Chapter 3047 Just agree

In fact, sometimes Ji Xiaoyan and the others still feel that the patriarch of the sub-god clan is a bit shameless.

Think about it in the past, when Ji Xiaoyan and the others first arrived in the Sub-God Clan, how disgusted they were by the Sub-God Clan?At that time, no matter what Ji Xiaoyan said, the patriarch of the sub-god clan didn't want to let go of his mouth at all, and had no intention of building a good relationship with Qingcheng!What's more, in the following time, Ji Xiaoyan helped the sub-god clan with so many things, and the patriarch of the sub-god clan didn't have the slightest intention of building a good relationship with Ji Xiaoyan or Qingcheng!
But now, regardless of whether there is the matter of the Resurrection Gate or not, anyway, the patriarch of the sub-protoss clan can brazenly say that their sub-protoss and Qingcheng have a good relationship just because of Brick's prescription!
This really surprised Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

"Now I suddenly feel that Brick is the most powerful!" Friesman was stunned for a while, and then whispered to Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo and the others: "Think about it, How many things have we done before? What is it for? Isn’t it just to build a good relationship with their sub-protoss? But you see, how long has Brick been in the sub-protoss? You can use a prescription Switch to the friendship offered by the sub-protoss! Tsk tsk, now that you think about it, Brick is really amazing!"

"That's why Xiaoyan!" Xuan Mo also glanced at Ji Xiaoyan with a face of approval, and then said in a low voice: "We still have to let others ask for something, so that we can get closer to our Qingcheng!"

What can Ji Xiaoyan say?She is also a little depressed!They Qingcheng usually beg others, and when they can make others beg, that is very rare!as before

Let’s talk about the patriarch of the sub-god clan, if it wasn’t because Jiajia liked Brick’s potion, he would never have bowed his head to Qingcheng!
Brick didn't know what Ji Xiaoyan and the others were thinking at this moment, but seeing the patriarch of the sub-protoss begging and pulling Qing Cheng out, he couldn't help hesitating. He looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and happened to see Ji Xiaoyan and the others looking at him sadly, their eyes full of melancholy.

So, Brick understood what Ji Xiaoyan and the others meant by their gazes, shook his head directly at the patriarch of the sub-protoss, and then said seriously: "Master patriarch, I think it is wrong for you to ask me so much." wrong!"

"What's wrong?" The patriarch of the sub-protoss really didn't expect that Brick would refuse after hearing what he said, and he couldn't help frowning immediately, with a look of confusion and displeasure. Looking at Brick, he asked him, "Am I not right? With the current relationship between our sub-protoss and Qingcheng, can't you let us change a formula?"

"No!" Brick nodded immediately, and said to the patriarch of the sub-protoss very seriously: "The patriarch is using our relationship between Qingcheng and the sub-protoss to blackmail me, how can he really want to exchange things with us?" attitude! Patriarch, I think your statement is wrong, and your thinking is also wrong!"

The patriarch of the sub-protoss couldn't help but frowned when he heard Brick's words, he didn't know what to say for a while!After all, he really used this to blackmail Brick, and wanted him to agree to change the formula!
Brick felt he was doing a good job.

But what he didn't know was that when he said the words to the patriarch of the sub-god clan, Ji Xiaoyan and the others all had a look of surprise on their faces, and they were even more shocked by what he said of!

Ji Xiaoyan and the others even imagined in their minds the patriarch of the sub-protoss jumping and throwing his hands away without changing the formula!But Ji Xiaoyan and the others didn't expect that the patriarch of the sub-god clan was not as furious as they imagined, but just stared at Brick with a frown.

After a while, the patriarch of the sub-protoss spoke again, and asked Brick: "Then, Brick, let's not talk about the relationship between the sub-protoss and Qingcheng now. We want to One of your recipes, we also promise that no matter what we use, we are willing to change it! So, are you willing to return it to us?"

"I don't want to!" Brick insisted again.

"Why?!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss didn't expect Brick to be so stubborn. After talking about this, he still looked unwilling. Why?Thinking of this, the patriarch of the sub-god clan couldn't help but looked at Ji Xiaoyan, and he had the idea of ​​breaking through from her!

No matter what, Ji Xiaoyan is the city lord of Qingcheng, as long as Brick is an aborigine of Qingcheng, he must listen to Ji Xiaoyan!right?No matter how hard Brick insists on his own ideas, as long as Ji Xiaoyan speaks, can he not agree?

The patriarch of the sub-god clan figured this out, and suddenly felt a little stupid!If he doesn't go to Ji Xiaoyan, who can make the decision, why should he go to Brick?Isn't this a waste of time?
So, the patriarch of the sub-god clan didn't wait for Brick to say anything more, he looked directly at Ji Xiaoyan, took two steps towards her, and asked Ji Xiaoyan seriously: "City Master Ji, now we If you want to exchange the formula of an alchemy potion in Qingcheng, you will not be willing to exchange it, Master Ji, right? As long as you say what you need, we sub-gods can exchange it!"

Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect that the patriarch of the sub-protoss would turn to him so directly, and couldn't help but look at him in surprise, and then at Brick.I thought Brick would be unhappy, but Ji Xiaoyan looked at Brick and shrugged at her indifferently, and then moved closer, as if to say that as long as she agrees, he will Change it!
This made Ji Xiaoyan a little embarrassed.

She doesn't know if this thing can be replaced!
Both the potion and the formula belonged to Brick, and Brick didn't even shake his head. It seems that it's not good for her to decide on Brick's things after she has the name of a city lord!What's more, the formula of this potion is not an ordinary thing, it can be given to anyone casually!Brick also made the potion after trying little by little. If she gave it away easily, she would really feel sorry for Brick!

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan could only look at the patriarch of the sub-god clan with a troubled face, and then said: "Master patriarch, the formula of this potion is not mine, I can't decide this matter!"

"Master Ji, what do you mean by refusal?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan couldn't help frowning when he heard what Ji Xiaoyan said, and said a little unhappyly: "Master Ji, This Brick is an aborigine of your Qingcheng, right?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded and said yes with certainty.

"Then you are also the city lord of Qingcheng, the only one, right?" The patriarch of the sub-protoss asked again, and after watching Ji Xiaoyan nod again, he continued: "Then, as you The aborigines of Qingcheng, what you, the city lord of Qingcheng, said and agreed to, would Brick not agree, would you not agree? City lord Ji, you can be the master of the potion formula! Now I It’s just asking City Master Ji to change a recipe, I think City Master Ji should cherish the relationship with our sub-protoss, it’s impossible for you, City Master Ji, not to agree to our sub-protoss for such a small matter, right!”

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the patriarch of the sub-god clan in front of him, and suddenly he was actually quite scary.

"Master patriarch, why don't you be soft, wait a minute?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned and looked at the patriarch of the sub-god clan, and said to him very seriously: "The formula of this potion is all cloth. Rick researched it, I still have to discuss it with him! What does the patriarch think?"

"If we discuss it, that's of course possible!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan nodded to Ji Xiaoyan with a faint expression, and then said: "It's just, City Lord Ji! I hope that City Lord Ji will bring it to me later, Only good news!"

Ji Xiaoyan smiled lightly, and directly moved towards Brick, then took him a few steps to the side, then couldn't help frowning and asked Brick: "Brick , is it true that your prescription cannot be exchanged for a sub-protoss?"

"No!" Brick's answer was beyond Ji Xiaoyan's expectation, immediately making Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widen, with an expression of not being able to believe what he heard.

"Can it be changed?"

"Yes! Yes!" Brick nodded affirmatively, looking at Ji Xiaoyan's expression, he couldn't help but asked her in doubt: "Xiaoyan, what's wrong with you? Or, you don't Like changing it to the aborigines of the sub-god race? If that’s the case, we don’t have to change it! Anyway, as long as I insist on not changing it, the patriarch of the sub-god race can’t do anything to us! This exchange, originally You just have to be willing, right?"

"Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but think for a while, and then asked Brick: "Brick, I want to know now, since you think you can change it, why don't you agree to that?" Where is the patriarch of the sub-god clan?"

"I looked at the expressions Ji Xiaoyan and the others looked at me at that time, it seemed that they didn't want me to agree so easily!" Brick looked at Ji Xiaoyan seriously, seeing her confused appearance, and immediately endured He couldn't help frowning, and asked Ji Xiaoyan with some uncertainty: "Xiaoyan, don't tell me, is it my understanding?"

"Otherwise?!" Ji Xiaoyan also felt a little helplessly funny, couldn't help but glanced at Brick, and then sighed and said: "Forget it, Brick, we won't argue about the previous things anymore ! Let's have a good discussion now, since your formula is also willing to be exchanged with the sub-gods, then, what do you think the sub-gods need to use to exchange your formula."

"It doesn't matter to me! Xiaoyan, you can decide!" Brick said indifferently, and said something directly to Ji Xiaoyan, watching Ji Xiaoyan staring at him in surprise, with a look of no concern. As if thinking about it, he continued: "If it was before, I would just ask the sub-protoss for materials to make things! But now that I have everything in Qingcheng, I really don't know how to ask the sub-protoss about it. What do the aborigines want! So, Xiaoyan, if you want something from them, just ask for it! I give you this right!"

Ji Xiaoyan took a deep breath, seeing Brick smiling at Ji Xiaoyan, she really didn't know what to say!

All the burdens are thrown on her body! ?What does this make her think?
"City Master Ji!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss also saw that Ji Xiaoyan hadn't moved for a while, and couldn't help shouting at her, watching Ji Xiaoyan and Brick both turn around, and turned towards him awkwardly. Smiling, the patriarch of the Sub-God Clan felt a little flustered for no reason, and began to worry in his heart, would Ji Xiaoyan say yes because of this formula, and asked them that the Sub-God Clan wanted something that the Sub-God Clan could not have? something!If this is the case, their entire sub-god clan will be over!
Thinking of this, the patriarch of the Sub-God Clan couldn't help but also tremblingly looked in the direction of the others, and finally saw Ji Xiaoyan again, and asked cautiously: "Then, City Master Ji, you What kind of things do we need to use to replace this formula? As long as we can do it, Ji City Master can rest assured, we must have tried our best to make it for you! But now this Time is running out, and we in the sub-protoss have no chance to go out and find it!"

"That's not right! Lord Patriarch, you are really wrong to tell the truth!" After hearing what the patriarch of the sub-god clan said, Yu Mo immediately stood up and looked at the man with a suspicious expression on his face. The Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan sized it up again and again, and then he couldn't help but said to him: "Master Patriarch, there is something going on in your Sub-God Clan right now, but Kaka didn't go crazy, and your Sub-God Clan didn't have any internal or external troubles. If something like this happens, why don’t you sub-protoss have time to find things? Moreover, we haven’t said what Brick wants, so why does the patriarch seem to know what Brick needs? gone?"

"It's not that I know what Brick is thinking, but I am thinking about it myself!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss looked at Xuan Mo for a while with a smile, and then said lightly: "Just As an alchemist, Brick, what kind of requests do you think he will make to our sub-protoss? Our sub-protoss still has a lot of supplies. Even if Gaga is back now, it will be enough for a long time , now if I give Brick a part as a reward, I think it is okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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