The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3062 Discussion 1

Chapter 3062 Discuss

Ji Xiaoyan didn't know the situation inside and outside Qingcheng at the moment. She took Jiajia to the Resurrection Gate, and met the head of the Resurrection Gate without any hindrance, and quickly spread all the news about Jiajia. He made it clear to the Master of the Resurrection Sect, and then looked at him expectantly.

"The situation in Jiajia is indeed a bit different!" The head of the Resurrection Sect was still sitting on a high throne, looking down at Ji Xiaoyan, and listening to the natives of the Resurrection Sect coming back to report for inspection After thinking about the situation of Jiajia for a long time, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Under normal circumstances, Jiajia will only grow up slowly, and then die directly after growing to its limit. Its horns also It should only appear once, and there is no reason for it to grow back after it is cut off, but now all of these have deviated from the growth of Jiajia, which is indeed a bit tricky."

"Yes, that's what I think, so I took advantage of Jiajia's not going crazy, so I quickly brought it to ask the master to have a look." Ji Xiaoyan nodded, looked at the master of the Resurrection Sect and said: "I was thinking, since Kaga's horns can grow again, there must be more places on it that are different from what we imagined! The master invited the aborigines to check Kaga, Have you found anything?"

"No!" the Master of the Resurrection Sect said in denial, "You have heard the results of the examination of our Resurrection Sect disciples just now, City Lord Ji! That's what it looks like!"

"Then, my lord, what should I do now?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but ask with a look of disappointment.Because of his body shape, Jiajia couldn't enter the palace at all, so he could only stay outside, and the head of the Resurrection Sect was not the one who would come down from the throne just because of Jiajia. Naturally, only the disciples of the Resurrection Sect will do it!
Although Ji Xiaoyan was slightly disappointed by this, she still had a little confidence in her heart, and she naturally knew that it was already very good that the head of the Resurrection Sect was willing to help in this way, and she really couldn't ask for more what!It's just that Jiajia's physical condition, Ji Xiaoyan still wants to fight to ask.

"I can only watch and see the future development!" The head of the Resurrection Sect thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I remember City Master Ji said that this Jiajia is your pet. Right?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded: "So I don't want anything to happen to it."

"This change that is different from the previous ones just appeared, right?" The head of the Resurrection Sect asked Ji Xiaoyan again, watching her hesitantly recalling and nodding, as if suddenly thinking of it. What's the matter, and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Then, City Master Ji, these things that are very different from before, such as the time of waking up, the situation of growing horns, are all recent things, and they are all about your identity. Things are different after that, right?"

Ji Xiaoyan was about to nod his head when he suddenly realized what the Master of the Resurrection Sect was talking about, and couldn't help being a little surprised. He looked at the Master of the Resurrection Sect and asked, "My lord , What do you mean by this, because Jiajia is my pet, my identity has changed, so maybe my identity has affected it?"

"It's not impossible!" The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded affirmatively, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "If this is the case, then everything makes sense! City Master Ji, think about it Look, as your pet, can Jiajia grow up and die so easily? With your current status, you are beyond all the aborigines and adventurers!"

Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth wide in surprise, and after a long while, he took a deep breath, looked at the Master of the Resurrection Sect and asked, "Master, do you think this is possible? possible?"

"This is definitely possible! Since the Lord God can give you the status and power you have now, he will naturally take care of you in other ways. It's just a pet. If you really want to save Kaka's life, it's also It's possible! City Lord Ji, you will definitely need a mount in the future, and Jiajia is a good choice!" The head of the Resurrection Sect said to Ji Xiaoyan very seriously.

"It's impossible, I already have a dragon mount!" Ji Xiaoyan waved his hands and shook his head, and said to the master of the Resurrection Sect: "If Jiajia is really that powerful, it's not a bad idea to use it as a mount." Is it too wasteful? Besides, Jiajia also belongs to the sub-protoss, even if it is willing, I am willing, the aborigines of the sub-protoss are unlikely to agree!"

"What they want is not necessarily Kaka!" The head of the Resurrection Sect shook his head when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said to her: "What they want is just a near-god-level beast!" The Malu Sand Beast, the Ma Lu Sand Beast that can protect their entire sub-god race!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he couldn't help being stunned.

"So, City Lord Ji, you only need to give back such a powerful Malu sand beast to the sub-god race, and they won't be able to say anything!" With a smile on his face, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Here, it will be your City Lord Ji's pet by then! As for the mount, City Lord Ji thinks that a horse that is close to the god level and an ordinary giant dragon , who is more powerful? Your current status is different from before. It’s not a big deal to keep an ordinary giant dragon for fun, but the strength and status of this mount should be more powerful!”

"But the head of the sect! The situation is not stable! If it goes crazy, no one will recognize it!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning, looked at the master of the resurrection door and said: "If I would be happy to say that the situation can really improve because of my identity in the future! But if things are not like this, what should I do?"

"The worst outcome is death!" The head of the Resurrection Sect said to Ji Xiaoyan seriously, "You all know this outcome, City Master Ji, and you should be able to accept it! No matter how bad it can be How bad is it? Today's Jiajia has begun to deviate from our estimates, maybe you may bring it with you, City Master Ji, and under your influence, Jiajia will be better in the future?"

"Is this possible?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but look forward to hearing this.

"What's impossible? Ji City Master, if you can change from an ordinary adventurer to the City Lord of Qingcheng, and now become the candidate recognized by Lord God, then what's impossible?" The master of the Resurrection Gate Master Sect smiled, and encouraged Ji Xiaoyan: "I'm really looking forward to what kind of situation you will create on the mainland, City Master Ji!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the Master of the Resurrection Sect, nodded after a while, thanked the Master of the Resurrection Sect, and said: "I have written down what the Master Sect said! Thank you Reminder from Master Sect Master!"

"It's okay! It's rare for me to find someone like you, City Master Ji, who is qualified to talk to me!" The head of the Resurrection Sect also had a happy expression, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "In the future, if Ji Xiaoyan If the city lord wants to ask or discuss anything, feel free to come, as I stay in the gate of resurrection by myself, and occasionally it will be very boring!"

Ji Xiaoyan quickly nodded and smiled, and then left the palace of the Master of the Resurrection Sect, and saw the already impatient Jiajia who had been waiting outside the palace.

"Xiaoyan, when will we leave!" Gaga saw Ji Xiaoyan, immediately asked Ji Xiaoyan a little coquettishly, and said in a low voice with complaints all over his face: "These people from the Resurrection Gate have been staring at Jiajia all the time. , as if Jiajia would do something bad! Jiajia doesn't like staying with them!"

"It's okay, Jiajia, they are all just curious about your physical condition!" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly said something to Jiajia comfortingly, and then talked to Luotu for a while, then climbed onto Jiajia's back, and walked directly from the The Resurrection Gate has left.However, after leaving the Resurrection Gate, Ji Xiaoyan didn't mean to wait for Jiajia to leave from the teleportation formation, but let Jiajia take her to walk in the wilderness together.

"Jajia, I remember that the inheritance of the sub-protoss is engraved on your battle armor, and only you can understand it, right?" Ji Xiaoyan lay comfortably on Jiajia's back, looking at the the sky, and asked it.

"Yeah! Xiaoyan wants to know those things on the battle armor? Jiajia can show Xiaoyan!" Jiajia asked Ji Xiaoyan directly, but after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's denial, he couldn't help it. Some asked curiously: "Don't Xiaoyan want to know?"

"It's something from the sub-protoss, I don't need to know it!" Ji Xiaoyan said with a smile, "Just, Jiajia, if possible, can you translate all those things and give them to the sub-protoss?"

"Why? If Xiaoyan doesn't want it, then Jiajia doesn't want to see it!" Jiajia said a little tiredly.

"Jajia, do you like sub-protoss?" Ji Xiaoyan patted Jiajia's back with some amusement, and changed the question.

"Jiajia doesn't remember what the sub-protoss were like before! The current sub-protoss is just the place where Jiajia stayed before. If Xiaoyan asks Jiajia to go back, Jiajia will go back!"

"That's it!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning when she heard Jiajia's words, and then continued to ask after thinking about it: "Then Jiajia, how about you just follow my words from now on? "

"What Xiaoyan means is that Jiajia doesn't need to go to the sub-protoss?" Jiajia asked excitedly after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words.

"Well, almost!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, then nodded and said, "How does Jiajia feel?"

"Okay! Jiajia just likes Xiaoyan!" Jiajia looked affirmative, and quickly said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Then Xiaoyan, let's not go back to the sub-protoss now, let's go back to Qingcheng!"

"Don't be so anxious!" Ji Xiaoyan said a little funny, "Now the sub-gods are still counting on you! Even if you don't go back to the sub-gods in the future, you still need to help the sub-gods to complete some things! These things still need time !"

"What do you need Jiajia to do? Jiajia will do it now, and after it is done, I will follow Xiaoyan in the future!" Jiajia is extremely excited, and it can be seen that it really does not have any sense of belonging to the sub-protoss, which makes Ji Xiaoyan also Can't help but sympathize with the people of the sub-god race.

Think about it, the sub-protoss agreed to form an alliance with Qingcheng in order to make their favorite potion for Jiajia!That's a big commitment and compromise.

"First of all, Jiajia, you have to translate everything on your battle armor and hand it over to the sub-protoss!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Jiajia seriously, "Secondly, you need to help the sub-protoss to cultivate a powerful Malu sand beast. Otherwise they won't let go!"

"Jiajia can do the battle armor! But the Malu sand beasts of the sub-protoss are not as powerful as Jiajia! How can Jiajia make them more powerful? Jiajia can't do it!" Jiajia said aggrievedly Ji Xiaoyan said.

"Well, let's just take our time in the future! Now we have to figure out your current physical condition, Jiajia!" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly said something comforting to Jiajia, and heard him ask himself what he meant in confusion After that, he continued: "For example, Jiajia, why can your horn grow back again, when will you sleep and go crazy, etc. We all need to look at the situation again!"

"Xiaoyan, Jiajia is not crazy!" Hearing this, Jiajia immediately said dissatisfied.From Jiajia's point of view, he just fell asleep and did nothing!
Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't emphasize anything more, and after thinking about it, he chatted with Jiajia about the content of the sub-protoss armor, and began to let Jiajia recall how the Ma Lu sand beast needs to be cultivated.

In this way, Ji Xiaoyan waited for Jiajia to wander around in the wilderness, and finally found a teleportation array in the wild, teleported away, and returned directly to the sub-god clan.

The patriarch of the sub-god clan has been staying near the teleportation array, waiting for Ji Xiaoyan and the others to return, so as soon as Ji Xiaoyan and the others appeared, the patriarch of the sub-god clan immediately greeted him and looked at them curiously. He looked at Jiajia, and then asked Ji Xiaoyan: "City Master Ji, how is the situation at the Resurrection Gate? Have you seen the master of the Resurrection Gate? What did he say?"

"The master said, let's see the situation first! If there is any problem with Jiajia in the future, send Jiajia to the Resurrection Gate to have a look! This time, the master did not find anything wrong with Jiajia, just a suggestion Let Jiajia follow me to take a good look at the situation!"

"Following you? Why?" The patriarch of the sub-god clan frowned when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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