Chapter 401

Facts have proved that poor people must have something to hate!
Therefore, the smiling peanut, as a woman with ulterior motives, finally suffered retribution.This was the only thought in Ji Xiaoyan's mind after hearing the old man Qingmi and Xuan Mo's words.Of course, she was still a little bit gloating!
According to old man Qingmi and the others, after he and Xuan Mo walked a few steps, they found the smiling Peanut following them.Therefore, the two NPCs were not in a hurry at all, instead they cheerfully came up with an idea to divert the trouble to the east and cover up the blame. They planned to trap the smiling peanuts after stealing something, and help them take the blame... ..
Speaking of which, this Puji spirit embryo was a birthday gift from a respectable NPC in Yinfeng Town, and his relatives gave him a birthday present.According to the arrangement of the mastermind of the game, after this thing is sent to the birthday NPC, wait a few days for something to happen, and then a task will appear, and then take out this Puji spirit embryo as a reward for the players who complete the task of.But, who knows, this birthday gift has just arrived in the hands of the birthday NPC, and it was placed on the table in the room for a few minutes before it suddenly disappeared.

This is a big deal!Really big deal!If this thing is lost, it will not only affect the reputation of the birthday NPC among the NPCs in Yinfeng Town, but most importantly, it will also affect the development of subsequent tasks!So, after the old man Qingmi and Xuan Moyin concealed themselves and put Puji's spirit embryo into the package, the home of the birthday NPC at that time immediately exploded.

Smiling Peanut carefully followed Old Man Qingmi and the others all the way, thinking that he hadn't been discovered by them, so after watching Old Man Qingmi and the others climb up the wall of an NPC's house, although he was puzzled for a few seconds, he only needed one Thinking that there might be a task after entering, I didn't care about Sanqi 21, and rushed in directly.

You know, old man Qingmi and Xuan Mo have a lot of tricks.After climbing over the wall of the house and entering the yard, the old man Qingmi first looked around to see if there was anyone around, and then asked Xuan Mo to help him hide. When they saw the smiling Peanut, they really climbed over the wall and came in. After standing in the walled courtyard, he purposely showed a wretched back in front of them, leading the smiling Peanut and the others to follow him to another part of the house.

Of course, when the old man Qingmi was leading the smiling Peanut around the NPC yard, the child Xuan Mo had already been ordered by the old man Qingmi to steal the Puji spirit embryo in the main room.So, after succeeding, Xuan Mo concealed himself to the old man Qingmi and greeted him, and the two turned to a corner. After Xuan Mo helped the old man Qingmi hide again, the two treacherous guys directly Swaggering and flashing people.....
As for the smiling Peanuts, they were naturally chased by the NPCs as thieves without knowing it.

On the contrary, old man Qingmi and Xuan Mo returned to Ji Xiaoyan's side with ease.

"Is that smiling Peanut okay?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned and asked old man Qingmi.

"Why are you worrying about her?" The old man Qingmi gave Ji Xiaoyan a contemptuous look, then patted Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Good intentions are not used indiscriminately! If she doesn't have bad intentions and follows us there, we can trap her in ?"

"Uncle, you will make me stupid like this! Besides, why am I worried about her! I just want to ask!" Ji Xiaoyan glared at old man Qingmi, and then asked in a low voice: "What's the punishment for that smiling Peanut?"

"Who knows about that!" Qingmi old man gave Ji Xiaoyan a white look, then ignored her, and ran to the front to accompany Fei Yu.

Ji Xiaoyan pouted, and then became a little excited.In other words, isn’t this what it means to be rewarded for what is good and what is rewarded for evil?

However, no matter what Ji Xiaoyan thinks, at least they have less trouble now.Because there was no smiling Peanut leader, the players who had been walking behind them didn't dare to fight them, they just followed silently!

Yinfeng Town and Lanli Town are not too far away.At least Ji Xiaoyan felt that they hadn't been gone for long, and Yunteng Wanli said that they were almost arriving in Lanli Town.

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the players who had been following them all the time, feeling a little curious.I don't know if they will just silently watch them enter the range of Lanli Town?

"What are you looking at?" Yan Foil Liuli asked a little puzzled when he saw Ji Xiaoyan's happy expression.

"I was wondering if they would just keep watching us enter Lanli Town!" Ji Xiaoyan replied with a smile.

"I guess that's the only way to go!" Yan Foil Liuli glanced back, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile: "Didn't Master Qingmi say that? The smiling Peanut is probably going to die on its own right now, where is the time to come?" Leave them alone, let them trouble us! It seems that today we have to thank Uncle Qingmi more!"

"Yeah, yum! You must buy me more food when the time comes. My current package is big enough, and it will definitely fit in it!" Ji Xiaoyan replied with a smile.

Yan Foil raised his eyebrows, smiled at Ji Xiaoyan and said: "So, your previous package was not big enough to contain food? I remember that you used to put a lot of things in your package , food and use, basically everything!"

"Isn't there no way?" Ji Xiaoyan said with a sigh: "The last time I stole things in Panchi City, the package was a bit too big to fit, and I couldn't throw away the materials. In the end, I had to throw away the food. Only then freed up space to hold the baby!"

"You, stealing something?" Yan Foil Liuli looked at Ji Xiaoyan with the same expression on his face, and smiled.

"Cough cough!" Ji Xiaoyan suddenly coughed dryly in embarrassment, and lowered his head, not daring to see Yan Foil drifting away.Last time, when she told Yan Bubo about the origin of the batch of equipment in her package, she remembered that she said that the old man Qingya stole it and then gave it to her... Now, could it be that he revealed his truth?Her brilliant image.....
However, the good thing is that Yan Foil Liuliu didn't mean to break the casserole and ask the end, but just looked at Ji Xiaoyan's lowered head and smiled, and didn't say anything.

Until Ji Xiaoyan and the others entered Lanli Town, the smiling Peanut did not appear.Ji Xiaoyan thinks that the girl must have been unlucky enough to be caught by NPCs and unable to get away!
Lanli Town is very beautiful, it looks like it is in a sea of ​​blue flowers.There are several pots of light blue flowers planted in front of the shops and houses all over the street. The flowers look a bit like lilies, but they are very different when you look closely.According to Yan Foil Wandering, this kind of flower also exists in the real world, and its name is Lan Hai. If Ji Xiaoyan likes it, I can give her a few pots to keep it for fun.

This time Ji Xiaoyan kept an eye out, seeing Yan Foil drifting away, he immediately asked, "How much is this flower worth?"

You know, when we met in reality, Nightmare Foil drifted away and gave her a synthetic jade. At that time, she didn't know how valuable that thing was, and thought that as long as it had the word "synthetic" on it, it wasn't worth anything. She didn't know until later. That thing is actually very valuable.Originally, he wanted to return it to Yan Foil, but he said that since he accepted it, it would be hurting his affection.Moreover, she accepted all the presents from his brother Yunshu, if she didn't accept his gifts, she would look down on him and stop treating him as a friend...
Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan had no choice but to put away the things honestly, and prepared to have good things in the game in the future, and it would be like giving back to Diao Foil Wandering, it should be a gift in return.

Yan Foil Liuli heard Ji Xiaoyan's question, looked at her in surprise for a second, and then smiled comprehensionally: "Why? If it's expensive, you won't accept it?"

"That's right!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded bluntly and said, "I can't keep accepting so many valuable things from you for no reason! How bad it is! I'll have a bad conscience!"

Hearing the words, Yan Foil frowned slightly, then immediately smiled and looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Then I will give you some worthless things from now on!"

"Liuli, that's not what I meant!" Ji Xiaoyan said with his eyes wide open, looking at Yanfoil Liuli.She just felt that it was not good to keep taking his things all the time.

"Then what do you mean? Hate me? That's why you don't want to accept my gift?" Yan Foil Liuli asked with a slightly bitter face on purpose, looking at Ji Xiaoyan.

"No, it's not!" Ji Xiaoyan swallowed, she didn't mean that!In other words, Yan Foil Liuli used his exquisite face to look at her with such an aggrieved appearance, the lethality is really great!She can't take it anymore!

"Xiaoyan said I don't want your stuff, so I don't want your stuff. I don't allow you to pester Xiaoyan all the time!" At this moment, Xuan Mo suddenly rushed out from the side angrily, and shouted loudly at Yan Foil Liuli .

The old man Qingmi in front of him heard the noise, and immediately turned his head, glanced at Xuan Mo and Ji Xiaoyan, then glanced at Yan Foil and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Nothing!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly waved his hands and answered.

Xuan Mo was not willing to admit defeat. Seeing Yan Foil Liuli squinting at him slightly, he immediately yelled: "I tell you, Xiaoyan is mine! Go away, you are not allowed to pester her! "

"Huh? Yu Mo, are you trying to grab Xiao Yan from him?" Old Qing Mi looked gossipy, stopped in haste, looked at Xuan Mo with great interest and asked.

"Yes! Xiaoyan is mine! I don't allow him to rob me!" Xuan Mo shouted loudly.

Ji Xiaoyan blinked, and suddenly felt that the conversation between Xuan Mo and Qing Mi seemed to be a bit misleading?

Sure enough, Ji Xiaoyan saw Yunteng Wanli and they all looked at her with interest, wandering away from Yanbo...

Ji Xiaoyan just wants to say, everyone, things are definitely not what you heard!There is nothing between her and Yan Foil, there really is nothing!

 PS: Thanks to "apple45945" for the pink ticket!Thank you "Farmer Sister" for the pink ticket! The 80 pink benefits will be made up tomorrow, so tomorrow is the third watch...Reminders or something, please talk about it the day after tomorrow, so that Qianqian can take a break! !In other words, it seems that only Qianqian is the most diligent during the Chinese New Year, right?Seeing the update list of VIP word count today, Qianqian ranks first!right?right?Thousands of compliments...
(End of this chapter)

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