Chapter 353 Dan Fang
After Xuan Mo talked for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan finally figured out the situation clearly.

According to Xuan Mo, after the three of them came out of Qianhuamen, old man Qianyun, the head of Qianhuamen, was in a good mood because he had earned a lot of tolls and visiting fees!He decided to take out a little of the private collection in the warehouse and make it into delicious food to reward his subordinates.So, people went to his private warehouse to pick up things.

As a result, it is conceivable that the disciples of Qianhuamen were dumbfounded when they entered the warehouse.It turned out that all the things in the room were gone, even some boxes, shelves and so on. (Of course, those were taken away by Xuan Mo and Qing Mi, who said that if this girl Ji Xiaoyan has a house in the future, she can use it to decorate it! Look, what a good uncle and attendant!)
The disciples of Qianhua Sect stood in the empty warehouse for a while, then ran to the head of the sect and reported the letter.Afterwards, Qianyun, the head of Qianhua Sect, rushed to the warehouse with a black face, and almost vomited blood and died when he saw the situation inside.One can imagine how depressing this is!So, the old man Qianyun was in a good mood, and immediately sent people to start searching in Qianhuamen, but of course, they couldn't find anything!
There is no other way, the old man Qianyun can only speak, immediately close the passage from Qianhuamen to Panchi City, and control all the players who are still staying in Qianhuamen!First, they sent the NPC disciples from Qianhuamen to check the space bags of all the players. After finding nothing, they began to organize their staff to go to Panchi City to find the murderer.

The players who entered through Qianhua Gate, if they stayed in Qianhua Gate, they all went to Panchi City.Coupled with the fact that Panchi City said that after three days, those players will have the opportunity to become residents of Panchi City, and the head of Qianyun is in a hurry.It's okay to run over to find the murderer now, but if the murderer becomes a resident of Panchi City, then he will have to go through some formal procedures with the lord of Panchi City!How troublesome it will be then!And, most importantly, who knows if all the things the murderer stole were eaten at that time?This is what old man Qianyun is most worried about!He is so talented...

Thus, the disciples of Qianhuamen suddenly discovered that the head of their family, who seemed to never grow old, seemed to have aged ten years in an instant...

"Then what's the situation in Panchi City now?" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly asked after listening to Xuan Mo's introduction to Qianhuamen.

"Panchi City is also a lively place!" Xuan Mo clapped his hands happily, and then said: "I heard that some free adventurers have entered the city, but most of them have been locked up outside the city, saying that they will wait until tomorrow." Afterwards, the city gate will be opened to allow people to enter! The people at Qianhua Gate are going to check all the people outside the city first, and if they can't find anyone, they will have to go into the city. However, I went to the city to take a look, and it is in chaos. Ye Shan seems to be very unpopular. This time, there are two masters in one city, and many people have gone to seek refuge with him. So Ye Shan is very depressed, just in the city Lost your temper!"

Speaking of this, Xuan Mo looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on his face and said: "Now that you are doing well, Xiaoyan, if we are desperate in the future, we can go to Ji Xiaoyan for refuge!"

"Forget it then, people don't ask us for anything now!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head quickly.

"Well, I listen to Xiaoyan!" Xuan Mo said obediently.

"Since there is no danger right now, shall we leave immediately?" Qing Mi thought for a while, then looked at the crowd and said.

"But uncle, isn't the Qianhua Gate blocking the road to Qingyang Town now?" Ji Xiaoyan asked suspiciously.

"Silly girl, let's go another way!" Qing Mi said with a smile.

"Is there another way?" Ji Xiaoyan asked in surprise.

"Don't worry, don't worry, even if there is no road, Uncle Master will build a road for you and take you back to Qingshimen!" Qing Mi said, looking at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile.

Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyebrows, forget it, don't fight with NPC.

"Okay, everyone pack your bags and get ready to go!" Qing Mi, the most powerful person here, said.

Those NPC city guards and maids stood silently, then arrested Gong Zheng, who was still half awake, and followed Qing Mi out of the cave.

"I... I am... where is this?" Gong Zheng was shaken awake in a daze, lowered his head and looked at the constantly moving ground, muttering in a low voice.

"Elder, this man is awake!" the NPC city guard holding Gong Zheng heard Gong Zheng's low voice, and immediately dragged Gong Zheng to Qing Mi's side and said.

"So fast?" Qing Mi frowned, and took Gong Zheng from the hands of the NPC city guard.

"No, it's been a long time!" Ji Xiaoyan replied immediately.Almost a day has passed in reality, it's time to wake up no matter what!
"Where am I?" Gong Zheng shook his head, raised his head in confusion, and then saw Qing Mi's old face, he was stunned for a long time, and suddenly exclaimed: "It's you, It's you!"

"Hey, who am I?" Qing Mi smiled at Gong Zheng in a rare mood.

Gongzheng immediately looked around, oh my god, where is this?Did they bring him here to kill him?

"You guys, what do you want to do?" Gong Zheng looked at Gong Zheng with a little fear and asked.

"What do you think we want to do?" Qing Mi raised her eyebrows, looked at Gong Zheng and asked.

"I... I... I actually didn't see anything, I didn't see anything, so please let me go! I beg you, please let me go!" Gong Zheng begged loudly.

Now they are walking in a dark wood, of course, it is already night in the game, so it is normal to see the woods look a little dark!However, Gong Zheng can guarantee that he has never seen this forest before, and he has no idea where he is heading now!Moreover, judging from the actions of the city guards walking ahead cutting grass to open the way, they were definitely the first batch of people to come here.Such a desolate place, plus he knew that they stole the treasury of the city lord's mansion, Gongzheng couldn't help sweating profusely.Damn it, this is killing people and throwing the corpses into the wilderness!

"Senior, senior, I have an old man and a young man, and I have an 80 years old mother at home... woo woo..." Before Gong Zheng could finish speaking, Qing Mi hit him in the face with a fist superior.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!" Qing Mi said disdainfully while grabbing Gong Zheng and continuing to walk, while glancing at him.

"Wuwu..." Qing Mi grabbed Gong Zheng by the collar, lifted him up in the air, and covered his painful mouth with both hands.

"I ask you, did you kill my Qingsan? Show me the secret book you stole from Qingsan's place!" Qing Mi glanced at Gong Zheng and said calmly.

"Qing San? Who is Qing San? Senior, you must have misunderstood someone, right?" Gong Zheng immediately shouted after hearing Qing Mi's words.He saw that it was the same thing for them to steal, and everyone was the same—thieves!But this old man can't wrong people, he has always only done some stealthy things, how could he kill people?

"Yo, you still don't admit it? Then where did you get the cheats on you?" Qing Mi squinted her eyes, looked at Gong Zheng and asked.

"Cheat book? What cheat book?" Gong Zheng asked with a confused face.

"A secret book of alchemy recipes!" Qing Mi stared at Gong Zheng and asked.

"Dan Fang?" Gong Zheng tilted his head, and began to think while being carried by Qing Mi and dangling in the air.He has this thing in his bag?
"Can't remember? Do you want me to help you think about it?" Qing Mi waved her fist in front of Gong Zheng with a wicked smile, and then said.

"Don't, don't! I'm thinking about it, I'm thinking about it!" Gong Zheng said immediately.

As a result, after walking a long way, Gongzheng finally became enlightened.

"Ah, I know, senior, are you talking about a book with a green cover called 'Jing Yuan Dan Feng'?" Gong Zheng looked at Qing Mi with a flattering smile and asked.

"Well, it seems that your memory is still very good!" Qing Mi nodded, then stretched out her free other hand in front of Gong Zheng, and said to him, "Hand over the book first!"

"Oh!" Gongzheng nodded immediately, and then took out the book.

Qing Mi took it and looked at it, then handed it to Ji Xiaoyan, and then said: "Take it, before you arrive at the sect, remember as much as you can! After you go back, you will definitely be asked by my brother in charge Hand it over!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately.

Alchemy is a profitable business!Even if she couldn't remember all of them, she still had to grab a few pills with good effects and write them down first!Go back and experiment slowly!

Seeing Ji Xiaoyan walking seriously while reading a book, Xuan Mo immediately moved over.

"Xiaoyan, turn the page!" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan staring at a page without turning it, Xuan Mo felt a little anxious.

"Xu Mo, don't make trouble, I haven't remembered it yet!" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Xuan Mo and said with a smile.

"But, I've finished memorizing everything!" Xuan Mo said with a pout.

"Ah?" Ji Xiaoyan turned his head in surprise, looked at Xuan Mo and asked, "Have you memorized everything? Remembered the pages you just read?"

"En! Yes!" Xuan Mo nodded innocently.

"Really? Didn't you lie to me?" Ji Xiaoyan asked in surprise.

"Really! Xuan Mo didn't lie to Xiaoyan!" Xuan Mo said with a smile quickly.

"Then Xuan Mo, after you read it, will you know how to do it?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo expectantly and asked with a happy face.

"No, Xuan Mo can only remember!" Xuan Mo shook his head, he just has a better memory!

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan was a little disappointed, and then laughed again.It doesn't matter if it's not okay!She will do it!As long as Xuan Mo memorizes the formula for her, she will be able to learn it slowly in the future!What she lacks most now is memory!

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly handed the secret book of Jingyuan Danfeng Danfang to Xuan Mo, and then said with a smile: "Then, Xuan Mo, please do me a favor and memorize everything on it. ?"

"Okay!" Xuan Mo nodded happily, he was happy to help Ji Xiaoyan with things!

 PS: Thank you for the pink tickets of "Qing'er Loves Tigers"!Are you satisfied with today's update ticket?
(End of this chapter)

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