Chapter 402

Xuan Mo raised his head ferociously, watching Yan Foil wandering away.Yan Foil Liuli also squinted slightly, staring at Xuan Mo.The two just stood motionless on the street in Lanli Town and stared at each other.

Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth, but still didn't dare to speak.

The main reason is that there are too many people watching.Apart from Yunteng Wanli's subordinates, many players from Lanli Town also ran over excitedly after seeing the situation here, surrounded them, and prepared to watch the excitement.

"What's going on? How did this kid enter the game? Could it be an NPC?"

"I don't know! I guess it's an NPC! Otherwise, why is she so beautiful and cute!"

"Yes, yes! It must be an NPC! That handsome boy is also an NPC, right? He looks so good-looking! A super handsome boy!"

"Yeah, you think so too?"

"Yes, yes! You can tell by his hair! It's silver and white, so handsome!"

"Look again, his eyes are also silver-white, so cool..."

"By the way, what are they doing here? Is there a mission?"

"Look at the handsome man, look at the beautiful man..."

"Honey, let's go! It's just two NPCs looking at each other, nothing to see!"

"Fart, it's hard for me to get so close to the beautiful boy in the game, I must stay and take a look..."

Ji Xiaoyan's forehead started to break out in cold sweat, and then he took a peek at the players around him, and suddenly felt that during this trip to the Southern Continent, did he not read the almanac when he went out?Why did he come to the Southern Continent and was surrounded twice?However, it seems that no one is paying attention to her at the moment, should she hide behind old man Qingmi first?
However, seeing the old man Qingmi looking at her with gossip and excitement, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly felt that he was not safe anywhere.So, after scanning the surroundings again, Ji Xiaoyan decisively decided to simply walk towards Yunteng Wanli.Anyway, she still has a lot of equipment in her bag to sell to him, I believe Yunteng Wanli will definitely "take good care" of her.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately walked towards Yunteng Wanli.

In the end, who knows, when Xuan Mo, who was tense, saw Ji Xiaoyan's action, he immediately jumped up, pointed at Yan Foil with a shocked face, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and shouted: "Xiaoyan, you want to see him!" Where are you going?"

Ji Xiaoyan was startled, and subconsciously followed the direction where Xuan Mo's finger was pointing at Yan Foil Liuli.

"No, no!" Ji Xiaoyan saw that the eyes of the audience all glanced at her, and immediately opened her mouth to deny it, then reached out to wipe the sweat on her forehead, looked at Xuan Mo and said, "Let's There are still things to do! Xuan Mo, don't waste time on these trivial things!"

"Xiaoyan, how can this be a trivial matter?" Xuan Mo was a little happy when he heard Ji Xiaoyan say that he would not be able to escape to Yan Foil, but when he heard her next sentence, Xuan Mo was not happy!He just wants Ji Xiaoyan to choose now, whether he wants that nightmare or him!The main reason is that that man is too annoying, not to mention his level is higher than him now, and he can hold the body, so that sometimes he can't do anything if he wants to play tricks on him.What's more, this diabolical wanderer keeps wandering around Ji Xiaoyan's side, it's so annoying!

"Xu Mo, stop making trouble!" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the surrounding audience, looked at Xuan Mo and said in a low voice.

"I don't, I don't! Xiaoyan, do you not like me anymore?" Yu Mo secretly pinched himself immediately, tears welling up, looking at Ji Xiaoyan and said pitifully, " Xiaoyan, you promised me that no matter what I do, you will like me, and you will not reject me! So, you chose me, right? "

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo at a loss, she didn't say she didn't like him, she didn't want his words!What on earth is this kid Xuan Mo thinking!All of a sudden!It seems that just now she was just discussing with Yan Foil about whether to spend or not, why did she suddenly bring up the issue of not wanting him?Could it be that her thinking rhythm has not kept up?Did she miss any important plot?

"Hehe, it turns out that you stayed by Xiaoyan's side because you were crying!" At this time, Yan Foil Liliu smiled, folded his hands, and said to Xuan Mo with a slight sarcasm.

"That's not it!" Xuan Mo wiped away tears fiercely, and glared at Yan Foil Liuli.

"If not, then what are you doing now?" Yan Foil raised his eyebrows, looked at Xuan Mo and asked.

Xuan Mo was at a loss for words!

Yan Foil cast a steady glance at Xuan Mo, then walked to Ji Xiaoyan's side, suddenly took her hand and walked away, while lifting her foot, she said to Xuan Mo, "When will you not cry? Naorang Xiaoyan likes you, come and fight with me again!"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Xuan Mo foolishly, and then was dragged away by Yan Foil.

The audience next to him was in an uproar, and many players screamed immediately.

"Wow, that woman is lucky, and she was held by a beautiful man!"

"What kind of show is going on now? Three NPCs competing for favor?"

"Wrong, it's a beautiful boy and a child robbing a woman. By the way, that girl doesn't look very good! It's a pity to be paired with a silver-haired handsome boy..."

"Yeah! It's so unreasonable!"

"Which bastard designer designed this plot! Why don't you match the beautiful silver-haired boy with a beautiful NPC who looks like a fairy! If it doesn't work, design it like me!"

"Just like you, it's not that bad, is it?"

"You... what did you say?"

"It doesn't make sense..."

"You said, does the kid who failed in the robbery have any missions?"

"Brother, how do you say that?"

"Ahem, the most reasonable explanation for a situation like this is that the silver-haired man took the ugly girl away, and the kid lost! In order to get the ugly girl back, the kid asked the player for help, and the player helped the kid take the ugly girl away from the silver-haired boy. Take it back from him, and then the task will be successfully completed..."

"Hmm, um! It's possible!"

"However, speaking of it, I don't know if it was that brainless game designer who designed this plot, robbing women, so why not design the protagonist to be more beautiful!"

"Actually, that female NPC is not too ugly!"

"Brother, ugliness needs to be compared! Compare it with the silver-haired man, do you think that woman is ugly?"

"Uh, brother, you are right..."

"Hey, the main reason is that the contrast is too strong. That female NPC looks average, at least she isn't ugly and earth-shattering!"


"Look, everyone, the kid is not moving anymore, is he waiting for us to trigger the mission?"

"Ah? It must be!"

"Wife, wife, let's go, let's pick up the mission..."

"Let it be, let it be..."

"Go away, I came first, why squeeze?"

"Go away, go away..."

Xuan Mo was stunned for a moment by Yan Foil's wandering, and he didn't notice that the players around him excitedly thought that he had a mission, and rushed towards him.By the time Xuan Mo reacted, he had already surrounded the players.

Ji Xiaoyan was dragged by Yan Foil and walked a few steps, and suddenly realized what was going on, and then looked at Yan Foil holding her hand in a panic, his face suddenly became hot, and he wanted to get away from him. broke free from his hand.

"What's the matter?" Yan Foil Liuli felt Ji Xiaoyan's movements and looked at her naturally, just like usual, smiled at her gently, and asked a question.As for what Yan Foil's wandering heart is thinking, it is estimated that only he himself knows...
"I, I have to go back and see Xuan Mo!" Ji Xiaoyan said quickly, and then shook his hands lightly.In other words, Yan Foil Liuliu grabbed her hand, holding it a little tight...

The temperature of Ji Xiaoyan's face suddenly became a little higher!
At this time, Fei Yu walked slowly to Ji Xiaoyan's side, and said quietly: "Qing Mi told you not to worry about Xuan Mo, he will take good care of him! Let's go to work first, and then we have to finish the work." Go back!"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Fei Yu in surprise, he usually doesn't talk much, but now he is willing to come and pass on a message to old man Qingmi?Afterwards, Ji Xiaoyan glanced back at Xuan Mo, who was surrounded by crowd, and said a little worriedly: "I think it's better to wait for Xuan Mo! There are too many players!"

"Hehe, Xiaoyan, don't worry, I have someone to follow! Besides, isn't Yu Mo an NPC? Are you afraid that he will be eaten by players?" Yun Teng Wanli came out from nowhere at this time , looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said with a smile.Then he looked at Yan Foil Drifter with a smile on his eyes.

Yan Foil Liuli was a little unnatural to be stared at by Yunteng Wanli, turned his head and gave Yunteng Wanli a hard look, then shifted his gaze to Ji Xiaoyan, cleared his throat and said: "Xiaoyan, since Qing Mi Uncle Shi said it’s okay, and my brother left someone to watch, let’s leave first! There are a lot of players here, if we keep standing in neutral, we’re afraid we’ll be in trouble for a while!”

Yun Teng Wanli looked at Yan Foil, who was a little embarrassed under his gaze, laughed twice, and then said: "Don't be afraid of trouble, anyway, this is my territory, but you have been standing here like this , I'm afraid something will happen in a while..."

"Brother!" Yan Foil Liuliu glared at Yunteng Wanli, who sang against him.I secretly thought, when will his brother say such things?
Yun Teng Wanli smiled happily, raised his eyebrows at Yan Foil Liuliu, and then motioned him to turn his gaze to the hand he and Ji Xiaoyan were holding.

Nightmare Foil drifted away feeling that the temperature on his face was a little high.I want to let go and not let his brother see the joke, but I feel a little bit reluctant!What does it feel like?Just pulling Ji Xiaoyan just because of intuition, or did he always want to do this in his heart, to get close to her?

Yan Foil was stunned, looking straight at Ji Xiaoyan who was looking in the direction of Xuan Mo, and suddenly smiled!

 PS: Thank you "Female Empress" for the firecrackers!Thanks to "Yu~" for the two pink tickets!Thank you for the peace talisman of "I am not tempted~~"!Qianqian is very happy to be praised!

(End of this chapter)

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