The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 636 Can You Bargain?

Chapter 636 Can You Bargain?

Freesman has no idea what Ji Xiaoyan's plan is, all he knows is that the girl directly ordered her pet to drag him by one foot, and then let his face and body of the great ice god Sticking to the floor of the maze, walking behind their team.If the whole journey was just passed in such a quiet way, then it's fine for him to bear it.But the problem is, that girl Ji Xiaoyan doesn't know if it's intentional or not. From time to time, she will run over to him with a concerned face and ask him if there is anything he needs, whether he is tired or not, and whether the journey is comfortable?
Ice God, your ass, is he tired?Is it because he is not tired?Let the girl try what it feels like to be dragged by the monster to swim on the ground, and the girl will know if she is tired. Now his whole body is in pain! !comfortable?Who can feel at ease when something like this happens?Friesman can assure you that this girl named Ji Xiaoyan did it on purpose, she did it on purpose to disgust him!Come and ask him what he needs?Ice God, you have a stomach, he needs someone to knock out his health bar, he needs food and drink... But, if he said it, would the girl be satisfied?The answer is absolutely no.

The girl's idea was to make him speak, so that she could blackmail him for the dagger and skill book!Don't think he doesn't know!
Moreover, what frustrates Friesman the most is that in the days after he was captured by Jiajia, whenever Ji Xiaoyan and his team encountered monsters, he was the first person to be protected! !That girl Ji Xiaoyan would let that earth-type mage boy named Xuan Mo get out an earth-type protective cover at the first time every time, to protect him tightly, without giving him a chance at all, let him There is a chance to lure a monster or two to kill him...
Is it really that hard to want to die?

Friesman kept asking himself along the way.

Seeing Ji Xiaoyan and the others kill the two monsters that suddenly rushed out again, Friesman couldn't bear it anymore. He wanted to get rid of this group of people: "Hey, what exactly do you want?"

"What's the matter?" Ming Yuexin looked at Friesman suspiciously, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and said innocently: "Aren't we going to take this uncle to think of a way to save him?" What? You didn't make it clear to uncle?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately laughed.Whether it's the same thing or not, everyone knows in their hearts, but their unified caliber to the outside world is like this.

When Friesman heard this, he was so angry that his blood surged!I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen such shameless ones.Don't the people in this team know what is going on?They are pretending to be stupid on purpose!If I had known, if I had known that he would see them, I would have left quickly! !No, no, if he knew about it earlier, he would rather not chase those monsters, and just stay away from them!

"Just tell me, what exactly do you need to let me go!" Friesman took a deep breath, closed his eyes tightly, and asked aggrievedly.

"Look at what you're talking about, uncle!" Miao Xiaohei smiled, looked at the people who were snickering, and said, "We are all very enthusiastic about helping uncle, uncle. How can you say such words that hurt us? Uncle, if you need anything, just say it directly, and we will try our best to satisfy you! Don't be too polite with us, right? "

When Friesman heard this, he immediately opened his mouth, and was about to say that if he wanted them to let him go, it would be fine to leave him here to fend for himself.He has some potions to attract monsters and so on. As long as the group of people leave, he won't worry about losing blood.

However, at the moment Friesman opened his mouth to speak, Miao Xiaohei's words continued to ring out again: "But, uncle, if you want to say something and don't want to drag us down, you want us to put you here and let you live on your own." Don’t say things like self-destruction. We will never magnify you alone...... We are not such cruel people! So, uncle, you must not feel that you are dragging us down, so Don't want us to take you with you!"

Well, he knew that this group of people would not be dismissed so easily.Friesman took a deep breath, then opened his eyes, the light in his eyes flickered, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and after sizing them up, he said, "Tell me, what is going on?" Only then can I be released!"

"We will not abandon you, uncle!" Everyone said with one voice.Just kidding, everyone knows that this NPC has good things on him, who would let him go so easily?Then if they left this NPC here, and turned around and made other players cheaper, wouldn't they be at a big loss?Besides, looking at the appearance of this NPC, you can tell that he can't help it.As long as they persevere, even if they don't know it, it will be possible to exchange food for something better?
Sure enough, after being silent for a few seconds, Friesman yelled at Ji Xiaoyan with a pained face and cruel heart: "Who is that, I want to exchange something with you for food!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan happily met everyone's eyes, then ran up to Friesman, squatted beside him and asked, "Uncle, have you figured it out?"

Freesman glared at her.Ice God, you have a stomach, he can't figure it out!The question is, what if he just can't figure it out?Should he continue to be dragged around by such a group of inhuman guys looking for monsters?If someone saw this, even if he could wipe out this group of people in the future, his reputation would be ruined long ago!They all said that he couldn't bear the child and couldn't trap the wolf. If he really got something to hand over, who knows how long the team in front of him will torture him!As long as he recovers, the first thing to do is to kill them all first...

Friesman swore secretly in his heart, but did not answer Ji Xiaoyan's question.

Ji Xiaoyan completely understood Friesman's depressed mood, so after finishing speaking, regardless of whether Friesman answered or not, he directly took out a piece of bread from the package, handed it to Friesman with a smile and said : "Uncle, let me exchange a piece of bread for the advanced dagger you mentioned!"

"What!" Friesman almost jumped up angrily when he heard this.Who is this girl!A piece of bread in exchange for the dagger on his body?Does she know what that dagger is?A piece of rotten bread wants to change things away, she is dreaming!Just such a small piece of bread, if he swallowed it, it would be nothing at all.

"What? Uncle, do you think we are at a disadvantage?" Ji Xiaoyan asked out of black and white, and then saw that Friesman's angry eyes were almost bloodshot.

"Who is at a disadvantage! Who is at a disadvantage! It's obviously me who is at a disadvantage, okay?" Friesman yelled at Ji Xiaoyan hoarsely, and then continued viciously: "You are so shameless! You just want to exchange a piece of broken bread My dagger! You haven't woken up yet, are you still dreaming?"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan smiled disapprovingly, then looked at Friesman and said, "Since uncle, you think you are at a disadvantage, we won't change it! Gaga, get ready, let's move on!"

Friesman swallowed back the words he was about to continue arguing with Ji Xiaoyan, then stared dumbfounded at Ji Xiaoyan standing up in front of him, turned around and left without thinking.what happened?Friesman was very puzzled.Why doesn't this girl continue to bargain with him like before, trying to fight for a while?She just left?Don't change?
"Hey, hello!" Friesman yelled at Ji Xiaoyan's back twice, and seeing her stop and turn her head to look at him with a puzzled expression, she stared and asked, "What's the matter with you?" ?”

"What's going on?" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Friesman lightly, and then said with a sigh of relief: "It's not that uncle, you feel that you are at a disadvantage and you don't want to change things? Since you are not willing to change things, then we There is nothing to talk about. Talking is a waste of time, isn't it a waste of saliva? Or, uncle, do you think this deal can actually be done? Want to continue talking?"

Friesman was suffocated when he heard this.A piece of broken bread is exchanged for his high-end dagger, no matter how you look at it, he is at a disadvantage, why should he beg the girl to exchange it!Is there any reason!Thinking of this, Freesman snorted coldly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "You think beautiful!"

"Since you don't want to change, uncle, then we have nothing to say! Everyone get ready, let's go!" Ji Xiaoyan shrugged indifferently, and after saying something to everyone, he smiled at Jiajia and said: " Jiajia, take good care of uncle!"

"En!" Jiajia nodded, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a flattering expression: "Don't worry, Xiaoyan, Jiajia won't let his legs fall off."

Friesman was a little terrified when he heard this.Why did the monster dragging him suddenly say such a sentence?Could it be because that girl secretly ordered this monster to tear him up when he wasn't paying attention?That's not okay!His racial innate skills can restore the state, it can't restore the missing arms and legs to the original state!What if one of his legs is gone?

Thinking of this, Friesman was terribly frightened, and shouted at Ji Xiaoyan when he was dragged abruptly: "Stop, stop. I'll change, I'll change!"

"Uncle, is what you said true or false! Don't play tricks on us like you did just now!" Ji Xiaoyan heard this, turned his head to look at Friesman with a smile and said.

"Really, really! I'll change it, I'll change it!" Freesman yelled, "As long as you give me ten loaves, I'll give you the dagger!"

Ji Xiaoyan blinked when he heard the words, looked at Friesman and asked suspiciously: "I said uncle, did I say when you can bargain?"

 PS: Thanks to "House Cat" for the pink ticket!Thanks for the pink ticket of "Cold as Ice. Frozen"!

(End of this chapter)

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