Chapter 379 Big Surprise

Hearing Yan Foil Liuliu and Ji Xiaoyan talking there in unison, Yun Shu could only smile, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan apologetically and said: "Xiaoyan, it's not that I don't help, the equipment of those under me is basically It's already been arranged, and I don't need to spend money to buy them. As for the pills you can take a look at this, if you have good attributes, you can show me!"

"Oh, that's it!" Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan nodded in disappointment, then cheered up and looked at Yunshu and said, "Then I'll make a list of the properties of my potions for the wandering, and then I'll show you Bar!"

"Okay!" Yun Shu nodded with a smile.

"Brother, the equipment of those under your command is less than level 34, right? The equipment in Xiaoyan's hand is not the general equipment of level [-]! If you really don't want it, you missed the opportunity, don't regret it! Next time There is no such a good opportunity!" Yan Foil Liuli looked at Yun Shu and said with a smile.

"You boy!" Yun Shu smiled and glared at Yan Foil Liuli, and then said: "If you have anything to say, just say it directly, don't look around and where to whet my appetite, say those things that I will regret if I don't buy it As long as it is good, I will definitely buy it! By the way, you look like this, so that people who don't know think that you are doing business with Xiaoyan in partnership, and you are going to trick me into it!"

"Brother, you've wronged me for saying that, and I'm totally thinking of you!" Yan Foil Liuli immediately smiled and looked at him when he heard Yun Shu's words, and said, "You should know that the one in Xiaoyan's hand Those things are basically nothing crooked, they are all good things! If you really don’t want them, you will definitely regret it later! So, as your dearest brother, of course I can’t let you turn back Regret or something!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yun Shu with Yan Foil Liuli's intentionally hurt face, and felt very funny in his heart.It seems that Nightmare Foil Drifter is very different in the game and in reality.

"Okay, okay." Yun Shu looked at Yan Foil Liuliu and smiled helplessly, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, what kind of equipment are you talking about? Tell me about the general attributes. !"

"This, I haven't noticed it yet!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled awkwardly at Yun Shu, and then thought of the bellyband of Lord Yeshan, so he cheered up and said excitedly: "However, my place There is a good piece of equipment, which is fireproof and waterproof, and can increase charm and magic power. It can be worn directly inside the clothes, and other equipment can be worn outside, and the attributes can be superimposed with the attributes of other equipment worn on the body!"

"Really?" Yun Shu's eyes lit up when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words.That's a good attribute!

"Well, really!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, and then said: "However, Brother Yunshu, it's best not to wear that equipment in the Western Continent. Which continent are you on? You are in the Eastern Continent just like wandering away ?"

"Why can't you wear it in the Western Continent?" Yun Shu looked at Ji Xiaoyan suspiciously and asked.

"Ahem, that, if you wear it, you might be caught by an NPC in the Western Continent!" Ji Xiaoyan said with a sneer, "Brother Yunshu is in the Eastern Continent?"

"No!" Yun Shu shook his head, then glanced at Yan Foil Liuliu and said, "I'm in the Southern Continent."

"Huh? I thought you were in the Eastern Continent! I was wondering why I hadn't heard about it before!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yun Shu in surprise and said.

"Hehe, when we entered the game to choose the mainland, I told Yunhan to let him choose the southern continent with me, but who knows, as soon as he entered the game, he was confused by the guide NPC to go to the eastern continent. It's gone." Yun Shu looked at Ji Xiaoyan and sighed.

"Pick up the NPC? Is that the beauty who entered the game?" Ji Xiaoyan asked curiously while staring at Yan Foil.At the beginning, she was tricked by that NPC beauty, and she was sent to that abandoned Novice Village!It made her feel much better to find a sympathetic person.Of course, she was actually worth the money for being entrapped!If she was allowed to enter the game normally like ordinary players, she must be still hanging around in the slums now!

"No, when I entered the game, it was a male NPC!" Yan Foil Liuli said while looking at Ji Xiaoyan.

"Male? Could it be that female players are received by female NPCs, and male players are received by male NPCs?" Ji Xiaoyan asked suspiciously.

"Probably not!" Luoye Feifei sat beside him and shook his head, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others and said, "When I entered the game, an NPC who looked like a little girl came to receive me!"

"Oh, it should be random!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded understandingly, then looked outside the door, leaned towards Falling Leaves and asked, "Well, Fallen Leaves, you said that Ye Guang and the others still want more money?" How long have you been negotiating?"

"I don't know!" Luo Yefei shook his head, and then said: "Wait a little longer!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then saw the door of the room opened.

Ye Guang Meijiu walked in excitedly and depressed, stood in front of Ji Xiaoyan and said, "I want 13 gold coins, I want them to be established! When will I pay?"

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't recover from being hit by Yeguang Meijiu's sudden words.

"Do you want cash or I'll transfer it to you? Or do you want gold coins?" Ye Guang Meijiu looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a bit of heartache and asked.

"I want gold coins!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately answered with all the energy, and then looked at Yeguang Wine and asked a little uncertainly: "Yeguang, are you really thinking about it?"

"Stop talking nonsense! When will the delivery be delivered!" Ye Guang Meijiu sat down on the sofa, took a sip of the drink on the table, and asked Ji Xiaoyan.

"Well, as soon as possible, as soon as possible!" Ji Xiaoyan happily replied, "Yeguang, did I come to the Eastern Continent to find you?"

"Nonsense, otherwise you think I can teleport to every continent like you?" Ye Guang Meijiu said with a sidelong glance at Ji Xiaoyan.He is depressed now.Originally, he would only spend 13 gold coins to buy the guild building order because of Flying Leaves' face, and if he added a little more, it would be the same as the highest bid in the Northern Continent!But look now, how much money did he spend?If it wasn't for that Yunshu who insisted on increasing the price by one thousand gold coins by one thousand gold coins, he would only pay [-] gold coins, which would be more or less the same!

13 gold coins and 13 gold coins, that's a difference of 90 gold coins.Nine hundred gold coins are [-] federal coins!That's not a small amount!The speed at which this girl Ji Xiaoyan came to get money is amazingly fast, not to mention, this girl dares to call him poor! !This is the most depressing thing about Luminous Wine!It is typical to get cheap and sell well!
"Then, Ye Guang, I'm coming to the Eastern Continent, can you find someone to protect me?" Ji Xiaoyan asked worriedly.

"That's no problem! Then I will find more people to protect you!" Ye Guang Meijiu nodded lightly and said.

"Okay then, this matter is settled!" Ji Xiaoyan said bluntly, then looked at Ye Guang Meijiu expectantly and asked: "But, Ye Guang, when can you give me the money? ?”

"Pay with one hand, and deliver with one hand!" Yeguang Meijiu rolled his eyes halfway, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said.

"Oh, all right!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded in disappointment.It seems that if she gets into the game, she must go to the old man Qingmi to talk to Fei Yu from the Xuanmen. It is best to teleport to the Eastern Continent with her, and then bring her back to the Western Continent after the transaction is completed. mainland!Cough cough, of course, if the friendship is better, it is best to take her to the Southern Continent to find Yun Shu and dispose of the stolen goods in the package.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately turned his head, looked at Yun Shu and asked, "Brother Yun Shu, is what we're talking about settled?"

"En! I will definitely want the thing you mentioned!" Yun Shu nodded and said, "However, as for the other things, I have to look at the attributes to be sure!"

"Okay! Then it's settled!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately.

"What did you just say?" Ye Guang Meijiu looked at Ji Xiaoyan and Yun Shu suspiciously, and frowned.Could it be that the girl Ji Xiaoyan had some kind of deal with Yun Shu and the others during the few minutes he went out with Gentleman Qianqian?
"Nothing!" Ji Xiaoyan replied with a smile.

Ye Guang Meijiu felt that something was wrong, but when he saw the expression on that girl Ji Xiaoyan's face, he felt that there must be something in it that he didn't know.Therefore, Yeguang Fine Wine and Qianqian Junzi immediately turned their attention to Flying Leaves.

"It's really nothing, it's just that Xiaoyan is short of money, and he just needs to sell some more things!" Luoye Flying hurriedly said to Yeguang Fine Wine and the others.

"What else do you want to sell?" Yeguang Fine Wine looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked.

"Equipment, weapons, pills!" Ji Xiaoyan replied very simply.

"What kind? How many grades?" The gentleman Qianqian asked immediately.

"That, I didn't pay attention!" Ji Xiaoyan twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled, and then said: "However, they should all be above level [-]!"

"Above level [-]? White clothes?" The gentleman asked again.

"How is it possible!" Ji Xiaoyan yelled immediately when he heard what the gentleman said.Just kidding, if she just pretended for nothing, would she still need to risk being wanted to steal it?Besides, what kind of place is that?The treasury of the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City!Can the white clothes be put in there?
"Green outfit?" Touching people asked again.A few of them are already more than 40 levels, and now they are still wearing more than 30 levels of equipment.If Ji Xiaoyan had more than 40 levels of good equipment, then it would be worthwhile for them to find Ji Xiaoyan to buy a few pieces.

"Green outfit? It shouldn't be that bad!" Ji Xiaoyan tilted his head, and then said: "I think it should be at least blue outfit or above! Besides, I see that many of them are in suits!"

"What? Suits?" Ye Guang Meijiu and Yun Shu were suddenly stunned! More than 40 levels of equipment, is it a set, or blue equipment?
This surprise is too big!

 PS: Thank you for the peace talisman of "Sister is not Mona Lisa"!Thanks to "" for the pink vote! .One more PS, after busying on the 20th, Qianqian should be able to double update, everyone look forward to it!

(End of this chapter)

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