Chapter 345 Stowaway

The idea of ​​the starry sky is good, but the sinking driftwood doesn't appreciate it at all.

Judging from Driftwood's thinking, Thunder Kitten and Super Thunder Big Cat belong to the same group as the strangers, and the strangers belong to the same group as Xingkong Haohan, so the four of them are all the same that's it!And although Feihua Wushang said he brought it, that woman is just an eye-catcher. Once the two of them go in together, if something really happens inside, then Feihua Wushang will be treated as a stranger. If he took some favors to pass away, he probably wouldn't know anything about it!How can the sinking driftwood feel at ease?

So they tangled and tangled, and finally the vast starry sky and the sinking driftwood finally discussed the matter.The thunder kitten stayed and did not enter the city lord's mansion, and then replaced his place with a subordinate of the sinking driftwood, a mage named "Moonlight is infinitely good".

As for the important task of paying Aunt Zhang in the end, of course Xingkong Haohan is responsible for it all.Fifty gold coins, for the vastness of the starry sky, he is still willing to part with it.

After receiving the money, Aunt Zhang said a few words to the NPCs surrounding them, and then greeted Xingkong Haohan and they walked towards the other direction of the city lord's mansion together. If you get into the city lord's mansion, then you don't know.And Thunder Kitten, together with the fast-sinking driftwood, accompanied Starry Sky's subordinates, and stayed in place with the fast-sinking driftwood's subordinates and waited.

Outside the Panchi City, the silver-haired player Yan Ye wandered for a long time, and finally saw the gate of the Panchi City.At this time, there were already quite a few players lining up outside the city gate.Yan Foil drifted away to find a place, stood there immediately, quietly waited for his turn, and then entered the city.

What was thought to be going well, turned out to be an accident.

The reason is that Nightmare Foil Displacement is almost the same as Ji Xiaoyan, who smuggled over from the Eastern Continent. Therefore, for the NPCs in the Western Continent, as long as they need to be strictly interrogated, the city guards can arrest him!As for this, neither Yan Foil Liuliu nor Ji Xiaoyan knew about it!Since the two of them arrived in the Western Continent, they have never encountered a city that required strict investigation.And when Ji Xiaoyan entered Panchi City, it was the first time old man Qingmi took her in without being checked by the city guards.The second time with Jiajia, she changed her appearance and became an NPC, so she entered Panchi City smoothly.However, Nightmare Foil Wandering could not be like Ji Xiaoyan, so he could only line up in front of the city guards as a player from the Eastern Continent.So, it was discovered by the city guards at a glance.Then, the consequence was that although Yan Foil drifted into Panchi City as he wished, he was bound and escorted in by the city guards.

"Brother Guard, can you ask, where are we going?" Yan Foil Liuli asked tentatively after being captured by a city guard and entered the city.He is still a little confused as to why he was caught when it was his turn.The city guards just met his eyes after seeing him, and immediately told him not to move, and then arrested him.

"City Lord's Mansion!" The city guard glanced at Yan Foil Liuli, and then said lightly: "You are not from our Western Continent, and you dare to come to our Panchi City without permission! I will send you to the City Lord's Mansion Go, hand it over to the city lord!"

It turned out to be because of this!Yan Foil Liuli secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the city guard with a smile and asked, "Then will I be executed?"

The city guard glanced at him, sighed in his heart and said, "Then it depends on your luck!"

In fact, from the moment when Nightmare Foil Wandering was caught, these city guards already believed that Nightmare Foil Wandering would be killed by the city lord!The reason is very simple, Lord City Lord is bloodthirsty!If you happen to meet such a foreign free cultivator who is not from the city of this continent, will you be merciful?The answer is definitely not!

And the city guards all felt that this matter must not be told to let Yan Foil Lili know, otherwise who knows if he will resist!If something unexpected happened during the resistance, they would be the city guards who died later, wouldn't they?Therefore, appeasement and less talk have become the guidelines followed by the city guards.

Yan Foil Liuli nodded with a faint smile, and stopped talking to the city guards.

He had heard the system prompt that the place where the accident happened in Panchi City was the City Lord's Mansion.Then that girl Ji Xiaoyan will definitely be there too!Even if this matter was not caused by Ji Xiaoyan, it would be easy to handle!He didn't believe that the strangers would not come to Panchi City when they heard the system prompt!As long as they come, they will have a chance to meet at that time, won't they?
Originally, Nightmare Foil wandered back to the exiled land with great difficulty to find his master, Emek, and begged for a long time, and then helped to do a lot of coolies, before his master made a teleportation array and teleported directly to the Western Continent.As soon as he arrived in the Western Continent, Yanboliu immediately found out the call connection and dialed Ji Xiaoyan first, but the result was that he was either offline or unable to connect.Later, they called the strangers and Thunder Kitten, but found that they were unable to connect. (At that time, the strangers were already within the scope of Panchi City.)
So, Nightmare Foil wandered after thinking about it, and just slowly mixed in the town he teleported to.Let's find out the situation in the Western Continent first, then say no?Then when he had almost understood the situation, he heard the system prompt, so he immediately decided to come to Panchi City.As for those female players, they were the ones he met during this time...

After wandering for a long time with the city guards, Yan Foil finally saw the City Lord's Mansion.

Not to mention, there is still a little advantage for him to be caught in this way.Those players who entered Panchi City in front of him, after entering the city gate, were either surrounded by some NPCs to buy things, or asked them to do tasks before letting them go, or were asked to enter Panchi City. Where can I get something like a temporary entry certificate, otherwise the city guards in the city will not let them enter the inner city.That is, within the scope of the City Lord's Mansion.And Yan Foil Wandering was captured and brought in by NPC city guards, so there was no need to do these messy things at all, and he was taken directly outside the city lord's mansion.

"Brother Guard, why are there so many people around here?" Nightmare Foil asked curiously, looking at the NPCs outside the City Lord's Mansion.

"These are none of your business!" the city guard glanced at Yan Foil Liuliu and said lightly.

"Oh!" Yan Foil Liuliu smiled gently and didn't speak, but started to look at those NPCs.As a result, he looked and looked, but found that he seemed to see a familiar figure from the back.

Opening his mouth, Yan Foil Liuli still yelled: "Kitten?"

"Don't make any noise!" The city guard immediately turned his head and scolded after hearing Yan Foil's shout.

"Hehe!" Yan Foil Liuli smiled at the city guards, and then moved his gaze to Thunder Kitten.

Because they were surrounded by NPCs, Thunder Kitty and the others didn't dare to speak loudly, so outside of the City Lord's Mansion, except for the sound of magic spells above the City Lord's Mansion, basically there was no sound of conversation.Of course, except for the sinking driftwood when they all have to talk.

Therefore, as soon as Yan Fouliu called "kitten" out of his mouth, he was immediately heard by the thunder kitten.

So, the thunder kitten looked in the direction of the sound in a little surprise, and then saw Yan Foil drifting away.

"Liu Li? Li Li, why are you here?" The Thunder Kitten saw Yan Foil Liu Li tied up and walking towards the City Lord's Mansion, and immediately shouted in surprise, while squeezing towards the NPCs surrounding them.

Yan Foil Liuli just wanted to walk towards Thunder Kitten, but the city guard grabbed him and reprimanded him, "What are you doing? Be honest!"

"Well, brother guard, my friend is over there, can you let us have a few words?" Nightmare Foil Liuli smiled at the city guard and said.

"Friends? Do you still have friends in our Western Continent?" the city guard frowned and asked Yan Foil Wandering.

"Well, yes!" Yan Foil Liuli said quickly, "That one over there is my friend!"

The city guards looked in the direction indicated by Yan Foil's wandering, and sure enough, they saw the thunder kitten squeezed in the crowd of NPCs, shouting loudly: "Lifting, wandering!"

"Brother Guard, just wait for a few minutes, let me have a few words with my friend!" Yan Foil Liuliu saw the city guard's face softened, and said quickly.

"I can only say a few words!" The city guard glared at Yan Foil Liuli, and then said, "We must enter the City Lord's Mansion as soon as possible!"

"Yes, yes!" Yan Foil Liuliu nodded quickly.

Only then did the city guards nod in satisfaction, and waited for the thunder kitten to come rushing over with Yan Foil's drifting station.If it weren't for seeing so many players outside the City Lord's Mansion with Thunder Kitten, the city guards would definitely not sell their face.The city guards thought about it, Nightmare Foil and Thunder Kitten knew each other, and Thunder Kitten must have known that group of players.Then if he didn't follow Yanfoil's wish for a while, and Yanfoil's wandering and Thunder Kitten made trouble with those players, wouldn't he be miserable?This is outside the City Lord's Mansion!Across the wall is the city lord who makes all the NPCs in Panchi City fear!

"Liuli, what's going on with you? When did you come to the Western Continent?" Thunder Kitten finally squeezed to the side of Yanfoil Liuli, and hurriedly asked.

"I've been here for a long time! I just arrived in Panchi City!" Yan Foil Liuli looked at Thunder Kitten and replied, "Are Susu and Xiaoyan here?"

"Boss Su found a way to enter the city lord's mansion, and Xiaoyan has already entered the city lord's mansion!" Thunder Kitty replied, then looked at the rope on Yan Foil Liuli's body and asked: "What's going on? what?"

"I was discovered by smuggling here, so that's it!" Yan Foil Liuli smiled at Thunder Kitten, and then said: "This brother guard is going to send me in. Since Xiaoyan and the others are all inside, I just go in and take a look." Let's see if we can join them!"

(End of this chapter)

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