The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3034 The Shocking Thing

Chapter 3034 The Shocking Thing

Ji Xiaoyan actually didn't understand why Lord Bessa and the patriarch of the sub-god clan had conflicts like this, but after hearing the request from Friesman and Xuan Mo, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help it. Thinking about the atmosphere between Lord Bessa and the patriarch of the sub-god race just now, he also frowned.

There seems to be something really wrong between the two of them!

"What do you think I can do?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at Xuan Mo and Friesman, and asked them, "Whether it's Lord Bessa or the patriarch of the sub-protoss, I But I have no ability to control them! What can I do?"

"We didn't expect you to take care of them!" Friesman immediately regained his spirits, and said seriously to Ji Xiaoyan: "We just hope that you can separate the two of them! Look at the atmosphere just now." , If you count on the two of them, it's impossible! I have an idea, Xiaoyan, you can find something for one of them to do, and let them separate! This is a very simple matter, right? "

"This method is also possible!" Xuan Mo immediately nodded in agreement.

"Find them something to do? What else can they do now?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't think of anything, couldn't help frowning, looked at Friesman and Xuan Mo and they asked .

"How do we know this? I need Xiaoyan to think about it!" Friesman took it for granted, and immediately said something seriously to Ji Xiaoyan, looking at Ji Xiaoyan's expression of not knowing what to do , After thinking for a while, he said: "Anyway, why don't you just find something for them to do? Otherwise, you can let the aborigines of the sub-god race go to watch Gaga together with their patriarch! Your words , the patriarch of the sub-god clan still wants to listen, right?"

Xuan Mo also frowned and thought for a while, then nodded to Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Otherwise, let them watch Jiajia!"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the distant place that was still motionless, then nodded, and turned back, under the surprised eyes of Lord Bessa and the patriarch of the sub-protoss, said It was a suggestion that the patriarch of the sub-protoss clan take people to watch Jiajia.

"Our aborigines of the Sub-God Clan are watching from over there!" The patriarch of the Sub-God Clan looked puzzled, and he didn't understand what Ji Xiaoyan wanted him to do watching Jiajia.

"Jiajia, the current situation is a bit wrong. Don't we need to find some clues?" Ji Xiaoyan rolled his eyes, smiled and said to the patriarch of the sub-god clan: "I thought about it, the patriarch will lead the people Go and see Jia Jia, and then go and see Jia Jia's armor!"

"What are you doing looking at Jiajia's battle armor?" The patriarch of the sub-protoss clan had a puzzled expression on his face, and he couldn't help frowning and asked Ji Xiaoyan, "Jajia's battle armor has always been there, and there is no What a value to see!"

"Master Patriarch, what you said is wrong!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately said seriously, "Didn't you always say before that Jiajia's battle armor is written with the inheritance of your sub-divine clan?"

"Yes! But those things can only be understood by Jiajia!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss nodded affirmatively, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "We go to see it every day, but we can't see anything. something!"

"Then, patriarch, have you preserved the things on those armors for so many years?"

"Save? The battle armor has always been there, what do you need to save?" Ji Xiaoyan laughed, and after seeing the patriarch of the sub-protoss shake his head in doubt, he said quickly: "The patriarch thinks that according to the With a growth rate like Jiajia, when will it grow to the same size as a battle armor?"

The patriarch of the sub-god clan was stunned for a while, but he didn't know how to calculate.

"Let's not talk about when Jiajia really grows up, when he puts on the battle armor, will there be a possibility of tossing and deforming the battle armor? You can't be sure, can you?"

Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the patriarch of the sub-god clan seemed to finally understand what she meant. He couldn't help but look outside, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan seriously: "The meaning of what City Lord Ji said is, let us first save all the parts on Jiajia's battle armor, and when Jiajia wakes up, let him translate it for us first? Save it?"

"Although I don't want to say that Jiajia will get worse and worse in the future, but if there is such a day, it is not certain!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help feeling a little depressed and sad at the moment, nodded, and said yes Looking at the patriarch of the sub-god clan, he said: "This is a good thing for you sub-god clan! Take precautions!"

"Yes! Master Ji, your reminder is necessary!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan thought for a while, and immediately said to Ji Xiaoyan with incomparable certainty: "It is a good thing if the situation in Jiajia can be improved in the future, but if If it’s really the same as what you said, City Master Ji, then our sub-protoss should really make some preparations earlier!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, quite satisfied that the patriarch of the sub-god clan was willing to listen to her arrangement.

Thus, Ji Xiaoyan managed to get the patriarch of the sub-god clan to leave the vicinity of Lord Bessa with almost no effort.

"Master Bessa, you are here to guard Chief Hess. I will go to the Resurrection Gate and I will be back soon!"

Master Bessa didn't have any opinion, and nodded lightly, and when Ji Xiaoyan was about to leave, he said: "Master Ji, if there is no way, don't force it!"

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, turned around and glanced at Master Bessa, without saying anything, directly teleported away from the sub-protoss, went to the resurrection gate, and told Luotu about the matter, there was no obstacle at all, Luotu I agreed with one bite.

So, when Ji Xiaoyan really brought the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate and Luotu to the sub-god clan in person, all the aboriginal people of the sub-god clan showed expressions of disbelief!Everyone knows that it is impossible for the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate to go out to work like this and do "after-sales service" in other places!
But it was Ji Xiaoyan who brought the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate to the Sub-God Clan so easily.

This is simply a miraculous thing!
"Master Ji! How on earth did you do it?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan was still in disbelief when he received the notice from the tribe and saw Luotu and the others with his own eyes!This is simply impossible, how did Ji Xiaoyan do it!

Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and didn't say anything more to the patriarch of the sub-god clan, and motioned to Luotu directly, and asked the patriarch of the sub-god clan to take them to the house in the settlement. After Director Hess who was still asleep, Ji Xiaoyan said to everyone: "Master Patriarch, Lord Bessa, the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate still need some time, let's let them show to Director Hess here Well, how about we take Master Luotu to see Jiajia now?"

"Yes! Yes!"

This is something that the patriarch of the sub-god clan could not wish for, so he naturally has no opinion!But seeing that Master Bessa didn't want to leave with him, the patriarch of the sub-protoss hurriedly said to Master Bessa: "Master Bessa, the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate don't want us to watch here. Yes, so let's go and have a look at Jiajia! I will arrange someone to watch outside, and if there is anything, I will definitely notify you immediately."

"No need, I have someone myself!" Lord Bessa said with an expression of reluctance to appreciate it, and directed a sentence to his guards in River Water City, and then walked out of the gate.

The patriarch of the sub-god clan couldn't help frowning, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji, this Master Bessa has a bad temper at all!"

Ji Xiaoyan didn't want to speak ill of Lord Bessa, so he just smiled and said, "It should be that Lord Bessa is in a bad mood recently! The Patriarch, please understand!"

"Just because of him, the chief!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan curled his lips and said something, and when he saw Ji Xiaoyan, he didn't want to talk anymore, so he could only immediately turn to the original sub-god clan The residents gave a glance, and then left the house with everyone.

However, after carefully looking at Luotu, the patriarch of the sub-god clan walked up to Friesman and Xuan Mo with some doubts, and asked them in a low voice: "This Lord Luotu , Who is it from the Resurrection Gate? I don’t know much about the Resurrection Gate. I only know that there used to be a Master Lehe, and City Master Ji said that that Master Lehe is now wanted by the Resurrection Gate!"

"Lord Luotu is the successor of Lord Lehe!" Friesman said directly to the patriarch of the sub-protoss, seeing the surprise on his face, he rolled his eyes again , and then said in a low voice with a smile: "What's the matter? Is the patriarch surprised?"

"That's for sure!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss nodded without hesitation, and said to Friesman and the others: "Master Ji can let people from the Resurrection Gate come to our sub-protoss in person. Surprised. You are now saying that Lord Luotu took the position of Lord Lehe, that is to say, he is the current successor of the Resurrection Sect, right?"

"That's right! If there are no accidents, it will be like this!" Xuan Mo also nodded affirmatively.

"This is simply unbelievable! How could City Lord Ji invite such a character out of the Resurrection Gate?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan was full of shock, and couldn't help looking at Ji Xiaoyan's back, facing Ji Xiaoyan. Friesman and the others said: "This is simply beyond my imagination."

"Master patriarch, there are even more things that you can't imagine!" Friesman couldn't help feeling a little proud when he heard this, and looked at the patriarch of the sub-protoss curiously. After himself, Friesman hurriedly glanced in Ji Xiaoyan's direction, seeing that they didn't seem to notice them, then whispered to the patriarch of the sub-god clan: "This Luotu The relationship between Lord Luo and us Xiaoyan is very good! At the beginning, Lord Luotu accidentally fell into Shacheng, and it was Xiaoyan who took people to rescue Lord Luotu! Does the patriarch know about such a relationship?"

The patriarch of the sub-protoss was really shocked!

This is equivalent to a great life-saving grace!

You know, the lives of the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate are different from the lives of ordinary aborigines!Now that Ji Xiaoyan saved Lord Luotu, how grateful is Lord Luotu to Ji Xiaoyan?This is a kindness that may never end in a lifetime!
Thinking of more things, the patriarch of the sub-protoss clan is a little bit unwell!

How did Ji Xiaoyan pick up shit?How lucky to be so lucky!Not sure, even the head of the Resurrection Sect has to be grateful to her!

"So, in fact, the relationship between City Lord Ji and the Resurrection Gate is very good?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan couldn't help but looked at Xuan Mo and Friesman, and asked them.

"That's natural! Otherwise, the patriarch thinks, why can our Qingcheng become an ally of the Resurrection Gate?" Xuan Mo couldn't help laughing, seeing the surprised expression of the sub-god clan's patriarch with widened eyes, The smile became brighter, "I remember Xiaoyan mentioned to the patriarch before, the relationship between our Qingcheng and Fushengmen, right? What's the matter, the patriarch didn't believe it before?"

"How can people believe this!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan took a deep breath, and couldn't help but said to Xuan Mo excitedly: "That's the resurrection gate! Anyone on the mainland can find someone to form an alliance with." , only this Resurrection Gate is impossible!"

"But now the fact is that the Resurrection Gate and our Qingcheng are allies! Our Qingcheng has a lot of resurrection quotas every year! Does the patriarch know?" Friesman became even more proud, looking at the sub-protoss The patriarch was already shocked and speechless, so he smiled and said: "So, now, the patriarch knows why so many people are willing to become allies of our Qingcheng? Our Qingcheng has a lot of strength of it!"

"That's right!" Xuan Mo also quickly smiled, and then said to the patriarch of the sub-protoss: "So, Xiaoyan also said that being able to meet the sub-protoss through Jiajia is actually a kind of fate. If we If the relationship between the two families is good, isn’t it actually a good thing for the sub-god clan? What does the Patriarch think?”

(End of this chapter)

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