The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3048 Discuss 1 time

Chapter 3048 Discuss
"It's just that the materials in our sub-protoss are enough to use, but not all of them are needed by Brick! So, if Brick proposes something in exchange, and our sub-protoss does not have it, then we With the current situation in the sub-protoss, we naturally have no way to go out and find Brick immediately! Do you think this makes sense?"

The patriarch of the sub-protoss looked at Xuan Mo and the others with a smile on his face. After speaking seriously, he looked at Brick again and said to him: "However, what if we There is exactly what Brick you want in the Protoss, and we will naturally give it to you with all our strength. You can rest assured, Brick! As long as you agree to exchange this formula with us, as the Patriarch of the Sub-Protoss, I will This promise will definitely satisfy all your reasonable demands! How about it?"

Reasonable request? !In other words, if the sub-gods find it unreasonable, they will not agree!
Yan Mo couldn't help rolling his eyes immediately, looked at the patriarch of the sub-protoss with some distaste, then looked at Brick and said, "Brick, you can take care of this matter yourself But remember, don’t ask too much! The head of the human family just said very clearly that the sub-gods will only meet what they think is reasonable! If you ask for something that the sub-gods think is unreasonable If you ask, the Patriarch and the others will not agree!"

Brick was stunned, and couldn't help but glanced at the patriarch of the sub-god clan, and happened to see his expression staring at Xuan Mo with surprised eyes, like that, but he wanted to dismantle Xuan Mo look!
"Master Patriarch!" Seeing this, Brick quickly yelled at the Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan, seeing that the Patriarch of the Sub-God Race immediately looked at him, Brick frowned, Then he said to the patriarch of the sub-god clan: "If my request is unreasonable, the patriarch really won't agree to it, right?"

Seeing what Brick really said, the patriarch of the sub-protoss couldn't help but glance at Xuan Mo, tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and then squeezed out an ugly smile as much as possible. Looking at Brick, he said: "No, as long as it is your request, Brick, we will try our best to realize it!"

But Brick looked at the patriarch of the sub-protoss with some disbelief, then nodded and said: "Then I'd better not make the patriarch too embarrassing!"

"Hehe, no, no, no!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss immediately breathed a sigh of relief, smiled at Brick, and then looked at him expectantly, his mind had already started Think about what materials they have in the sub-protoss that can be given to Brick.

But no matter how much the patriarch of the sub-god clan thought about it, he never thought that Brick's request made him stunned in place.

"Master Patriarch, in fact, my request is not high!" Brick thought about it seriously, and then smiled at the Patriarch of the sub-protoss. After seeing him looking at him expectantly, this Then he continued: "My patriarch knows how precious this formula is. So, I need some materials for research, and the demigods should be able to give them, right?"

"That's natural!" The patriarch of the sub-god race nodded immediately.

"It's just that, apart from the materials, I have another request that needs to be agreed by the patriarch!" Brick suddenly smiled, looked at the patriarch of the sub-protoss and said: "As long as the patriarch agrees, then this I can give the formula to you sub-protoss right now, and as long as it is the material needed for this formula, I will not ask the sub-protoss for it, how about it?"

"Yes!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss nodded immediately, and seemed to have thought of something, and then continued to Brick: "As long as Brick and your request are not too much, our sub-protoss must be They will all agree!"

Brick nodded, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and saw that they also looked curious, and then said: "Actually, you should be able to fulfill my request, Lord Patriarch! I also I just remembered what the Patriarchs said just now, we Qingcheng and the sub-god clan are friendly, right?"

The patriarch of the sub-protoss frowned, looked at Brick and nodded.

"So I thought, since the relationship between the sub-god clan and our Qingcheng is so friendly, Jiajia can be considered as our joint ownership! Then, we Qingcheng and the sub-god clan might as well form an alliance! What does the patriarch think?"

Brick had a smile on his face, but the patriarch of the sub-protoss froze immediately when he heard his words!

"Brick, what are you talking about?"

"I said, please agree with the patriarch, let us Qingcheng and the sub-gods become an alliance! In this case, I don't think it has anything to do with the patriarch wanting the formula of my potion!" Brick looked at with a smile The Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan didn't care about the uncomfortable or unwilling expression on his face at all, and continued with a smile: "I think this is very important for the Sub-God Clan and our Qingcheng." It's a very good idea, Lord Patriarch, what do you think?"

"Brick! This alliance matter. This is a big deal, and I can't just agree to it so easily!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan frowned and said to Brick with a worried face. : "The alliance between the two forces is not such a simple sentence. If you say it, you can succeed if you agree! There are many things in it!"

"It's just an alliance, what's the matter?" Brick looked at the patriarch of the sub-protoss with a puzzled face, and said to him: "It was very simple for us Qingcheng to form alliances with other people before. Ah! If the patriarch doesn't believe it, you can ask Xiaoyan and the others! Xiaoyan is called this person, and every time she forms an alliance, she is the one! We Qingcheng and other people form alliances, that's what we say. The thing is done! Why is it not working when it comes to the patriarch? Is there any difficulty with the sub-god race? Or are you unwilling, the patriarch?"

The patriarch of the sub-protoss really didn't expect that Brick's words and questions were so straightforward, but he didn't know how to answer at this moment!
As for Ji Xiaoyan, although they never thought that Brick would make such a request, they must be happy to see this matter come true!Even if the sub-gods don't really want to form an alliance and help Qingcheng in the future, but on the bright side, as long as this matter is announced, they will still have some benefits in Qingcheng by borrowing the name of the sub-gods!What's more, if they really encounter some difficulties in Qingcheng after forming an alliance, the sub-protoss will not be able to save face, and it is impossible not to help!
This is a good thing!It is naturally impossible for Ji Xiaoyan and the others to stand up and refute Brick.

Therefore, when the patriarch of the sub-god clan couldn't help turning his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan, thinking of asking her to talk to Brick and delay the alliance proposal, the patriarch of the sub-god clan looked at Ji Xiaoyan. Ji Xiaoyan and the others have already walked in the direction of Jiajia.

"Master Ji, what are you doing?"

"Oh, it's all right! Let's have a good talk between the patriarch and Brick, let's take a look!" Ji Xiaoyan said to the sub-protoss patriarch with a smile, completely failing to see what was hidden in his eyes What does it mean? He walked up to Jiajia with a straight smile, looking extremely focused, and chatted with Xuan Mo and the others about the changes in Jiajia.

As a result, the patriarch of the sub-god clan became even more depressed!He didn't know, Ji Xiaoyan and the others did it on purpose!They also wanted the sub-shen clan to form an alliance with Qingcheng, so they deliberately ran to Jiajia so that he could not make excuses to delay Brick!
Speaking of forming an alliance with Qingcheng, if it was in the past, the patriarch of the sub-god clan would definitely not have agreed!After all, the strength of Qingcheng is not something their sub-gods can afford!But now, the Resurrection Gate is Qingcheng's allies, and Jiajia is different from Ji Xiaoyan and the others. Naturally, the sub-gods also need to consider these factors!

"Brick, you will agree to give us the formula of the potion only after our sub-protoss form an alliance with Qingcheng?" The patriarch of the sub-protoss looked at Brick seriously, and asked him, listening to Brique After Ke seriously affirmed, the patriarch of the sub-protoss took a deep breath, then frowned and asked Brick: "So, Brick, if I still refuse! Are you really Are you unwilling to think about it again and change your request?"

"It's fine if the patriarch doesn't agree!" Brick looked indifferent, and said directly to the patriarch of the sub-protoss: "This is a condition. The patriarch thinks it is acceptable, and I think it's okay. Then Even if our deal is completed! But since the patriarch is not willing, there is no loss for me if I don’t agree! Anyway, in Qingcheng, Xiaoyan has prepared a lot of research resources for me. Yes, this is enough for me! There are not many Duoya gods, but there are many Shaoya gods!"

The patriarch of the sub-god race became even more depressed when he heard Brick's words.Isn't Brick saying this deliberately to make him feel a sense of crisis, and then agree to his request?

However, the patriarch of the sub-protoss was still hesitant. After thinking about it, he said to Brick: "Brick, it's just like what I just said! This alliance is really not a trivial matter, so it's not a big deal. I can promise you right now!"

"I understand the meaning of the patriarch!" Brick smiled indifferently, and quickly said to the patriarch of the sub-protoss: "The patriarch still needs to discuss it with other people, right? Since If that’s the case, the Patriarch just needs to go, we are not in a hurry!”

What could the patriarch of the sub-god clan say, he could only take a deep breath, reluctantly smiled and nodded towards Brick, then went to gather the aborigines of the sub-god clan, and turned to Ji Xiaoyan Looking in their direction, they couldn't help frowning when they saw that Brick was also running in the direction of Gaga with some boredom.

"Master Patriarch, we have to make a careful decision about this alliance!"

"Yes! Lord Patriarch, let's study this potion more, maybe we can find some flavors that Jiajia likes!"

"That's right! Lord Patriarch, if we are coerced into forming an alliance with Qingcheng like this, then are we the sub-god clan?"

The patriarch of the sub-god race raised his hand, stopped the sub-god aborigines from continuing to talk, thought for a while, and said to them seriously: "What you said is what I said. I know, and I have thought about it seriously. Today's Qingcheng is different from what we imagined! They have the Resurrection Gate as an alliance. In this regard, they have already surpassed many sects. If we form an alliance with Qingcheng, It’s not bad either!”

"But Lord Patriarch, if Qingcheng is powerful, he will not be willing to form an alliance with us!" An aborigine of the sub-god clan suddenly looked at the patriarch of the sub-god clan worriedly, and said to him: "We I am just worried, whether the strength of this Qingcheng is fake, just wait for our sub-gods to form an alliance with them, and then use us! On this continent, many forces wanted to form an alliance with our sub-gods, didn't they all do it for this purpose? ?”

"Hmm!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss also had a troubled look on his face, seeing the expressions of the others, and after thinking about it, he asked, "Then you all mean the same thing? Do you think we can’t agree to the alliance? You have to be clear, what Brick said is true, if we really don’t agree, then the next chance like this may not be there again! Farewell I don’t like any potions, but I like Brick’s potion. If we don’t prepare it for Gaga, we have to take a risk. We can't afford to lose!"

The aborigines of the sub-god race immediately frowned when they heard the words, and looked at each other again and again.

"Master Patriarch, I think it is possible to form an alliance with Qingcheng! At least that Master Ji is also a very good person! We, the sub-gods, will not suffer from an alliance with Qingcheng!" Facing the patriarch of the sub-god clan, he said: "You were not here before, and Jiajia went crazy and almost tore us apart, so we went to ask Qingcheng for help. At that time, we were all worried that Qingcheng would not agree. , but you have also seen, Lord Patriarch, Master Ji and the others are very dedicated! We don’t want such good allies, and when Qingcheng can no longer have allies in the future, our sub-god clan will have no way to form an alliance with them in Qingcheng! Lord Patriarch, the timing now is actually very good!"

(End of this chapter)

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