The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 352 Huamen is in chaos?

Chapter 352 Qianhuamen is in chaos?
The two NPCs and the player returned to the cave they dug at the foot of the mountain from Qianhuamen as quickly as possible.

Originally, according to Qing Mi's idea, it would be best for them to pack up their things as soon as they met and go back to Qingshimen immediately.But Ji Xiaoyan quit, because Thunder Kitten and Nightmare Foil Wandering were not online.She has to wait for them to be together!
Qing Mi had no choice but to let go of her figure and the unhappiness in her heart to murmur with Xuan Mo for a long time, and then asked Xuan Mo to go to the entrance of the cave to make some magic restrictions that would not attract attention.Look at what his uncle did?Who is as dedicated as him, who is so kind to his apprentices?If she wants wind, she will give it to wind, if she wants rain, she will get it. When she doesn't want something, she has to work hard to find something good for her...
Qing Mi glanced at Ji Xiaoyan and sighed faintly.His uncle is quite aggrieved!
When Ji Xiaoyan saw it, he rushed over quickly, and then said to Qing Mi with a flattering expression: "Master, don't be angry with me!"

Qing Ya waved her hands helplessly.Does he dare to be angry?If the girl turned around and left as soon as she got angry, where would he go to bring someone back to Qingshimen to show off!
"Hey, I know that Master Uncle is the best!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately hit the snake with a stick and smiled flatteringly at Qing Mi.

"That's enough, that's enough!" Qing Mi said helplessly as she glanced at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile.

It's actually the best way to develop like this. If Ji Xiaoyan feels a little guilty towards him, she will definitely follow him back to Qingshimen in the future!Haha, thinking of this, Qing Ya wanted to laugh out loud.When he brought Ji Xiaoyan back to Qingshimen, what expressions did the brothers in the sect have?I must be envious of him...
Qing Ya was delighted in her heart.

Ji Xiaoyan rolled his eyeballs, then squeezed to Qing Mi's side, trying to make a troubled and depressed expression, then stared at Qing Mi without turning his eyes.

Who is Qing Ya?Ji Xiaoyan's eyes were burning, Qing Mi realized something was wrong within a few seconds, then turned her head to look at Ji Xiaoyan and asked kindly: "Girl, what's the matter? Looking at me like that?"

"Uncle Master... I have something very difficult, I want to ask you!" Ji Xiaoyan tried hard to suppress his embarrassment, looked at Qing Mi and said.

"What's the matter? Tell me directly, if there is any difficulty, I have your uncle!" Old Qing Mi liked the feeling of being needed by Ji Xiaoyan very much.No wonder his brothers and sisters all looked happy after accepting their apprentices. This feeling is really good...

"It's like this, Uncle Master, I want to sell something, the seller has already been found, and the price has been negotiated, but the seller is from another continent! I heard that there is no cross-traffic between continents. So, I just want to ask my uncle, what do you think I should do?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Qing Mi with a pitiful look and asked.

Smuggling across continents is no small matter.Even Nightmare Foil Wandering was sent to the Western Continent only after begging his master, Emek, who could draw teleportation arrays, for a long time.Ji Xiaoyan thinks that if she is asked to find an NPC who can draw teleportation arrays, she must have no time and no luck to meet them.It's better to find resources on the spot and let old man Qingmi help her figure out a solution!Anyway, old man Qingya is also a master, isn't he?Judging from the situation she met old man Qingmi in Qingyang Town before, this old man must like to wander around in various towns when he has nothing to do, maybe he knows quite a lot of people!Besides, it's not sure, there are one or two of them who can draw teleportation arrays like the wandering master Emek?

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Qing Mi expectantly, waiting for him to reply.

Qing Mi was stunned, and suddenly felt a little depressed.

This girl Ji Xiaoyan will find trouble for him!Transcontinental!That is no small matter!If you want to find someone to help, you must find someone with a better relationship, otherwise, who would be willing to help!Moreover, not to mention the relationship, one has to be skilled and capable, otherwise, if the girl Ji Xiaoyan is sent away, and she can't get it back, what will he do as the uncle?
Qing Mi sighed, if possible, he would like to keep this girl Ji Xiaoyan in the Western Continent for the rest of his life!

"Uncle, do you have a solution?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Qing Mi and asked with a starry face.Seeing Qing Mi's appearance, she knew that he must have a way!Otherwise, he would have directly rejected her a long time ago!
"Can't the thing you mentioned be sold in our Western Continent?" Qing Mi looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a glimmer of hope and asked.

"I think so too!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed hastily, and then said: "But people from the Western Continent undercut my price, making me lose money! The prices offered by people from other continents are all very high! I have no choice! I don’t want to run around and trouble my uncle! I’m very short of money now!”

Qing Mi was still very happy when she heard Ji Xiaoyan say "Our Western Continent"!After all, this girl still has a sense of belonging to the Western Continent!As for the latter, what Ji Xiaoyan said, Qing Mi also felt that if Ji Xiaoyan's girl's money was blocked, and he didn't know how many good things he would have to work hard to get this girl, it would be better to just do it now. Following her wish made her feel at ease!Moreover, she made money and felt at ease, so she also felt that she owed him a favor, didn't she?
"When you go back to Qingshimen, the uncle will take you to visit another uncle in Xuanmen. He is very talented in space magic. It should be no problem to get you to other continents!" Qing Mi After thinking about it, he smiled at Ji Xiaoyan and said.

"Okay! Thank you uncle, uncle is the best!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly flattered.

"En!" Qing Mi nodded in satisfaction.Then he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Anyway, it's fine right now, hurry up and practice the Chongyue boxing method I taught you! Have you reached the intermediate level yet?"

"I have already practiced it!" Ji Xiaoyan said quickly.Just kidding, the system said at the time that she was required to practice Zhongyue Boxing to an intermediate level within ten days, how dare she not practice it?Of course, even if you don't practice, the punishment you get is only Aoya's restriction of all game activities.But in the secret space, apart from killing monsters and looking for bosses, Ji Xiaoyan had no choice but to practice this boxing technique at other times.Anyway, most of the time when killing monsters, it was Xuan Mo and Jiajia who were vying for favor and killing monsters. She didn't even need to move to gain experience!When you are bored, you should find something to do, right?

When Qing Mi heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, she smiled very satisfied.The apprentice he chose is not bad!
"Practice well, and when you reach an advanced level, the uncle will teach you more advanced ones!" Qing Mi said, looking at Ji Xiaoyan with a look of relief.

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded obediently.She is still waiting for the old man Qingmi to introduce her to the NPC uncle who can teleport!
Qing Mi looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a satisfied and proud face and smiled.

Ji Xiaoyan had nothing to do, so he practiced the Chong Yue boxing technique while waiting for Thunder Kitty and the others to come online.She really wanted to see those treasures in the package, but Qing Mi said, it's best to wait until a safe place to look!Otherwise, if you lure Ye Shan over, the gain will outweigh the loss!

At night when it was close to reality, Nightmare Foil drifted online, followed by Thunder Kitten.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's pack up and leave quickly!" Qing Mi said immediately after the Thunder Kitten went online.After waiting for so long, to be honest, he was still a little worried.

"Do you want to go out to find out the situation before leaving?" Ji Xiaoyan asked suspiciously.

"I'll go, I'll go!" Xuan Mo immediately raised his hand.

"En! That's good!" Qing Mi bowed her head and pondered for two seconds, then nodded, and said to Xuan Mo: "Remember to stay invisible, first go to Qianhua Gate to check the situation, and then go outside Panchi City to check the situation Enough!"

"Okay!" Su Mo nodded.

"Be careful on the road! Hurry up and come back!" Ji Xiaoyan ordered.

Xuan Mo nodded with a smile, then clasped his hands and gestured a few times before disappearing immediately.

"Let's leave immediately after Xuan Mo comes back!" Ji Xiaoyan explained to Yan Foil and Thunder Kitty.

"Okay!" Nightmare Foil Liuliu and Thunder Kitten nodded without any objection.

Then Thunder Kitten immediately moved to Ji Xiaoyan's side and asked in a low voice: "Xiaoyan, what good things did you steal at Qianhua Gate?"

"It's all for food!" Saying this, Ji Xiaoyan became a little depressed.If I had known earlier, I would go to the warehouse of Qianhuamen first!
"Huh?" Thunder Kitty was a little surprised.

"Hey, I was going to steal the sect's warehouse, but the system announced that the fight in Panchi City was over, Master Qing Mi was worried that Ye Shan would catch up and we wouldn't be able to escape, so we immediately came back and hid. "Ji Xiaoyan explained.

"Oh, so that's the case! I said why are you in such a hurry to leave!" Kitty Thunder nodded.

Afterwards, Ji Xiaoyan chatted with Yan Foil Liuli about his going to the Western Continent, and by the way, told her all about her experience in the Western Continent.Of course, although Ji Xiaoyan was the one who told the nightmare at first, but in the end, it turned out that Ji Xiaoyan was complaining about how bad her luck was!
Nightmare Foil Liuliu and Thunder Kitten kept covering their mouths and laughing.

After waiting for a while, Xuan Mo finally came back.

"Xiaoyan, let me tell you, it's so funny!" As soon as Yu Mo returned to the cave, after taking off the invisibility, he immediately ran to Ji Xiaoyan's side, first gave Yan Foilliu a glance, and then put on a smile, He looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said.

"What's wrong?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo curiously and asked.

Old man Qingya also came over.

"Didn't we go to Qianhua Gate?" Xuan Mo looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked.

"Yeah! What? Was it discovered?" Ji Xiaoyan asked in surprise.

"En!" Xuan Mo nodded, and then continued: "But they didn't know it was us! But they found out that the warehouse of the head of the house was stolen! Qianhuamen is in chaos now! Those free people who want to pass by The cultivators were all locked in the Qianhua Gate and were not allowed to run around. The head of the Qianhua Gate took a few elders and the disciples below, and went to Panchi City angrily. It is said that he is going to catch the thief !"

Xuan Mo narrowed his eyes, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile and said.

 PS: Thanks to "An Ruoyuan" for the pink ticket! Thanks to "Netherworld" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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