The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3036 Can't see anything

Chapter 3036 Can't see anything
Everything has a limit.

The same is true of Jiajia!

Judging from the current situation, Jiajia has been growing crazily all the time.This state of growth is very abnormal, so the consequences in the future are extremely fearful!As far as Luotu can think of the situation now, it is probably the situation where Jiajia finally grew to a certain limit, and then blew himself up to death.

"Is there no way to change this? For example, there is no way for the Resurrection Gate to stop this situation?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but anxiously look at Luotu when he heard Luotu's words. Asked anxiously, but looked at Luotu and shook his head helplessly.

"My lord Ji, why the situation has happened so far? According to our guess, it is just a side effect after the resurrection! This is beyond the control of our Resurrection Sect! So we have no way to change all of this. !” Luotu also sighed, and said seriously to Ji Xiaoyan: “All our aborigines and monsters, the final destination is death! So, according to the current situation of Jiajia, I think that if it eventually If you can't control it, you can only die! All the comfortable lives in the past are all for this! In other words, those lives are good days picked up by Jiajia, but now, it needs to return them Already!"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned tightly, looking at Luotu, still a little unwilling to accept it!

"Lord Luotu, is there really no other way to help you?" The patriarch of the sub-protoss couldn't help but feel a little anxious and worried when he heard these words, and asked Luotu quickly : "Master Luotu, think about it again, but we are willing to try anything we can! As long as we can save Jiajialai! Even if our sub-god race uses all the strength of the whole clan, we are willing to go Give it a go."

Hearing this, Luo Tu glanced at the patriarch of the sub-god clan: "Even if all the aborigines of your sub-god clan are willing to die for Jiajia, there is no way to do this!"

The patriarch of the sub-god clan couldn't help but shivered when he heard this, but he didn't know what to say for a moment.

However, Luotu glanced at the patriarch of the sub-god clan with a look of disdain, but he was very clear in his heart!If Jiajia could exchange the lives of the aborigines of the entire sub-god race, these aborigines of the sub-god race would not agree!If they want to save Gaga, they can use all the strength and resources of the whole clan, but that is based on the fact that after Gaga is strong, they can protect their sub-god race in the future and help them plunder more things from other races. what!

If the entire sub-god race is gone, what else do they need to do?Is it possible that it can be done in order to fulfill the last wish of their former patriarch of the sub-god clan?

Therefore, Luo Tu didn't think much of what the patriarch of the sub-god clan said.

"Master Luotu, can we just watch Gaga grow up like this and die directly? In this case, we still feel a little unacceptable in our hearts!" Xuan Mo couldn't help frowning , but with a sad expression on his face, he said to Luotu: "If that's the case, then we would rather that Jiajia will not change at all, and just be weaker and accompany us! Anyway, we never count on Jiajia What do you want to do for us in the future! Keeping it as our pet in Qingcheng is fine! Anyway, Jiajia is also Xiaoyan's pet now!"

"Pet?! What pet?" The patriarch of the sub-protoss clan was sad, but when he heard Xuan Mo's words, he suddenly regained his energy, and immediately looked in Xuan Mo's direction and asked with a cleverness.

It's just that Xuan Mo didn't intend to answer the words of the patriarch of the sub-god clan at all!Everyone knows very well that the aborigines of the sub-god race value Jiajia very much. If they knew that Jiajia was just a pet with Ji Xiaoyan, these aborigines of the sub-god clan would not go crazy!
Therefore, after accidentally bringing out such a sentence, Xuan Mo didn't intend to continue explaining anything, but just looked at Luotu and said, "Lord Luotu, can you think of a way to keep Kaga in the present state?" Is it like this? It’s okay to be crazy several times a day! We can all accept it!”

"Impossible!" Luo Tu shook his head at Xuan Mo with certainty and said, "The occurrence of such a situation in Jiajia was not caused by anyone. It was because Jiajia wanted to become stronger, so it became the inducement, and thus It started to change! No one can stop now!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help feeling a little sad.They never imagined that they would get such a result!If they had known earlier, at least Ji Xiaoyan and the others would not have been willing to provide so many potions to Jiajia, and then the current situation would have happened.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan quickly asked Luotu: "Master Luotu, if we don't provide Jiajia with potions to drink now, will Jiajia continue to grow? Will it become slower?"

"Impossible, Master Ji!" Luotu shook his head with certainty, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Jiajia's current growth situation, no matter whether there is medicine or not, it will not stop. And medicine, It’s just that when it’s unsuitable or uncomfortable during the growth process, it’s used to relieve the mood and physical sensations! If you think about it this way, Lord Ji, you still need to drink more potions for Jiajia in the future. At least, when that day really happens in the future, at least Gaga won’t be wronged, right?”

Luo Tu's words made everyone present feel a little unacceptable!

"Then we can only watch now?" Friesman was bored for a long time, and he also looked unwilling to accept, "Can't Gaga's current state get better? The only time it can end is when it dies When?! Then why can’t we accept it!”

"It's unacceptable, and there's nothing we can do about it! Even if our lord head came here in person, there's no solution!" Luotu shook his head, and said something to Friesman with certainty, and then looked at Seeing everyone's ugly and worried expressions, after thinking about it, Luotu said to everyone: "No matter how much we aborigines are resurrected, they will eventually die! Who is this? Can't escape! No matter how powerful Jiajia is, even if the current situation doesn't happen, it will die in the end! This is inevitable, why do you have such expressions?"

"Master Luotu, if Jiajia dies again and is sent to the Resurrection Gate to be resurrected, will he still be the same as before? In a weak state?" Xuan Mo had a flash of inspiration, suddenly thought of something, and hurried Excitedly asked Luo Tu.

But Luotu still shook his head ruthlessly, and said to Xuan Mo: "Jajia's identity is not ordinary. It was able to be sent to our resurrection gate to be resurrected in the past, but it doesn't mean it can be revived now! Today's Jiajia, It is already the same as some of our city lords and patriarchs. If you die, it is impossible to be resurrected! You should all be clear about this!"

"Can't be resurrected again? If you die, is it really dead?" Friesman also looked shocked, looked at Luotu and frowned and asked: "There is no chance for one more time. ?"

"No! Not even once!" Luo Tu nodded affirmatively, and said to Friesman: "Jajia's current situation only has one life! There can be no more chances. Unless, it is the main god It is authorized by the adults!"

Master God's license!

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, he didn't ask any more questions. He just sighed, and then said to Luotu: "Master Luotu, how long is Jiajia?" time to live?"

"I'm not too sure about this!" Luotu looked in the direction of Jiajia, and after thinking about it carefully, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "How much does Jiajia grow each time, and what did it look like before?" Yes, I don’t even know, so it’s impossible to predict!”

When everyone heard this, they could only fall silent, and all of them looked in the direction of Gaga. After thinking about Gaga's huge body for a long time, the patriarch of the sub-god clan looked at Luotu again. Facing him, he asked: "Lord Luotu, when will Gaga recover from being unable to move now? You just said that everything in Gaga is normal! But now he is standing like this without any consciousness And the reaction has lasted for a long time, Lord Luotu, you have just watched Jiajia for a long time, can you predict when it will return to normal?"

"Just wait!" Luo Tu looked at the patriarch of the sub-god race with a calm expression, and said to him: "When it can attribute, it can wake up!"

"That's it?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan looked unwilling.

"Otherwise, what else does the patriarch want?" Hearing this, Luotu looked at the patriarch of the sub-god clan impatiently, and then said to him: "If the patriarch thinks that I am If you are not satisfied with the answer given, you can go and have a look at Jiajia yourself, maybe you can wake up Jiajia, that is not certain!"

The patriarch of the sub-god clan was choked up, but he didn't know what to say.He didn't want to offend the Resurrection Gate because of this, otherwise they wouldn't have to ask Ji Xiaoyan for help when the sub-gods needed it in the future?He doesn't want this!

Luotu glanced at the patriarch of the sub-god clan, and after seeing that he didn't speak, he sneered, but he didn't mean to continue to target him, but looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some sympathy Or he said worriedly: "Master Ji City Lord, there is no way to do this!"

"I know!" Ji Xiaoyan had a comprehensible look on his face, smiled reluctantly at Luotu, and then said: "It's okay, Mr. Luotu, if I don't understand these things about Jiajia, It’s okay for me to ask Lord Sect Master later! Lord Luotu doesn’t have to worry about us anymore!”

"Okay!" Luotu didn't show any unhappy expression, and nodded directly to Ji Xiaoyan, after thinking for a while, he followed the crowd and returned to the sub-protoss settlement, waiting for the inspection results from Chief Hess .

However, those disciples of the Resurrection Sect finally gave an unknown result.

"Why don't you know?" This time, the object of questioning was changed to Master Bessa.

"I really don't know!" The disciples of the Resurrection Sect shook their heads with certainty, and said to Lord Bessa: "Master Hess was resurrected once, and he himself has the aftereffects of the resurrection. There is no problem at all. We have carefully checked him several times. In his body, there is only one abnormal condition of the sequelae after resurrection, and the rest of the abnormalities are nothing! What you said , his eyes were red and he was in a state of madness, we didn't find any signs! In addition, he is still in a coma, we can't find anything!"

"That is to say, the current appearance of Manager Hess is the same as that of Gaga, so you can't see it?" Lord Bessa frowned tightly, and asked the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate. After nodding affirmatively, he continued to ask: "Then you can see, is there any connection between Gaga and Chief Hess?"

"At this time, we can't see it!" The disciples of the Resurrection Gate thought for a while, and said to Master Bessa seriously: "If you really want to see it, you still need to wait until Director Hess wakes up. It's still what you said before." In that state, maybe we can show it again to see if there is anything different."

Master Bessa frowned and thought for a while, and he knew that it was impossible for the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate to stay in the sub-protoss and wait for Manager Hess to wake up, and then return to the previous mad state, so Master Bessa let out a breath, then looked at Luotu, and asked him: "Master Luotu, if old Hess happens to be like that again in the future, I'll bring him to the Gate of Resurrection, okay?"

"Okay!" Luotu looked indifferent, completely unaware that Master Bessa was not at all willing to send Manager Hess to the Gate of Resurrection before.

"Then it's decided like this!" Master Bessa looked relaxed, and he didn't care about the surprised eyes of others looking at him. He just nodded at Ji Xiaoyan, and then went straight to see Manager Hess.

As for Luotu and his group, they have fulfilled their purpose in the sub-god clan, so they have no intention of staying any longer. After bidding farewell to Ji Xiaoyan, they returned to the gate of life directly!

(End of this chapter)

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