The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3027 Different Gaga

Chapter 3027 Different Kaga
Everyone knows that Jiajia's current situation is not right, those red eyes are not like normal.

But even so, no one dared to do anything to Jiajia first!Everyone is expecting that Jiajia will be better than they imagined!
"Xiaoyan!" Xuan Mo didn't know what to think of, looking at Jiajia's appearance, he couldn't help shouting at Ji Xiaoyan, as if signaling Ji Xiaoyan to hurry over, he had something to say.

But Ji Xiaoyan just heard the sound, and looked at Jiajia, who seemed to have heard Xuan Mo's voice, tilted his head, and those red eyes had already looked in Ji Xiaoyan's direction, and then stared at she is gone.

"Master Ji City Master!" Seeing this situation, the aborigines of the sub-protoss couldn't help feeling a little nervous!What if Jiajia directly attacked Ji Xiaoyan?

"It's okay, don't worry!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the expressions of the aborigines of the sub-protoss, and could only say something to them in comfort. Don't dare to take a breath!She really doesn't want her next resurrection to be done in a hurry!Think about it, if Jiajia attacked her, wouldn't the many aborigines of the sub-god race around her, the guards of Qingcheng, also suffer?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help swallowing immediately, looked at Jiajia, seeing that it didn't seem to be doing anything, then slowly moved slightly to the side.However, just when Ji Xiaoyan moved, Jiajia's red eyes also moved!
What does this mean?
It means that Jiajia is staring at her!
This time, everyone became more nervous.

Xuan Mo was also a little annoyed.He originally wanted Ji Xiaoyan to stay with them in the past, and if something happened, at least they could protect her with so many people, much more reliable than the aborigines of the sub-god race, right?But Xuan Mo never thought that Ji Xiaoyan didn't call her, but made her the key target of Jiajia now!

This made Ji Xiaoyan a target instead!

"It's all you!" Friesman also saw this situation, and immediately couldn't help but whispered to Xuan Mo: "You said what you just did to attract Jiajia's attention? I didn't see Jiajia's current situation. Is it dangerous? You still stimulate it!"

"I didn't think of it either!" Xuan Mo replied to Friesman with a face full of guilt.

"I think something is wrong!" Lord Bessa frowned, looked in the direction of Jiajia, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan, then whispered to Xuan Mo and Friesman: "It was Xiaoyan who was called by Xuan Mo just now, but Xiaoyan didn't answer! Even if it wanted to attract Jiajia's attention, this Jiajia should be looking at us, staring at Xuan Mo who was speaking! But why now But Jiajia has been staring at Xiaoyan all the time?"

"Master Bessa, what do you mean by that?"

When Friesman and Xuan Mo heard what Lord Bessa said, they were both stunned, and they couldn't help looking at Lord Bessa in surprise.

"Master Bessa, you don't mean that you know Xiaoyan in this state of Jiajia, right?" Xuan Mo seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked at Master Bessa in amazement, and asked him a question. , Seeing Master Bessa's confident eyes, Xuan Mo frowned without hesitation, and said to Master Bessa: "This is impossible! Master Bessa, how is this possible! Kaka, as long as it is red When we closed our eyes, we all knew it was in a state of madness, under such circumstances, Jiajia would not remember anything! How could it remember Xiaoyan?"

"If you don't remember City Master Ji, then tell me, Xuan Mo, why is Jiajia like this now?" Master Bessa looked at Xuan Mo seriously, and said to him: "Speak, you are the one who made the sound In this situation, if any monster came, the person staring at him should be you, right? But why did Jiajia stare at City Lord Ji after you made a sound and shouted at City Lord Ji? ? City Lord Ji didn’t even say a word!”

"Maybe, maybe it's because Xiaoyan just moved a little bit!" Yu Mo thought for a while, but said to Master Bessa: "It's not necessarily a jerk, but I just pay attention to those who can move! When I called Xiaoyan just now , Jiajia didn't notice me, and didn't see me moving. After hearing the sound, it turned around and only saw Xiaoyan looking towards us. Naturally, its attention was attracted to Xiaoyan! Fries Man, do you think the situation I mentioned makes sense?"

Freesman looked at Xuan Mo, then at Master Bessa, shook his head after thinking for a while and said, "I don't know that either! I'm not Jiajia! But, Xuan Mo, if you ask for a certificate, It's very simple! Let's move a few times, and if Jiajia can see it, isn't that the situation you said?"

When Xuan Mo heard the words, he immediately nodded in agreement, and then looked at Lord Bessa.

"Follow you!" Lord Bessa nodded indifferently, and said to Xuan Mo and Friesman, "Anyway, if Jiajia attacks, we'll just trap it!"

"Okay!" Freesman nodded incomparably, and then looked at Xuan Mo.

"Then give it a try!" Xuan Mo was not afraid at all, so he just smiled, stroked his sleeves, took a deep breath with his hands on his hips, and shouted directly at Jiajia: "Jiajia, Look over here!"

Kaka didn't move.

Xuan Mo was not reconciled, and jumped up and down, waving his hands to attract Jiajia's attention, but Jiajia still had no intention of giving it away.

"Xu Mo, what are you going to do!" Seeing what happened to Xuan Mo, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help becoming anxious, and hurriedly shouted at them, "What if you make Jia Jia angry?" Do it?"

"But Xiaoyan, Jiajia, it doesn't move at all! Why is it staring at you!" With a depressed and unwilling expression on his face, Yu Mo couldn't help shouting at Ji Xiaoyan: "We want it to look at you, but it doesn't No response!"

"Is Jiajia falling asleep?" Seeing this situation, the aborigines of the sub-protoss couldn't help shouting in anticipation: "Look, Jiajia really doesn't intend to move at all!"

"Have you ever seen Jiajia sleep with his eyes open?" Some aborigines of the sub-protoss couldn't help rolling their eyes when they heard this, and moved their bodies tentatively. To see what they meant, after thinking about it, he suggested to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Otherwise, Lord Ji, would you give it a try?"

Seeing how everyone was looking at him, Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and cautiously took a step aside, and sure enough, he saw Gaga's eyes move with him again.

"It's with you, Xiaoyan! Jiajia is with you, Xiaoyan!" Seeing this situation, Xuan Mo couldn't help but screamed, as if confirming the safety of all of them in an instant, and then heaved a sigh of relief , and shouted at Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, Jiajia still remembers you!"

"I know!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't smile at all at the moment, he could only twitch the corners of his mouth, and said to Xuan Mo and the others helplessly: "I don't think Jiajia is staring at me like this now, what is it?" Good thing!"

"Master Ji, why don't you try, can you take Jiajia to the teleportation formation?" Master Bessa suddenly thought of something, and immediately suggested to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Take Gaga to the teleportation array? I don't think it's possible, right?" Ji Xiaoyan was taken aback when he heard what Master Bessa said, and then said helplessly to Master Bessa: "I'm still worried , if I make a move, what should I do if Kaka immediately attacks me? Otherwise, you all move away first?"

The aborigines of the Sub-God Clan heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, but they shook their heads firmly at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "How can that be done! Lord Ji City Master! Gaga is the Ma Lu Sand Beast of our Sub-God Clan. If we attack you, City Lord Ji, our Sub-God Clan is obliged to protect you, and we can't let you have trouble! Under such circumstances, how can our Sub-God Clan leave?"

"My lord, we won't leave either!" The guards of Qingcheng shouted loudly when they heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, but they moved two steps in Ji Xiaoyan's direction, feeling a little anxious The feeling of living and dying with her comes.

This made Ji Xiaoyan even more helpless.

"It's meaningless for you to do this! If you die, you will all need to be sent to the Resurrection Gate! At that time, isn't it a waste of resources?"

"We don't need to be resurrected!" The guards of Qingcheng heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, but immediately said loudly: "It's a matter of course to protect the city lord, and it's only natural for us to sacrifice our lives for it! Don't worry, the city lord We, even if we die, there is no need to waste Qingcheng's resources to send our resurrection! We are willing to sacrifice for the city lord and for Qingcheng!"

With Ji Xiaoyan's words, it's hard to say whether he should be touched or depressed, looking at the extremely brave guards of Qingcheng beside him, he could only sigh helplessly.

As for the aborigines of the sub-god race, they dare not follow the words of the guards in Qingcheng. Their lives belong to the sub-god race. If they really have to sacrifice, it must be for their sub-god race!Jiajia really attacked Ji Xiaoyan, they died to protect Ji Xiaoyan, that's a matter of course!But let them say something, they don't want to be resurrected after they die, they can't say it!

Their lives are also very important!
Ji Xiaoyan didn't mean to ask the sub-gods to express their opinion, but after staring at Jiajia for a few times, he said to everyone: "I think it's better for you all to stay away from me. Jiajia is not an enemy in the first place. Its current situation is different, and you can’t attack it either! You all know my situation, and it doesn’t matter if I die once. It's not worth paying for a life like mine!"

"But you are our Lord City Master!" The guards of Qing City insisted on shouting at Ji Xiaoyan, "Protecting City Master is what we should do! protect you?"

Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

These Qingcheng guards have their own responsibilities and tasks. If they don't even protect their own city lord, can they still exist as Qingcheng's guards?If there is no meaning of existence, can they still be the guards of this Qingcheng?

Ji Xiaoyan sighed deeply, thought for a while and stopped trying to persuade the guards of Qingcheng, but looked at Jiajia, and shouted at it: "Jiajia!"

Everyone looked at Jiajia after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's voice, worried that Jiajia would do something if he shouted.But everyone didn't expect that just as Ji Xiaoyan's voice fell, Jiajia's red eyeballs really moved, as if confirming Ji Xiaoyan's voice, and then when Ji Xiaoyan yelled for the second time, Jiajia's eyes moved. Mechanically, his head moved a little towards Ji Xiaoyan's direction.

"Xiaoyan! Jiajia can hear your voice!" Yu Mo couldn't help shouting to Ji Xiaoyan with some excitement, and then said excitedly: "Looking at this, Jiajia seems to remember you, Xiaoyan!"

"The most important thing is that Jiajia has no intention of attacking Xiaoyan!" Friesman also looked excited, and quickly shouted at Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, give it a try, can you make Jiajia do something! This If Jiajia can listen to you in this state, then the situation will be much simpler in the future!"

"It's not that easy!" Xuan Mo rolled his eyes directly, and said to Friesman: "Jajia is still obedient in this state, you are simply whimsical!"

"It's impossible!" Friesman blinked his eyes, and said to Xuan Mo solemnly: "You see, Xiaoyan called it, and it moved. If it can really obey orders, what's the matter?" Impossible? The situation in Jiajia is different from before! When will it be the same when Jiajia had red eyes in the past?"

"That doesn't explain anything!" Xuan Mo frowned, and said to Friesman: "Jajia's behavior is not normal at all, who knows when it will suddenly explode!"

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't listen to the dispute between Friesman and Xuan Mo, she put all her heart on Gaga's body at the moment, looked at its huge head, thought for a while, and shouted again, watching Gaga's body grow up again. After approaching her with his head, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly had a bold idea in his heart, and shouted to Jiajia: "Jiajia, can you take a step towards me? Be careful, don't hurt anyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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