The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3028 Listen to the chapter? !

Chapter 3028 Obedient? !
In fact, everyone present knew in their hearts what Jiajia was like now. Naturally, none of them had thought about whether Jiajia would be as obedient as Ji Xiaoyan said, and in this current state!Therefore, everyone felt that this was just Ji Xiaoyan's wishful thinking and it was impossible to realize.

But under such circumstances, the red-eyed Jiajia really raised his head and took a step after Ji Xiaoyan said that.

"Be careful! Be careful!"

The aborigines of the sub-god race immediately shouted at everyone when they saw the movement of Jiajia, and quickly looked at Jiajia with great vigilance, fearing that it would directly attack everyone!
But when Jiajia carefully lowered his paws and sat on the ground safely, all the aborigines present stared at Jiajia in shock for a while, and then all stared at Ji Xiaoyan.

"Master Ji, isn't this true?" The aborigines of the sub-protoss all widened their eyes in shock, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked in disbelief: "Jajia really did what you said. What did you say? This, how is this possible? Isn’t it still in a state of madness? How can it still be obedient?”

Most importantly, why did she listen to Ji Xiaoyan's words!
Even if Ji Xiaoyan brought Jiajia back to Qingcheng back then, he only raised Jiajia for a while!Jiajia used to be the Mabang Sand Beast of their sub-protoss!How could he listen to Ji Xiaoyan's words, but have a different attitude towards them?This made the aborigines of the sub-protoss a little puzzled.

Ji Xiaoyan was actually very surprised.

Her thoughts are actually similar to those of the aborigines of the sub-divine race. It is true that Jiajia was brought back to Qingcheng by her at the beginning. It is true that they did not spend much time together in Qingcheng and Jiajia. Even if Jiajia likes to get along with her , it is also impossible to listen to her in a state of madness like now!

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and looked at Jiajia with a puzzled expression, not knowing how to explain it!
"Master Ji City Lord, if you don't think so, you can let Jiajia follow you to the teleportation array!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss looked at Jiajia a few times, but they suggested to Ji Xiaoyan very seriously: "No matter what it looks like now, as long as it doesn't attack us, let's take Gaga to our sub-protoss first! It's also safer!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Bring Jiajia to the sub-protoss first! Our place in Qingcheng is not enough to toss around with Jiajia!" Su Mo didn't know when he rushed to Ji Xiaoyan's side, and when he heard the aborigines of the sub-protoss He immediately nodded his head in agreement and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I just don't know if Jiajia will really listen to Xiaoyan, you have come so far!"

"Try it and you'll know!" Master Bessa also approached Ji Xiaoyan, and said to her seriously: "If Jiajia can really be so obedient, you can try it in the future, City Lord Ji, and see if you become like this in Jiajia After the state, you can control it! If you can, then you don't have to worry about anything in the future!"

Everyone nodded immediately, but couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation.

It's just that Ji Xiaoyan is really not optimistic.

In Jiajia's current state, even if she acted according to her orders for a while, it is impossible to be like this all the time!Who knows if she happened to encounter any situation when she let Jiajia act just now?

"I don't think my words will work that well!"

"It doesn't matter, just try!" Master Bessa heard Ji Xiaoyan's obviously unconfident words, but said to her indifferently: "If it succeeds, it will be better than the current situation, right?"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Master Bessa, finally nodded, and shouted at Jiajia again.I thought it was just luck just now, but when Ji Xiaoyan really saw that Jiajia was walking towards the teleportation array step by step according to his instructions mechanically, Ji Xiaoyan really didn't know this. What the hell is going on!
How could Jiajia still listen to her under such circumstances?

"Do you think that if any of us asks Jiajia to do something now, it will do it?" Yu Mo didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly asked everyone curiously, "Do you want to try all of them?"

"No more!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss immediately shook their heads and said to him when they heard what Yu Mo said: "What if I disturb Jiajia and make it go crazy again, what will I do then?" Huh? Now that Jiajia can obey the orders of City Lord Ji to act, then we just let Master Ji take Jiajia and teleport it to our sub-protoss! Even if you want to try to control Jiajia, you can wait until it is sent to our sub-protoss. Try again later in the Protoss!"

"I think what they said is quite reasonable!" Friesman thought for a while, and said seriously to Xuan Mo: "We don't know why Jiajia listens to Xiaoyan now. The situation is so good, we also Don’t go in and sabotage it! Let’s talk about it after arriving at the sub-protoss!”

"Jiajia has always listened to Xiaoyan's words!" Xuan Mo pouted directly, and said to Friesman, "Don't you know? Friesman, it was Xiaoyan who found Jiajia back then, and the person Jiajia likes the most is Xiaoyan It must be because of this reason that I listen to Xiaoyan even in a state of madness!"

"Jiajia went crazy before that, and I didn't see it listening to Xiaoyan!" Friesman frowned, and couldn't help but say something to Xuan Mo. Looking at Xuan Mo, he suddenly looked at himself with a dark face. Lisman hurriedly said again: "Xu Mo, what I said is true if you look at me like this!"

"Isn't what I'm saying now the truth?" Xuan Mo pointed directly in the direction of Jiajia with an unhappy face, and said to Friesman, "Isn't Jiajia listening to Xiaoyan now?"

"Now is now, I'm talking about the past!" Friesman said looking at Xuan Mo with a look of confusion.

"I'm talking about now, who told you about the past?"

"But Xuan Mo, you just said that Xuan Mo was brought back by Xiaoyan!"

"I'm talking about listening to small words now!"

Friesman looked at Xuan Mo who was arguing with him speechlessly, and after thinking for a while, he could only shut up and say, "Forget it! Xuan Mo, just pretend that I didn't say anything just now! What you said is all Makes sense!"

"What I said made sense!"

Xuan Mo raised his chin triumphantly, but said with a little complacency: "Anyway, you can't compete with me!"

Friesman rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said nothing more.

Just as everyone expected, every time Ji Xiaoyan gave her orders, Jiajia would do as she said, shaking her huge body, squeezing and walking on the streets of Qingcheng, and soon attracted countless adventures All the onlookers and aborigines were amazed!
It seems that no one thought that there is such a huge monster hidden in their Qingcheng!

"Is this the same as the giant dragon, the guardian beast of our Qingcheng?"

"With such a large volume, how many attacks can it withstand?"

"Look at its back, tsk tsk tsk, there are so many sharp back thorns, if it really fights, will it be like that hedgehog, rolling directly to the ground, can kill a lot of people?"

"If that's the case, then we'll have a great time! No matter how many troops he brings, just let this monster out and roll around for a few times, and most of the people will be killed!"


Ji Xiaoyan heard the fantasies of the aborigines and adventurers, but still looked at Jiajia with a frown, but was very worried. If the aboriginal army really came to attack them, where would Jiajia be sent? Locking it up is the safest thing!If the state of Jiajia's insanity has become so frequent and lasted longer, Ji Xiaoyan is very worried, maybe the time to see the sober Jiajia will be even less in the future!

This is not a good thing!

"Master Ji City, where did you bring this monster back!?"

"That's right! Lord Ji City Master, what can this monster do? Is it the new guardian beast of our Qing City? Will it fight with our Qing City guards in the future?"

Many aborigines in Qingcheng shouted at Ji Xiaoyan excitedly and curiously, as if they were eager to know the situation of Jiajia.

However, Ji Xiaoyan had no intention of explaining to the aborigines and adventurers. He directly ordered the guards in Qingcheng to keep them away from Jiajia and not to get too close. Then he carefully guided Jiajia to the direction of the teleportation formation. In the past, there was no worry at all about what those aborigines and adventurers would do to Jiajia disobediently!
Because Ji Xiaoyan knew very well in his heart that if the aborigines and adventurers were really evil-minded, they would not stay in Qingcheng, and would have sent them out long ago!

It took a lot of time to step on the teleportation array, but everything went smoothly.

"Let's go, let the teleporter send us to the sub-protoss!"

Ji Xiaoyan immediately said something to the aborigines of the sub-protoss. Seeing that they couldn't squeeze into the teleportation formation at all, he thought for a while, and then suggested: "Or, Jiajia and I will go there first?"

"Okay, okay!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss could only nod immediately, seeing Ji Xiaoyan standing on Kaga's body, but he didn't seem to be disgusted by Kaga at all, so he could only bear his heart and agreed quickly!

There is no other way!The teleportation array is only that big, and Kaga's current body size cannot be accommodated on the teleportation array, so he can only stuff half of his body in the teleportation array and wait for the teleportation, and the aborigines of the sub-protoss want to get closer After leaving Jiajia, it is impossible to get close to Jiajia like Ji Xiaoyan!As soon as they approached, Gagan's originally calm posture would immediately change, and those red eyes would look at them with a fierce light, as if as long as they got closer, they would be swallowed up. .

The aborigines of the sub-protoss are not stupid!

This is obviously a state where nothing needs to happen, and there is no need for them to follow Ji Xiaoyan to teleport to the sub-protoss, and let the originally quiet Jiajia go crazy and kill them all, right?
So in the current situation, Ji Xiaoyan can only leave with Jiajia first.

"Then send it here quickly! We are waiting for you in the sub-shen clan!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and then said something to the aborigines of the sub-shen clan. After watching them nod their heads, this He said to Master Bessa and the others again, and then ordered the teleporters to teleport her and Gaga to the sub-protoss immediately.

The speed of teleportation is naturally very fast. When Ji Xiaoyan opened her eyes, she and Jiajia had already arrived at the sub-protoss, and those sub-protoss were standing near the teleportation array with terrified faces. It seems that they have been waiting there for a long time!

This made Ji Xiaoyan a little strange!

"Master Ji City Lord!"

After seeing Ji Xiaoyan clearly, an aborigine of the Sub-God Race immediately called out to her, then carefully glanced at Jiajia's situation, and quickly asked her: "Master Ji, Jiajia is going crazy now!" What's the situation? Why did you come back to our sub-protoss?"

"What are you guys going to do again? Why are all the Malu sand beasts gathered here?" Ji Xiaoyan also looked curious, and asked the aborigines of the sub-god race, but he still didn't get an answer. Ji Xiaoyan heard the teleporters near the teleportation array screaming, and they all started to avoid it.

Before he had time to confirm what happened, Ji Xiaoyan saw that Jiajia had already stepped out of the teleportation array, and rushed directly towards the Malu sand beasts, looking like he was about to attack them.

"Jajia!" When Ji Xiaoyan saw this situation, he immediately knew something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted at Jiajia, and saw that Jiajia's claws had landed hard on the ground, making a deep footprint, and The Mabun Sand Beast that Gaga took a fancy to and wanted to attack has already run away tens of meters in fright!
"Master Ji City Master!" Seeing this situation, the aborigines of the sub-god race were also frightened and panicked.Just kidding, they sent Jiajia away at the beginning to avoid such a situation from happening, but who would have thought that Jiajia had just followed Ji Xiaoyan back to the sub-god clan, but immediately started attacking Ma Lu in their clan Sand beast!

If this is not stopped, the Malu Sand Beasts in their clan will have no way out at all!
Thinking of this, the aborigines of the sub-protoss immediately shouted at Jiajia, but Jiajia couldn't listen to them at all. After being called out by Ji Xiaoyan, Jiajia took another step and directly moved towards those hurriedly The mabold sand beasts who fled in a panic chased them out again!
"Jajia, don't chase!" Ji Xiaoyan was startled when he saw this situation, and quickly shouted at Jiajia.

(End of this chapter)

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