The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 346 The person who came out of the city lord's mansion

Chapter 346 The person who came out of the city lord's mansion
"Then I'll go in with you!" Thunder Kitten said hastily when he heard Yan Foil's wandering words, then turned his head and glanced at the sinking driftwood. After seeing him and other players looking towards them, Thunder Kitty The cat whispered to Yan Foil and said: "My father and Su Boss both went in, but I was left outside! I don't have a big deal with those people, I'd better go in with you!"

"This..." Nightmare foil glanced at the NPC city guard next to him, feeling a bit embarrassed.I don't know if the city guard is willing to take Thunder Kitten along with him!After all, he is not a guest now, but a prisoner!

"Want to go in?" The city guard raised his eyebrows when he heard Thunder Kitten's words, and asked a little sarcastically.

"En!" Thunder Kitten nodded immediately.

"Do you think you can enter the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City if you want?" the city guard asked with a sneer glance at Thunder Kitten.

"Uh..." Thunder Kitty choked, as expected, it was very difficult to enter the City Lord's Mansion!
"Okay, we've finished talking, let's go in!" The city guard looked up at Yan Foil and said.Afterwards, he pushed Yan Foil away, signaling him to move on.

"I want to go in too, I want to go in too! Brother City Guard, take me in with you!" Seeing this, Thunder Kitty hurriedly pulled the City Guard back and said.

"Go, go!" The city guard glared at Thunder Kitten impatiently, and then said, "What kind of place do you think our Panchi City is? You can go there wherever you want? You don't even look at your identity! "

"Brother City Guard, just take me in!" Thunder Kitten said with a bitter face, looking at the City Guard.He didn't want to be with the sinking driftwood at all.The best thing now is to find a way into the city lord's mansion to find his father or that girl Ji Xiaoyan...

"Go away!" The city guard glared at Thunder Kitten in displeasure, pushed him in disgust, and then dragged Yan Foil away and continued walking towards the City Lord's Mansion.

As a result, he had just walked two steps, and when he reached a place 100 meters away from the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, the originally closed City Lord's gate suddenly opened.Then I saw some city guards dressed in the city lord's mansion coming out of the gate... and some maids! ?maid?
How is this going?

The onlookers outside the city lord's mansion and the city guard who dragged Yan Foil away were dumbfounded.Could it be that the city lord's mansion has become so chaotic that it is impossible to stay?Or is it that Lord Yeshan City Lord is on a killing spree again?Or, is there some other dangerous thing in it?So many city lord mansion guards and maids fled, should they go in?Will it be sent to death as soon as it enters?

When the city guards who were grabbing Yanjiao were thinking about whether to catch Yanbaoliu again, they saw the city guards and maids rushing out from the gate of the city lord's mansion, and they all stood still in place after running out of the city lord's mansion. He paused and looked back towards the door.So the NPCs and players outside the City Lord's Mansion also turned their attention to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

Then I heard Thunder Kitten exclaiming in surprise: "Xiaoyan?"

Yan Foil Liuli looked suspiciously at a girl who rushed out from the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.Looking at the clothes, it looks a bit like Ji Xiaoyan, but the appearance is different!Probably changed his face again.Ji Xiaoyan sat on Gaga's back, behind him was an old man in a blue robe, holding a man in an NPC city guard costume with his head down, and behind Gaga was a child in a delicate white robe with dark patterns , and, still floating in the air...
"Xiaoyan!" Thunder Kitten hurriedly shouted again.Although Ji Xiaoyan's face has changed, it has not changed!Knowing Jiajia is enough to confirm Ji Xiaoyan's identity.

Just when Ji Xiaoyan was rushed out of the gate of the city lord's mansion, she heard the voice of the thunder kitten calling her, and then saw the nightmare and the thunder kitten in a glance, so she immediately sat behind her facing each other Qing Mi, who was holding Gongzheng, called out: "Uncle Shi, my friend!"

"That?" Qing Mi asked very simply.

"The one with silver hair and the sorcerer next to him!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly replied.

Qing Mi glanced at it and saw Yan Foil Wandering clearly. As for the mage that Ji Xiaoyan said, he didn't know what it meant.But fortunately, there was only one Thunder Kitten standing next to Nightmare Foil, which was a player, so Qing Mi waited until Jiajia stopped next to Thunder Kitten and the others, and with a light grab, he successively removed Nightmare Foil and Thunder Kitten. Thunder Kitten was caught on Jiajia's back and sat behind him.

"Sit down, let's go!" Qing Mi said to Thunder Kitten and the others, and then shouted at the city guards rushing out of the City Lord's Mansion: "Let's go!"

The city guard who was wandering away while grabbing Yan Foil hadn't realized what was going on, and saw that the person he was holding was taken away. Not to mention, the maids and guards who just rushed out of the City Lord's Mansion still listened to Qing Mi If not, he continued to run out of the city.As for the city lord's mansion, apart from being able to see the weak spell in the air and the mess that can be seen from the gate, no one knows about the other situations.

"What's going on?" All the NPCs surrounded the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, looking into the gate with a little fear, while secretly hesitating in their hearts, should they go in and see the situation?
Driftwood, which was about to sink, immediately yelled when Thunder Kitten was caught on Jiajia's back: "Thunder Kitten, Thunder Kitten, where are you going?" He didn't mean to care about Thunder Kitten , but heard the thundering kitten shouting, the woman who just rushed out of the city lord's mansion is Ji Xiaoyan, no matter whether he can see the sinking driftwood clearly, he only knows that if the thundering kitten wants to talk to Ji Xiaoyan If Xiaoyan is together, then he must be brought along!So when he saw the thunder kitten being taken away by Ji Xiaoyan, Driftwood, who was about to sink, was startled!At this time, no matter what, Thunder Kitty can't let it run away, and it's still with that girl Ji Xiaoyan.

So, when Jiajia carried Ji Xiaoyan and the others towards the outside of the city, the sinking driftwood immediately shouted to the subordinates behind: "Chasing, let's hurry up! We can't let them run away!"

"Yes, boss!" Driftwood's men, who were about to sink, quickly supported him, and ran towards the direction where Ji Xiaoyan and the others were going away.But because everyone still has the state called "weakness", the men of the sinking driftwood can only run while watching Ji Xiaoyan and the others get farther and farther away from them... Whoever told them to do so What about some weak soldiers?

As for the subordinates of the vast starry sky, they didn't even move, they just stayed where they were, while excitedly guessing what happened in the city lord's mansion, while thinking about whether they should also find a way to enter the city lord's mansion Find the vastness of the starry sky to meet...
"Xiaoyan, are we... where are we going?" Lei Ting kitten sat on Jiajia's back while eating the wind, while helping Yan Foliu to untie the rope, and asked Ji Xiaoyan.

"Let's go to Qingshimen!" Qing Mi replied to Thunder Kitten while grabbing Gong Zheng who had been knocked out by him with one hand.

"Ah?" Thunder Kitten was startled.Qingshimen?Isn't that the sect that is looking for Ji Xiaoyan?Aren't they going to die here?
Ji Xiaoyan probably guessed what Thunder Kitty was thinking, so he turned his head and explained: "It's okay, Master Qingmi is here! Besides, we caught the person who ran away in the wooden house!"

"That's him?" Thunder Kitten was not stupid, and immediately looked at Gongzheng who was being held by old man Qingmi and asked.

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, then looked at Yan Foil Liuli and asked, "How did you get here? When did you arrive? Didn't you tell me when you arrived?"

"My master sent me here! I just arrived in Panchi City not long ago!" Yan Foil Liuliu smiled at Ji Xiaoyan and said simply.

"Humph!" Xuan Mofei was in mid-air, glaring at Yan Foil Liuli annoyedly.This man looks just as good-looking as him, but he dared to play with his silver hair to attract Xiaoyan's attention!He doesn't like him!
Yan Foil Liuliu glanced at Xuan Mo suspiciously, not knowing how to offend this brat.Then he looked at the old man Qingya who was obviously an NPC sitting in front of him, and didn't speak.Anyway, when I have time, I will ask Ji Xiaoyan in detail and I will know the situation!

The thunder kitten sat behind Yan Foil's back, and after a long time of effort, he finally untied the rope that bound Yan Foil.

At this time, they had already rushed to the gate of the city.

Because there were a bunch of city guards and maids running in front of Gaga to clear the way, basically when they all rushed out of the gate of Panchi City, the city guards guarding the gate realized that the group of people who had just run out Here, besides the people dressed as guards of the City Lord's Mansion, there are also maids and a few free practitioners... So, the city guards began to wonder secretly: "What happened just now? The one who ran out was the City Lord's Mansion." The guards and maids? They all ran away, did something serious happen to the city lord's mansion? Didn't they say that they are allowed in and not allowed out? Do you want to arrest the few free practitioners who just ran out?"

Thinking of this, the head of a guard was suddenly shocked.

"Close the city gate, close the city gate! Entry is prohibited!" The head of the guard immediately shouted.

Therefore, the players who are still queuing outside the city gate to enter the city are depressed!They finally arrived at Panchi City after being blackmailed by Qianhuamen for dozens of gold coins, and they were declared unable to enter the city before they could enter the city as they wished. Isn't their money wasted?Isn't time wasted?
"Let's go in, let's go in!" The players yelled and rushed towards the city gate.

"Close the city gate, close the city gate!" The head of the guard shouted anxiously at the city guards.What they need to do most at this time is to close the city gate immediately, and then go to the City Lord's Mansion together to see what happened...

As for Ji Xiaoyan and the others who ran out, they don't have the energy to catch them anymore!Moreover, there are a bunch of players at the door...

Ji Xiaoyan doesn't care what kind of chaos Panchi City will be in the future.She just needs to sit on Jiajia's back, let Qingmi guide the way, let the city guards and maids from Panchi City clear the way, and rush all the way to Qingshimen...

 PS: Thanks to "Gudao Xiaofeng" for the Santa hat. Yesterday was Christmas, but Qianqian went to work overtime and completely forgot about it! !Belated wishes, Merry Christmas everyone.
(End of this chapter)

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