The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3051 Guess a preference

Chapter 3051 Guess preferences

Ji Xiaoyan doesn't know exactly how strong Lord Bessa is, but he is definitely stronger than ordinary aborigines!Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to sit in a city like River Water City!
After all, in this game world, it is impossible for other aborigines to become the city lord of a city just by luck like Ji Xiaoyan!
Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo finally climbed onto Gaga's back. After watching Gaga set off to continue walking, they couldn't help turning their heads to look at Master Besa and the patriarch of the sub-god clan. They thought they were sure The matter of catching up with Jiajia cannot be too easy, but Ji Xiaoyan and the others never imagined that the reality is not as difficult as they imagined!
Lord Bessa, just as he said, directly mobilized the spell to cast a stream of water under his feet, and he just stepped on the stream and walked along with the flow. It looked so relaxed and comfortable, and there was no A little difficult color.Ji Xiaoyan thinks, as long as Lord Bessa is willing, he can control the water flow and travel all the continents!

As for the patriarch of the sub-god clan, Ji Xiaoyan didn't worry at all after taking a look at it!

Ji Xiaoyan was not very clear about the abilities of the Sub-God Clan. He had always thought that, like the aborigines of Qingshimen, they relied on strength and other physical attacks to be strong, but Ji Xiaoyan never thought of it. Now, he watched the patriarch of the sub-protoss leap easily, as if gliding and flying for a long distance like a kite. It seemed that this kind of flying was just a very simple and easy movement!

"The aboriginals of the sub-shen clan can fly?" Yu Mo also looked surprised, looking at the patriarch of the sub-shen clan, he couldn't help but whispered to Ji Xiaoyan: "This really surprised me. Woolen cloth!"

"Yeah! I didn't think of it either!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but also sighed, and looked seriously at the patriarch of the sub-protoss and Lord Besa, and then said: "It seems that we are indeed Don't worry about them getting lost!"

Xuan Mo nodded, feeling relieved, sat comfortably on Jiajia's back, and said to Ji Xiaoyan happily: "Fortunately, Jiajia didn't want to take me! Otherwise, I would have to be like them now." , throwing earth-type spells and chasing after me! I am not as powerful as the Patriarch of the sub-protoss and Master Bessa!"

Ji Xiaoyan also smiled, but he was a little curious: "Xu Mo, tell me, does this sub-protoss belong to the law department or the physics department? The patriarch of the sub-protoss must have used magic, right?" ? Otherwise, how could it fly? Can it fly so easily?"

"This is not necessarily the case!" Xuan Mo thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "We have never seen the aborigines of the sub-protoss fight before! When Jiajia went crazy before, they also used Jiajia He was stopped, and we were desperately going to La Gaga. We didn’t see anything except some strength! Now that the patriarch of the sub-god race is on his way, if you want to say that he uses spells, I feel a little strange. It looks like it! If he really used a spell, what kind of spell did he use? I haven’t seen it at all, and I can’t think of it!”

Ji Xiaoyan also frowned, looking confused.They wanted to ask the patriarch of the sub-god clan, but in the current situation, there is no chance at all!
On the contrary, Jiajia heard Ji Xiaoyan's words and said directly: "Every aborigine of the sub-protoss knows the spells of the wind system!"

"What?" Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo were taken aback for a moment, and looked at Jiajia in surprise, "Jiajia, what did you say?"

"Jajia, what are you talking about? Wind element?" Xuan Mo was also shocked, couldn't help but blinked, and asked Jiajia in disbelief: "Besides, is it a race? Maybe?"

"It's true!" Jiajia said with certainty, "Every aborigine of the sub-protoss knows the spells of the wind system! This thing is written on Jiajia's battle armor!"

"Wind element!?" Xuan Mo was still a little surprised, couldn't help but look in the direction of the patriarch of the sub-protoss clan, and then asked Jiajia: "What can this wind element spell do? This is the first time I have heard of such a legal system!"

"It seems to be able to make their speed faster!" Jiajia thought about it seriously, and while continuing to move forward, he said to Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo: "Their bodies will be able to cast wind spells. The time has become very light, but their attacking strength can be heavier! Anyway, they all know this, and Jiajia only knows so much, and they didn't let them show it to Jiajia! They are still very powerful!"

"A rare law system, it can't be too bad!" Yu Mo nodded, and couldn't help but glanced at the patriarch of the sub-god clan again, and then said: "Now it seems that the It is not so difficult to understand that the patriarch of the sub-god clan can fly using wind spells!"

Ji Xiaoyan also nodded, but became more curious: "That is to say, it is not impossible for the aboriginals of the entire sub-god race to fly?"

"They can't have wings like the Yi Clan!" Jiajia said directly to Ji Xiaoyan and the others, "The aborigines of the Sub-God Clan can only use wind spells to increase their various speeds, or just like Xiaoyan you are now. You see, it’s just a short distance by gliding like this, but they can’t fly to the sky like the Wing Clan!”

"But at least I can fly a little distance!" Xuan Mo said seriously, "And if you increase the speed, if you really fight, that is a very powerful advantage! Think about it, everyone punches at the same time, But their sub-god race can hit the enemy first and avoid the enemy's attack, what a frightening advantage this is!"

"Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan also had an envious look on his face, but he really didn't expect that the aborigines of the sub-protoss tribe would have such talent, this is simply too lucky.

"Yes, Jiajia, do you know what the mana consumption of the wind system of their sub-protoss is like? Will it be impossible to use spells for a while?" Xuan Mo is more curious about the aborigines of the sub-protoss the shortcomings.

"No way!" Jiajia thought for a while, and said to Xuan Mo: "Anyway, Jiajia has never seen any defects on the armor! The aborigines of the sub-protoss are born with wind magic power. Yes, they have been with them all the time! That's why they are sub-protoss!"

Xuan Mo was a little disappointed, he seemed to think that the aborigines of the sub-protoss had no shortcomings, which made him a little bit unacceptable!

"Their sub-protoss don't have any shortcomings?"

"Jajia doesn't know!" Jiajia heard Xuan Mo's obviously unhappy tone, but said helplessly: "Otherwise, Xuan Mo, you can ask the patriarch later! He will tell you!"

"It's strange that he would tell me!" Xuan Mo rolled his eyes directly, and said seriously to Jiajia: "Jiajia, do you think we are all you? The patriarch of the sub-protoss patriarchs you, don't you?" Will pamper us!"

"Then how about asking Jiajia for Xuan Mo?" After hearing what Xuan Mo said, Jiajia asked very seriously.

"No need! No need!" Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately said to Jia Jia: "This is the secret of the sub-protoss, it is not easy to ask and tell us like this! Jia Jia, this matter ends here So far, don’t ask, Xuan Mo, don’t be curious either!”

Xuan Mo curled his lips, although he was a little curious, he could only nod helplessly!There is no way, what Ji Xiaoyan said is also the truth!What are the shortcomings of the aborigines of the sub-god race? This is the secret of their race. It is not a good thing for them to inquire casually like this!

It would be better if the patriarch of the sub-god clan agreed to form an alliance with Qingcheng. They couldn't make the patriarch of the sub-god clan unhappy at this juncture, thus destroying the alliance!

"You really don't want to ask? Jiajia is fine!" Jiajia was a little uncertain, and asked Ji Xiaoyan and the others again.

"No need for Jiajia!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately said to Jiajia with incomparable certainty, "This is a matter of the sub-protoss, we don't need to know so much!"

Jiajia could only let out an oh, and then continued to walk forward, but never spoke again.

Ji Xiaoyan didn't know how far Jiajia took them like this. Anyway, he saw mountains being overturned. Jiajia met monsters and wanted to see them, but those monsters were very afraid of Jiajia. Almost all of them ran away without a trace after seeing its figure approaching from a distance, but Jiajia didn't even have a chance to try it!

"Jajia, what do you want to eat?" Yu Mo couldn't help but became curious, looked at Jiajia and asked, "The monsters around here run away as soon as they see you, and their strength doesn't look very good Sample!"

When Jiajia heard what Xuan Mo said, she didn't intend to answer at all.

"Jajia?" Xuan Mo couldn't help frowning, glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, and then moved towards Jiajia's head. After confirming that he saw Jiajia's eyes, Xuan Mo was a little flustered Get up, "Xiaoyan! Xiaoyan!"

"What's the matter?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but thumped in his heart when he saw Xuan Mo's appearance, always feeling that there was some bad premonition.

"Jiajia seems to have gone crazy! I saw its eyes! It's the same as when I was crazy before!" Xuan Mo also looked nervous, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said something, and then asked: "I I think it is impossible for Jiajia to find something to eat again, should we tell the patriarch of the sub-god clan and Lord Bessa about this?"

"I definitely want to say it, but after we say it, what can we do?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and asked Xuan Mo: "Jajia has gone crazy, and now I don't want to attack Master Bessa and that The Patriarch of the Sub-Protoss, that’s good enough! The two of us just stayed on Gaga’s back, and it didn’t mean to get rid of us, so we just pretended that we didn’t know anything. Just do what you want!"

"What is Jiajia going to do? It wants to eat!" Yan Mo said to Ji Xiaoyan with a serious face: "Look at it now, even if it is crazy, it doesn't know where it is going, but it does It has been looking around all the time, and it is still planning to find something to eat in its mind! This point, Jiajia has no intention of changing it at all."

"As long as it doesn't attack us, don't care what it wants to eat!" Ji Xiaoyan looked in Jiajia's direction, but said to Xuan Mo seriously: "Aren't we here to accompany Jiajia to find food? "

"But Xiaoyan, I'm afraid that if we can't find anything to eat here, Jiajia will eat us up!" Yu Mo said something to Ji Xiaoyan, looking at Ji Xiaoyan, who didn't believe it at all. , When trying to reassure himself, Xuan Mo took a deep breath and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, have you ever thought about why the monsters that were killed before Jiajia felt unpalatable and threw them away?" Drop? It used to eat the meat of these monsters!"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned and thought about it, then shook his head silently, but couldn't think of any reason.

"Xiaoyan, what do you think of the strength of the monsters near the Naya Protoss settlement? Are they powerful?" Xuan Mo looked at Ji Xiaoyan again and asked.

"Not great!" Ji Xiaoyan blinked, but said with absolute certainty, "I can kill a few of them!"

Ji Xiaoyan is still clear about his own strength!So it is conceivable how low the strength of those monsters is.

"That's right! It's because those monsters are all low in strength, that's why Jiajia doesn't like them!" But Xuan Mo's expression became even worse, and he said seriously to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, think about it, The potions of Brick that Jiajia ate before are all good things! Why does it like it so much? It's not because those potions can make someone stronger, it should be because the power contained in those potions is very strong, so it attracts It's rattling!"

"Xu Mo, these are just your guesses!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo's worried expression, and couldn't help but said to him: "You haven't said this before, why did you suddenly think of it now? Jiajia didn't show it at all, maybe the monsters I met before are just that Jiajia doesn't like it!"

"No! It should be that the strength of those monsters is too low, and they just look down on them!" Xuan Mo insisted.

"If that's the case, then how to explain Jiajia's own horn? The strength of its horn is not bad, and Friesman can testify to that!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo, still unwilling to admit his guess It looked wrong, but directly mentioned this matter, looked at Xuan Mo seriously and said: "But Jiajia doesn't like its horn at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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