The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3032 Strange phenomenon

Chapter 3032 Strange phenomenon
It is still very easy for Xuan Mo to control Chief Hess. After all, Chief Hess is just an ordinary aborigine and has no other skills. Even if he wants to resist, it is impossible!So it was very easy, after Xuan Mo used the earth magic to fix the legs of Manager Hess, he couldn't move anymore.

"Boss Hess!" Master Bessa frowned, and hurried forward to shout at Boss Hess, originally wanting to see what was going on with him, but he didn't expect that the current Boss Hess She looked the same as before Jiajia, her eyes were extremely red, and she seemed to have lost her mind.

"Master Ji!" Seeing this situation, Lord Bessa hurriedly called out to Ji Xiaoyan. Seeing Ji Xiaoyan approaching suspiciously, he pointed to Manager Hess at her, and then said nervously: "Master Ji, Chief Hess, this is the same as Jiajia!"

Ji Xiaoyan didn't understand the meaning of Master Bessa's words at first, but when she saw Manager Hess's face clearly, Ji Xiaoyan understood everything!
"Master Bessa! Hasn't something like this happened to Manager Hess before?"

"No! Never! Even when he couldn't control himself, there was no such situation!" Master Bessa said to Ji Xiaoyan with a worried look on his face, "Even if old Hess controlled When he couldn't help himself, he was always in a sober state, but now, he seems to be the same as Jiajia, without any reason!"

"Then what's wrong with Manager Hess?" Friesman also moved closer to Ji Xiaoyan and the others, looked carefully at Manager Hess, and couldn't help asking Lord Bessa: "Bessa Lord Sa, do you also think that Director Hess is as crazy as Gaga?"

"Otherwise?" Yu Mo directly accepted what Friesman said, frowning and said, "It's not like you haven't seen this situation, Friesman, Manager Hess seems to have lost all reason now." If this is not crazy like Jiajia, what is it?"

"Now is not the time to study whether Manager Hess is really crazy!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and said to the crowd: "Let's think about how to make Manager Hess more normal!"

"Otherwise, just like Gaga, give him some potion to sleep first!" Hearing what Ji Xiaoyan said, Friesman immediately said to her: "Maybe it's the same as Gaga, as long as he sleeps , everything will be fine!"

"Lord Bessa, what do you think?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lord Bessa, but he knew it very well!Master Hess's decision is up to Mr. Bessa, they can't just feed the potion to Hess so easily!

"Try it!" Master Bessa thought for a while, raised his head and glanced at Jiajia, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Old Hess really wants to climb on Jiajia's body, but he doesn't know what to do." I want to do something. But judging from the situation, he has changed, and there must be some reason! Now I can think of something, maybe it has something to do with Jiajia! But, what is the relationship between them? , I’m afraid this is not something we can easily find! We can still control the old Hess’s madness, so it’s best not to let Jiajia be affected!”

Otherwise, if this Jiajia goes crazy, with its current strength, no one can hold it back!

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, quickly took out the potion and handed it to Master Bessa, watching him pour the potion directly into the mouth of Chief Hess, Ji Xiaoyan finally relaxed In one breath, he quickly signaled the aborigines of the sub-protoss to disperse, and then waited for Manager Hess to fall asleep completely, then watched the guards of River Water City take Manager Hess away, and directly in the Then it was sent to the direction of the houses where the aborigines of the sub-god race lived.

The patriarch of the sub-protoss clan who had been standing aside without saying a word frowned at this moment, and after taking his eyes away from Manager Hess, he looked at Jiajia, and after a while, he turned to look behind him. The aborigines of the sub-god race asked: "Have you spent the night like this? Are you still awake?"

"No! Lord Patriarch!" An aborigine of the sub-god clan immediately stood up and said to the patriarch of the sub-god clan with a sad face: "According to normal circumstances, Jiajia should wake up after dawn. It came over, but it didn't show any signs of it, and it never stood overnight like this before! This time, it seems to be really different!"

"It's really a little different!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss frowned, walked around Jiajia a few times with a serious expression on his face, and then asked: "Did the horn of Jiajia just grow out?" Is it just this time?"

"Yes!" The aborigines of the sub-god race nodded quickly, and said to the patriarch of the sub-god race: "The last two times when Jiajia was like this, they just changed the backstab, and the body is a little longer and it will be over soon. But this time it suddenly grew horns, and we don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing!"

The patriarch of the sub-god race frowned, looked at Jia Jia and said nothing.

"Lord patriarch, I heard that Jiajia also had horns before?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but look at the patriarch of the sub-god clan with a bit of curiosity, and asked him: "Now Jiajia has horns?" My son, but he has grown back to his previous peak state, right?"

"Yeah!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan nodded, and after thinking for a while, he continued to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's just that Jiajia's growth rate seems a bit too fast! When we left the sub-god clan, Jiajia is still very normal in the past, how long has it been, and it has grown into what it is now, which is very abnormal! I am a little worried now!"

"What are you worried about? Didn't you sub-gods always hope that Jiajia will become what you want?" Xuan Mo couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard the words of the patriarch of the sub-gods. He said something with an unhappy expression on his face.

"We hope that Jiajia can become the peak state of the past, but now the development is too fast, it must be a little abnormal!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss did not care about Xuan Mo's tone or expression Meaning, he said directly: "We hope that Jiajia can grow up slowly like other mabold sand beasts. Even if it wants to develop faster, it can't be so fast!"

"The patriarch doesn't know why Jiajia is like this?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned and asked.

"I don't know! Jiajia is the first Malu sand beast in our sub-god clan to be sent to the resurrection gate, and we have no experience at all!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan shook his head and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I don't know what to do now! If it doesn't work, I may have to go to the Resurrection Sect to ask! I just don't know if I will be able to see the head of the Resurrection Sect in my capacity. !"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words of the patriarch of the sub-god clan, he sighed deeply, then shook his head and said: "If you are going to see the head of the Resurrection Sect, then the patriarch doesn't need to Don’t worry! I’ve already met the head of the Resurrection Sect before, but the head doesn’t know why this happened to Jiajia, just let me observe first!”

"Master Ji, has he met the head of the Resurrection Sect? Have you seen him with your own eyes?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan asked Ji Xiaoyan in surprise when he heard what Ji Xiaoyan said. After Ji Xiaoyan nodded for sure, she was extremely surprised.

"The head of the Resurrection Sect, did you really meet City Master Ji?"

It's no wonder that the patriarch of the sub-god clan questioned Ji Xiaoyan, mainly because all the aborigines on the mainland knew very well that it would not be so easy for the aboriginals who wanted to see the resurrection gate to get them to agree to be resurrected, especially Needless to say, the head of the Resurrection Sect, he doesn't see visitors all the year round.

"Well, I see you!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded with certainty, and then said: "For the matter of Jiajia, I met with the head of the master twice, but I didn't get any results! But the head of the house My lord said, if you find anything strange about Jiajia, you can take Jiajia to the Resurrection Gate to have a look at that time!"

"Is it possible?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan seemed to finally believe what Ji Xiaoyan said.

"That's right! The head of the sect promised me personally!" Ji Xiaoyan said to the patriarch of the sub-god race with certainty, "It's just that the patriarch thinks, when is the situation like this going to the Resurrection Gate? Does it look more appropriate? If it’s just the current situation, the head master said it, and he doesn’t know too well!”

"We can't take Jiajia over to have a look now. Under what circumstances, can Jiajia be regarded as unusual?" The patriarch of the sub-protoss clan was also a little puzzled, and he frowned and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Jiajia is like this. The speed of growth and the state of madness are already a very strong abnormal state compared to before. Under such circumstances, the head of the Resurrection Sect has no choice, and he does not know what happened to Jiajia The situation, what kind of situation is it? What kind of situation can send Jiajia to the gate of resurrection?"

As soon as this question was uttered, Ji Xiaoyan was also confused!
"Why are you all so embarrassed! Just look at it again!" Yu Mo thought for a while, and said directly to Ji Xiaoyan and the patriarch of the sub-god clan, "Since the head of the Resurrection Sect said Now, let us look at the state of Jiajia first, then let’s take a look first! Maybe this so-called abnormality can only be known when we discover it! Besides, the state of Jiajia now is just The growth rate is just fast! The state of madness has always been accompanied by this growth, and everyone is already used to it!"

Everyone frowned, not knowing what to say or what to do.

"I also agree to take a look first! At least, we have to wait until Jiajia wakes up now!" Lord Bessa also opened his mouth, and said to the crowd: "Otherwise, you just want to get Jiajia to go to the gate of resurrection, and now this It looks like it won't be able to get away!"

Everyone looked up at Kaka's huge body, and finally they could only nod with a wry smile.

It's just that after waiting, another day soon passed, and it seemed that Jiajia's state lasted a little too long this time.

"Is Jiajia still alive?" Friesman was a little impatient, and couldn't help asking Ji Xiaoyan and the others. After seeing everyone staring at him unhappily, Friesman curled his lips, Then he said to everyone: "Don't look at me like that! Don't you think it's strange to see Jiajia like this? How long has it been? You don't even move, and your breathing seems to be It's not obvious!"

"Then you can't say that Jiajia died, can you?" Xuan Mo said to Friesman with some dissatisfaction.

"I'm just reminding you, and I don't want anything to happen!" Friesman said to the crowd with some grievances.

Xuan Mo didn't say anything, but just gave Friesman a blank look.

On the contrary, the patriarch of the sub-protoss glanced at Lord Bessa, and asked him: "Master Bessa, how is your chief steward doing now? Has he not woken up yet?"

"Probably not! If he wakes up, my guards will come and tell me!" Lord Bessa was also a little worried, but shook his head.

"That's it!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan nodded indifferently, and after thinking for a while, he said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Master Ji, it's getting dark soon, why don't we go back? There is no need to guard Gaga here anymore! If it wakes up, my people will come to notify us!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Jiajia, seeing that it showed no signs of waking up, so he could only nod his head.She could also see that Master Bessa was still worried about Manager Hess, but because he had to accompany them to guard the Gaga, he didn't intend to go back and have a look. Just in this situation, let's go and see Manager Hess together. The situation is not bad!

You can't just keep watching Kaka all night like this, right?
"Then let's go back!" The Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan reluctantly smiled at the crowd, and after arranging the aborigines of the Sub-God Clan to guard Gaga, he took Ji Xiaoyan and the others to live together After returning to the direction of the houses in the local area, and then after returning to the inhabited area, he immediately asked people to report the situation of the manager Hess.

It's just this news that made everyone's hearts sink again.

Under normal circumstances, after Director Hess drank the potion and fell asleep, it has been a day, and he should wake up!But now Manager Hess is still asleep, and has no intention of waking up at all!This is really strange!

(End of this chapter)

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