Chapter 3060 Ask

Quite a few adventurers really gathered outside the city lord's mansion in Qingcheng. Most of the adventurers were watching, but they didn't intend to talk to the guards at all.As for the rest of the adventurers, they tried boldly, but after being stopped by the guards of the City Lord's Mansion, they dared not go forward.

After more and more adventurers gathered outside the city lord's mansion, finally some guards of the city lord's mansion noticed something was wrong, frowned and looked at the more and more adventurers gathered, and then went straight to choose Several adventurers went to ask them.

Soon, the news was sent to Chief Qing Gong.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that the people of Shacheng are on the border of our Qingcheng, and they have recruited so many adventurers to send letters to the city lord, wanting our city lord to go out to meet them?" Chief Qing Gong frowned, With a look of surprise and confusion on his face, he looked at the guards of the city lord's mansion in front of him and asked, and after seeing them nodding their heads affirmatively, he asked in puzzlement, "How did the people in Shacheng come back?" What's the matter? The relationship between them and our Qingcheng is not good at all! At the beginning, they arranged for people to come into our Qingcheng, and now they come to the boundary of our Qingcheng to find the Lord City Lord. What are they trying to do? They want to deal with us. ?”

"We don't know about this either!" The guards of the City Lord's Mansion also had helpless expressions on their faces, and they answered Manager Qing Gong, and then continued: "However, Mr. Manager, do you think we should send some people?" Go and see!"

"Look? What are you looking at?" Director Qing Gong was stunned when he heard the words, but he looked at the guards of the city lord's mansion in surprise and asked: "You don't mean to say, you want to go Take a look at the people from Shacheng outside that town, right? You have to be clear, the relationship between the people of Shacheng and our Qingcheng is not very good! They also want to kill our Lord City Lord sometimes, if you go If you are caught, what if you are hurt or arrested by those Shacheng people? We can't be fooled!"

"This shouldn't be possible!" The guards of the City Lord's Mansion thought for a while, but couldn't help but hesitated and said to Manager Qing Gong: "Since the people from this Shacheng came to see the City Lord, they must be There is something wrong! So many adventurers were sent to send letters, which also shows that they are very eager to see the city lord. Under such circumstances, if they hurt us or capture us, the city lord will definitely Very angry! They have no reason to come here on purpose, just to make the city lord angry, right?"

"Who can say that clearly! What if they are worried that the city lord will not go to see them, so they arrest you to threaten the city lord?" Director Qing Gong frowned, and said to the guards of the city lord's mansion : "It's not that you don't know, our city lord cares about us aborigines very much!"

This is true, so the guards of the City Lord's Mansion couldn't help but ponder.

If they didn't go to see it, they would also be very curious why the aborigines of Shacheng came to their Qingcheng to find the city lord!
"Then, my lord, what are we going to do now? There are more and more adventurers outside the city lord's mansion, and those people from Shacheng gave those adventurers a very generous reward, so they came so There are many! This has been blocked outside our city lord's mansion, and it's not a problem!" The guards of the city lord's mansion asked Manager Qing Gong worriedly, "Otherwise, let's find a few adventurers and go Send a message to those people in Shacheng, and ask them exactly what they want to do, is it okay for you to see this?"

"Yes! Yes!" Upon hearing this, Manager Qing Gong nodded without hesitation and said, "It doesn't matter if the adventurers die once, and it's impossible for those people from Shacheng to take them as hostages." And so on! Let the adventurers go!"

"Then let's randomly select some adventurers to inquire about the news!" The guards of the City Lord's Mansion nodded immediately, turned around and left the City Lord's Mansion, and once again stood in the sight of all the adventurers outside the City Lord's Mansion.

"There are so many adventurers, how do you choose?" A guard of the City Lord's Mansion suddenly became troubled, "If you choose one at random, the other adventurers may not necessarily cause trouble!"

Anyway, they are all adventurers from Qingcheng, so it is best to let everyone feel peaceful!

"Look first!" The leading guard of the city lord's mansion was also a little embarrassed, his eyes kept patrolling all the adventurers, and then whispered to the other guards: "Those adventurers are not I don’t know what we want to do, they just want to go in and find the city lord, so we just act as if we have nothing to do, pick someone up, and let them do things quietly!”

The guards of the City Lord's Mansion looked at each other, nodded silently, and then went back to their posts. After standing for a few minutes, they deliberately pretended to be patrolling in a team and began to guard against the adventurers outside the City Lord's Mansion. The crowd started to move around, picking out whoever they thought was suitable.

And the strong warrior players have been standing in their previous positions, seeing more and more adventurers around them, they can't help but get a little anxious!They thought that Yu Buyou must be able to find the aborigines quickly, and then figured out a way to get those aborigines to follow him and lead them into the city lord's mansion!But everyone didn't expect that there are more and more adventurers, but there is no news about Yubuyou!

"Otherwise, let's go take a look!?" The short warrior player thought for a while, looked at the crowd and said, "It's been a long time since I was there, and it must be because things didn't go well. Come back, let's go and have a look, if we say we may not be able to help you! It will save us all waiting here, there is no way!"

"If we leave here, what if other people find out?" The priest player couldn't help asking the other people with a worried look on his face.

"There were few people before. If we leave, we must be conspicuous! But now there are so many people, who pays attention to us!" The short warrior player hurriedly glanced around and said in a low voice: "We No matter what you do, as long as you don't enter the city lord's mansion, no one will notice us! So, let's hurry up to see how the fish is not oily, and go to the city lord's mansion first. is the most important."

The strong warrior player also looked around, nodded and said: "I think it's the same reason! Let's go to Yubuyou to see the situation first! We are the first to receive this task, can't Lost to those other players!"

"All right!"

The priest player was nodding, and then followed the others quietly to the direction where the crowd was sparse, without knowing that the players didn't notice their different behavior, but the guards of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion were He saw their figures at a glance, and then sent someone to quietly follow them, and stopped them in a small alley.

"Brother Guard!"

The strong warrior player also had a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that they would be stopped by the guards of the Qing city. He couldn't help but feel a little worried, afraid that something unexpected happened.

"Where are you going? Aren't you here to send letters to Shacheng like the other adventurers?" The guard of the city lord's mansion looked around at the crowd and continued: "Or, Are you going to give up? I seem to remember that you came here very early!"

"Yes, yes!" The strong warrior player nodded quickly, and said to the guard of the city lord's mansion: "Brother guard, you don't know, we are the first ones to get a gift from the aborigines in that Shacheng city." Ji City Lord’s mission to deliver the letter, the adventurers who came later, they didn’t accept the mission for real! The aborigines of Shacheng only entrusted us!”

"Oh? You mean that the other adventurers are all fake?" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion was a little surprised, and he didn't think of such a possibility at all.

"No, no, no!" The strong warrior player was stunned when he heard this, and immediately waved his hand and said, "That's not what I meant. If they really said it, it wouldn't be considered a fake!"

"Then what do you mean by what you just said?" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion suddenly raised his eyebrows, looked at the strong warrior player with doubts and asked, seeing his embarrassed expression, and then thought of it. What's the matter, and then said to the strong warrior player: "Forget it, I don't want to know this anymore! I'm calling you now, because there is something I want you to do, but I don't know if you are willing or not!"

"I'm willing, I'm definitely willing!" When the strong warrior player heard this, he nodded and agreed without any hesitation. He said calmly: "Brother Guard has any orders, just say it! As long as we can do it, we will definitely do it with all our strength!"

The guard of the city lord's mansion smiled lightly, and then said: "This matter, speaking of it, it is really suitable for you to do it! It just so happens that you are all happy with the people in this Shacheng, since you follow them I took over the task of delivering the letter, so, you go and help us find out about the situation of the aborigines in Shacheng, there should be no problem, right?"

"Inquire about the news?" The strong warrior player was stunned when he heard this, and looked at the guard of the city lord's mansion in surprise, "Brother guard, what do you mean by that? You need what are we going to do?'

"It's not a big deal!" The guard of the city lord's mansion laughed, and said calmly: "We mainly want to know who are those people who came from Shacheng. What is the purpose of meeting the Lord City Lord! If you feel that it is not easy to inquire, then go directly to send them a letter and ask them to give a reply! However, in the process, you had better send those Let me see clearly the appearance and other conditions of the aborigines in Shacheng. Huila told me, do you understand what you said?"

"Understood! This matter is not difficult!" The strong warrior player nodded immediately without hesitation, and after seeing the guard of the City Lord's Mansion smiled with satisfaction, he asked him curiously: " It’s just the guard, how can we find out about the aborigines in Shacheng! If they don’t tell us, we won’t be able to ask anything!”

"Just take a look at what they look like, and just bring something special! Just observe something more and come back and tell me!" The guard of the city lord's mansion said seriously, but looked at the players but suddenly As if thinking of something, they all widened their eyes, so they couldn't help asking curiously: "What? Did you think of something?"

"Yes, yes!" The strong warrior player nodded immediately, but said to the guard of the city lord's mansion without hesitation: "There are a lot of aborigines in those Shacheng, what is special about each of them? We didn't pay attention, but they have something very special!"

"A very special thing?" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion was stunned, but he became a little curious: "Did they bring something, or some monster to us to clear the city?"

"No, no! It's just a sedan chair!" The strong warrior player shook his head, and said to the guard of the city lord's mansion: "That is a very gorgeous sedan chair! This is the first time we have seen such a sedan chair Yes, I don't know who is sitting there. However, we thought, it must belong to a very important person! The mission scroll that sent us a letter to Lord Ji City was handed out from that sedan chair! It seems that the aborigines in Shacheng respect the person in the sedan chair very much!"

"The sedan chair!" The guard of the city lord's mansion frowned and thought for a while, as if he had figured out the identity of the person sitting in the sedan chair, his expression froze, then he nodded and said to the players : "I know about this! When you pass by, if you can, it is best to know what the sedan chair looks like. It doesn't matter if you can't see it! Just take a message and ask them to come to the city lord Whatever your lord wants to do, that’s fine! Just say that the people from our City Lord’s Mansion asked you to ask!”

(End of this chapter)

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