The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 327 The Problem of the Corpse

Chapter 327 The Problem of the Corpse

Ji Xiaoyan's frown on the one-horned giant scorpion boss's behavior of digging into the soil did not last long.

Because the IQ of this pet, Jiajia, has been displayed for a long time.It suggested that Ji Xiaoyan and he climbed on its back, and then let it carry them to a place where there were dense rocks, so that the one-horned giant scorpion boss wouldn't be able to dig holes in the ground so easily!After Xuan Mo also said that this method was feasible, Ji Xiaoyan quickly climbed onto Jiajia's back, and then they ran towards a group of stones in the distance.

Although the unicorn scorpion has a bit of intelligence, it is also set up with the thinking of a monster.So after seeing the few people who had hurt it for a long time running away suddenly, they immediately popped out from the ground regardless of Sanqi 21, and chased after it!Of course, the boss of the giant unicorn scorpion still didn't forget to greet its few remaining subordinates to chase it together!
Ji Xiaoyan looked at the scorpions following them, and kept looking forward in her heart, hoping that when they reached the pile of rocks, they would not be able to dig holes anymore, otherwise she really didn't know how to kill the boss.Therefore, as the female pig's feet in this book, Ji Xiaoyan's wish can obviously come true!When the one-horned giant scorpion boss followed them to the pile of rocks, the situation developed as Ji Xiaoyan and the others imagined.

After Jiajia poured another bottle of detoxification potion against the attack of the giant unicorn scorpion boss, Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo spent nearly 8 minutes, and finally made the giant unicorn scorpion boss fall to the ground.After Jiajia directly rushed to the body of the giant unicorn scorpion boss and trampled on it several times, he calmed down and told Ji Xiaoyan to remember to put the corpse away as a food reserve!

According to the usual practice, after the unicorn giant scorpion boss fell to the ground, Ji Xiaoyan took the blood cells dropped by the boss and wiped his forehead for another time, and then waited until Xuan Mo smiled with satisfaction, then went to find the blood cells dropped by the boss on the ground something. The boss at level 59 gave a lot of experience, so he was directly promoted to a level. Needless to say, Xuan Mo didn't respond at all. I don't know if this kid can't get experience or the level is too high. The experience is not enough for him to level up!
The one-horned giant scorpion boss doesn't drop many things. A small horn should be a smaller version of the horn on its head. It can be used ten times, and it can go underground to hide for 10 minutes each time. It is a good thing for escape; one The scorpion poison sac contains scorpion venom. After refining, it can be applied to weapons to increase the property of toxin damage. As for how much it will be added, it is not known yet, but there is a small property on this thing, that is, if it is similar to scorpions If the weapons are added together, the toxin damage will be much greater!So Ji Xiaoyan thought of the dagger dropped by another iron-armed giant scorpion they killed not long ago, which happened to match with this poison sac, and if they were sold together later, it should appreciate a lot...

The third item was a light green bag, and when Ji Xiaoyan took it in his hand, it turned out to be another space bag.Immediately, I still feel a little disappointed!She already has two space bags!However, the space of this space bag is a bit larger than the space bag dropped by the short-nosed elephant killed last time. This space bag is 30 square meters, and it also comes with a small attribute, which reduces the speed of space food damage by [-]%.

The food settings in the game are similar to the real ones!If the food is left for a long time, it will also spoil!And if the broken food is eaten, the player will lose blood!This stimulates players to buy more expensive food that can be stored for a longer period of time if they need to store food!It can be regarded as increasing income for NPCs.Therefore, a space bag that can reduce the speed of food damage is simply a fresh-keeping space.

However, Ji Xiaoyan looked at the interspatial bag and thought for a while, but then looked at Jiajia.This pet in her family needs to eat a lot of food every day, and now half of her package is filled with corpses of monsters. Extended, and besides, she doesn't have to see those monster corpses disgusting every time she looks for something in the package.

However, a space bag can be sold for at least a few thousand gold coins, right?She is also very short of money now!
"Xiaoyan, put it away quickly!" Gaga looked at Ji Xiaoyan standing there in a daze, a little puzzled, and hurriedly pointed to the body of the one-horned giant scorpion boss on the ground and urged.I believe anyone who sees their food kept on the ground will be a little anxious to put it away!

"Jajia, if I give you this bag, will you be able to pack your food yourself in the future?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Jiajia after thinking about it and asked.Now that she has picked up two interspatial bags, I believe that the four unkilled bosses will drop another one in the future!Anyway, Jiajia is also her pet. If I give it something, it will be more convenient for her in the future, right?Otherwise, every time they grabbed some monster corpses from the package in front of Thunder Kitten and gave them to Jiajia, she always felt that they looked at her a little weirdly!And who knows if these players in the Western Continent are using such a large space bag!

"Can this small bag hold food like Xiaoyan's bag?" Jiajia asked, leaning his head over and sniffing the interspatial bag in Ji Xiaoyan's hand.

"Well, yes!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then said: "And you can pretend a lot!"

"Really?" Jiajia looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise and asked.

"Of course it's true!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled and nodded.

"Is that Xiaoyan really going to be given to Jiajia?" Jiajia asked a little excitedly.

"En! Can you guarantee that you won't lose this bag?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Jiajia seriously and asked.She would be very distressed if she lost it!Those are gold coins!

"No, no! Jiajia will take good care of this bag!" Jiajia was immediately happy.Seeing Ji Xiaoyan happily promised.

"En! Then I'll give you the bag, and you can pack your food yourself in the future!" Ji Xiaoyan took a deep breath, and then handed the space bag to Jiajia.Anyway, Jiajia has been with her for a long time, so it is necessary to equip your pet well!

"Jajia will definitely not lose the bag!" Jiajia took the space bag very carefully, and after holding it in his claws for a while, he put the corpse of the giant unicorn scorpion boss in it, and then looked Ji Xiaoyan said happily: "Jajia will use it, Xiaoyan, put the food from before Jiajia into this bag!"

Just as Ji Xiaoyan had this intention, he nodded immediately when he heard what Jiajia said.Then she started to get out the corpses of those monsters that Jiajia put in her package and dumped them on the ground, and let Jiajia clean up by herself.

While watching Ji Xiaoyan give something to Jiajia with a bit of jealousy, Xuan Mo watched curiously as Ji Xiaoyan and Jiajia dumped the corpses of monsters there.In fact, he is similar to Jiajia, and his daily food is the corpses of monsters.It's just that he used to eat fresh ones, eat one and kill one, but Jiajia directly ate them and killed them.

"Jajia, these things are not fresh anymore, why are you keeping them?" Xuan Mo asked, looking up at Jiajia.Ever since Ji Xiaoyan and the others arrived here, the food they ate were the monsters they killed. Although Yu Mo knew that Ji Xiaoyan always packed the monster corpses and put them in the package after they killed the monsters, but he never knew that. Why!He always thought it was just Ji Xiaoyan's special hobby.But now hearing the conversation between Ji Xiaoyan and Jiajia, Xuan Mo suddenly realized that the corpses of monsters that Ji Xiaoyan and the others collected were all used as food for Jiajia!

"In the future, when Jiajia is hungry, you can eat it!" Jiajia looked at Xuan Mo with a matter of course and replied.

Yan Mo opened his mouth, looked at Jiajia in surprise, and said after a two-second pause: "If you want to eat, just kill it! These are not fresh anymore, they don't taste good!"

"Well, the taste is not very good!" Jiajia turned his head to look at Xuan Mo and said, and then continued to clean up the monster corpses thrown out by Ji Xiaoyan on the ground, while saying: "But sometimes if there is no food, Jiajia will be hungry. What should I do? Xiaoyan said, you must prepare more! I packed all the edible food, and I will have better ones in the future, and just throw away the inedible ones! If you have no food in the future, Xi Mo When the time comes, Jiajia will share some with you when the time comes!" After finishing speaking, Jiajia smiled at Xuan Mo with a serious expression on her face.

"I don't want it! If I want to eat, go get fresh ones myself!" Xuan Mo said with a look of disgust.

Jiajia gave Xuan Mo a hurtful look, then turned her head and silently continued packing up the corpse.

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Xuan Mo, and secretly thought in her heart: Her pet is still sensible!If Jiajia wants to eat more expensive food, and eat bread, fruit, etc. like her, she will be miserable!I don't know how many gold coins it takes to feed a full meal!Look at Xuan Mo, if this child really follows her in the future, she doesn't know how to raise her!Even the dead monsters are not new, so we will have them in the future?I really want to have a great famine, let Xuan Mo starve him for a few days, just like Jia Jia, just eat everything...
After clearing all the corpses in the package into the interspatial bag in Jiajia, Ji Xiaoyan saw Xuan Mo standing there quietly looking at her with aggrieved face.

"Xu Mo, what's the matter?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at him suspiciously and asked.

Xuan Mo just looked at her and didn't speak.

"What's wrong?" Ji Xiaoyan stood in front of Xuan Mo and looked at him and asked.

"You gave something to Jiajia, but you didn't even give it to me!" Xuan Mo blinked aggrievedly, and after looking at Ji Xiaoyan for a long time, he said quietly.

"Uh..." Ji Xiaoyan took a fixed look at Xuan Mo, and secretly sighed inwardly.It seems that the other interspatial bag in her package can't be kept.

"I just thought it would be more convenient to pack food in the future!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo and laughed twice, then took out the red space bag from the package, handed it to Xuan Mo and said, " The color of this bag is very beautiful, it is just right for you! You can also put small things or food in the future!"

"Really?" Xuan Mo blinked twice, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked.

"Of course!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled wryly, and then continued: "Our ink is so beautiful, it looks best with this bag!" Gold coins, there are thousands of gold coins again...
"Really? Thank you, Xiaoyan!" Xuan Mo smiled happily, took the space bag, and started to fiddle with it happily.

However, Ji Xiaoyan burst into tears!A child who is jealous and vying for favor cannot afford to be hurt!

 PS: Thank you "Vela" for the pink ticket!Thank you "Momo House" for the pink ticket! !
(End of this chapter)

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