The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 326 One-horned giant scorpion

Chapter 326 One-horned giant scorpion
As a typical hard-working player, Ji Xiaoyan felt that even with the help of a very arrogant NPC and pets, it is still very hard to kill the boss!Especially the bosses are more arrogant than one.

Ji Xiaoyan hasn't had a comfortable day since killing the first boss of the short-nosed elephant.The child Xuanmo always looked at her with his watery eyes and put on a pitiful look, and said softly, "Xiaoyan, let's continue looking for monsters!" So, Ji No matter how hard and tired Xiaoyan is, he still has to sigh honestly, and then continue to look for the boss in this secret space dungeon with Jiajia, and then use himself or Jiajia as bait, and then run away while throwing spells to resist monsters...
If you want Ji Xiaoyan to say, she and Jiajia are very kindhearted, that's why they were moved by Xuan Mo's pitiful look!Otherwise, why are they all so tired, and they still have to work so hard for that child Xuan Mo?And it's free!Although in the end the child said that he could become her attendant!But, who knows if the servants will rebel or something?Sometimes thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan still feels quite depressed!However, the only consolation is that these bosses are much better than those little monsters. Although not every one of them will drop equipment and props after they die, at least every two or three bosses are killed, there will always be so many bosses. Give Ji Xiaoyan something small as a consolation prize!
In three days, Ji Xiaoyan, Jiajia, and Xuan Mo have already found five bosses, which means half of the mission has been completed.In addition to the short-nosed elephant that lost a space bag and a small elephant trunk, these bosses also lost a dagger that was the same as its claw, which was a blue level [-] weapon. Property is quite nice and could be sold for a very good price!As for the other bosses, they just lost a little material!

However, the experience given by these bosses is still quite high!Ji Xiaoyan has already reached level 54 at this time.Jiajia is already level 45, it's like riding a rocket!Of course, in the process of finding the boss, Ji Xiaoyan and the others still killed a lot of mobs!Have you ever seen a boss who comes out alone without his subordinates?
As for the issue of high boss experience, after hearing Xuan Mo's explanation, Ji Xiaoyan realized that they are killing the first time, which is the role of the pioneer, so the rewards of these bosses are basically concentrated in the In terms of experience, the purpose is to let those who dare to be the first to eat crabs get a great advantage in experience level, which is higher than the later players!Therefore, with higher experience, these bosses will have a much lower equipment explosion rate!In the future, when these bosses are spawned again, they will only focus on losing equipment, and the experience will be relatively less.To put it bluntly, this dungeon will be dedicated to brushing equipment in the future.Of course, if there are dozens of pieces produced, it would be nice to produce one high-quality product, and the rest are rubbish!
Originally, Ji Xiaoyan thought that since the bosses would lose their equipment when they spawned again, it would be better to wait for a few more bosses to spawn, then brush up such a pile of equipment, and sell them together when they go out, it will definitely make money A lot of gold coins!In the end, who knew that Xuan Mo told her that unless Ji Xiaoyan came in after leaving this space, these bosses would never appear again!To put it bluntly, as long as the player does not leave this copy, these bosses will no longer be refreshed!This depressed Ji Xiaoyan for a long time!
The sixth boss that Ji Xiaoyan and the others found was quite high level, it was a 59 giant one-horned scorpion boss.Ji Xiaoyan was puzzled, why there are so many scorpion monsters in this space, even though it is not a desert!The one-horned giant scorpion BOSS is emitting a faint green poisonous gas all over his body, so he doesn't even dare to move one meter closer!

"Jajia, you're not going up?" Xuan Mo asked, blinking his beautiful eyes and looking at Jiajia next to him.

"Poisonous!" Jiajia is not a fool, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this one-horned giant scorpion boss is poisonous, not to mention Jiajia, a horse-sand beast with a very sensitive sense!

"It should be fine! Jiajia, your skin is very thick!" Xuan Mo smiled, looked at Jiajia and said.

"Xiaoyan, don't go!" Jiajia looked at Ji Xiaoyan pitifully and said.No matter how thick the skin is, it can't hold poisonous things!If you really let it go up, wouldn't that be sending you to death?
"It's okay, Jiajia, I'll find out if there is any antidote for you! If there is, you can go, if not, you can rest, let me and Xuan Mo attack from a distance!" Ji Xiaoyan clapped comfortingly. After patting Jiajia and seeing it nodding its head, it began to look for it in the package.

Xuan Mo sneaked a peek at Jiajia a little displeased, and when he saw that Jiajia turned his head to look at him, Xuan Mo averted his eyes.This guy Jiajia is really annoying, he doesn't listen to him, and still plays pitiful in front of Xiaoyan!Hmph, when he gets Xiaoyan's favor in the future, then he will slowly clean up this guy...
Ji Xiaoyan searched the package for a long time, and finally found a few bottles of the antidote that Brick had made for her with the blood of the poisonous centipede. It is said that the effect is quite good!But Ji Xiaoyan never had a chance to use it!But Flying Leaves has tried it...
Ji Xiaoyan took out a bottle of antidote potion, looked at the properties carefully, and then handed it to Jiajia, who asked him to drink a bottle.According to the introduction of the properties of the potion, a bottle of antidote potion can eliminate 20000 points of poison damage, and can also reduce poison damage by 70%, and the duration is 10 minutes.Calculated in this way, basically the safety of Jiajia can be guaranteed!As long as she and Xuan Mo can kill that one-horned giant scorpion boss within 10 minutes, that's fine!Otherwise, she would lose another bottle of antidote potion.

"Jajia, are you ready?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Jiajia and asked.

"Xiaoyan, do you really want to go?" Jiajia looked at the group of scorpions and the one-horned giant scorpion boss not far away with a little fear, then turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan and asked.

"Jajia, it's okay, Xiaoyan and I will take good care of you!" Xuan Mo answered quickly, looking at Jiajia with a smile on his face.

"Really?" Jiajia looked at Ji Xiaoyan pitifully and asked.

"Really!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded with certainty, and then said: "Jajia, it's okay, you've already drank the antidote potion, if you can't resist, you run away, and I'll add blood to you at that time!"

"Okay!" Jiajia smacked his mouth, and had no choice but to nod, and after staying in place for a long time, he ruthlessly rushed towards the group of scorpions running around on the ground and underground.Ji Xiaoyan knew about Ji Xiaoyan's crappy blood-increasing spell, it didn't add much blood at all.However, even so, Jiajia didn't say anything, and honestly followed what Ji Xiaoyan said!It only believes in one thing, Ji Xiaoyan will definitely not let it hang up!

Ji Xiaoyan sighed faintly, and then followed the footsteps of Jiajia and rushed over.After being smeared with ink for several minutes, they killed the boss faster.

Xuan Mo waved a spell to hang in the air and followed, and after Ji Xiaoyan threw the first group attack spell to kill a group of little scorpions, he added a hanging spell to her, and the two started Clean up those little scorpions.Jiajia rushed to the side of the one-horned giant scorpion boss, swung his claws, and started running with the boss.After Ji Xiaoyan ordered Xuan Mo to help Jiajia kill the boss, he concentrated on using spells to follow behind and clean up the mobs who were chasing after Jiajia.

Ji Xiaoyan, who originally thought it was a protracted battle, discovered that this level 59 one-horned giant scorpion boss was much smarter than the level 58 bosses they killed earlier!When he was knocked out of half of his blood, he left Jiajia and dug a hole to hide in the ground.Then it popped up every few minutes, sneaking a sneak attack on Jiajia who was standing on the ground, and then retracted to the ground, making Jiajia jump up and down depressed.

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at Xuan Mo, and wanted to see what he could do.

Xuan Mo hangs cross-legged in the air, his face looks like he is thinking, but his heart is filled with joy.Let Jiajia always pretend to be pitiful in front of Xiaoyan, hmph, now you know how powerful it is!In fact, he is the only one here who is the most powerful!He only needs one spell, and doesn't this scorpion monster have to be brought to the ground honestly?However, except for the lowest attack spells, he can't use them now, otherwise he will be punished...

"Xu Mo, is there anything you can do?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo anxiously and asked.Jiajia is so pitiful, she has been bullied by that one-horned giant scorpion boss all the time, seeing her as the master is also very aggrieved!
Xuan Mo turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan and shook his head slightly.

Ji Xiaoyan opened her mouth, sighed, frowned, and had to float from the air to the ground, and then stood together with Jiajia, released her little hell lotus fire, and waited for the unicorn The giant scorpion boss emerges from the ground!Xuan Mo frowned and looked at Ji Xiaoyan and Jiajia, after thinking about it, he still floated above them.He didn't dare to go down, he wasn't in the same country as Ji Xiaoyan now, as long as he went down, he would definitely be burned by Ji Xiaoyan's little hell lotus fire.Although the damage wasn't too great for him, it still hurt!
The one-horned giant scorpion boss popped up after 1 minute, and was immediately burned by Ji Xiaoyan's little hell lotus fire.Then immediately retracted into the ground again!Jiajia looked at the ground excitedly, this time the scorpion didn't dare to attack it again, Xiaoyan's fire really worked.

However, Ji Xiaoyan was not optimistic at all.Although the one-horned giant scorpion boss was burned, it obviously didn't lose any blood, only a -500 word appeared.In this way, the burnt blood of the boss can be recovered after staying in the ground for a while.So when will they be wasted!Maybe the more you kill, the longer it will take, the more blood the boss will recover!
(End of this chapter)

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