The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3050 Finding Food

Chapter 3050 Finding Food

In any case, Friesman is super happy and excited at the moment.

Of course, the current excitement is happy, and it is different from the grief-stricken excitement just now.

All the guards of Qingcheng and the aborigines of the sub-gods began to help Friesman collect the horn fragments spit out by Jiajia, while Ji Xiaoyan and the others hurriedly followed the footsteps of Jiajia going out, looking at him worriedly and curiously. Jiajia asked: "Jiajia, what do you want to do?"

"Jiajia wants to eat!" Jiajia seemed to be a little confused, looking into the distance, and slowly started to walk.

"What do you want to eat? Jiajia, tell us, we can just prepare it now! Don't wander off!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss looked at Jiajia worriedly, and hurried to Jiajia, Shouted towards it: "Jajia, don't go any further, stop here, tell us, what do you want to eat, we will prepare it for you now!"

Jiajia seemed to be stunned, and looked down at the patriarch of the sub-god clan, but said in a daze: "Jiajia doesn't know what to eat, I want to try it! I just want to eat something!"

"Then, otherwise, Jiajia, you are waiting here now, and we will go out and find you some monsters right now?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan thought for a while, and quickly made a suggestion to Jiajia, and then immediately turned to him. The aboriginals of the sub-god tribe behind him ordered them to immediately ride the Magu sand beast to the teleportation array and teleport out to find the monster.

But Jiajia seemed to have been reminded, and immediately became energetic, and said directly to the patriarch of the sub-protoss: "No! Jiajia will go by himself!"

"What?!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss was taken aback, but he immediately shook his head and said to Jiajia: "Jajia, you can't go by yourself!"

"Why? Jiajia is very powerful!" Jiajia's expression suddenly became gloomy, staring at the patriarch of the sub-protoss very seriously, and said to him: "Jiajia is very powerful! Jiajia can also kill monsters! Why can't Jiajia go out! Are you going to leave Jiajia?"

The patriarch of the sub-divine race never thought that such an ordinary sentence of his would irritate Jiajia, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and quickly comforted Jiajia: "Jiajia, I didn't mean that! We just want to Now, let you wait in the clan, let's go and bring the monster back!"

"Jajia wants to go by himself!" Jiajia insisted on his face, and said directly to the patriarch of the sub-protoss: "Jiajia can kill monsters by himself! Whether to eat monsters or not is all Jiajia's business. Don't want you to go!"

"Jajia!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss suddenly became a little anxious, and before he had time to say anything, he watched Jiajia walking directly towards the direction of the teleportation formation, and quickly looked at Ji Xiaoyan, "Ji City Lord, you Hurry up and persuade! Can’t let Jiajia leave our sub-protoss like this! Look at its current appearance, it’s already a little abnormal! What should we do if something happens after we leave?”

Ji Xiaoyan also nodded immediately, followed Gaga with Xuan Mo and Lord Besa, and began to persuade it.

But Jiajia has a temper at this moment, and he doesn't give in at all: "Xiaoyan! Jiajia is already very powerful now, it's just killing some monsters, Jiajia can do it by himself! Xiaoyan, don't stop Jiajia, Jiajia is just going to see That's all! It won't go too far!"

"But Jiajia, I don't know what the situation outside is like!" Xuan Mo frowned suddenly, and said to Jiajia.

"No matter what the situation is, Jiajia can deal with it!" With a firm attitude, Jiajia turned his head to look at Xuan Mo, and then said in a cold voice: "Xu Mo, if you continue to do this, Jiajia will be angry!"

Xuan Mo was suffocated for a moment, looked at Jiajia's serious gaze, and frowned a little bit, then looked at the patriarch of the sub-god clan beside him, and said to him: "Master Patriarch, you also saw It’s gone! We can’t seem to persuade them anymore!”

The patriarch of the sub-god race also had a helpless expression on his face. Seeing that Jiajia was about to step on the teleportation formation, he couldn't help but said anxiously to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji, what should we do now? If Jiajia leaves We sub-protoss, if we go crazy after going out, if we run away, we have no way to get it back!"

"Then wait for Jiajia to stop being crazy, and we'll just bring it back! Lord Patriarch, let's go out with Jiajia together!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, but said to the Lord Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan very seriously Seeing his eyes widen in surprise, Ji Xiaoyan continued: "Master Patriarch, with Gaga's current strength, I am afraid there is not much that can compete with it on the mainland. If Gaga is really If you go out, there is no danger. Since it insists on going out to hunt monsters by itself, we have no way to stop it, so let's go along with it! You have seen it too, Mr. Patriarch. If we persuade you again, Jiajia will really get angry. The patriarch thinks, if Jiajia gets angry, can we stop it?"

The patriarch of the sub-god clan looked at Gaga's back, but he was still a little worried: "But City Lord Ji, what if something happens after Gaga leaves?"

"We all follow!" Ji Xiaoyan said firmly to the patriarch of the sub-god clan, "If we all follow, why are you afraid of the patriarch? If there is an accident, aren't we all there? Besides, the sub-god clan Isn’t the vicinity of the Protoss settlement all yours, the Patriarch? Could something unexpected happen?”

The patriarch of the sub-protoss was stunned for a moment, but in the end he had no choice but to compromise!Jiajia is not in the weak state it used to be. Even the aborigines of their sub-god race can't be easily trapped. If they go out, how many people can harm Jiajia?Just like Ji Xiaoyan said, the outside is still the territory of their sub-god race, and within so many miles, they are basically the races blessed by their sub-god race, so it is impossible to do anything to Jiajia!

Thinking of this, the patriarch of the sub-god clan could only sigh, followed Ji Xiaoyan and the others, stood on the teleportation array with Jiajia, teleported directly away from the sub-god clan, and stood on the high slope outside the sub-god clan settlement.

"Jajia, which side do you want to go?"

Since you can't dissuade, you can only follow along!
The patriarch of the sub-god clan changed roles very quickly. After confirming that they had left the settlement of the sub-god clan, he immediately asked Gaga, seeing it looking around in confusion, and hurriedly He introduced the allocation of monsters nearby to Gaga.

"Xiaoyan, this patriarch of the sub-god clan is really flexible!" Seeing the appearance of the patriarch of the sub-god clan, Yu Mo couldn't help but complained to Ji Xiaoyan, "Look at him just now. I am very worried, but now I am very enthusiastic, which is really impressive! I don’t know, I thought they were two different people!”

Ji Xiaoyan also looked at the patriarch of the Sub-God Clan with some surprise, and said to Xuan Mo in a low voice: "The Patriarch is a smart person, since he knows that he can't dissuade Jia Jia from staying in the Sub-God Clan, naturally he has to follow it. Make Jiajia happy! Anyway, it's all out, why bother to put on a straight face and make Jiajia unhappy!"

"As long as Jiajia is happy and comfortable, it's a good thing for their sub-protoss!" Lord Bessa also nodded, said something to Xuan Mo, and then looked at the sub-protoss and Jiajia talking non-stop The way he spoke, he said with great certainty: "It seems that they have already discussed the direction to go."

Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo were stunned for a moment, and when they looked at Jiajia and the others, they saw the patriarch of the sub-god clan beckoning to them, signaling them to follow Jiajia.

Regardless of whether it was the direction that Jiajia chose, or the patriarch of the sub-god clan was credited, anyway, Ji Xiaoyan and the others just need to follow.

Leaving from the high slope, Ji Xiaoyan and the others quickly descended the mountain, and after walking on the plain, they saw several monsters.Needless to say, Gaga rushed out immediately after seeing those monsters, tore them apart with almost no effort, then grabbed a few pieces of their meat suspiciously and began to eat up.

Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo couldn't bear to see that bloody look.

"Xiaoyan, Jiajia has become like this, I really can't accept it!" Xuan Mo looked uncomfortable, and couldn't help saying to Ji Xiaoyan: "Have you seen Jiajia's appearance just now? It's so cruel, it's almost It's completely different from before! If I hadn't seen Jiajia's face change with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it was Jiajia!"

Ji Xiaoyan also looked uncomfortable: "This may be the price for becoming more powerful!"

"Does that mean that Jiajia will be like this in the future?" Yu Mo looked a little scared, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said worriedly: "Xiaoyan, I'm a little scared!"

"Afraid? Why?" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, then looked at Xuan Mo with some confusion.

"Aren't you scared, Xiaoyan?" Xuan Mo looked at Ji Xiaoyan seriously, and asked her, "Look at the expression on the faces of those monsters when they just tore open the bodies of those monsters. I'm very worried." , if this thing goes crazy again, if we encounter such a situation, will we be eaten by Jiajia in one bite, or will we be torn apart by it? No matter what it is, I don't want it! Xiaoyan , the future Jiajia will only be more powerful! In the end, we will not be able to beat it!"

Ji Xiaoyan didn't know how to comfort Xuan Mo.

After Kaka, it will indeed be more powerful than now, and it will naturally go crazy, and it will be less likely to be blocked.

"Look at it!"

At this moment, Master Bessa suddenly yelled at Ji Xiaoyan and the others. When Ji Xiaoyan and Yan Mo looked in the direction of Jiajia pointed by Master Bessa, they looked at Jiajia with disgust on their faces. The flesh of those monsters that had been swallowed in the mouth was spat out, and the expression was the same as when he spat out his horns before.

dislike!That is dislike!

"Jajia, what's the matter?" The patriarch of the sub-protoss saw this situation, and immediately shouted at Jiajia worriedly: "Don't you like the meat of these monsters?"

"I don't like it!" Jiajia was blunt, and threw away the corpses of those monsters in disgust, then looked around, and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Jiajia still wants to continue looking!"

"Jajia, what are you looking for?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but also asked Jiajia.

"Find what Jiajia wants to eat!" Jiajia insisted on saying something, then turned to look at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and said slowly: "Xiaoyan, you don't have to follow Jiajia! Jiajia feels that there is no Jiajia around here." For the things I want, Jiajia will go to a farther place, you just wait here and wait for Jiajia to come back!"

"Jajia, that can't be done!" Upon hearing this, the patriarch of the sub-protoss immediately shouted nervously: "Jiajia, no matter where you go, we will follow you!" Having said that, The patriarch of the sub-god clan couldn't help but glanced at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and then said again: "At least, I must follow you, Jiajia!"

"Of course we are going too!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a moment, and immediately said: "Jajia, you can just take us with you! We are also curious, what exactly do you want to eat?"

"But Jiajia doesn't like them sitting on Jiajia's back!!" Hearing what everyone said, Jiajia looked at the patriarch of the sub-protoss clan and Master Besa with some disgust, and looked seriously at Ji Xiaoyan. He said calmly: "Xiaoyan and Xuanmo are fine, but they can't! Jiajia doesn't like it!"

"It's okay! It's okay! I can keep up with Gaga!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss hurriedly said something to Gaga with a smile, and then turned to look at Master Besa, "As for Master Besa, you You can be regarded as a guest of our sub-protoss, there is no need to leave with Jiajia, otherwise, Mr. Bessa, you can go back to our sub-protoss and wait!"

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but looked at Master Bessa, not knowing what to say.I feel the embarrassment of giving up Master Bessa!

"No, I can keep up!" Lord Bessa had a calm expression on his face, and said directly to the patriarch of the sub-god clan: "Don't worry about me, patriarch!"

"Master Besa!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help shouting at Master Besa.

"It's okay, Master Ji!" Master Bessa smiled gently, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I'm an archmage, can't I just manipulate spells and hurry? Don't worry about me, Master Ji. Let Jiajia take it with me, and the patriarch of the sub-god clan and I can follow behind! I also have a lot of mana potions and the like, just to hurry, and the consumption of mana for me is not too big, it’s no big deal! "

(End of this chapter)

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