Chapter 348
In the morning, Shihei District.

After Ji Xiaoyan crawled out of the game, while eating breakfast, he and Yu Qisi waited for the fallen leaves to fly to the Shihei area to give her some kind of weapon, and then went outside the Shihei area to kill that low-level beast in the wilderness , completed the resident level task in reality.

Originally, when Fallen Leaves flew away last time, they promised to send the weapons and equipment five days later, but it was said that something happened in the middle, and they didn't get away, so they insisted on delaying for two days before notifying them. Called Yu Qisi and said he was coming.So Ji Xiaoyan calculated the time and went offline early to wait.

As for the game, Ji Xiaoyan had already explained to the old man Qingmi for a while before going offline, and then the two discussed it for a long time, and finally the old man Qingmi led a group of NPCs and a few of their players, just at the foot of Qianhua Gate After finding a remote place, Qing Mi and Jia Jia dug a cave in the mountain together. After a group of people went in and hid, Ji Xiaoyan went offline.As for Thunder Kitten and Nightmare Foil, after asking how long Ji Xiaoyan was going to go offline, they also went offline with her.After all, the two of them think that it is still a very painful thing to stay with a bunch of NPCs for so long without being able to move around freely!

What's more, the kid Xuanmo is also very hostile to the Nightmare Foil, and the Nightmare Foil Wanderer will definitely not stay in the game.Therefore, Thunder Kitty felt that since Yan Foil's wandering must go offline with Ji Xiaoyan, it would be too awkward if he stayed in the game and foolishly faced a group of NPCs if he didn't go offline .

So, after Ji Xiaoyan and Qing Mi agreed on the time, Thunder Kitty and Nightmare Foil drifted away together.

Of course, when they were about to go offline, the two still heard a very depressing sentence.

That was what Xuan Mo looked at the old man Qingmi innocently and asked: "Uncle Qingmi, we have dug up the foundation of a sect here, will it destroy their Feng Shui? Did you do it on purpose?" ?...."

Well, the Nightmare Foil Drifter and Thunder Kitten in the back didn't hear it.But both of them are sure that the old man Qingmi definitely did it on purpose.No matter what feng shui thing is true or not...
After breakfast, he twisted his body alone to exercise his body, and after more than an hour, Ji Xiaoyan finally waited for the fallen leaves to fly.

"How long have you been waiting?" Fallen Leaves asked Ji Xiaoyan as he got off the suspension car.

"It's not long!" Ji Xiaoyan replied, and then looked curiously at the back of Flying Leaves and asked, "What kind of weapon is it like?" Ji Xiaoyan is very curious, the weapon in reality!Even in what era in the previous life, it is not easy for ordinary people to get a weapon!Of course, knives don't count.

"It's in the back!" Luoye Fenfei smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, and then asked, "Have you never seen a weapon before?"

"No!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, then looked at the falling leaves with excitement and asked, "Why don't you take it out and have a look now?"

"I don't want it anymore. Let's go to the suburbs together in a while. I'll take care of it for you! If you accidentally make any noise at this moment, it's not good!" Luo Ye Fenfei looked at it with a smile Ji Xiaoyan said.

"Tch, you just don't trust me!" Ji Xiaoyan said with her mouth flattened.

"I can't help it, who made you a newcomer?" Falling Leaves Flying laughed.

Ji Xiaoyan shrugged helplessly, agreeing with Falling Leaves Flying.

"July [-]th, get me something to eat. I brought something to someone early in the morning, and I haven't eaten breakfast yet! Hey, I've been standing for so long, and someone doesn't care about me!" He glanced at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on his face, and then said to Yu Qisi.

"Yes, young master!" Yu Qisi nodded, and immediately turned and went into the kitchen.

Ji Xiaoyan was a little embarrassed by what Fallen Leaves said, so he quickly smiled at him and said, "Hey, I thought you had already eaten it!"

"I came to the car to deliver something to you as soon as I woke up. How can I have time to eat!" Luo Yefei said to Ji Xiaoyan, then looked at her guilty face, couldn't help but smiled and said: " All right, I was afraid that you were waiting too fast, so I came here earlier."

"Hey!" Ji Xiaoyan smirked.

"How are you doing in the game these days? Have you come out of that secret space?" Luo Yefei took Ji Xiaoyan to the dining table, and while waiting for Yu Qisi to serve, he looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked .

"Enen, it's out!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, then looked at the fallen leaves with a happy smile and said, "I even made a small fortune."

"What? Did you find something good again?" Luoye Feifei looked at Ji Xiaoyan with interest and asked.

"Hey, I searched the treasury of Panchi City, and found a lot of good things!" Ji Xiaoyan said triumphantly, "Hey, what I hope most now is that some kind of trading platform will appear. , it would be even better if we can trade across the mainland again!"

Fallen Leaves was suddenly surprised, "What did you say? You went to steal the vault?"

"Yes! Isn't there nothing I can do?" Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and then said helplessly.

" are really bold!" Luo Yefenfei said with a speechless face, "Have you not been discovered?"

"Uh..." Ji Xiaoyan was suffocated immediately, and then said quietly: "I was discovered."

"Ah?" Luoye Fenfei originally just asked casually, but who knew that when Ji Xiaoyan said this suddenly, he felt depressed immediately.

"Well, I was discovered because I stole something with an alarm!" Ji Xiaoyan said unwillingly.Originally, if she and old man Qingmi acted, they would definitely come quietly, steal good things and leave quietly.Who knows what kind of madness that Yeshan city lord has gone, insisting on putting his bellyband in the vault, and adding an automatic alarm ban, do you think she was wronged when she was discovered?

"What did you steal?" Luo Yefenfei opened his mouth, and finally could only hold back this sentence dryly.

"I haven't paid attention to it yet, I was busy grabbing things all the way and ran away!" Ji Xiaoyan tilted his head and thought for two seconds, and finally replied.The only thing she remembered was the bellyband.

Luo Yefenfei shook his head helplessly, and then saw that Yu Qisi had come over with food, so he immediately straightened his body and prepared to eat with an elegant posture.

Ji Xiaoyan also stopped talking, and then put his hands on his face, watching the fallen leaves flying and eating with a fuzzy expression, he didn't know what to think.

Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's appearance, Luoye Feifei's awkward eating gradually became natural.

Half an hour later, Luo Yefenfei wiped her mouth, and was about to call Shang Ji Xiaoyan to get on the suspension car and go to the suburbs together.It turned out that the girl seemed to be asleep in a fugue.

"Hey, Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan!" Luo Yefenfei rolled his eyes and pushed Ji Xiaoyan.

"Ah?" Ji Xiaoyan immediately opened his eyes, and looked at the falling leaves in confusion.

"Asleep?" Fallen Leaves asked with a look on his face that I knew you must be.

"No!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly denied.

"Cut!" Fallen Leaves was full of disbelief, and then a little frustrated.Even if he doesn't have much interest in this girl Ji Xiaoyan, seeing Ji Xiaoyan like this doesn't mean much to him.However, as a man who is often surrounded by women with admiring gazes, Flying Leaves feels that Ji Xiaoyan fell asleep when facing him, which hurt his self-esteem.And, most importantly, he can't tell Ji Xiaoyan yet!
The fallen leaves were flying and burst into tears.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go outside the city!" Ji Xiaoyan shouted excitedly towards Flying Leaves and Yu Qisi.

"En!" Luoye Feifei looked at the excited Ji Xiaoyan in frustration.He knew that this girl didn't have any consciousness that she hurt him at all.Why!

"Do you want to bring some snacks?" Yu Qisi looked at Ji Xiaoyan expressionlessly and asked.

"Bring it, bring it, if you get hungry, you can be at the bottom!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly.Needless to say, Yu Qisi's craftsmanship is a master class!Of course, this is just what Ji Xiaoyan thinks.Yu Qisi said that it was just a trick!

After getting on the suspension car, Ji Xiaoyan sat with Luo Yefenfei, and then just watched the scenery outside the car window change.

After more than an hour, they finally arrived at the legendary suburb.

The outskirts of Shihei District are indeed quite remote.

There are grasslands, woods and mountains everywhere. Not to mention the houses, there are not many people.

Flying Leaves explained to Ji Xiaoyan that after stepping out of the residential area, they are now standing in a non-residential area, which is basically the range of wild beasts.Ordinary low-level residents can't afford weapons, and they don't have much combat power. Therefore, basically, as long as people's lives are not too difficult, they will not come to the suburbs to find work and earn money.

Ji Xiaoyan looked around. Although he said that there were no people in the suburbs, it didn't mean that there were no people at all.There were still a few of them, armed with weapons, who cautiously probed further outside.

Yu Qisi said that those are professional hunters who want to earn more money.This is what they eat!

Ji Xiaoyan nodded half-understood, glanced at the few people moving on the wasteland, then shifted his gaze to the hands of the falling leaves.That was the weaponry for her.

"Let you familiarize yourself with the operation first, and then we will find someone to register, and then you will come out and find a low-level beast to kill!" Luoye Fenfei looked at Ji Xiaoyan worriedly and said.If it wasn't for this kind of task that the staff in the office must follow and watch in person, and if he was sure that the task was completed by himself, he could find anyone to help Ji Xiaoyan complete the task.Why is it so troublesome to let a girl like Ji Xiaoyan take risks!
Even if it is a low-level beast, there are beasts!

 PS: First of all, thank you for the update ticket of "The Thorn Bird Flying Lonely"!Secondly, Qianqian is about to burst into tears. I didn’t see any renewal tickets when I went to sleep last night. Why did I get them early in the morning?And it's still [-], thousands of tears, no manuscripts saved!

(End of this chapter)

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