Chapter 647

In the southwest corner of the maze not far away from Super Thunderbolt and the big cats, Ji Xiaoyan and Miao Xiaohei girl are squatting in a corner of the maze, hiding themselves, kowtow melon seeds with a happy face, watching the beast tide in front of them Monsters of various colors, like surging and galloping, crossed the corner where they were squatting, and headed for the distance...
Of course, the truth that Ji Xiaoyan and the others appreciate is not the case.Ji Xiaoyan and the others didn't dare to be interested in the beast tide or anything else. What they dared to be interested in was in Jiajia's claws, whistling wildly, feeling extremely reluctant and painful for the departing figures of those monsters. Lisman, the expression on this NPC's face made them feel very novel and the kind of crying as if losing something precious...

"Let me down, let me down..." Friesman waved his hands and feet, struggling to climb down from Jiajia's claws, trying to fall into the monsters running past them , was directly trampled out of blood, or was trampled to death.It's just that Jiajia obviously didn't listen to him, and his paws clenched him tightly...
"I said uncle, there are monsters all over here. If you want to come down, you can't do it. Otherwise, if you have any accidents, or are injured or disabled by monsters, we will Guilty..." Ji Xiaoyan raised his head with a smile, and said to Friesman above his head, "Uncle, you should know that we put ourselves in this dangerous situation to protect your safety. , you have to appreciate it, stay in Jiajia's claws, and wait for these monsters to disappear!"

"Let it put me down, I appreciate it!" Friesman struggled to crawl to the edge of Jiajia's claws, growling at Ji Xiaoyan.

"I said uncle..." Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Friesman, sighed deeply, spit out the melon seeds in his mouth, then stood up earnestly, looked at Friesman and said: "Uncle, you have been with us for so long, why haven't you learned how to be good?"

When Friesman heard this, his body froze immediately, and he stared at Ji Xiaoyan with wide eyes.He didn't know what the girl meant by saying this.

"Uncle, I always thought you were smart, but it turns out... Hey, take a good look at yourself. Is it because you have some special finale that can make you die when your blood bar is gone?" Time, let your state recover? Do you think that others really can’t see it, don’t you know? You hide it like this, fearing that others will find out. But look at you now, do you think, Except for you, everyone else is stupid, as long as you don’t tell, people all over the world won’t know about it?” Ji Xiaoyan sighed, looked at Friesman’s extremely ugly and stiff face, and continued Said: "Uncle, I'm not talking about you. You have to have the courage to face reality! Don't you know what we want? Do you think that before you give us something, you haven't satisfied us? Before, can we let you go and fulfill your wish?"

Friesman's throat was instantly dry, he opened his mouth, and was about to say something when he suddenly felt depressed.What the girl Ji Xiaoyan said was not wrong at all, he really thought they didn't know his purpose...
"Then...then what do you mean..." Friesman swallowed the saliva in his mouth and said something with difficulty.

"Uncle has been walking with us for so long, don't you know what we are thinking in our hearts, what are you thinking about?" Miao Xiaohei and Ji Xiaoyan looked at each other quickly, and then said with a smile.

"I..." Friesman opened his mouth and spit out, but couldn't even say a word.He feels aggrieved!He feels bad!After suffering so much, I thought that as long as I waited and hoped, there would always be a chance in the end that I would be able to turn around without losing so much, and I would be able to restore my own state, and then put Ji Xiaoyan They were all cleaned up.

The results of it?He managed to see a group of monsters rushing madly, and he was secretly delighted, thinking that although the potion he threw on Jiajia seemed to have expired and did not work as expected, it was finally After realizing it, it played a little effect, and attracted a group of monsters. I can be knocked out of my blood by those monsters, and then directly activate the racial skills...
Who knew, just because he wanted to change his treatment before, and not be dragged on the ground by Jiajia, it directly caused his current difficult situation that made it even more difficult for him to act!What's more, what he had been hiding so hard all this time was actually discovered by that girl, Ji Xiaoyan, and exposed.Think about it, he is aggrieved!It was so aggrieved that he wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself...
"What do you guys want!" After a long silence, Friesman stared lifelessly at the monsters running past in front of him, and numbly asked Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

"Skill books, gold and silver coins, materials, potions... in short, as long as they are good things, we want them!" Miao Xiaohei opened his mouth when he heard what Friesman said.

"Xiao Hei, you can't do this!" Ji Xiaoyan turned his head immediately when he heard the words, and said to Miao Xiao Hei: "Be kind, we have to leave some self-defense for uncle!" After finishing speaking, Ji Xiaoyan looked back at Friesman, and then said with a smile: "Let's leave some silver coins for uncle. What do you think, uncle?"

To be honest, Ji Xiaoyan thinks that they have been carrying Friesman like this, thinking of various ways and excuses along the way to blackmail Friesman's good things, really feel a little tired!In addition, now that they are sure that they are separated from the super thunder cats, Ji Xiaoyan is even less in the mood to play with Friesman.

"You..." Friesman heard Ji Xiaoyan and Miao Xiaohei's words, his heart was blocked, he almost vomited blood and cursed, but when he came into contact with Ji Xiaoyan's and the others' expressions, he couldn't bear to smile. Riesman's heart trembled instantly, and he calmed down.The two girls in front of him were telling the truth, they had no intention of joking with him at all.They really disdain to play the game of blackmail and being blackmailed with him anymore.

But if he gave these two girls something, would they really let him go?
Friesman thinks it is impossible, no matter how you look at it, this girl Ji Xiaoyan is not such a kind person.Thinking of this, Friesman immediately turned his gaze to Brick.In Ji Xiaoyan's team, he felt that the only kind-hearted person was this Brick. As long as he was caught, with his pleading and guarantee, he believed that the two girls in front of him would take away all his things. After that, the promise will be fulfilled and he will be let go, right?

"You... If I give you something, can you let me go safely?" Friesman lowered his posture, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others and asked, but his eyes kept looking at Brick .He was waiting for Ji Xiaoyan and the others to answer, and then dragged Brick to speak for him.

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan only smiled, then looked at Friesman and said, "Uncle, are you willing to give us what we want?"

"Answer me first!" Friesman said, staring at Ji Xiaoyan intently.

"Uncle, how about you, of course we will do it!" But, if we can do it, or we can't do it, that's for them to say.Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman with a smile and said something.

As a result, Friesman suddenly turned his face to Brick, and then said with a pitiful face: "Brick, you have collected my things, will you let me go? Will you let me go safely?" ? As long as you say yes to me, I will believe you and give you something right away."

Brick twitched his mouth in bewilderment when he heard that, looked at Friesman and then turned to look at Ji Xiaoyan, then lowered his head silently...
Although he sympathized with Friesman, he couldn't ruin Ji Xiaoyan's affairs!

When Friesman saw Brick's performance, he was a little sad and angry.

Even Brick abandoned him. Doesn't that mean that even if he handed over his stuff, he wouldn't be released by Ji Xiaoyan and the others?Then he might as well not pay it!
Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman and Brick, and after a long time, he sighed deeply, then looked at Friesman and said, "Uncle... Actually, you don't have to be so depressed, really! You Think about it, even if we take your things, we can't kill you, can't we? What are you worried about?"

Hearing this, Friesman immediately looked back at Ji Xiaoyan, and then heard her continue.

"If we kill you, wouldn't your blood bar be emptied? Wouldn't that be just what you want, and satisfy your wishes along the way? So, what are you worried about? We can't kill you. You, what are you afraid of?" Ji Xiaoyan sighed, looked at Friesman's eyes that gradually brightened, and continued: "Our worst plan is to leave you here. There are a lot of potions, even if we take some of them away, I don't believe you won't keep some for yourself... At that time, when we leave, you can lure some monsters over, it won't be easy thing?"

" are really so kind?" Friesman looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a look of sudden surprise on his face and asked uncertainly.Could it be that he misunderstood them along the way? |
"Well, that's what we really think!" Miao Xiaohei nodded with certainty and said something.Xindao: It's just that after leaving this NPC here, they will do something to silence them, so it's not certain.

"Uncle, as long as you give us something, we will release you immediately..." Ji Xiaoyan echoed Miao Xiaohei, nodded with certainty, stared at Friesman and said: "We are also afraid of you Retaliation, you have to understand us..."

(End of this chapter)

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