The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 603 Snooping News

Chapter 603 Snooping News
After a flash of colored light disappeared in his eyes, Ji Xiaoyan opened his eyes and saw a gray scene.Here is the map where she was abducted by Chuba, the map of Shuiyang No. [-].It's just that the appearance now is different from the appearance when she left!

"What's going on here?" Ji Xiaoyan stared at the scene in front of her with wide eyes, and asked in surprise to Little Mimi floating on her shoulders.It's just a pity that Little Mimi can't speak, so there is no way to answer her!And on the eighth day of the eighth day, after finding the player who snatched its precious beads with Ji Xiaoyan, the BOSS directly threw three summoning scrolls to Ji Xiaoyan as a reward, then chose a beam of light, and it was not known where it was sent.

Speaking of which, Ji Xiaoyan and the others' journey to find beads in Qinghai's NO.50 map was smooth.They only swam for about 20 minutes following the feeling of the eighth day of the eighth day, and then they saw the very courageous player who snatched the eighth day's beads.

Ji Xiaoyan still remembered that the player seemed to be floating on the water because he was exhausted from swimming and had no strength.The player was wearing a thick black armor, with thick eyebrows, small eyes, and a huge figure. He looked like a warrior attire.However, just such a player is still very vulnerable in front of Chuba.

At least, Ji Xiaoyan only saw Chu Ba swipe his paw towards the player. The player didn't even have time to make a cry of help and tried to escape, so he lay dead and fell from the water.As for the bead, as soon as the player died, it fell out of his body, floated on the water, and was grabbed by Chu Ba.

Originally, Ji Xiaoyan was quite curious about what kind of baby that bead looked like, but Chu Ba refused to show her at all.After confirming that the bead was in hand, she directly asked her to lead the way back to the teleportation place full of beams of light, and then gave her three scrolls that were said to be able to directly summon it to help, Chu Ba left.Yes, those were three scrolls that could summon the level [-] boss, Chuba, to help in the battle.When Ji Xiaoyan held the scroll in his hand, he even felt that he was dreaming!

That's a level [-] boss! ! !As far as the current stage is concerned, as long as Chu Ba is summoned, it is simply the most invincible existence.Of course, this invincibility is based on being able to help her kill monsters... Moreover, the premise must be that Chu Ba's strength is very powerful.

However, after seeing the courageous player who snatched Chuba's beads was killed with one claw, Ji Xiaoyan still felt that Chuba's strength is very good.Because, according to her visual inspection, that player should be at least level 44 or [-], and he should be a defensive fighter based on his attire.If this kind of strength will be killed by Chu Bayi's claws, then Chu Ba's strength is still quite high!Of course, this is just her guess!What the specific facts are, you have to practice it when you have a chance in the future to know!

Of course, happy is happy, Ji Xiaoyan still remembered that before Chuba left, he asked him to help find the teleportation light beam on the map of Shuiyang No. [-], but after teleporting to the map of Shuiyang No. [-], Ji Xiaoyan was a little silly.Does this gray map mean that the map is closed?So, does it mean that there are no players and no monsters in this map now?

With such doubts in mind, Ji Xiaoyan led Xiao Mimi to stand still for a while, then took out the search disk and headed towards the direction of the red arrow still marked on it, which is the place where she was abducted. The stone vortex walked over.According to her understanding, if Jiajia has no way to leave this map, then it should be waiting there.

However, when Ji Xiaoyan got there, he found that there was still nothing in the stone vortex.

Where did Kaga go?This became a fan!It was not sent back to the pet space, so, was it directly wiped out by the map?Ji Xiaoyan looked at Jiajia's pet panel, and saw that everything on it was normal, so she felt a little relieved.After squatting on the spot and thinking for a while, Ji Xiaoyan resolutely decided to go offline directly to find Thunder Kitten, and ask him to contact his father, Super Thunder Cat, and ask about the situation!After all, the big cats of Super Thunder have always acted together with Jiajia, Stranger Things and Starry Sky, haven't they?

After making up his mind, Ji Xiaoyan went offline directly on the gray Shuiyang No. [-] map, found the contact information of Thunder Kitten, and made a call.It's just that, after the voice of this contact rang for a long time, there was no answer from Thunder Kitty and the others for a long time.

"What should I do? Find someone I don't know before? Uh... I don't want it anymore!" Sitting at the dining table, Ji Xiaoyan said to himself with his hands on his chin.

While cleaning the house, Yu Qisi smiled at Ji Xiaoyan's way of talking to himself, and then said to her: "Miss Xiaoyan, if you have any trouble, just ask Master Jiang Xia for help! Where are you thinking of a solution alone, you have to think about when you will go!"

Ever since Yu Qisi was given to Ji Xiaoyan by Yu Jiangxia, that is, Falling Ye Flying, Yu Qisi's address for Falling Ye Flying has changed from "Young Master" to "Jiang Xia" young master.

After Ji Xiaoyan heard Yu Qisi's words, he suddenly understood.She doesn't want to contact strangers and reveal the contact information and location of her new residence, which doesn't mean she can't find Flying Leaves to stop by!Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately ran over to Yu Qisi, gave her a big hug, and laughed loudly: "Wow, Qisi, you are the smartest!! I will go to Yu Jiangxia right away!"

"Yeah!" Yu Qisi looked at Ji Xiaoyan's bouncing figure, smiled happily with his lips curled up, and then continued with the work in hand.

Ten minutes later, Ji Xiaoyan turned back with a smile on his face.

"Miss Xiaoyan, did Master Jiang Xia agree to help you?" Yu Qisi looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked with no surprise on his face.

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then said: "He went to make a call for me to ask about something, and he will call me back later!"

"It seems that Young Master Jiang Xia still has a lot of free time, otherwise you wouldn't be able to find him right away!" Yu Qisi smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, and said something with a nostalgic expression on his face.In the past, she belonged to the Yu family, and when she was in charge of Yu Jiangxia's travel activities, she would be notified of what time Yu Jiangxia was doing and what activities he had.Now that there is no such news suddenly, she is still a little unaccustomed to it!
"He's free!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head when he heard Yu Qisi's words, looked at her and said, "The first thing he said to me was that the time I chose was too accurate. Team up with someone to kill the little boss in the game! When I called, a man named Yu Jiusan answered the call, and then he asked me to wait for a while before pulling Yu Jiangxia out of the game!"

"Yu Jiusan?" Hearing this, Yu Qisi froze for a moment.

"What? Are you familiar with him on July [-]th?" Ji Xiaoyan asked with interest.

"Not very familiar! I heard it!" Yu Qisi regained his composure and smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, then continued to work in silence.

"Huh? Qisi, you have a wrong expression! Is there something between you? Hurry up and ask me honestly!" Seeing this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately rushed to Yu Qisi with a gossip face, looked at her and asked.

"Miss Xiaoyan..." With a helpless smile on his face, Yu Qisi glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, sighed slightly, and said, "It's really nothing, you are so excited!"

"There must be something! Otherwise, why do you have such an expression!" Ji Xiaoyan blinked, looked at Yu Qisi and asked excitedly.

"You think too much!" Yu Qisi shook his head with a smile, and then said, "I just remembered that after I entered the Yu family for a few years, I had heard of 'Yu Jiusan'!"

"That's it?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little disappointed when he heard that.

"Otherwise, what else do you think?" Yu Qisi looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a helpless smile and asked.

"I want to hear gossip!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Qisi frankly and said, then tilted his head and frowned and said, "However, according to your names, this Yu Jiusan is later than you. Is there anything outstanding about him?" If there is no outstanding aspect, can people think of who he is when he hears his name?

"Hmm! I heard that they are the ones with the best legs and feet!" Yu Qisi said to Ji Xiaoyan without hesitation, "I remember that he was sent to be in charge of the master after he became an adult... ...Uh, it's Master Yu's security work. But now, hearing what you said, he seems to be following Young Master Jiang Xia!" At this point, Yu Qisi stopped talking immediately, frowned slightly, and meditated stand up.

"Protect Yu Jiangxia?" Ji Xiaoyan blinked suspiciously, looked at Yu Qisi and asked.

"It should be like this!" Yu Qisi nodded, and then said: "Otherwise, if you make a call, he will definitely not be the one to answer it!"

"That's right!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled when he heard the words, "It seems that Yu Jiangxia has an extra powerful bodyguard recently!"

"En!" Yu Qisi nodded, frowned and remained silent for two seconds, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Perhaps, if Master Jiang Xia is in some trouble, he is going to do something important, so Yu Jiusan just will be sent to his side!"

"What does this mean?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Qisi suspiciously and asked.In other words, it's just a bodyguard assigned to Flying Leaves, can there be so many things worth thinking about?
"It must be like this!" Yu Qisi nodded, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile and said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Master Jiang Xia later!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately made a face at Yu Qisi, complaining that she was cheating, "I must ask him! If it's different from what you said in Qisi, then you have to make me delicious food tonight eat!"

"Okay!" Yu Qisi nodded, smiled brightly at Ji Xiaoyan, and then thought in his heart, Miss Xiaoyan, it seems that she also has delicious food at ordinary times...
 PS: Thanks to "Piao Piao Black Wood" for the evaluation votes!Thank you "Mystery Sea" for the pink ticket! . You said, do you want to hurry up and code words, double shift?Do you want it?Do you want it? !

(End of this chapter)

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