The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 604 The celebration banquet that the head of Qing Miao said....

Chapter 604 The celebration banquet that the head of Qing Miao said.
Facts have proved that Yu Qisi's guess is indeed correct.

Half an hour later, Ji Xiaoyan asked about Yu Jiusan during the call with Luoye Fenfei, but the answer he got was that the man from Yeguang Wine bought a guild building order from her and built the first guild in the game. A gang, so their family and Falling Leaves' family have teamed up in the game and are ready to have a big fight.Of course, Ji Xiaoyan doesn't know if their family has joined forces in reality.And Yu Jiusan, who was said to be very powerful, was assigned to Flying Leaves to protect his safety in reality and help him in the game at the same time!
Who made the whole holographic online game?Those who have special skills in reality may be able to play well in the game, right?
In this regard, Ji Xiaoyan expressed his surprise after a while, and then became concerned.Why didn't she think of letting Yu Qisi join the game?How can I say that it would be more convenient to have an acquaintance in the game in the future, wouldn't it?

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan encouraged Yu Qisi to join the game after chatting with Luoye Fenfei.However, this process of persuasion was obviously very long and arduous, but at any rate, there was a somewhat satisfactory result in the end.Yu Qisi agreed to go to the commercial street with her the next day to buy a game adapter and try it out!If she is really not good at playing, then give up...
So, the contented Ji Xiaoyan went online directly after dinner.

When I opened my eyes, it was still the map of Shuiyang No. [-], still a gray scene.It's just that this time Ji Xiaoyan wasn't confused or worried at all.

According to the results of Luoye Flying's interview with strangers, Jiajia actually became the condition for promotion in Shuiyang No. [-] map.This is what I said before, the incident where a player escorted a monster away in the map of Shuiyang No. [-].It is about strangers, starry sky, and super thunder big cat. Together with Jiajia, they met a teleportation NPC who randomly teleported everywhere in the map on the map of Shuiyang. Send back the matter of Qingshimen.

Ji Xiaoyan was extremely puzzled as to why Kaka became a condition for map promotion.Generally speaking, she and Jiajia are both latecomers. The promotion conditions for the maps of these martial arts tournaments should have been designed by the game designer in advance, right?So, why can Gaga still be a condition for map promotion?
In this regard, Strangers and Starry Sky guessed that maybe in this martial arts conference map, there is no map with the same promotion conditions. The reason is that there are no fixed promotion conditions in these maps. If the mastermind is happy, find an event to let you advance, and you can advance.That's why this kind of situation can happen.
In this regard, Ji Xiaoyan felt that maybe the truth might be like that.As for whether it is true in the final analysis, it is not known.Anyway, she just needs to know that Jiajia has left.

It is said that this player, who has never met before, also belonged to a foreign map, was finally sent back to the Nuhai 99 map he was staying in through the random teleportation NPC they met, and then drifted on the sea for a few days Afterwards, he finally heard the news that his map had advanced, and he successfully advanced.However, the process of his promotion is quite thrilling.

It is said that this man who had never met before was ranked above 1000 points at the time, and he no longer had any hope of advancing.As a result, who knows, in the last 10 minutes of sprint time, a player who just logged in suddenly popped out of the sea in front of him.So, at that second, the stranger who reported the fluke mentality hung up the player before his brain reacted, and the result actually allowed him to get more than 300 points from that player, and successfully squeezed into the front row. Five hundred...
Regarding this, Ji Xiaoyan expressed that the shit luck of the man who has never met before is really strong...
Of course, not long after, a water post also appeared on the Western Continent's game forum, to the effect that it scolded some players for being unkind, and killed themselves when they just logged in and hadn't reacted!However, this post only stayed on the homepage for a while, and was directly squeezed out by the posts celebrating his successful promotion...
As for those players in the map of Shuiyang No. 66 who are still locked in the basement of Qingcao No. [-] village, those players who were not bought and killed by Ji Xiaoyan with money, it is said that basically all of them were eliminated in the end.The reason is very simple, the points are not enough, or there are points but not on the map where you should stay.Of course, what is said here is basically, so there are exceptions.

And this exception is a female player called "Peasant Sister".As for how she succeeded in advancing to the next level, the players who were locked with her didn't know at all. They only knew that the girl had not been in the basement for a long time, and after chatting with the players next to her for a while, her body suddenly became white. , and then was teleported away...
Afterwards, the farmer sister appeared directly in the village before she entered the map of the martial arts conference, standing in an NPC's shop, with a happy and satisfied smile, listening to the NPC's reprimand, while actively cleaning the floor !If she hadn't found an item in the corner when she was working in this NPC shop, she would probably be locked in that basement like other players now, waiting to be eliminated!

In this regard, the peasant sister is very fortunate.

After entering the map of Shuiyang No. [-], Ji Xiaoyan stood near the stone vortex and waited for a long time before he waited for the shock again, returned to the teleportation place full of beams of light, and found the person Chu Ba once helped She cheated and found a beam of light that could send out the map of the martial arts conference, and sent it back to Qingshimen.

Compared with Miao Xiaohei, Ji Xiaoyan's treatment when he returns to Qingshimen is extremely good.

When she opened her eyes, she saw old man Qingmi's wrinkled smiling face, as well as the cheerful smiles of Elder Qingyi and Sect Master Qingmiao.

"Girl, you're finally back! What's the result? Did you win?" The old man Qingmi immediately grabbed Ji Xiaoyan's arm and asked with concern.

"Well, it's okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, glanced at the old man Qingmi and the others, whose eyes were full of anticipation, and then hurriedly added: "The first level has passed, just wait for the second level." The gate has begun." It should be like this, right?Ji Xiaoyan thought a little uncertainly.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Hearing this, the head of Qing Miao laughed happily twice, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with satisfaction, then turned his head and said to old man Qingmi: "In this case, Then let us at Qingshimen cook a good meal today, treat Xiaoyan well, and celebrate her achievements! What do you think?"

"That's a good idea!" Old Man Qing Mi gave a steady smile, then turned his head to look at Elder Qing Yi, and asked in a low voice, "Are there any good ingredients in the kitchen?"

"There seems to be nothing good lately..." Elder Qing Yi thought for a while, frowned slightly, then looked at the head of Qing Miao and asked, "Senior brother, should we go out and do some shopping now?"

"Now? What time is it now? It's getting dark after I bought it, what will Xiaoyan eat later! Besides, do you mean that you can buy good ingredients easily?" Hearing this, the head of Qing Miao frowned. He frowned and said something, then thought for two seconds, looked at the old man Qingmi and said: "Qingmi, why don't you go to Qianhuamen to have a look?"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he immediately stared at the head of Qing Miao with wide eyes!In other words, the meaning of what Qing Qingmiao said is not the same as what she thinks, is it?Telling old man Qingmi to go to Qianhuamen, is this the idea of ​​calling on Xiao Jinku, the head of Qianhuamen?No, they were not welcome last time when they went to Qianhuamen, so they will go again this time!If the old man Qingya was caught, it would be fine!She didn't believe that Qianhua Gate had been stolen once and didn't learn a lesson and strengthen its guards.

Just thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan heard the old man Qing Mi answer happily: "Okay! Then senior brother, shall I go with Qing Yi?"

"Okay! Go early and come back early!" The head of Qing Miao nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Check if you have enough bags on your body. If not, go to the warehouse to get some! It's best to get some more once and for all. One point, so as not to bother the Qianhuamen next time, and make people from the other sects turn their backs on their backs!"

"Yeah! I know!" Qing Mi old man nodded decisively upon hearing this.

So, Ji Xiaoyan was speechless in amazement.Master Qing Miao, can you be more shameless?Going to steal things from Qianhuamen can still be said so confidently!Please don't think about robbing other people, but at the same time, you still have a face of thinking about them, afraid that it will be very hard for them to come out and catch thieves...

"Girl, wait for us to get you some delicious food!" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's surprised expression, the old man Qingmi patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile, "We'll take Xuan Mo with us in a while, sure. Get twice the result with half the effort!"

Hearing Xuan Mo's name, Ji Xiaoyan immediately shifted his thoughts back, looked at the old man Qingmi and asked, "By the way, uncle, why didn't you see Xuan Mo? Where did he go? There is also Jiajia, Jiajia are you back?"

"Xu Mo should be in the utility room to supervise the cleaning of the little black cat. As for Jiajia, he just came back a while ago. I saw that he was not energetic every day and looked depressed, so I sent him to the back mountain to help clean up the mess. It's gone!" Elder Qingyi immediately replied when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, "What? Xiaoyan, are you looking for them?"

"Oh, it's enough to be here!" Ji Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Elder Qingyi's words, "By the way, Master Qingyi, you said that Jiajia's spirit is not good? What's wrong with it? Is it sick?"

"I don't know!" Elder Qingyi immediately shook his head when he heard the words, and then said, "It was like that when it first came back, and we don't know what's going on! Why don't you go to the back mountain to have a look?"

"Well, I'll go and have a look!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while and nodded.I was a little bit guessing in my heart, I guess Jiajia felt that it lost her, so that's why she was depressed?

After a hasty meeting with Xuan Mo, after speaking a few words, Ji Xiaoyan watched old man Qingmi, elder Qingyi and Xuan Mo leave the gate of Qingshimen, and went to the back mountain with Xiao Mimi...
 PS: Thank you for the pink votes and evaluation votes of "Cold as Ice. Frozen"!Thanks for the evaluation votes of "Fall Into the Monkey Group"! .I asked everyone yesterday that I hope Qianqianshuang would not do it, but no one responded, sad bird. Weeping silently!
(End of this chapter)

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