The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 375 Seeing Luminous Wine

Chapter 375 Seeing Luminous Wine
The room where Ji Xiaoyan and the others stopped was Room 1155, Qingzhuyi.

The waiter knocked on the door, greeted the inside, stretched out his hand to Ji Xiaoyan and the others as a gesture of invitation, and then Ji Xiaoyan saw Luo Yefenfei smiled at her, and then stepped into the room from the side of the waiter .

"When did you come here?" Fallen Leaves Flying asked into the room.

"It's been a while, didn't you see that I drank half of this tea?" A voice inside said with a smile, Ji Xiaoyan guessed that it should be Ye Guangmei Bar!

"Hehe, you came so early knowing that I live far away, and you deserve it if you drink too much!" Luo Yefei smiled, then turned her head to look at Ji Xiaoyan who was following behind him, and gently pulled her to him and pointed at him. Several men in the room said: "Nuo, this is Xiaoyan! Xiaoyan, that is Yeguang, a gentleman, touching people!"

Ji Xiaoyan followed the introduction of Flying Leaves and looked over.Not to mention the night light and wine, it looks exactly the same as in the game, and the modest gentleman has not changed his appearance, but the touching person Ji Xiaoyan has no impression at all, but it looks a little familiar.

Today's Ye Guang Meijiu is very coquettishly dressed.She was wearing a delicate white suit with silver patterns embroidered on the neckline and cuffs, and the edge of the clothes was embroidered with a dense circle of small hemming patterns with golden silk thread. Ji Xiaoyan was so tongue-tied when he saw it!This dress must be very expensive!As for the modest gentleman who had a little conflict with Ji Xiaoyan, Ji Xiaoyan just glanced at him and ignored him after seeing him wearing a light gray suit.Touch people, that is used to ignore!Of course, apart from them, there were several bodyguards in black suits standing beside them in this room, probably brought by Luminous Wine.

"Sit! You're welcome!" Ye Guang Meijiu sat on the sofa with a contented face, staring at Ji Xiaoyan.This is the girl Ji Xiaoyan who made him hate and hate in the game!Of course, in fact, there is no deep hatred between them, but he is just very angry, why was he cheated by this girl?

"Xiaoyan, would you like something to eat?" The gentleman looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile and greeted him.Those who didn't know thought how good their relationship was!
Ji Xiaoyan only took a look at Qianqian Junzi now, his appearance is average, a little handsome, and his attitude is quite gentle, it is almost the same as in the game.This kind of person is obviously too good at disguising, who knows what he really thinks in his heart?What if you want to punish her?She doesn't think she has such a good relationship with Mr. Qianqian!Therefore, when Ji Xiaoyan heard the words of the humble gentleman, he immediately shook his head, expressing that there was no need for it.

"Then what would Xiaoyan want to eat for lunch? We'll take you there then!" The modest gentleman continued to ask without giving up.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan frowned.

Could it be that they really have some conspiracy?Otherwise, based on their previous relationship, it's impossible for a gentleman to treat her so well, right?

Actually, Ji Xiaoyan completely misunderstood.After discussing the meeting with Luoye Fenfei, Ye Guangmeijiu immediately contacted Qianqian Junzi, Touched People, Crossing the River and Demolition of Bridges and other friends. As a result, except for Qianqian Junzi and Touched People who had time to come with him, the others did not time.So, after making an appointment, Ye Guang Meijiu and Gentleman Qianqian arrived first, and then Yeguang Meijiu talked to Gentleman Qianqian, and after Ji Xiaoyan came, everyone's attitude was better.If the past can be overturned, just overturn it.After all, that's just a little contradiction in the game, not a big contradiction, at most it's just a little trick for his own "money career"!

Moreover, now Ji Xiaoyan is already a younger sister that Luo Ye Flying recognizes, and they have grown up with Luo Ye Flying again, if the relationship with Ji Xiaoyan becomes stiff, it would not be good if Luo Ye Feifei gets caught in the middle !Coupled with thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan's good luck in the game, Yeguang Fine Wine compromised.It's better to have a friend than an enemy!
Therefore, before Ji Xiaoyan and the others arrived, Yeguang Fine Wine had already discussed with Gentleman Qianqian and the others.From now on, treat Ji Xiaoyan better and treat this girl as a friend's younger sister. Even if you can't immediately like her, you must take good care of her anyway, so as not to embarrass the falling leaves!
As a result, Ji Xiaoyan didn't know that Ye Guang Meijiu and the others thought this way. When they saw that the few people who usually hated her in the game suddenly treated her so well, they immediately felt a little hairy.

The modest gentleman looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile and expectation, waiting for her to reply.It turned out that the expression on the girl's face began to change unpredictably.

"Xiaoyan, are you not feeling well?" Qianqian Junzi asked very concerned.

"That... you don't mean to plot against me, do you?" Ji Xiaoyan shook his body fiercely, looking at the gentleman with a defensive face and asked.

"..." So, the gentleman's eyes suddenly turned cold.Damn, he finally adjusted his mood, buried all the past grievances to the bottom of his heart, and prepared to do his best on the surface, be a good brother and take care of Ji Xiaoyan, who knows that this girl is still the same as in the game , not flattering at all!
"Hehe, Xiaoyan, in fact, we just want to treat you to a delicious meal for a while!" Touching people hurriedly answered at this time.Looking at the appearance of a modest gentleman, he knew that he was resentful.

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Gentleman Qianqian and Yeguang Meijiu in disbelief, then looked at Touching People and said, "I don't think our relationship is that good? I'm not used to you being so nice to me all of a sudden... ..."

Therefore, the three of Yeguang Fine Wine fell silent.Come on, it's their attitudes that jump too fast!

"Hehe, Xiaoyan, don't think too much! Yeguang and the others are my friends, and you are my younger sister, so of course they want to treat you well! Let's forget about the past!" Luo Ye Fenfei hurriedly said Said.

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded decisively.Anyway, she didn't suffer much!

Ye Guang Meijiu took a deep breath, nodded, and said, "Then let's get down to business first!"

"Don't worry, Xiaoyan has an appointment!" Luoye Fenfei smiled and said to Yeguang Fine Wine, "I told you so!"

"The competitor you mentioned?" Ye Guang Meijiu frowned, and then asked, "Really coming?"

"En!" Fallen Leaves Flying nodded.
So, Qianqian Junzi and the others were collectively silent again.At the beginning, when Fallen Leaves told Ye Guang Meijiu that there were competitors who wanted to buy the Guild Establishment Order together, Yeguang Meijiu was still very upset.It was something that could be directly in his hands, but if someone suddenly said that someone wanted to steal it, no one would be unhappy!However, after Falling Leaves Flying Fei said that Ji Xiaoyan agreed to meet and talk about the guild building order, it doesn't mean that the things must be sold to him!This girl has a way to go from the West Continent to the North Continent, so if the price of Yeguang Fine Wine is too low, Ji Xiaoyan can definitely sell the things to the North Continent.

Although Yeguang Meijiu's face was stinky at that time, Flying Leaves still persuaded him.The girl Ji Xiaoyan was originally going to the Northern Continent, if he hadn't persuaded her, Yeguang Fine Wine would have never had the chance to see the Guild Establishment Order.Afterwards, Flying Leaves talked to Ye Guang Meijiu, that girl Ji Xiaoyan owed NPC 10,000+ gold coins in the Western Continent, so she was short of money now, if Ye Guang Meijiu didn't want to add a competitor, maybe she would Just negotiate the price directly in the game and sell it.No matter what, it's not his turn...
Moreover, Flying Leaves also said something to Ye Guang Meijiu, and that girl Ji Xiaoyan agreed to him, even if Ye Guang Meijiu didn't get the Guild Establishment Order this time, next time the girl got the Guild Establishment Order, she could sell it to him at a lower price!Therefore, Flying Leaves persuaded Yeguang Fine Wine that even if they had conflicts with Ji Xiaoyan before, and they couldn't buy a guild building order this time, everyone should take advantage of this opportunity of meeting to mend their relationship!
Yeguang Fine Wine thought for a long time before nodding, hoping that the so-called competitor would not come.Who knows, they will still come!He originally wanted to pay [-] gold coins to buy the guild establishment order because of the face of the falling leaves, but it seems that it is not possible!
Ji Xiaoyan took advantage of the night light and wine while they were silent, while looking at them, he also looked at the fallen leaves that were sitting comfortably.They don't say anything like this, isn't the atmosphere a bit awkward...
Yu Qisi probably felt a little uncomfortable looking at Ji Xiaoyan, so he immediately bent down and leaned into Ji Xiaoyan's ear and asked, "Miss Xiaoyan, are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?"

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, then glanced at the dried fruit and teacups on Yeguang Fine Wine's table, and said to Yu Qisi, "Let's have some fruit!"

"Okay!" Yu Qisi nodded, turned around and opened the door to go out.

Luoye Fenfei heard Ji Xiaoyan's words that were good for Qisi, smiled and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"It's okay!" Ji Xiaoyan flattened her lips, and then said, "You all don't talk, so I just want to find something to do."

Gentleman Qianqian immediately coughed twice when he heard the words, smiled at Ji Xiaoyan with a slightly red face, and said, "Well, Xiaoyan, let's settle any conflicts we had before! Since you are Jiang Xia's younger sister, in the future It belongs to our sister!"

Ji Xiaoyan tilted his head, looked at the modest gentleman and asked with some doubts: "Really? When we met in the game last time, you didn't treat me very well?" Why didn't they attitude has changed so much?This is what Ji Xiaoyan wants to say.

"Didn't they know you were Jiang Xia's younger sister at that time? Now that I know, everyone must improve their relationship!" Qianqian Junzi said with a smile on his face.

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the luminous wine and touching people who were staring at her, and nodded after a while, as if agreeing with the gentleman's words.

"Hehe, Xiaoyan just agree! By the way, what's your real name, Xiaoyan? My name is Qi Qian, Ye Guang's name is Lan Haoran, and the name of Touching Man is Zhang Xiang." The gentleman Qianqian asked with a smile on his face.

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and after thinking about it for two seconds, he replied to the gentleman, "My name is the same as in the game."

 PS: I saw "Grape cici" asking if I could add an update this weekend, so Qianqian added an update, to satisfy "Grape cici"'s long-awaited desire to add an update, hehe But, Qianqian wants to explain, Qianqian Weekend They all have to go to work, and it’s the same on Sundays, so there’s no such thing as rest
(End of this chapter)

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