Chapter 378
The strangers and Xing Kong Haohan flew for nearly an hour after boarding the flying ship, and finally caught up with the airship where Thunder Kitty was sitting.

Unacquainted with each other and Xingkong Haohan agreed on the rhetoric after seeing the thunder kitten on the flying ship. As long as the thunder kitten asked why they appeared on the airship, they would deal with them according to the agreed rhetoric.They have never met their discussion before, since the super thunder cat has already told them the contact information of the thunder kitten, then they can't be said to have met by chance.After all, as long as Thunder Kitten and Super Thunder Big Cat compare their statements, they will know they are lying.Therefore, the strangers thought about it for a while and thought of a good reason.He directly said that they originally wanted to contact Thunder Kitty, but they couldn't. Then Xingkong Haohan had something to do, so the two of them boarded the airship. Who knew that they would meet Thunder Kitten by such a coincidence!This is called fate...

Of course, as for whether this reason can convince Thunder Kitten, I don't know!
After catching up with the airship that Thunder Kitty was sitting on, the strangers connected directly to the airship through the air connection between the flying ship and the airship. He went directly to the airship where Thunder Kitty was sitting.

The flying ship is a kind of aircraft that is much smaller than the airship, but more expensive to manufacture.If an airship is as fast as a car, then a spaceship is like a train!Moreover, the comfort, luxury, and functions of the flying ship are much higher than those of the airship!Therefore, after knowing that Thunder Kitty is already on the airship, the strangers can only take Xingkong Haohan on the flying ship to chase after him. Otherwise, they probably can't catch up with only the airship.

The airship that Thunder Kitty was on was a public business type, that is, as long as they paid the money, they could directly reach their destination according to the flight schedule of the airship.However, after the strangers boarded the airship directly through the connecting channel, they still had to pay a little airship fee.

The waitresses and beauties on the airship were very interested in the two strangers.Not to mention that both of them are beautiful men, and they got off the flying ship, then they are definitely not rich masters!Rich and good-looking, no matter how they look like strangers, they are two excellent strike-up partners!As long as they fall in love with her, won't she be beautiful in the days to come?So, no matter how they rejected those beauties who were strangers, saying that they didn't need someone to lead the way, the waiters around them still actively came over. Of course, they were basically all women.

In the end, the strangers were so disturbed that they had no choice but to hand over all these people to Xingkong Haohan to dismiss.Who made him a master in the jungle?It has always been no problem to deal with these people.Those who can do more work!

So, although Xing Kong Haohan was very unwilling on the face, but after being stared at by a stranger, he went honestly.Of course, it was impossible for Xingkong Haohan to handle this matter alone, and several bodyguards brought by the two of them were also sent out to help!

And with the help of Xing Kong Haohan and the others, the process of finding someone for strangers is much easier.After coming out of the connecting passage, I chose one side and walked for a while, and saw the thunder kitten.After confirming the location of the Thunder Kitten, he turned around and went back to Xingkong Haohan, who had never met before, and was ready to discuss with him how to have a natural encounter with the Thunder Kitten, and then followed the Thunder Kitten Tell me, they also want to meet Ji Xiaoyan together!Of course, they can't let them explain this matter clearly, they must find a way to let Thunder Kitten bring it up, so that they can show a very passive acceptance, so that when Ji Xiaoyan sees them later, they can easily Speak up!
The smoothness of the coincidence is about the same as that of strangers.

He and Xingkong Haohann intentionally walked directly beside Thunder Kitten. After reaching the next airship cabin, Xing Kong Haohann went directly to hook up with a beautiful waiter, led them back, and walked away facing Thunder Kitten on purpose. past.Then when he walked in front of Thunder Kitten, Xingkong Haohan looked at him with a look of surprise on purpose, stopped and started talking to the stranger in a low voice.

Think about it, suddenly two people came and stood in front of you, they looked a little familiar, anyone would be a little surprised!In addition, seeing strangers stop in front of him and talk in a low voice while looking at him, Thunder Kitty asked a little suspiciously: "Are you..."

"You, are you a kitten?" Xing Kong Haohann deliberately put on a look of surprise, looking at Thunder Kitten and asked.Acting is a piece of cake for him!Therefore, there was no expression on Starry Sky's face that could be suspected by Thunder Kitten.

"Yes!" Thunder Kitten agreed in surprise, then opened his eyes wide and glanced at Xingkong Haohan and then at the stranger next to him and asked: "You are Xingkong Haohan? Boss Su?"

"Haha, yes, yes! It's really you, kitten! What a coincidence!" Xingkong Haohan immediately found an empty seat and sat directly in Leiting's little cat when he heard the Thunder kitten call out their names. next to the cat.

The thunder kitten was surprised to see the movement of the vast starry sky, and was a little bit stunned.

The beautiful waiter who followed them, who had never met them before, looked at the vast starry sky and immediately asked with a smile: "Excuse me, do you need something to drink?"

"Yeah, yum! Let's have three drinks!" Xing Konghaohan nodded immediately, said something to the beautiful waitress, and after seeing her leave, he took Thunder Kitten to chat.

As a public airship, there is a lot of space in this airship.

The space of the entire airship is directly divided into six large spaces.The front is where the driver's cab and attendants stay.The five spaces behind are the passenger area.The passenger area next to the driver's cab is the high-end cabin compared to the rear passenger areas.The high-end warehouse is full of small private rooms, which contain tables, chairs, benches, vases and other decorations, and there are even small beds for passengers to rest!It is simply a small microcosm of the room.And the ordinary passenger area at the back is not too bad. In order to make all passengers as comfortable as possible, each passenger seat in the ordinary area is configured for two passengers, that is, two positions, but only one person!Of course, in extraordinary times and when there are many people, these seats will only be implemented for one person!
Therefore, Xingkong Haohan sat down next to Thunder Kitten, and there was no seat for strangers.

So, the stranger turned his head and looked around lightly, then sat down in a row next to the Thunder Kitten, where there was no one there, and watched the starry sky as he performed his acting skills with the Thunder Kitten went.

To say that Thunder Kitten saw someone he knew in the game so suddenly, after being surprised, he was still very surprised!Especially seeing strangers who have always had a good relationship.So, after Xing Kong Haohann said a few gossips, he used all the Thunder Kitty's words.Even before they even had a chance to explain the reason for their encounter to Thunder Kitten, Thunder Kitten simply invited them to Fenghua District together.

The vastness of the starry sky and the strangers who have achieved their goals are satisfied.For the rest of the time, he stayed honestly in the airship with Thunder Kitten, and flew slowly towards the Fenghua District, waiting to see Ji Xiaoyan.

As for Ji Xiaoyan in Yuntianzhuang, after Yunshu finished his quotation, he waited expectantly for Yeguang Fine Wine to consider whether to add another thousand gold coins to the price.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, Yeguang Meijiu kept frowning at her.Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan became a little impatient.

"Yeguang, do you want it or not?" Ji Xiaoyan asked anxiously.

"How about, how about, Xiaoyan, let's discuss it with Yeguang before we answer you, okay?" Touching people heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and hurriedly said something.Then he made eye contact with Gentleman Qianqian, pulled Ye Guangmeijiu to stand up, and signaled him that they should go outside to talk.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the night light wine a little unhappy, and then nodded in agreement considering the falling leaves.After all, they are all friends of Flying Leaves!This face still has to be given.

"Well, Brother Yunshu, let's wait for them to talk about it!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Yunshu with a little embarrassment.

"Hmm! It's okay!" Yun Shu replied with a smile.

At the same time, Ji Xiaoyan saw Yeguang Meijiu and the three of them leave the room.

"Well, big brother Yunshu, besides buying a guild building order, do you want to buy some equipment and weapons?" Ji Xiaoyan rolled his eyes, looked at Yunshu with a smile and asked.

"Equipment?" Yun Shu was a little surprised when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then said a little embarrassedly: "I probably don't need those equipments very much now, so Xiaoyan is sorry!"

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed a little disappointed.It seems that Nightmare's wandering brother doesn't want to buy equipment anymore.

"Brother, you really don't want it?" At this time, Yan Foil Liuli smiled softly, looked at Yun Shu with an inscrutable look and asked.

"Huh?" Yun Shu looked at Yan Foil Liuli in surprise, smiled slightly and asked, "What do you mean by that? You have to explain it clearly!"

"You'll regret it if you don't!" Yan Foil Liuli raised his eyebrows at Yun Shu with a smile, then blinked at Ji Xiaoyan: "I'm right, Xiaoyan."

"Yeah! That's it! Brother Yunshu, my equipment and weapons are all good things! There are also a lot of pills and the like, with many functions! If you want to buy them, I'll give you a little bit cheaper?" When Ji Xiaoyan heard Yan Foil's wandering words, he hurriedly sold them.

(End of this chapter)

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