoss why they are so kind to Master Bessa and not to us?"

This matter, no matter how you think about it, is a bit embarrassing!
"But Xiaoyan, if you don't ask us for help, we will feel uncomfortable! We just want to know!"

Xuan Mo and Friesman looked at Ji Xiaoyan with expectations and encouragement on their faces. If Ji Xiaoyan didn't ask, he wouldn't give up.

Ji Xiaoyan looked embarrassed, and Xuan Mo and Friesman just looked at me and I looked at you, but didn't know whether to move or not.

At this moment, the sub-shen clan suddenly yelled. Ji Xiaoyan quickly raised his eyes and saw Jiajia's body moving. It looked like he was about to wake up.

"Jiajia is about to wake up!" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly said something to Friesman and Xuan Mo, and then motioned for them to follow. The group of people immediately gathered together with the aborigines of the sub-god race. When Jiajia wakes up, they can be teleported to the sub-protoss together.

Everyone thought that things must be going so smoothly.

But when Jiajia's eyes opened, everyone was startled.

Jiajia's eyes were still red at the moment.

"What's going on here? Jiajia's situation is not right!" The aborigines of the sub-shen tribe immediately shouted, and quickly asked people to disperse and prepare to prevent Jiajia from going crazy.

Lord Bessa also looked worried when he saw this situation, and quickly asked the guards of River Water City to carry Chief Hess away from this place, and after making arrangements for everyone, he looked in Ji Xiaoyan's direction .

At this moment, Ji Xiaoyan's face was full of surprise and worry, she never expected that the situation in Jiajia would change again!After waking up before, it was always in a sober state, but now why is it still red-eyed and crazy?Could it be, is there any variation in this?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly said to Xuan Mo and Friesman, "Go to Lord Besa's side, cooperate with Lord Besa, and we can't let Jiajia mess around again!"

Friesman and Xuan Mo nodded quickly, and ran towards Lord Bessa without hesitation.

But at this moment, Jiajia turned his head lazily, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others with hesitant eyes, and finally followed the running figures of Friesman and Xuan Mo, staring at them intently , it seems to lock the target.

"Everyone be careful!" Seeing this situation, the aborigines of the sub-shen clan were also full of worry, and couldn't help shouting loudly, looking at Jiajia vigilantly.

Everyone is waiting for Jiajia's next move.

As soon as Kaka attacks, Lord Bessa and Friesman will immediately throw a spell to stop it, and after that, it will be Xuanmo!What they want to guarantee is not to hurt Gaga, but not to let Gaga hurt other people, or to destroy anything in Qingcheng.

If Jiajia didn't attack, but just walked around casually like the situation in the wild in Shacheng, then they only need to ensure that Jiajia doesn't destroy the house.

However, now is not the time when the rising sun is rising, if Jiajia wants to watch the rising sun quietly, it is almost impossible!

Ji Xiaoyan also became a little nervous at the moment, looking at Jiajia's huge body, for the first time, he really felt that Jiajia could no longer be treated like before!

"Jajia, what is this going to do?"

Everyone looked at Jiajia, but didn't see any further movement from Jiajia for a long time, so they couldn't help but asked.

However, no one knows.

"Lord Bessa, should we just freeze Gaga first?" Friesman looked nervously at Gaga's direction, and couldn't help frowning and asked in a low voice to Master Bessa, "Otherwise we Waiting like this is not a solution, is it? I look at Jiajia's red eyes, which is a bit scary!"

Master Bessa did not answer Friesman immediately, but looked into Gaga's eyes quietly, and then said to Friesman after a while: "We don't want to do anything to Gaga! Look at it staring at us. I haven't moved all the time, and I'm not as irritable as before, so maybe things will be different this time, let's wait and see!"

"Waiting like this is not an option!" Friesman said disapprovingly, frowning.

"Then we have to wait!" Yu Mo thought for a while, and said to Friesman: "Master Bessa is right, if Jiajia is not irritable and sabotage this time, we will freeze it, instead of irritating it Is it? Jiajia is different now than usual, if it gets angry, we will suffer."

Friesman frowned and listened to Xuan Mo's words, but he said unwillingly: "I feel more pressure to wait like this! I don't know what Jiajia is going to do or what he will do!"

"That has to wait!" Master Bessa said to Friesman seriously, but his eyes were fixed on Gaga: "If Gaga is just like this, we can wait for it to return to normal!"

This is what everyone expects.

But Jiajia doesn't seem to be able to make everyone wish in this way.

After staring at Lord Bessa and the others for a long time, Jiajia seemed to be a little impatient, and slowly raised his head, looked at the sky above his head, and then slowly stood up when everyone was puzzled. Standing up, the blade-like backstabs on his back also began to stand up, each pointing towards the sky like a giant sword.

"What is Jiajia going to do?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help feeling a little worried, and quickly asked an aborigine of the sub-protoss beside him: "Have you ever seen Jiajia like this before?"

"No!" The aborigine of the sub-protoss also had a worried expression on his face, and he couldn't help but say to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji, what is Jiajia trying to do? I'll just look at it There's something wrong with this look!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, his heart sank slightly.

There is something wrong with this situation!No matter how Ji Xiaoyan looked at it, he felt that Jiajia was like this, and he felt like he was about to start attacking and zooming in!This is in their Qingcheng!

(End of this chapter)

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