Chapter 637 Extortion
Friesman is depressed!
He is not ordinary, ordinary depression, it is very, very depressed.Depressed is simply the kind of aggrieved depression that wants to kill, but still has to endure it.

He wanted bread, not a dagger.He wanted not to be crippled, but in the end he had to compromise.Originally thought that no matter how much the price of the high-end dagger on his body fell, he could exchange for ten pieces of bread, fill his stomach, recover his strength and energy, and kill the group of people who had tortured him for a long time in front of him to take revenge right?In the end, who knows, the group of people in front of them is simply more refined and shameless than the other.As for his high-end dagger, he only got a small piece of bread in exchange for it, and it was still a bit moldy.

With sporadic tears in Friesman's eyes, he bit the bread in his hand with resentment on his face, and stared at Ji Xiaoyan who took the dagger from him, and then swore in his heart that he would definitely to restore.After recovering, he must kill this woman... He has seen shameless ones, but he has never seen such shameless ones.The girl actually raised the price by sitting on the ground, and exchanged his dagger with a piece of bread.That's a dark gold dagger, with that attribute, that style, it's not a high-end product at all, if it is placed elsewhere, it will be worth thousands of gold coins, right? The result?She was actually forcibly exchanged by this girl with a piece of bread...
Friesman is very sad!He claimed to be the God of Ice, but the adventurer just took his things away.As a senior member of the undead clan, he also practiced advanced ice spells, but in front of such a group of shameless people, he was so unbearable, how embarrassing for Friesman!

"Xiao Hei, come here, hurry up and take a look! This dagger has good attributes!" Ji Xiaoyan showed the dark gold-level dagger that Friesman gave him, and then happily ran to Miao Xiaohei's side, Looking at her, he said, "The thing you're looking at is very good. You can get it with a piece of bread. It's a good deal!!" Isn't it?Isn't it worthwhile to exchange a piece of bread for a dark gold dagger?
Everyone rolled their eyes at Ji Xiaoyan, but they still leaned forward curiously, ready to see what good attributes that dagger has.

Item name: Frost Blade (Dark Gold)

Item description: This object has been tempered by several generations of dwarf craftsmen, and sent to a high-level ice dragon to bless ice magic, so this object has a lot more ice attributes than ordinary daggers.However, when fighting against fire-type opponents, the ice-type attack will be greatly reduced.


Item skills:
Sharp Injury, accumulating Qi for one second, consumes 50 mana points, increases the critical strike rate by 50% in the next three seconds, and adds more than 800 points of physical Qi and blood damage.

Throat seal of ice, blood coagulation function of ice system, cast randomly.After the cast is successful, the caster will receive freezing damage for about five seconds, and will not be able to move or recover blood. After five seconds, there will be a continuous blood loss time of three seconds.The amount of blood lost will be determined by its own ice magic resistance coefficient.

Frost Blade, ice attack.The gas storage time is one second, 80 mana points are consumed, and ten ice blades are transformed. Each ice blade lasts for ten seconds. A single ice blade can cause up to 3000 points of ice spell damage and 1000 points of physical damage.One hour cooldown.

"Tsk tsk, Xiao Hei, you earned it!" Thunder Kitten and Ming Yue Xin looked at Meow Xiao Hei enviously after seeing the dagger and not that right?Such a good dagger has three skill attributes, and it was bought with a piece of bread. Isn't that a bad profit?
"Hee hee, it's everyone's help, everyone's help!" Miao Xiaohei looked like he couldn't put it down, touched the Frost Blade, said something to everyone, then turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan and said gratefully: "Xiaoyan, thank you!"

"Well, it's okay, as long as you are useful!" Ji Xiaoyan also looked at Miao Xiaohei with a little envy and said, she can also use this dagger, but Miao Xiaohei has already taken a fancy to this dagger before. .Ji Xiaoyan regretted a little bit, then gathered his spirits, and said to everyone: "Everyone, please pray that the NPC has other good things on him!" Yes, as long as the NPC is caught by them, there will always be a need for replacement. Much food, huh?At that time, won't all the good things have to go into their pockets?

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Friesman even more fieryly.That NPC is simply a treasure trove!Of course, the premise is that he has something they can use on him.

"Then if someone doesn't get something later, let's count the gold coins again? Compensate?" Thunder Kitten looked at Aizai and said something to Hui Sheng and the farmer sister at that time.In their team, Miao Xiaohei and Mingyue Xin were brought directly by Ji Xiaoyan. Relatively speaking, they were with Ji Xiaoyan all the way. I believe that when it comes to dividing things, they won't care too much.However, Ai Zai, Hui Sheng and the peasant sister were met on the road.Ji Xiaoyan gave Miao Xiaohei the first dagger he got, and no one could tell if Ai would be unhappy in their hearts at that time?

Therefore, some things still need to be agreed in advance, otherwise, whoever will do the things that are slowing down?People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves!

"En, en! The kitten is right. If someone doesn't get the item later, let's share it with gold coins to make up for it!" Hearing this, Miao Xiaohei immediately nodded in agreement with the Thunder kitten.She still knows this rule, although she doesn't have any extra money with her now, but according to her relationship with Ji Xiaoyan, she will definitely lend it to her.

"Ah! Me, I have nothing to do with you!" The farmer sister shook her head immediately when she heard this, looked at the crowd and said, "It's useless if you don't dislike me, and it's already very good if you take me into the maze. I Don't want anything!"

"Then how can we do it? We are a family after joining the team, and we still have to divide what should be divided!" Hearing this, the super thunder cat immediately shook his head and said to the farmer sister, "However, you don't have much fighting power. At that time, we can only share less. Little sister, don't mind too much at that time."

"I...I really have nothing to do with it!" the farmer sister blushed quickly and said.When she first joined the team, she didn't expect that there would be points for things. It would be pretty good to have some experience with Ji Xiaoyan and the others, so how could she expect anything else.However, when hearing the words of Super Thunder Big Cat, the farmer sister couldn't help but feel happy in her heart. Everyone treats her as a team member!

"If you let you hold it, you can just hold it!" The thunder kitten glanced at the peasant sister, then looked at Aizainai and Huisheng, and asked, "Aizai, Xiaohui, what do you think?" ?”

"Hehe, we have no objections! Let's talk about it at that time!" Ai shrugged at that time, and said to Thunder Kitten with a smile.

"Well, we'll talk about it when the time comes!" Hui Sheng nodded lightly, glanced at Friesman who was being dragged down by Kaka, and said, "Maybe, he has something I can use on him!"

"He's an ice mage!" Thunder Kitten reminded Hui Sheng upon hearing this.

"But he belongs to the undead clan, and I'm a curse priest, and it seems that we can share some things with the undead clan!" Hui Sheng replied blankly.

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Hui Sheng curiously after hearing the words and asked.

"Probably!" Hui Sheng nodded, and then said, "Anyway, everyone can play with corpses!"

"Uh...Xiao Hui, you can actually be a little more tactful!" Ming Yuexin and the farmer's younger sister turned ugly when they heard the words.What do you mean by playing with corpses?What I said is really touching!Ji Xiaoyan and Miao Xiaohei showed no expression at all. One of them turned to look at Friesman, and began to think about how to continue extorting things, while the other happily studied the dagger in his hand.

"Be careful with your image next time!" Ai then said something to Hui Sheng with a serious expression on her face.

"Oh!" Hui Sheng heard the words, glanced at Aizai lightly at that time, then looked at Ming Yuexin and the peasant sister, and nodded silently.

"Uncle, are you full? Do you want to eat?" Ji Xiaoyan adjusted the expression on his face and shouted at Friesman.I want to see if this NPC can continue to get some good things out in exchange for food.

What I didn't expect was that when the NPC Friesman heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he just glared at her with burning eyes, and then turned his head and ignored her.

"He doesn't want to eat anymore?" Ji Xiaoyan turned his head and asked the crowd suspiciously.Isn't this NPC dying of hunger?Why don't you just eat a piece of bread?
"It's probably depressed!" Miao Xiaohei raised his eyes from the dagger, glanced at Friesman and said, "When he is hungry for a while, he will probably have something to say. Don't worry about him now, let's continue Let's go through the maze! I'm just about to try out what my new weapon feels like!"

"Well, let's go!" Ai also nodded at that time, and then said: "Just wait for him to finish digesting the bread just now, and I want more things next time..."

When everyone heard the words, they all smiled in understanding.

Friesman stared at the backs of Ji Xiaoyan and the others angrily, then took out a bottle of potion from the bag with some difficulty, smiled coldly, and said to himself: "You don't want to meet monsters?" Is it? Okay, the great Friesman will fulfill you well! Hmph, you will know how powerful the great Friesman is later..."

 PS: Thank you "Female Empress" for the pink ticket and safety charm!Thanks for the pink ticket from "Juhua Bellflower"! ... Qianqian is still safe here, although some rocks and the like will fall from the mountain from time to time...
(End of this chapter)

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