Chapter 3035 surprised
What Xuan Mo smiled was harmless to humans and animals, and everyone present knew what was going on in his heart!
Naturally, the patriarch of the sub-god clan also understood the meaning of what Xuan Mo said, but he didn't have any thoughts to express his opinion. He just smiled and stared at Luotu's back in a daze.

Seeing the expression of the patriarch of the sub-god clan, Xuan Mo could only curl the corner of his mouth in the end, and then stood with Friesman a little unhappy, and complained to him about the patriarch of the sub-god clan After talking nonsense, they finally walked to Jiajia's side.

Jiajia still maintained the state just now, without any changes at all.

Luotu had heard all about Gaga from Ji Xiaoyan, so as soon as he got close to Gaga, Luotu immediately took the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate to look at Gaga, just wanting to climb to When Jiajia went to check on him, Luotu was stopped by the aborigines of the sub-protoss.

"What's the matter?" Luotu looked at the aborigines of the sub-god clan with a puzzled expression, then looked at the patriarch of the sub-god clan and asked indifferently: "Why, is the patriarch Don't let us go to Jiajia's body?"

"Lord Luotu, we are just worried!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss hurriedly said with a smile, "What is going on in Gaga, none of us know, we are just worried that if you climb to Gaga, Lord Luotu If Jiajia goes crazy after being put on his body, what should we do if something unexpected happens? We are also thinking about the safety of Master Luotu. After all, if Jiajia goes crazy, there is nothing we can do to stop it of!"

Luotu heard the words, but he glanced at the patriarch of the sub-god clan lightly, and then said: "Then don't worry about the patriarch!"

The patriarch of the sub-god clan could only smile awkwardly, and quickly looked in Ji Xiaoyan's direction.

"It's okay, Lord Patriarch!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the Lord Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan comfortingly, and said to him: "Lord Luotu and the others naturally know that there will be no accidents in Jiajia, so this I'm going to take a closer look at it!"

"I'm also worried!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss could only smile, watching Luotu lead the people to start crawling on Jiajia's body, he couldn't help frowning, and looked at Jijia with a worried look on his face. Xiaoyan said: "Master Ji, is there really no problem? This Lord Luotu is the successor to the head of the Resurrection Sect. If something happens to our sub-god clan, we will have no way to deal with the resurrection sect in the future." The door told me! Otherwise, City Lord Ji, please help persuade Lord Luotu to go to Jiajia himself, and let the disciples of the Resurrection Sect go up! If there is any eventuality , the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate, if our sub-god race pays, we can bear it a little bit!"

"Master Patriarch, don't worry, since Lord Luotu said it's fine, then it must be fine!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the worried expression of the Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan, and after thinking for a while, he continued: "Master Patriarch has to trust Mr. Luotu! If he is not sure, does Mr. Patriarch think Mr. Luotu will go up? Doesn't he cherish his own life?"

The patriarch of the sub-god clan thought about it, and it seemed to be the same reason!

That's the next head of the Resurrection Sect. Everyone will cherish this person very much. How can he easily take his own life and position as a joke?
"However, Lord Ji!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan frowned and thought for a while, but said to Ji Xiaoyan seriously: "They told me before that the friendship between Lord Ji and Lord Luotu is extraordinary. I'm a little surprised, but in fact, more people still don't believe it! But looking at it now, I really admire you, City Lord Ji! If you didn't have a close relationship with this Lord Luotu, he wouldn't be able to take the risk With such a big risk, I came to help Jiajia take a look!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan smiled at the patriarch of the sub-god clan, and asked half-jokingly: "Now, does the patriarch think that our Qingcheng is still worth something?"

"City Lord Ji's Qing City is naturally very powerful!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan was cunning, and after saying something directly, he looked away, making it clear that he did not want to follow Ji Xiaoyan's words.

However, Ji Xiaoyan didn't want to continue to say anything, but also nervously looked in Luotu's direction, wary of what to do if something went wrong in Jiajia!
It's just a matter of luck, even though Luotu and others climbed up on Jiajia's back and tossed about for a while, Jiajia still didn't change at all.I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing!
Waiting for Luotu and the others to get off Gaga's back, the patriarch of the sub-protoss immediately leaned up and asked nervously: "Lord Luotu, what is going on with Gaga? how is everything?"

Luo Tu smiled at Ji Xiaoyan first, then looked at the patriarch of the sub-god clan, and said to him indifferently: "From now on, there is nothing unusual about Jiajia!"

"There is nothing unusual? How is this possible?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard Luotu's words, and said to Luotu: "Lord Luotu, Kaka It's not normal at all now! How can there be no abnormality! Lord Luotu, he has kept such a posture for a day and a night, which has never happened before! And its current growth condition, too. Something is wrong! How could there be no abnormality!"

When Luotu heard the words of the patriarch of the sub-god clan, he gave him a cold look, and then continued: "Master patriarch, what I just said is that Jiajia's current body doesn't seem to be any different. Yes, do you understand what this means?"

The patriarch of the sub-god clan was stunned, but couldn't help but shook his head and looked at Luotu.

"What you said before is all about the changes in Jiajia's body. If you compare it with the past, it is indeed very different, and the changes are very obvious! But now, in our opinion, Jiajia's physical condition , but there is no abnormality at all!" Luotu looked at the patriarch of the sub-god clan seriously, and said to him: "That is to say, from the present point of view, no matter whether Jiajia can move or not, or It's a state of madness, but Jiajia's body is normal!"

"I don't understand!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan frowned, with a confused look on his face.

"That is to say, there is nothing wrong with Jiajia's body itself, but you, Lord Luotu, don't know why it appeared in such a situation. That's what it means, right?" , immediately stood up and asked Lord Luotu, then looked at him and nodded, then immediately looked at the patriarch of the sub-god clan, and said to him: "Master Patriarch, that is to say, Kaka Lord Luotu and the others don't know why this situation is happening now! But Gaga's body is completely fine now!"

"Lord Luotu, Gaga has grown into what it is now, how could there be no problem?" An aborigine of the sub-protoss looked at Luotu and the others anxiously, and said to them: "This Kaga There must be something wrong with your body!"

"Then are you questioning me?" Luo Tu's face became a little colder when he heard the words of the aborigine of the sub-god race. Only then did he raise his chin, and said to everyone: "If you have any doubts about our Resurrection Gate, then you can come to our Resurrection Gate and make it clear! You don't have to hide it in your heart!"

"No, no! Lord Luotu, we didn't mean that!" Seeing the change in Luotu's expression, the patriarch of the sub-god clan hurriedly waved his hand and said something, and quickly signaled the aborigine of the sub-god clan to step back. Then he said seriously to Luotu: "Lord Luotu, we just don't know what's going on with Jiajia now, and we're just worried about it! I hope Lord Luotu can understand."

Luotu glanced at the patriarch of the sub-god clan indifferently, and then said to him: "Master Patriarch, you need to be clear about one thing. Before the Resurrection Sect, we couldn't easily leave the sect. Now I still have to Bringing so many disciples from the same sect to your sub-divine clan to see Jiajia, it was because of the face of Lord Ji, and he came because he cared about Jiajia! Have you checked the situation of Jiajia carefully? It’s obvious to all! I’m not happy to doubt the results of our Resurrection Sect investigation now!”

"Yes, yes, yes! What Master Luotu said is true!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss tribe had a helpless and apologetic expression on his face, and quickly said to Luotu, "We are just too worried! "

Luotu glanced at the patriarch of the sub-god clan for a few times, then turned his eyes away impatiently, looked directly at Ji Xiaoyan, put on a smiling expression, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Ji Xiaoyan Lord City Lord, the situation in this Jiajia is now like this, and we at the Resurrection Gate can’t see anything for the time being, so naturally there is no way to have any countermeasures! So, now, City Lord Ji, all you can do is just Let Jiajia continue to grow like this, let's see what it can look like in the end, let's talk!"

"Can we know when it won't grow?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, but said to Luotu with some doubts: "Now we only know that when Jiajia goes crazy, he will grow up and there will be some changes in his body. But when this will be the end, we don’t know! The only thing we know now is that Jiajia may grow to be as huge as it died before, but it is not clear whether it will continue to grow in the future!”

"Master Ji, don't worry, if Jiajia can't grow longer, he will definitely not go crazy!" Luo Tu smiled, and said something to Ji Xiaoyan, seeing Ji Xiaoyan's puzzled expression, this Then he continued: "The condition for Jiajia's growth now is to go crazy, as long as it doesn't have this state, it won't grow!"

"Really?!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss also had an expression of disbelief when he heard this. He looked at Luotu for a few times, then looked at Jiajia and said, "Luotu Has your lord confirmed this?"

"Didn't you confirm it?" Luotu rolled his eyes directly, and said something to the patriarch of the sub-god clan, and after seeing his expression for a moment, he was a little embarrassed, and then continued: "Crazy people like Jiajia The state is very likely to be some side effects after the previous resurrection. Now I don’t know what kind of state it is. This is what caused it, and then prompted Jiajia to start growing towards the previous state! So, as long as it doesn’t go crazy, Then its growth will also stop!"

"If you think about it this way, it seems acceptable!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

But Luotu's expression was a bit serious, and he continued to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's just that there is something I still want to remind Master Ji!"

"whats the matter?"

"As for the situation after Jiajia, Lord Ji, you should not have too much hope!" Luotu sighed, looked at Ji Xiaoyan's puzzled expression, and then continued: "Jiajia is now It grows and develops towards the state before resurrection, but when it stops and no longer grows, then there may be two situations! One is nothing, everything stops completely, and The improved state, I naturally hope that Jiajia will go this way! But the second situation is not so good!"

"What's the situation?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help becoming a little nervous.

"Jajia may get the price after the real resurrection!" Luotu looked at Ji Xiaoyan seriously, looking at her who seemed to be a little confused, and after thinking about it, he said: "Back then, Jiajia's strength was very strong. Yes, it was luck to be resurrected at that time! But in today’s case, Jiajia is not qualified to be resurrected at all! And after Jiajia’s resurrection, apart from returning to the good state of childhood, there are other strange things Nothing happened. After so many years, there are only changes now, which means that Jiajia is now beginning to pay back the price after the resurrection. But how much will the price be paid, or until Jiajia is completely Returning to death from the ground, that is something that no one can explain! You must understand this, Lord Ji City!"

"Master Luotu, do you mean that Gaga may grow forever and eventually die by itself!?" Ji Xiaoyan became worried when he heard Luotu's words, and couldn't help but ask Luotu .

(End of this chapter)

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