Chapter 376 Gifts
Ji Xiaoyan is slowly chatting with Yeguang Meijiu and the others to cultivate their relationship, talking about things in the game.On the other side, Yan Foil drifted away. They just got off the airship at this time and ran all the way to Yuntianzhuang in a hover car.

"Yunhan, do you think the gifts we bought are okay? Will you like the little words you said?" Yun Shu looked at Yan Foil Liuliu with a little worry and asked.

Yan Foil Liuli looked at Yun Shu and smiled, and then said: "Actually, I think if you exchange all these things for money, she should be happier! However, if you just take the money, I guess She won't want it either! It's just as good as it is, it's just a wish!" Nightmare Foil thinks that after being in contact with the game for so long, he has never seen the girl treat anything other than gold coins Interested, even those things obtained in the game, the girl usually divides them according to valuable and worthless.Today they bought a lot of things in the mall, not to mention cosmetics such as rouge and gouache, but also bought several beautiful clothes, jewelry, and his brother Yun Shu even bought some fun toys to give away Ji Xiaoyan as a gift!Yan Foil drifted away and didn't know what to say, and it was not easy to discourage his brother's enthusiasm, so he just let him go.

Anyway, they are not short of that money, are they?

"It's nothing if you say it!" Hearing Yan Foil's words, Yun Shu glared at him, and then smiled: "However, even if we can't buy a guild formation order, it's good for us to go for favors! Maybe There is a possibility to cooperate with her in the future!"

"En!" Yan Foil Liuli smiled, nodded, and unconsciously touched the gift box in his pocket with his left hand.

When Yun Shu and Yan Foil arrived at Yuntian Village, Ji Xiaoyan and the others had already been waiting in the room for more than half an hour.

After reporting the room number, Yan Foil and the others were taken directly to the room by the waiter.

Yan Foil Liuli saw Ji Xiaoyan when the waiter opened the door, but Ji Xiaoyan didn't see him. The girl was eating fruit with a plate with her head down, and the men next to her were all smiling. He was muttering something.

"Wandering?" Luoye Feifei's reaction was quick. When he heard the waiter's words, he looked at Yan Foil Liuli who appeared at the door and shouted.

When Ye Guangmeijiu and Qianqian Junzi heard the words, they immediately shifted their eyes from Ji Xiaoyan to the door, and looked at this legendary "competitor" for the formation order!
When Ji Xiaoyan heard the sound of fallen leaves flying, he was a little surprised and immediately swallowed the fruit in his mouth, ready to look up.As a result, who knew that I was a little anxious to eat for a while, and choked.Yu Qisi hurriedly patted her on the back, giving her comfort.

"Xiaoyan, why are you in such a hurry to eat? Are you okay?" Yan Foil Liuli raised his foot and immediately walked towards Ji Xiaoyan, nodded slightly at the fallen leaves that looked similar to those in the game, and directly ignored the night light wine them.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Ji Xiaoyan calmed down, and immediately waved his hand to show that he was okay.

Flying Leaves looked at Ji Xiaoyan a little funny and said, "Are you okay? Why are you in such a hurry to eat something! If it's not enough, I'll order some more for you later!"

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, coughed twice, and then said.However, Ji Xiaoyan still felt a little ashamed when he looked up at the concerned face of Yan Foil who had already walked in front of her...
"Liu Li, sit wherever you want!" Luo Ye Fen Fei hurriedly sat next to Ji Xiaoyan, leaving an empty seat for Yan Bu Liu Li beside him.

"En! Good!" Yan Foil Liuli smiled at Flying Leaves, turned his head and gestured to Yun Shu, asking him to sit down together.
Nightmare Foil Wandering is wearing a black formal suit today, the tailoring is very simple, but no matter how you wear it, it looks a little more handsome than Ye Guangmeijiu and the others, making people look very comfortable.Of course, Ji Xiaoyan felt that it was most likely because she had a better relationship with Yanfoil than with Yeguang Fine Wine and the others, so she felt that way.As for the man sitting next to Nightmare Foil, he was wearing black and purple clothes, which looked similar to Nightmare Foil's, but that man's appearance was not as pretty as Nightmare Foil.But he's also a handsome guy, and his facial features look a bit like Nightmare's.

"This is my elder brother, Yun Shu!" Yan Foil Liuli smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, and introduced: "My name is Yun Han!"

"En! Hello!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded a little embarrassedly, and then said: "Ji Xiaoyan, the same name as in the game!"

"Are you from the Yun family?" Falling Leaves Flying and Yeguang Fine Wine next to them looked at Yan Foil Liliu in surprise and asked.

But Yan Foil Liuli looked at Yeguang Fine Wine and they didn't answer, they just smiled and gestured to Yunshu.Ji Xiaoyan saw a few gray-clothed bodyguards who had followed Yan Foil drifting away from them, holding a bunch of things and putting them directly in front of her.

"Xiaoyan, we don't know what you like when we meet for the first time, so we bought a little gift as a gift, I hope you will like it!" Yun Shu looked at Ji Xiaoyan very kindly and said.

"Well, you are too polite! Thank you!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yun Shu with a little embarrassment and said.Yan Foil's wandering brother is so kind, he gave away things as soon as he came, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

"I gave this to you!" Yan Foil Liuli took out a pink box from his bag and handed it to Ji Xiaoyan.

Ji Xiaoyan accepted it happily and said thank you.It's good to have a gift!
"Open it and see if you like it. If you don't like it, I'll buy another one for you!" Yan Foil Liuli said to Ji Xiaoyan.

Yun Shu glanced at Yan Foil Liuli in surprise, bumped into him and asked in a low voice, "When did you buy it? Why didn't I know?"

Yan Foil glanced at Yun Shu without changing his face, and then replied in a low voice: "At that time, you grabbed people and went around to choose things. When did you notice me?"

Yun Shu raised his eyebrows and stopped talking.

Ji Xiaoyan gently opened the box, and saw a silver chain and a bead inside.There is no string hole on the bead, it is directly wrapped with a silver pattern carving, and there is a small silver ring on the pattern, the necklace directly passes through the small ring, and the beads are hung up.From Ji Xiaoyan's point of view, the bead should be jade, but after a closer look, Ji Xiaoyan was a little uncertain again.The jade bead is ice-cold, and there are traces of light green threads swimming in the green color, which looks amazing.

"Do you like it?" Nightmare Foil Liuliu asked with a smile.There was still a little worry in his eyes.

"I like it!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, and then asked: "But, what is this thing? It looks a bit like jade! But what is that swimming thing inside?"

"That's synthetic jade!" Yan Foil Liuliu smiled slightly and said, "As long as you like it!"

The faces of the Luminous Wine next to them were not very good.

It doesn't matter whether they are the members of the Yun family in their imagination or not, but they can think of buying a meeting gift for Ji Xiaoyan as a gift for Yan Yeli, and they also gave them a lot of gifts to see, Ye Guang, fine wine and their faces It's also a bit ugly.As the saying goes, people are more popular than people!And it's a competitor!

When Ye Guang Meijiu and the others came, they never thought of buying something for that girl Ji Xiaoyan!Although it doesn't cost much to buy some gifts, it's still a thought, right?Moreover, Ji Xiaoyan's girl is the younger sister whom Falling Leaves Flying Fly recognizes!They came here empty-handed, and what's more, they planned to suppress Ji Xiaoyan when they bought the guild building order later, so that she could not blackmail them!Now compared with Nightmare Foil and the others, Yeguang Fine Wine and the others felt a little uncomfortable!
He raised his eyes to see Yun Shu and Yan Fou Liuli who were smiling, and then saw Ji Xiaoyan, who was smiling brightly, playing with gifts.Luminous Wine and the others suddenly felt their faces turn hot, it was embarrassing! !Still in front of the falling leaves!
"Well, Xiaoyan, we originally prepared a meeting gift for you today, but we were too busy when we left, so we forgot! I will hand it over to Jiang Xia later, and let him bring it to you!" Ye Guang Meijiu said quickly.

"Ah? Really?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yeguang Fine Wine in surprise, and said happily, "That's so embarrassing! Thank you, Yeguang!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Yeguang Meijiu smiled awkwardly.

"However, Ye Guang, how troublesome it is for you to give it to the fallen leaves and then pass it on to me! Why don't you just fold it into gold coins and give it to me!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Ye Guang Fine Wine expectantly and said.

So, not only Yeguang Fine Wine and the others were taken aback, but also Nightmare Foil, Flying Leaves and Yunshu were also taken aback.Is this girl so short of money?

"Then, how much gold do you want to discount?" Yeguang Meijiu, who was a little unresponsive, was stunned for two seconds before asking.I know this girl loves money, but I didn't expect to love money so much!Even the meeting gift given by others has to be discounted...
"How can I tell you how much to discount? Ye Guang, you can give me as much as you want!" Ji Xiaoyan replied with a smile.Don't think she is stupid!As soon as Ye Guang Meijiu said that he bought her a gift but didn't bring it, she knew they definitely didn't buy it.I just felt that I couldn't save face, so I said that sentence, and I plan to make it up later!In this case, instead of giving her some useless things, it is better to exchange them for gold coins and give them to her. She can use them more, can't she?
After two seconds of silence, Yeguang Meijiu nodded and agreed: "Okay! Then turn around and I'll give you the gold coins in the game!"

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan replied with a smile.

This time I made a profit.

If Yeguang Fine Wine bought her something worth dozens of gold coins in real life, she wouldn't believe that he would only give that much in the game, so she should save face anyway and give more, right?Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan is happy!It seems that today's fortune is very good.....
(End of this chapter)

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