The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3061 Unexpectedly

Chapter 3061 Unexpectedly
As for who is eligible to sit in the sedan chair in Shacheng, others don't know, but most of the aborigines in Qingcheng know it very well!When they went to help Cenarion slay the dragon in the dark forest, didn't the Lord of Shacheng also come?At that time, she was sitting in the sedan chair!

Therefore, when Director Qing Gong heard the news brought back by the Qingcheng guards, he couldn't help being a little surprised: "Are you sure? Those adventurers are really talking about sedan chairs?"

"It's confirmed, my lord!" The guards of Qingcheng said with certainty, "Those adventurers are very impressed with that sedan chair. How many aborigines on this continent can use such a gorgeous sedan chair?" Huh? In addition, people from Shacheng appeared, besides the Lord of Shacheng, who else could there be?"

"If the Lord of Shacheng came to find our Lord, this matter would not be easy! You all know what Shacheng looks like today! We also robbed one of their towns, and specially A teleportation array was set up outside the town for the use of the aborigines, isn't it considered to be dealing with Shacheng? At this time, the Lord of Shacheng personally brought people to find us, Sir, do you think there will be Maybe they know about these things?" Manager Qing Gong looked worried, and couldn't help but look at the guards of Qingcheng and asked.

"This is also possible! Otherwise, the city lord of Shacheng would not have come to our lord for no apparent reason!" The guards of Qingcheng hesitated for a while before nodding to Chief Qing Gong and said , "But if this is the case, what should we do, my lord? If this is true to tell the city lord, when the time comes, the city lord will go to see the city lord of Shacheng, something will definitely happen!"

"I think so too!" Manager Qing Gong also nodded immediately, and said with a worried face: "But if we don't talk about this, the city lord will find out eventually. Since those people in Shacheng have found so many adventures Didn’t the messengers come to deliver the letter because they were worried that some people would not be able to deliver the letter, so they did it on purpose? So many people have been surrounding our city lord’s mansion, and the city lord will know sooner or later!”

"Then what should we do?" The guards of the Qing City were also a little worried, "Otherwise, we will go to gather people now, when the Lord City Lord really wants to go out, we will protect the Lord City Lord with all our might!"

"Are you guarding?!" Manager Qing Gong heard the words, but couldn't help but rolled his eyes at the guards of the Qing City, and then said seriously: "If you really talk about it seriously, maybe when the time comes, our Lord City Lord I will go to see the City Lord of Shacheng by myself! It’s not like you don’t understand that the current status of the City Lord is still different from ours. If you want to say what the City Lord is most afraid of, it is probably death! Knowing that there is a danger like this, do you think the Lord City Master will agree to let so many of us protect her to death? Or will she go out by herself and be killed once by the Lord City Lord of Shacheng?"

When the guards of Qingcheng heard the words, they couldn't help but fell silent.

Based on Ji Xiaoyan's temper and her physical characteristics, she probably won't let anyone follow her!
Thinking of this, Manager Qing Gong couldn't help but frown, feeling extremely worried.

"Otherwise, sir, let's not tell the city master, and find a way to get all these adventurers away!" The guards of Qingcheng suddenly thought of something, and said to Chief Qing Gong seriously: "Anyway, the city lord seldom goes around the city recently. As long as we pay attention, we will definitely not let those adventurers meet the city lord! As long as the city lord doesn't know about it, don't worry!"

"How long do you think you can keep it a secret?" Chief Qing Gong couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard the words, and said to the guards in the Qing City: "Even if the city lord can't meet those adventurers, there are so many in this city. The aborigines, the city lord can't meet? Besides, there are people of other races. If they hear the news and mention it to the city lord when they come to see the city lord, can the city lord not understand?" "But , we can't let the city lord go to die!" The guards of Qingcheng couldn't help sighing when they heard this, "The city lord of Shacheng must have come for the teleportation array, our city lord If my lord goes out here, nothing good will happen!"

"Did you send those adventurers to inquire about the news?" Manager Qing Gong also looked worried, and could only sigh and asked the guards of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Let them go!" The guards of the City Lord's Mansion nodded immediately, but said to Manager Qing Gong very seriously, "We specially told the adventurers to go and see as much as possible. In the end, those people came to the city, so we can count in our hearts!"

"That's good!" Chief Qing Gong could only nod his head, and waited with the guards of the City Lord's Mansion.

The speed of those adventurers was also very fast, almost without any delay. After going straight to the direction of the people in Shacheng, they immediately asked the guards of the City Lord's Mansion what they asked them to ask, and then quietly Waited up.

"The guards of Qingcheng asked you to ask this matter? Isn't it City Lord Ji?" City Lord Yutina thought for a while, but asked the adventurers with some doubts. After listening to them nodding in affirmation, this Then he laughed lightly and said: "It seems that the news from you has not been sent to City Lord Ji! Adventurers, the news has not been sent yet. What's the use of asking these? Go back!"

"Go back?!" The strong warrior player was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look in the direction of the sedan chair. Hearing that the city lord Tina didn't seem to continue talking, he could only look at him for help. Shendrill and Ghost Map, "The people in Qingcheng asked us to ask something, we don't even have an answer, and we must never see Lord Ji! Brother aborigine, why don't you give us some Things, we have a reason to enter the City Lord's Mansion in Qing City, and this is the chance to meet City Lord Ji!"

"If you can see City Lord Ji, you won't come to ask questions for the guards of Qingcheng!" Shendrill looked in the direction of the sedan chair, but said to the adventurers with some disappointment: " You guys go back! When you see City Lord Ji, come again!"

"Brother Aboriginal!" Hearing this, the priest player couldn't help becoming a little anxious, and quickly looked at Shendrill and Ghost Map and said, "We are already one step closer than other adventurers! You guys Look, you have recruited so many adventurers to find City Lord Ji, but we are the only ones who can get this from the guards of Qing City. As long as you give us some information, we will definitely be able to enter the City Lord's Mansion to meet him. Lord Ji City! We are very eager to help the aboriginal brothers to send the news to Lord Ji, so you should help us a little!"

When Shendrill heard this, he looked at the priest player with a little surprise, and after thinking about it, he said, "There is some truth in what you say!"

"Yes, yes!" The priest player nodded quickly, and said to Shendrill: "So, brother aborigine, please give us some news so that we can send the news to the guards of Qingcheng, so that they If the news is sent up, it will definitely be delivered to Lord Ji! At that time, we will definitely be able to invite Lord Ji to meet you!"

Only then did Shendiao look in the direction of the sedan chair, and seeing that the city lord Yutina in the sedan chair didn't move at all, he knew what the lord Yutina meant, and nodded directly, facing the adventurers They said: "Go back and tell the guards of Qingcheng that it is enough for our Lord City Lord to see Lord Ji City Lord! They will know how to say it."

When the adventurers heard this, they looked in the direction of the sedan chair in surprise, nodded and hurried back to Qingcheng, then rushed to the guards outside the city lord's mansion, and told them the news.

"You follow us in!" The guards of the City Lord's Mansion glanced at each other, but said something to the adventurers, and led them directly into the City Lord's Mansion to meet Chief Qing Gong!
When Yu Buyou returned to the city lord's mansion, he hadn't seen a single teammate.

"Adventurer, are you going or not?" An aborigine walking beside Yu Buyou frowned, but said to him with an unhappy face: "The friends you mentioned probably don't want to help, so just go Come on! Don't count on them, hurry up and help me move these things."

With a distressed expression on his face, Yu Buyou looked around several times before he could only nod his head and help an aborigine he finally found in this Qing city to carry the vegetables, and was going to get food from another aborigine in the city lord's mansion. Go in the direction and send food to the aborigines in the city lord's mansion.

This is already an aborigine who has the opportunity to enter the city lord's mansion, which is not easy to meet!Yu Buyou originally told the aborigine that he had friends who could help him, so he came here specially to find several other adventurers to enter the city lord's mansion together, but Yu Buyou never expected that he would I found an opportunity, but my teammates were gone!
He can't just give up this opportunity just because everyone is gone, can he?As long as the task is completed, the teammates will naturally have no other opinions.

Thinking of this, Yu Buyou calmed down, followed the aborigine obediently, and entered the city lord's mansion smoothly all the way.

The adventurers in their team all felt that as long as they entered the city lord's mansion, they would definitely be able to meet Ji Xiaoyan, and they would be the first to tell her the news that the aborigines in this evil city wanted to see her, but how could they They didn't expect that after entering the city lord's mansion, they could only follow the orders of the Qingcheng guards to walk and do things. No matter what reasons or excuses they used, they couldn't leave the sight of these Qingcheng guards.

This made the adventurers feel a little depressed and helpless in an instant!
If they can't see Ji Xiaoyan all this time and can't give her the news, what's the point of them entering the City Lord's Mansion!

"Master Qing Gong, can't we meet the Lord City Lord?"

After the strong warrior player told Manager Qing Gong everything, he still couldn't help asking Manager Qing Gong. Seeing Manager Qing Gong looking at him with displeasure, he gritted his teeth. But he said very seriously: "Master Qing Gong, this task was given to us by the Lord City Lord Ji! She must have something important to discuss with Lord Ji City Lord. Since we have accepted this task, we must The news should be sent to Master Ji! Whether to go or not is up to Master Ji to decide whether to go or not. If we send the reply to the Lord City Master in Shacheng, won’t everything be over? "

"Is that so?" Hearing this, Manager Qing Gong couldn't help but look at the adventurers with a sneer, and then said to them, "I have asked other adventurers Yes! What they say doesn't seem to be the case!"

"Why isn't it like this? The missions all of our adventurers received from the city lord of Shacheng are all like this!" The strong warrior player heard the words, but looked at him with surprise on his face. It's Manager Qing Gong.

"Really? How do I remember that the task you received from the city lord of Shacheng is to have our lord the city lord meet her in order to be considered a success?" Manager Qing Gong sneered twice, Seeing the faces of those adventurers stiffen for a moment, he continued: "So, adventurers, I know exactly what you want to do! Do you want to see the Shaman? The city lord of the city, that is the city lord's business, I will naturally send this news to the city lord! As for you, if you want to see our city lord, don't even think about it!"

"Master Qing Gong!" Hearing that, the strong warrior player couldn't help becoming anxious.

Just kidding, if they didn't send this news to Ji Xiaoyan, then if Ji Xiaoyan really went to meet the city lord of Shacheng, who would be responsible for this task?Master Qing Gong?How is that possible!Isn't this a waste of their mission rewards?
Such a thing is not acceptable to them!
Thinking of this, the adventurers immediately yelled in disapproval.

"Adventurers, this is not a question of whether you agree or not! It is not up to you to clear the city, not to mention, it is the matter of our city lord! So, you should obediently follow the guards and leave the city lord's mansion now. , or, I'll let someone send you away!"

(End of this chapter)

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