Chapter 3029 Disobedient

Ji Xiaoyan thought that Jiajia would listen to her own words!
Didn't you just come out of Qingcheng all the way, and everyone listened to you?So in this sub-god clan, Jiajia should also listen to her and stop honestly!
But what Ji Xiaoyan never expected was that no matter how much she shouted, Jiajia seemed to have heard nothing, and had no intention of stopping at all, and ran straight after those mabold sand beasts. After slapping them all into the ground, Jiajia finally slowed down, and finally stopped completely, standing still on the grass of the sub-protoss.

Ji Xiaoyan is still in a state of shock at the moment, and he can't imagine that Jiajia's actions are all carried out in such a fast time, so that all the horses and sand beasts are easily given away. Hit the ground and lay down.

"Well, do you want to go and see, how are the conditions of those Magu sand beasts?"

Ji Xiaoyan turned to look at the aborigines of the sub-god race with a worried expression on his face, and couldn't help asking them, but seeing that the aborigines of the sub-god race couldn't bear to look at them all, they all said Cover your face.

"City Master Ji, don't worry, as long as Jiajia doesn't chase them and kill them, they will be fine!" An aborigine of the sub-protoss sneaked a look at the scene through his fingers, then shook his head at Ji Xiaoyan and said: " These mabold sand beasts in our clan have been beaten many times, and they all know what to do! Master Ji, please watch, as long as the mabold sand beasts in our clan lie on the ground If you don’t move, Gaga won’t attack them anymore, and everything will be fine after Gaga returns to normal! The recovery ability of the Malu Sand Beasts is pretty good!”

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, she couldn't help but twitched her brows a few times. Looking at Jiajia's huge figure, she really couldn't say anything to comfort her!
Just looking at it, she also felt that the Mabun sand beasts in the sub-protoss were in pain!Moreover, they can't move yet!Otherwise, it will attract Kaka's attack!This is the most important.

"Then, shall we go over to see Jiajia now? It used to be like this. After beating all the Malu sand beasts, it stopped moving?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the aborigines of the sub-protoss with some confusion. After asking a question, seeing them all shaking their heads in confusion, he asked, "What will Jiajia do after defeating these mabold sand beasts before?"

"Go crazy and attack our house!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss sighed one after another, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "In the past, Jiajia destroyed a lot of houses. Every time we let Those beaten Mabang sand beasts came to attract Gaga's attention again, and led it away from our house, so as to keep the current settlement. However, the Mabang sand beasts in our clan ate A lot of suffering!"

Ji Xiaoyan could only smile wryly as he looked at the mabold sand beasts all over the ground, and after thinking for a while, he asked the aborigines of the sub-protoss: "Look, what are we going to do now? Just standing there, with no intention of moving! I don’t know what it’s like now.”

"If we go over here, Jiajia will probably attack us! Otherwise, Lord Ji, let Jiajia stand there and talk about it when it wakes up! This is the first time we have seen Jiajia so quiet after going crazy! "The aborigines of the sub-god race suggested to Ji Xiaoyan with anticipation and joy.

"Just let it stay there? Don't care?" Ji Xiaoyan asked worriedly, "What if there is something wrong with Jiajia, what should I do?"

"In this way, there should be nothing wrong with Kaka!"

The aborigines of the sub-god race suddenly smiled wryly, looked at Ji Xiaoyan, and then pointed to the Malu sand beasts lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and said, "I think what we need to care about now should be These are the Malu Sand Beasts! Lord Ji City Master, what do you think?"

What can Ji Xiaoyan say?This hurt, but the Magu sand beast of the sub-protoss!
"That's fine, I'll wait for the others to come, and then I'll go and see Gaga! You just have to look at those Malu sand beasts!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and still turned to the aborigines of the sub-protoss race After saying something, after watching them all nodding, they anxiously looked in the direction of the teleportation formation, waiting for Lord Bessa and the others to appear.

It's just that the waiting time is a bit long.

I thought Master Besa and the others would arrive soon, but Ji Xiaoyan felt that after waiting for a long time, he saw Master Besa appearing in the teleportation formation with the aborigines of the sub-protoss, and couldn't help it. Some anxiously asked: "Master Bessa, why did you arrive only now!"

"What's the matter?" Master Bessa saw Ji Xiaoyan's anxious face, but couldn't help raising his brows, and looked around, seeing the Malu Sand Beasts lying on the ground, he couldn't help it. Zhu frowned, but asked Ji Xiaoyan in surprise: "Master Ji, what's wrong?"

"What else can it be! Gaga beat up those Malu sand beasts, and now they can only pretend to be dead on the ground, not daring to move!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed, and said to Master Besa Without waiting for them to understand the meaning of these words, they hurriedly said to Master Bessa and Friesman, "It's fine that you are all here! Let's go over and see the situation of Jiajia now!"

"What's wrong with Jiajia? Isn't he standing there?" Xuan Mo looked in the direction of Jiajia, but looked at Ji Xiaoyan strangely and asked.

"It's just standing there, that's why I said go over and see the situation!" Ji Xiaoyan let out a breath, and said to Xuan Mo: "As soon as Jiajia leaves the teleportation array, he will beat up all the Malu sand beasts. Then I just stood there without moving, and I don’t know what it’s like now, so I can only wait for you to arrive, let’s go and have a look together!”

"It's very unlikely that something will happen to Jiajia if you can beat all these Malu sand beasts like this!" Friesman looked at Jiajia's back and couldn't help but said to Ji Xiaoyan with some comfort.

"Let's go and have a look!" Ji Xiaoyan said helplessly, "When we came here, Jiajia was obedient, but as soon as he saw those Malu sand beasts, he immediately started attacking, no matter what I called him, he didn't want to It means stop, I see that this situation is not very good!"

"It's disobedient when it comes back?" Xuan Mo and Friesman immediately asked in surprise when they heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and frowned after seeing Ji Xiaoyan's affirmative nod. They all said seriously: "If this is the case, something is really wrong."

"Whether it's right or not, I have to go and have a look! Otherwise, I don't feel relieved!"

Everyone nodded and followed Ji Xiaoyan towards Jiajia.

However, the group of them hadn't walked very far, and they saw that Jiajia's body, which had not moved all this time, began to tremble, and then the whole body began to curl up together, directly lying on the ground.

"Do you know what happened to Jiajia?"

Seeing this situation, Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly asked the aborigines of the sub-shen clan who followed him.

"It should be growing up again!" An aborigine of the sub-god race said to Ji Xiaoyan very seriously, and then quickly shouted at the crowd: "Everyone, find a place to hide! It's time to prepare get ready."

"What do you mean by that?" Both Su Mo and Friesman looked at the natives of the sub-protoss in puzzlement, watching them wake up the Malu sand beasts, and everyone surrounded them. After being together, I became even more confused: "What are you doing?"

"Jajia is going to grow!" The aborigine of the sub-god race repeated this sentence again, seeing that all the aborigines of the sub-god race stood with the Malu sand beasts, and then turned to Ji Xiaoyan and the others Shouted: "Master Ji City, let's go and hide together, shall we?"

"What are we hiding from?" Ji Xiaoyan asked with a puzzled expression.

"If Jiajia wants to grow bigger, those back thorns on its back will be removed once, and when it stands up again, those back thorns will fly out, and the attack power is still very strong! If it gets stabbed, it will hurt Dead!" The aborigine of the sub-protoss hurriedly said to Ji Xiaoyan: "So it's best for us to stand together now, and when those backstabs fly out in a while, everyone can be prepared!"

"Will its backstab fly out?" Xuan Mo looked at the aborigines of the sub-god race with a look of surprise, and after seeing that they all nodded affirmatively, they looked in the direction of Jiajia in surprise , and asked in a low voice to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, is Jiajia so powerful now? If this backstab flies out and hits someone, it will really kill him right away?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded affirmatively, and couldn't help becoming a little vigilant when looking at Jiajia's direction.

"Has this happened before?"

"Yes! Otherwise, it would be impossible to grow to such a big size!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss race said to Ji Xiaoyan while leading Ji Xiaoyan and the others to the Malu sand beasts: "The first time When encountering such a situation, we didn’t know what happened to Jiajia. At that time, we still moved forward foolishly. Fortunately, we were lucky and reacted quickly. When we found Jiajia’s backstab flying out, the injured people in our clan There are not many, and there has not been any death! If we find this kind of situation later, we can hide as far as we can!"

"That is to say, after Kaga's backstab flies out, will new ones grow right away?" Friesman asked curiously.

"It's just like shedding the shell! The backstabs that fly out are all hollow!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss said to Friesman seriously, "The backstabs inside are always there, and they are being shelled. The next day, the backstab will grow a circle, and Jiajia's body will also instantly become a circle in this night! You can see it when you turn around!"

"So powerful?" Friesman couldn't help but look in the direction of Jiajia, seeing that it seemed to be curled up behind him uncomfortably, and then couldn't help but said: "I also seem to be very uncomfortable looking at Jiajia's situation. !"

"That's for sure!" Xuan Mo nodded directly, and said solemnly: "Growing a circle quickly, this is a sudden huge change in the body, it's strange to be comfortable!"

"I'm really curious about how big Gaga can grow!" Lord Bessa looked in Gaga's direction, and asked the aborigines of the sub-protoss with some curiosity: "Do you know?"

"It can grow several times!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss thought for a while, but said to Master Bessa: "When Gaga died before, it was much bigger than it is now. If it grows like this If the situation continues to grow, it must be able to grow to the previous state!"

"This sounds like a good thing!" Lord Bessa raised his eyebrows, but said with some expectation.

"If Gaga is normal, that's a good thing! But the situation of Gaga is not so good!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss sighed, and said to Lord Bessa seriously: "We I'm worried now, if Jiajia really returns to the strength it used to be, but has always been in such a crazy state, then we would rather it not grow any longer!"

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to control Jiajia in the future.

Ji Xiaoyan also had a look of worry on his face, he couldn't figure out how to control the current situation in Jiajia.

Jiajia in the distance, just like the aborigines of the sub-protoss said, soon began to shake, and the whole body began to sway, and then slowly began to stand up.

"Be careful!"

An aborigine of the sub-god clan immediately shouted loudly, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Fortunately, Jiajia's backstabs didn't fly out all at once, and it can give us a little time to defend, otherwise, this Once it falls, there will be casualties no matter what.”

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and before he had time to speak, he watched a backstab suddenly fly out from Jiajia's back, but luckily it didn't fall in their direction.

In the next second, two backstabs flew out, and they flew directly in the direction of Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and were slapped on the ground by those mabold sand beasts, and penetrated hard. In the dirt.

"My dear! This backstab is taller than me! If I get hit by this, I will die!" Friesman looked at the trembling backstab in front of him, and suddenly couldn't help but shouted. Said: "Jajia, if this happens to me next time, don't drag me to watch! I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, I will be killed. Looking back, Jiajia still doesn't know what happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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