The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 349 The First Beast

Chapter 349 The First Beast

The weapons and equipment brought by the falling leaves are all dark green equipment.

Dark green clothes, dark green pants, and even a dark green hat.When Ji Xiaoyan put on the hat, he still felt a little awkward, it was a green hat, a green hat...
As for the weapon, it is the same pistol-shaped weapon as in the previous life, but the design is much better, but the color is also green.The function is slightly different, the one in the previous life used bullets, but the current one uses shock waves.Well, Ji Xiaoyan thinks, this is a bit like that Guibo Qigong, which is the kind used by Guixianren in Dragon Ball. Ji Xiaoyan thinks that the shock wave emitted by this weapon is similar to that wave Qigong, except that it requires It is much smaller, and its power is also compressed....
However, this weapon is not bad, at least it can kill a lot of people with a single swipe, it is definitely a sharp weapon!And it's easy to carry!As for the color, according to Flying Leaves' explanation, it was specially made dark green for her some time ago, just thinking that when this girl went to the suburbs, if she was dressed in black too conspicuously, she would be dressed in dark green. If you see any dangerous beasts, you can lie down in the grass to confuse the sight of the beasts. The safety factor can at least be a little bigger!

Therefore, even if Ji Xiaoyan had any opinion on the green hat, it was hard to say, so he put the clothes on silently, then held the shock wave gun in both hands, and listened to Flying Leaves' teaching.

What I have to say is that I don't know if it's because Ji Xiaoyan practiced too much courage in the girl's game.I just got familiar with the weapon in my hand, and after seeing a low-level beast that Yu Qisi said appeared not far away, he aimed directly and sent a shock wave, and then saw the beast as if it was crippled by the wind. Like a leaf, he fell to the ground.

And Ji Xiaoyan grabbed Yu Qisi and Luoye Fenfei excitedly and asked, "Can we go over and have a look, can we go over and have a look?"

Well, Falling Leaves is speechless.

This girl doesn't need his protection!Looking at the excitement, there is no doubt that the girl Ji Xiaoyan is not as nervous as ordinary girls who hold weapons.Hey, his worries are unnecessary again...

In the end, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't hold back, Yu Qisi and the bodyguards who were in charge of protecting Luoye Fenfei brought Ji Xiaoyan and Luoye Fenfei to the beast that Ji Xiaoyan killed.

One of the bodyguards in the falling leaves thought, don't let the girls handle these bloody things, and when he was about to bend down to pick up the rabbit-shaped beast that Ji Xiaoyan killed, he suddenly found a With one hand, he directly picked up the beast's corpse.Looking up, it turned out to be the girl Ji Xiaoyan who had a good relationship with his young master.

The bodyguard comrades were a little dumbfounded.

Didn't the girl see that the beast was covered in blood?Didn't the girl see that the beast was gutted?This girl didn't see it... She must be too courageous!Aren't ordinary girls very timid?Would you all feel sick?Would you all find it cruel?Why is this girl still so excited?

Not only the bodyguards were dumbfounded, but Flying Leaves was also dumbfounded.He always felt that Ji Xiaoyan was the type that should be protected.However, now he suddenly realized that he was wrong again!

"Haha, the first beast I killed!" Ji Xiaoyan excitedly grabbed the rabbit-like beast with short ears and threw it in the air, and said to the falling leaves.

"That, Xiaoyan, blood, blood!" Flying Leaves' face twitched a little.It doesn't matter if this girl is not afraid, is she so excited?Moreover, the blood of that beast is still bleeding, okay?She flicked and flicked like this, and a lot of blood dripped on them.Of course, this is not the point, the point is that she is very excited, which makes them feel very abnormal!

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry! I'm so excited!" Ji Xiaoyan heard what Fallen Leaves said, and immediately saw that he and the bodyguards next to him were sprinkled with the blood of beasts, so he quickly stopped shaking his hands They said a little apologetically to the falling leaves.

"It's okay!" Luoye Fenfei swallowed, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Well, Xiaoyan, aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid? Why are you afraid?" Ji Xiaoyan widened his eyes and asked suspiciously as he watched the fallen leaves flying.

"Uh..." Flying Leaves was speechless for a moment.Aren't little girls scared?But Flying Leaves completely forgot that Ji Xiaoyan was picking up corpses every day in the game!

"Forget it, let's go back and register with the people in the office, and then finish the task earlier!" Finally, Luoye Feifei opened his mouth, sighed and said.

"En, en!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, then turned his head to look at Yu Qisi and asked, "Qisi, is this food edible?"

Yu Qisi looked at Flying Leaves in astonishment.

"Well, Xiaoyan, some of these beasts can be eaten! But this one in your hand is not good! Eating it is not good for your health!" Falling Leaves Flying Fly said after thinking about it.In fact, it’s okay to eat, but these low-level beasts are equivalent to contaminated food. It’s okay to eat less, but there will be problems if you eat too much.Generally, only the poorer residents eat these things sometimes.

But Yu Qisi's dilemma is that she is also a woman, as long as she thinks of going back to skin such a bloody beast for cooking, her hairs will stand on end.Although she is a servant of the Yu family, her food and accommodation since she was a child is much better than that of ordinary tenth and ninth-class residents.Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly asked her to deal with the beast, but she really couldn't do it...

"Huh? You can't eat it!" Ji Xiaoyan was obviously disappointed.

The falling leaves were suddenly even more speechless!This girl's nerves are stronger than ordinary people's!Seeing such a bloody thing, she still thought about whether she could get it and eat it...
"Then what should we do with this corpse?" Ji Xiaoyan pointed to the beast corpse in his hand and asked as he watched the fallen leaves fly.

"Throw it away!" Luo Ye Fenfei said lightly, then turned around.He really can't stand it anymore, if he doesn't leave, who knows if this girl will propose to take this beast's body back as a souvenir!

Actually, Flying Leaves was right.Ji Xiaoyan really had that idea!This is the first beast she killed in another world!No matter what, we should keep some souvenirs!However, seeing the fallen leaves flying away, Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything, and finally had no choice but to look expectantly at Yu Qisi who was standing with her.She has the most ideas!

"Qisi!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Qisi flatteringly and shouted.

"Xiao... Yan..." Yu Qisi's body trembled suddenly, and then he said immediately: "Well, let's register with the young master as soon as possible, and then finish the task! Throw away the corpse of this beast , let's go back and clean up, look at the blood all over your body..." Yu Qisi didn't let Ji Xiaoyan talk, and walked back immediately as soon as he pulled her.

Ji Xiaoyan opened her mouth, seeing that she couldn't get in the words, she had to honestly let Yu Qisi hold her back, but she had no intention of throwing away the corpse of the beast in her hand.

"Why haven't you thrown that away yet!" Walking to the suspension vehicle, Falling Leaves Flying saw the beast corpse in Ji Xiaoyan's hand at a glance, and immediately said loudly.

"I want to keep a souvenir! This, can it be made into a specimen?" Ji Xiaoyan asked with a smile on his face as he looked at the falling leaves.

The fallen leaves immediately covered their foreheads, how could this happen!In the game, he knew that this girl would pick up and put away everything, but he didn't expect that in reality, this girl would still be like this, even dead bodies!In the game, it’s okay to collect monster corpses and say that her pets are used as food. The question is, this is reality, is this reality?Who has ever seen a family that spends a lot of money to make a low-level beast and put it in the house as a specimen display!

Thinking of this, Flying Leaves' eyes suddenly lit up.That's right, making specimens requires money, as long as you tell girl Ji Xiaoyan that he won't help pay for the production and let her pay for it herself, she will definitely not ask for specimens anymore, right?Well, that's a good idea!

Therefore, Luoye Fenfei looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a troubled face and said, "Xiaoyan, you should know that it costs a lot of money to make specimens!"

"Ah?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little surprised, "Is there no one in your family who knows?"

The fallen leaves were flying and suddenly suffocated, there was really someone in their house.But the problem is, he can't watch this girl giggle holding a corpse specimen of a low-level beast when she has nothing to do in the future, or when she has friends with her, she will hold such a thing to show off to others, right?Thinking about it made him feel a little chilly.

"No!" So, Luoye Flying said to Ji Xiaoyan very simply.

"Qisi, will friends you don't know know?" Ji Xiaoyan turned his head and pinned his hopes on Yu Qisi.

Falling Leaves Flying Hearing the words, immediately looked at Yu Qisi and shook his head.

"No!" Yu Qisi replied indifferently when he saw the reminder of falling leaves.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan was disappointed.It costs money!
Falling Leaves Flying's heart was suddenly overjoyed, as long as money was talked about, Ji Xiaoyan was the girl's weakness!Just when Ji Xiaoyan was about to throw away the corpse of the beast in his hand, Flying Leaves heard Ji Xiaoyan speak again.

"Then, Luo Ye, how much does it cost to make a specimen?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Luo Ye with a puzzled face and asked.

Now, the face of the fallen leaves is a little green.This girl still doesn't give up?

"At least, at least 1 million!" After thinking for a while, Luoye Fenfei gritted his teeth and said bitterly.Look at this girl's reluctance to spend so much money to make specimens.

"Ah? So much? Can't you get some discounts?" Ji Xiaoyan asked in surprise, looking at the falling leaves.

"No!" Fallen Leaves Flying said very simply.In fact, the specimen system of such a low-level beast only ranges from [-] to [-] federal coins.However, right now he wanted to dispel this girl Ji Xiaoyan's delusion, so he kept increasing the price.

"That's still quite expensive!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the corpse of the beast in his hand with some reluctance, and said regretfully.

"That's right! It's not worth spending 1 million to make a specimen!" Falling Leaves hurriedly persuaded, "If you have 1 million, why not use it to raise your resident level, don't you think so?"

(End of this chapter)

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