The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3031 Unexpectedly

Chapter 3031 Unexpectedly
Friesman's idea is very simple and direct, he just wants to make Qingcheng more powerful!

It's just that Ji Xiaoyan is not willing to support his idea at all.

"As far as Jiajia's situation is concerned, we still don't want to go out and show off!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed, shook his head and said to Friesman: "Otherwise, in Jiajia's situation, if he suddenly goes crazy, there is nothing we can do!"

"This has nothing to do with Kaga! We just wait for it to wake up and go out!" Friesman said to Ji Xiaoyan disapprovingly, "Xiaoyan, this is the best time for us to show our strength in Qingcheng Ah! How can you give up?"

"I think it's better to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Friesman seriously, seeing Friesman's expression of disapproval, and after thinking about it, he continued: "Friesman Man, think about it, if we go out with Jiajia, everyone knows that we have such a powerful Jiajia in Qingcheng, then naturally they will soon know that Jiajia is in a crazy state. If they do something by then, what should we do?"

"Jajia will be in our Qingcheng from now on. All the people who can stay in Qingcheng are from our Qingcheng forces. Do we still have to worry about who can enter Qingcheng to deal with Jiajia?" Friesman frowned, Said to Ji Xiaoyan in disbelief.

"Why not?!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, and said to Friesman, "Among the aborigines and adventurers in our Qingcheng, even if they agree to become part of our forces, so what? ? What do they think in their hearts? Can we control what they want to do in our Qingcheng? For now, there are many people from other forces lurking in our Qingcheng, just waiting for what others need It’s time to act! This point, even if you haven’t seen it with your own eyes, Friesman, you should understand it in your heart, right?”

Hearing this, Friesman frowned immediately, looked at Ji Xiaoyan, but did not continue speaking.

What Ji Xiaoyan said, in fact, all the people in Qingcheng knew it, but they didn't catch such spy-type aboriginals and adventurers, so they could only pretend that they hadn't found anything!Now that Ji Xiaoyan put it this way, Friesman has nothing to refute, and can only look in the direction of Jiajia with great regret!
"Okay, Friesman!" Yu Mo looked at Friesman's disappointed expression, thought for a while, patted him on the shoulder, and said to him: "Don't worry! When you really arrive, you can take When going out with Gaga, Xiaoyan will definitely not leave you in Qingcheng! At that time, I will go out with you, how about it?"

"I don't know when I'll have to wait until then!" Friesman looked aggrieved and unwilling, and couldn't help but said to Xuan Mo: "I'm looking at Jiajia now, and I want to take it out to show off. Now If you think about it, it would have been a good choice if you traveled to the mainland with the guardian beast of Linyin City!"

"What's so good about that?" Xuan Mo gave Friesman a direct look, and then said, "Can that guardian beast be as powerful as Jiajia? Just watch, Jiajia will soon be stronger than that Rin Yin beast." The guardian beast of the city is even more powerful! When the time comes, why don’t you take Gaga out to show off? It’s just a matter of waiting, what can’t wait?”

Friesman had an aggrieved look on his face, because he was just unhappy anyway.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman speechlessly, and didn't say anything more. He walked around Jiajia a few times with the aborigines of the sub-protoss, and carefully asked about the future of Jiajia. After some things happened, he nodded, and then said to the aborigines of the sub-protoss: "Since Jiajia will stay here forever, then we will find a place to stay nearby and wait. Let's see what Jiajia will look like tomorrow, what do you think?"

"Master Ji City Lord, what do you mean, you want to stay here? Spend the night here?" The aborigines of the sub-protoss didn't seem to have thought that Ji Xiaoyan would make such a request, and they couldn't help being a little surprised. Looking at Ji Xiaoyan, after seeing her nodding affirmatively, she frowned, looked in the direction of their settlement, then shook her head at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "This...Master Ji City Lord, we think This seems a little bad!"

"What's wrong?" Ji Xiaoyan asked puzzled.

"Our sub-god clan has a room for you, Master Ji, to rest. If you don't rest in our settlement, but sleep here, how can this be okay? If our patriarch knows about this, the patriarch will not I'm happy!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss said to Ji Xiaoyan very seriously, "Let us sub-protoss do the thing of guarding the Gaga, Lord Ji City Lord, you are guests, how can you come to us After the sub-protoss come here, do you want to spend the night in the wild? You must go to rest in the house in our settlement!"

"No need! We'll stay here and stay here, and there won't be any inconvenience! As for housing, it doesn't matter. Xuan Mo can immediately build a mud house to shelter from the wind, and it's not a big deal!" But Ji Xiaoyan said to the aborigines of the sub-god race with an indifferent face, and pointed at Xuan Mo, with a relaxed expression on his face.

But the aborigines of the sub-protoss didn't do it at all!
They were not happy with Ji Xiaoyan's behavior, so there was almost no room for maneuver. The aborigines of the Sub-God Clan kept arguing with Ji Xiaoyan like this, and they insisted on letting her live in their sub-God Clan's house.Therefore, in the end, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't stand the persistence of these sub-god aborigines, so he could only nod in agreement with their request, and then led everyone to follow behind those sub-god aborigines, and went directly to their within the settlement.

As for Jiajia, the aborigines of the Sub-God Clan didn't mean to lie, but they really arranged a lot of people to guard it, which reassured Ji Xiaoyan.

One night passed quickly, not to mention that Ji Xiaoyan had no intention of sleeping in the sub-god clan.

When the time came, the aborigines of the sub-shen tribe immediately appeared in front of Ji Xiaoyan's house, and immediately reported the situation to her after seeing her appear.After Ji Xiaoyan learned that Jiajia still kept the same action as yesterday, she couldn't help but become a little curious: "Didn't it mean that Jiajia will recover after one night? Is it because the time has not yet come?" ?”

"It's almost time to arrive!" The natives of the sub-god race also looked puzzled, so they could only bite the bullet and say to Ji Xiaoyan: "It may take a little time, if Lord Ji wants to Come with us and we'll be off in no time!'

"Just go and have a look!" Ji Xiaoyan saw that Lord Bessa and Xuan Mo had already appeared, and immediately nodded to the aborigines of the sub-protoss, and then followed them towards the distance direction has passed.

At this time, the teleportation array of the sub-protoss suddenly flashed a few white lights, and a group of people appeared in the teleportation array in an instant.

When Ji Xiaoyan looked up, he saw that the patriarch of the sub-god race had stepped out of the teleportation formation, but he couldn't help being a little surprised, watching the aborigines of the sub-god race rush towards The teleportation array, after talking with the clansmen who came back from the past for a long time, after the patriarch of the sub-god clan finally noticed them, Ji Xiaoyan smiled at the patriarch of the sub-god clan, and then beckoned to them. He waved his hand and passed in the direction of the teleportation array.

"Why is Master Ji here?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan was actually very surprised. He never thought that he would see Ji Xiaoyan in their sub-god clan's clan land at this time!Not to mention, there are Master Bessa and others.

"We came here just for Gaga!" Ji Xiaoyan said while pointing in the direction of Gaga standing in the distance, looking at the Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan, he immediately looked over and nodded. , and then asked curiously: "I heard that the patriarch, you are looking for the Fox clan, why did you come back so soon? Is it because of Jiajia?"

"Almost!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss frowned, looked at Ji Xiaoyan, and then continued: "On the one hand, I heard that the situation of Jiajia is really not good, so I'm going to come back and have a look, on the one hand, it's also because we didn't go well with the Fox Clan, so I'm going to come back!"

"It's not going well?" Ji Xiaoyan asked curiously. Seeing that the patriarch of the sub-protoss had no intention of saying anything, he smiled immediately, and didn't continue to ask, and went directly to the sub-protoss. The patriarch gave a signal, and then walked with him in the direction of Gaga, preparing to see when Gaga would recover.

But before Ji Xiaoyan and the others approached, the aborigines of the sub-protoss who were guarding Jiajia ran away in a panic.

"What happened?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan couldn't help frowning when he saw this situation, and immediately asked the aborigines of the sub-god clan beside him. With an unclear expression on his face, he immediately ordered in a deep voice: "Since you don't know, why don't you hurry over and have a look?"


The aborigines of the sub-protoss immediately responded, and quickly ran in the direction of Jiajia.

It's just that Ji Xiaoyan and the others didn't wait for the aborigines of the sub-protoss to report the news, but they walked all the way to the vicinity of Jiajia, and then they saw clearly what the panic around Jiajia was!
"Old Hess!" Master Bessa was the first to discover the situation, and immediately shouted loudly, then turned his head and looked at the houses of the sub-protoss in the distance behind him, and at the same time ordered those Rivers to The aborigines of Shuicheng took action and ran towards the direction of Jiajia.

"Hurry up and help!" Seeing this situation, Ji Xiaoyan immediately yelled at Xuan Mo and the others, and then followed behind Master Bessa.

No one thought that the old Hess, who had been lying on the bed weakly for a few days after following Lord Bessa to this sub-god clan, suddenly appeared near Gaga with vigor, and now he looked like no one else. If you can't stop it, it looks like you are going to climb on Jiajia's body!

"What's going on here?" Friesman followed behind Ji Xiaoyan, frowning, and asked Ji Xiaoyan, "Didn't Xiaoyan say that the manager of Hess will be weak and unable to move for a while after falling into the water?" Is it true? We have only been in the sub-protoss for a day, why did he run out? What do the guards in River Water City do? Why didn’t they keep an eye on this Chief Hess?"

"How do I know this! Let's catch him first!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Friesman with a helpless look on his face, but his eyes kept staring in the direction of Manager Hess. Manager Si's chubby body deftly avoided the pursuit of the aborigines of the sub-god tribe, and kept running around and avoiding Jiajia, but Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sense of joy.

"Old Hess!" Master Bessa yelled towards Chief Hess, and when he saw that he turned his head to look at him, he immediately shouted again: "Come to me!"

However, Chief Hess did not intend to listen to Lord Bessa at all. After he quickly glanced at Lord Bessa, Chief Hess once again avoided the aborigines of the sub-protoss, and circled around Gaga He kept running, and tried to touch Jiajia from time to time, but he didn't notice that the aborigines of the sub-protoss were all frightened when they saw him like this.

"Hess, what is this going to do? Didn't he say that he likes water, so he wants to run towards the water? Why does he change his taste now, can't he like it? I looked at him like this, as if he wanted to crawl Get on Jiajia's back! With his current figure, has he never thought that this is impossible?" Xuan Mo also had a puzzled expression on his face, and couldn't help but said, "This Manager Hess Is there something wrong with your brain?"

"Xu Mo, don't talk nonsense!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately warned Xuan Mo in a low voice, and then said: "Mr. Hess must have a reason for doing this! Let's find a way to get Hess Catch the manager! The current situation of Gaga is not something that Manager Hess can touch so easily, if this thing disturbs Jiajia, and if something happens to it, we will be the ones who will be in trouble in the end!"

Xuan Mo glanced at Gaga, and then at the aborigines of the sub-protoss who were desperately preventing Chief Hess from getting close to Gaga, then nodded, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Then I will find a way to get Hess away." Steward Si is trapped!"

(End of this chapter)

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