Chapter 3052 Goal
When mentioning the horn of Jiajia, Xuan Mo couldn't help frowning, but he couldn't figure it out!

"But Xiaoyan, I always feel that I guessed right!" Xuan Mo thought about it carefully, and said seriously to Ji Xiaoyan: "We have encountered many monsters along the way, but look Is Jiajia interested? No? Then, why is this? Just because those monsters are a little far away, is Jiajia lazy to chase them? With Jiajia’s body size, he wants to catch up with those monsters , is almost a very easy thing.”

"Maybe, it's just that I don't like it!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, but still couldn't help but said to Xuan Mo.It's just that she also knows that this reason is not convincing, so Xuan Mo doesn't believe it, and Ji Xiaoyan can't help it!
"Jajia likes powerful monsters!"

Just when the discussion between Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo was in full swing, Jiajia, who had been determined by Xuan Mo to go crazy, suddenly said a word, and immediately scared Xuan Mo and shouted: "Jiajia! Jiajia!? Are you not crazy? Were you talking just now?"

"Jiajia is not crazy!" Although Jiajia replied to Xuan Mo, its voice sounded a little different from usual, with a little low and uncomfortable.

"Jajia, what's wrong with you? Listening to your voice, it seems that something is not right?" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly walked towards Jiajia's head, just in time to see Jiajia's red eyes looking at her, and couldn't help it There was a thud, and he asked Jiajia nervously: "Is it uncomfortable there?"

"Jiajia feels that the whole body is a little hot!" Jiajia replied honestly.

"Hot? Your body isn't hot!" When Xuan Mo heard this, he quickly touched Jiajia's body, and then said to Jiajia: "Jiajia, since you are not crazy, why didn't you answer me just now? I Looking into your eyes now, it's very scary!"

"It's uncomfortable! I don't like to talk too much!"

This answer made Xuan Mo irrefutable, so he could only take a deep breath, and then asked Jiajia: "Then Jiajia, what are you thinking in your mind now? Do you have any ideas to eat me and Xiaoyan?" some type of?"

Jiajia didn't make a sound, but she felt like she wanted to give Xuan Mo a few supercilious glances.

"Jajia, why don't we stop and have a rest?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little nervous and couldn't help but suggest to Jiajia.

"Jiajia wants to eat!" Jiajia didn't intend to stop at all, she kept looking around, then suddenly changed direction, and explained to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Over there! Jiajia thinks that There is something Jiajia wants to eat! Xiaoyan, hurry up."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ji Xiaoyan and the others to make any preparations, Jiajia abandoned the slow movement before, and ran in the direction he had chosen. In an instant, the sound of sharp wind poured into Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo's ears, the strength and inertia of running away, almost blown them away from its back!

If it wasn't for Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo grabbing Jiajia's backstab.

As for the Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan and Lord Bessa, they also looked surprised. After seeing Jiajia running wildly, they also tried their best to catch up quickly. The two looked at each other, but couldn't help but take it A sense of competition.After all, no one wants to make the other look down upon.

"Jajia, slow down! Slow down!" Xuan Mo tightly grasped Jiajia's backstab, looking frightened.

But Jiajia didn't intend to slow down at all.

"Xu Mo, be careful!"

At this moment, Ji Xiaoyan yelled directly at Xuan Mo. Before Xuan Mo had time to react, they felt a huge force surge around them, which almost made Xuan Mo and Ji Xiaoyan It fell from Jiajia's back.

"Xiaoyan! What's going on?" Xuan Mo is short, and after being blocked by Kaka's backstab, he couldn't see anything around him. Naturally, he didn't know what happened, so he could only look at Ji Xiaoyan shouted.

"Jajia has found its prey!" Ji Xiaoyan only had time to explain this sentence, and then felt Jiajia's body shake again, almost causing her to be thrown out without grasping the backstab.

"What kind of prey did Jiajia find?" With a look of surprise on his face, Yu Mo couldn't help shouting at Ji Xiaoyan.

"It's a dragon! A group of dragons!"

At this time, the patriarch of the sub-god clan shouted at Xuan Mo and the others, and shouted in shock: "Master Ji, hurry up! If this falls, those sub-dragons will step on it!" dead!"

"Yarong?!" Xuan Mo also had a look of shock on his face, but he was extremely tired with regret in his heart: "Oh my God! What is Jiajia trying to do? If I had known earlier, I'd better go on my own way with Lord Bessa and the others. Tired! There is no need to do this!"

As soon as the words fell, Xuan Mo felt that Jiajia's body was thrown again, and he was almost thrown out.

"Xiaoyan, we can't stay on Jiajia's back! We will be thrown out and die!"

"Master Ji, come behind Gaga, we will help you down!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan couldn't help shouting at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, "Gaga has a lot of sub-dragons to deal with, if you If you stay on its back any longer, you will be injured! I will help you get off together with Lord Bessa."

Ji Xiaoyan tried his best to look in front of Jiajia, but couldn't see anything. He could only hold on to Jiajia's backstab tightly with the swing of Jiajia's body to prevent himself from being thrown to the ground.

"Xu Mo!"

Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly yelled at Xuan Mo, took advantage of Jiajia's just standing firm, and quickly threw himself on Xuan Mo's side, grabbed him and ran towards Jiajia's tail, and then tightly grasped his tail. Before they had time to communicate with Master Bessa and the others, he saw that the patriarch of the sub-protoss had already flown in front of them, and grabbed the two of them directly. The incoming water rolled them up directly.In just a few seconds, Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo were led by the patriarch of the sub-god clan and Lord Bessa, and fell from Jiajia's back to the ground.

"Oh my God!" As soon as Xuan Mo landed, he saw Jiajia rushing towards the front of several sub-dragons, couldn't help but gasped, and then said in shock: "Is Jiajia crazy? How many dragons are there?" Forget about the sub-dragons! This is a group! It is really crazy, is it going to kill all the sub-dragons?"

Ji Xiaoyan also had a worried expression on his face, looking in the direction of Jiajia, not knowing what to say.

"Jajia should be fine!" The Patriarch of the Sub-God Race also had a worried look on his face, but he still said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Jiajia has an advantage in terms of size and strength!"

"But in terms of numbers, it has no advantage at all!" Yu Mo couldn't help but shouted at the patriarch of the sub-god clan, and said to him: "Master Patriarch, you are facing hundreds of people now. It’s just a dragon! That’s a group! It’s all by itself, and those dragons are about to start besieging it!”

"Then we have nothing to do!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan took a deep breath, and said to Xuan Mo helplessly, "We can't help Jiajia!"

"Why not?" Xuan Mo was stunned for a moment, couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock, looked at the patriarch of the sub-protoss and asked, "Can't the strength of the few of us help Kaka block it?" The attack of those dragons? Can't it be less stressful when it is besieged?"

"These are all chosen by Jiajia!" The patriarch of the sub-divine clan said seriously to Xuan Mo with a serious face: "We have traveled so far, and finally Jiajia stopped here, so this is it. Whether it wants to eat these dragons, or simply wants to fight them, this is what Jiajia wants to do! We can help, but it is meaningless! Look at Jiajia's eyes now, It’s not what it used to be.”

"It's different! But this time, Jiajia's eyes are red, but it hasn't lost its mind yet!" Yu Mo couldn't help but said to the patriarch of the sub-protoss clan, "I also saw Jiajia's before. Eyes, I thought it was crazy and didn’t know anything! But Jiajia answered my words later, it’s awake now!”

"If Gaga is awake, then we shouldn't bother it!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan was relieved when he heard what Xuan Mo said, and said to Xuan Mo: " Jiajia knows what he is doing, which means that it does not need our help now! We are here to watch, this is the growth of Jiajia!"

"What the hell is growing up! There are so many sub-dragons, they will be injured and die!" Xuan Mo said with a nervous expression, looking at the patriarch of the sub-god clan.

"You have to know how important Kaga is to our sub-shen clan!" The patriarch of the sub-shen clan heard what Xuan Mo said, but looked at him very seriously, and said seriously: "Do you think , under such circumstances, would I be willing to have an accident and die? Impossible! But why do I still have to watch Jiajia fight by himself?"

Yan Mo frowned and looked at the patriarch of the sub-protoss, wanting to blurt out that the patriarch of the sub-protoss wanted Gaga to help them fight for the sub-protoss in the future, so he wanted to indulge him now and let Jiajia get acquainted with it fighting!However, after seeing the worried eyes of the sub-protoss patriarch looking at Jiajia, Xuan Mo did not say these words, but frowned and said: "Master patriarch, Jiajia may really be hurt!"

"But this is all its choice! I believe that if Jiajia really can't deal with these sub-dragons, it will ask us to help, and it will know how to escape!" The patriarch of the sub-god clan had a firm expression on his face. Said something to Xuan Mo, then greeted Ji Xiaoyan and took a few steps back towards a further distance.

Gaga's battlefield is very intense.

Those sub-dragons also seemed to know that there was an intruder in their territory. After finding that Jiajia was not easy to deal with, those sub-dragons all rushed towards Jiajia, and started attacking around it non-stop. Some dragons jumped directly onto Jiajia's back, trying to attack from its back.

So, Xuan Mo and the others finally saw the purpose of those backstabs on Kaka's back, and how sharp they were!
Xuan Mo stared dumbfounded at those backstabs that had been standing on Jiajia's back for a long time, which seemed to be just decorations. After those sub-dragons pounced on its back, it stood up instantly, like a sharp knife with a handle. When he stabbed those sub-dragons into their stomachs and let them all die on its back like meat skewers, Xuan Mo was really shocked and couldn't speak.

"This is the strength of Jiajia!" The patriarch of the sub-protoss had a look of relief on his face. Seeing the sub-dragons being shot flying and unable to move after hitting the ground, he couldn't help looking Ji Xiaoyan and the others said, "If the horn of Jiajia is still there, City Lord Ji, you will know that the horn of Jiajia will be even more powerful!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the backstab on Kagana's back, and then thought about the horn, and knew without any doubt that what the patriarch of the sub-god clan said was true.

"Jajia, it's really amazing!"

Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's exclamation, the Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, "This isn't Kaka's peak state yet!"

"If Jiajia reaches its peak state, it means it is going to die! I would like it to stay like this forever!" Xuan Mo was very good at throwing cold water on him. I couldn't help but interjected, seeing the patriarch of the sub-protoss look at me with an ugly face, then pouted, and then continued: "But according to this situation, Jiajia really doesn't need our help. .”

is not that right?After attacking Jiajia for a while, the group of sub-dragons realized very cleverly that they were no opponents of Jiajia at all. Under such circumstances, if they continued to besiege Jiajia, wouldn't they be courting their own death?Monsters have brains too!
Therefore, the remaining Yalongs didn't dare to love to fight any more, and started to flee in a hurry.

It didn't take much time, those sub-dragons who were alive and able to run directly gave up their territory and disappeared without a trace.

Jiajia had no intention of chasing after him, but just looked at the fleeing sub-dragons, feeling a little disappointed, then directly chose a sub-dragon, stepped forward and bit the sub-dragon, tearing it apart. A piece of meat came down and began to chew.

"I'm a bit hopeful, Jiajia, don't dislike the taste of these Yalong's meat!" Seeing Jiajia's action, Yan Mo couldn't help but said to Ji Xiaoyan with some fear, "If these Yalongs are satisfied I'm a little worried if it doesn't work, it's going to find a giant dragon to eat! This is not a good thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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