The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 648 I Will Be Your Attendant

Chapter 648 I Will Be Your Attendant
Facing Ji Xiaoyan and Miao Xiaohei's aboveboard extortion and all kinds of excuses, Friesman was finally fooled for a moment, and then... the NPC believed Ji Xiaoyan and the others so easily , honestly took out all the things on his body, and by the way, in front of Ji Xiaoyan, took a few bottles of potion on the ground back to his hand, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "These bottles of potion , I want to keep it to myself."

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded without any surprise, and immediately swept away all the things that Friesman took out, and put them all in the package, and then said to Jiajia: "Jiajia, take the uncle Put it on the ground."

Friesman was overjoyed when he heard this.She couldn't help but thought to herself: It seems that this Ji Xiaoyan girl in front of her is really planning to fulfill her promise and let him go after taking his things!In other words, could it be that he was the one who went too far in the past, and used the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman...
However, when Freesman watched Ji Xiaoyan and the others put away all their things with a look of ecstasy, a group of monsters rushed away like grass mud horses, imagining that Ji Xiaoyan and the others would leave quickly in the next time, He was dealt another major blow.Miss Ji Xiaoyan waved her hand and said to Brick: "Brick, let the effect of the potion disappear! By the way, prepare two bottles of potion for uncle..."

Friesman's eyes widened, and there were bursts of doubt, uncertainty, and panic in his eyes... As a person with a strong sense of avoiding evil and avoiding disasters, Friesman instantly blesses his soul, and a kind of feeling grows in his heart. A sense of crisis, and a sense of powerless frustration, disappointment, and sadness...

"" Friesman murmured looking at Ji Xiaoyan, uttering these few words with difficulty. He already had a premonition that his next situation might not be as he imagined So wonderful.A few seconds later, Friesman saw Brick look at him apologetically, took out a bottle of purple potion with some silver stars from his body, and with the help of Xuan Mo, he directly lifted into the air and floated , flew over to the place where the monsters ran over.

After a while, Friesman obviously found that those monsters who were running excitedly in one direction just now seemed to have lost their life goals, and turned around in a daze, hesitating. After waiting for a while, it was only in the direction when they came and went, and they retreated.

If Friesman doesn't know what happened now, then he almost feels that he can die.He co-authored what he thought was a natural beast tide, but it turned out to be man-made.What's more, it was the most shameless girl in front of me, who Ji Xiaoyan instigated, the purpose, probably, was to lower his defenses and cheat him of his belongings... Moreover, the most depressing thing for him was that he was still foolishly lying on the ground. when...

Thinking of this, Friesman almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Brick, potion! Feed the uncle!" Ji Xiaoyan watched Brick fly back expressionlessly, then raised his chin in the direction of Friesman and said something, then turned to meow Xiao Hei said: "When the uncle drank the medicine, we will hurry up and find Big Cat and the others... I don't know if they are in some serious trouble, and there is no news for a long time..."

"En!" Miao Xiaohei nodded silently, and then shifted his gaze to Friesman with sympathy.

So, Friesman's eyes widened in an instant, and he understood the meaning revealed in Miao Xiaohei's eyes.I immediately understood in my heart that the bottle of potion in Brick's hand is probably not a harmless kind...
"You can't do can't do this..." Friesman was frightened and terrified, "you promised, as long as I give you something, you will let me go. You can't do this, you can't do this .....Brick, Brick, I believe in you, I believe in you....Aren't we friends? You can't do this to your friends....Brick....Brie gram……"

"Friesman, I'm sorry!" Brick gritted his teeth, looked at Friesman apologetically, sighed slightly and said, "Although we are friends, I can't let you hurt Xiaoyan... If you recover, you will definitely take revenge on Xiaoyan... I can't let you do this..."

"Brick, Brick, I can promise, I can promise, as long as you let me go, I will definitely not take revenge on Ji Xiaoyan, I will definitely..." Friesman looked at Brick in horror, and said loudly Guaranteed.

"I'm sorry, I can't take risks!" Brick was stunned for two seconds, as if thinking about what Friesman said, and finally shook his head and said, "Xiaoyan said that promises and oaths are not credible. Yes! That kind of thing, if you want to go back on it, maybe you go back on it..."

"How could this be... Brick, how could this be..." Friesman stared at Brick in disbelief and murmured; "Ji Xiaoyan is just an adventurer Ah, we are the aborigines! We are the same aborigines, and we should fight against each other...Why, why are you willing to help adventurers, but not the aborigines...Why...why ..."

Brick sighed deeply, with an unbearable expression on his face, "Because I am Xiaoyan's attendant... For me, Xiaoyan is the most important..."

"A servant... an aboriginal servant..." Friesman looked at Brick with clear eyes when he heard the words, and looked at him and murmured, "You are her servant? That's why you defend her... . . . "

"Yes!" Brick walked up to Friesman, nodded, then took out the two potions in his hand, squatted in front of him and said, "Friesman, don't worry, Xiaoyan won't kill you Yes, it's just that these two bottles of potion can guarantee that you can't use any skills for a certain period of time... As long as you hide well, I believe you will be fine..."

"What? How could she have such a potion..." Friesman looked at Brick with red eyes and asked, "Can't use skills, wouldn't that make me die?" Can't use any skills , that doesn't mean that it is possible that he can't even use racial skills?Well, if after Ji Xiaoyan and the others left, a monster came and gave him a hit or two, his blood bar was gone, and he couldn't use racial skills, then he would die directly... and then Disappeared?
No, no!This is even more terrifying than killing him!That girl Ji Xiaoyan is more ruthless and shameless than anyone else!He actually came up with such a trick to torture him!
" should drink it! I will let Xiaoyan help you find a safer place to hide. As long as we go far away, maybe you can survive until the effect of the medicine wears off... ...When the time comes, you will be free." Brick looked at Friesman impatiently and persuaded.

"I won't drink, I won't drink!" Friesman gritted his teeth, said something to Brick, and then continued with a pitiful look: "Brick, you just let me here, As long as I recover, I will definitely not trouble you...Really, you believe me! You believe me!"

"Drink the potion!" Brick looked unbearable and embarrassed, but his attitude was extremely resolute, unmoved at all, looked at Friesman and said: "Xiaoyan has to find other friends, we I can't waste too much time on you... You should drink it!"

Friesman closed his lips tightly, shook his head like a rattle, and looked determined not to drink the potion.He figured it out, what Brick meant was that the girl Ji Xiaoyan didn't want to waste time on him anymore, that's why she made the scene just now, attracting so many monsters to run past him, taking the opportunity Shake his heart, let him see the hope of recovery, so as to defraud him of his things, and then leave him!So, does it mean that as long as he resolutely refuses to drink the potion and Ji Xiaoyan and the others are in a hurry, maybe, maybe he can survive the situation where Ji Xiaoyan and the others get impatient, and then just leave him and go away?

Thinking of this, Friesman's gaze suddenly became firmer.

Brick opened his mouth, looked at Friesman, finally sighed deeply, turned his head to Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Xiaoyan, he won't drink!"

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded without any surprise, and then said to Xiao Mimi floating on her shoulder: "Mi Lier, go and petrify him in half!"

Hearing this, Friesman cast his eyes seriously for the first time on the red eyeball that had been floating on Ji Xiaoyan's shoulder. Not an ornament, but a monster?Moreover, is it a monster that can petrify?

As soon as he thought of this, Friesman saw Little Misty flying above him at the fastest speed. A second later, he felt that his lower body was petrified...

"Well, I'm not afraid of him moving around now. Let's open his mouth together and pour the medicine directly!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Miao Xiaohei and Xuan Mo solemnly, and then turned his head to look at Bu Rick said: "Brick, you stand aside a little bit, we will open the uncle's mouth in a while, and you will directly pour the medicine."

"Okay!" Brick lowered his eyes, nodded and left directly.

It was only then that Friesman realized that the fantasy he had just had was really wonderful.The girl Ji Xiaoyan in front of her has made up her mind that she can only leave with peace of mind after killing him or crippling him!Even if he doesn't drink the potion, this girl will try every means to kill all his hopes of revenge before leaving...
Seeing Ji Xiaoyan, Xuan Mo, and Miao Xiaohe all walking towards him with their sleeves rolled up, Freesman closed his eyes immediately, and roared at Ji Xiaoyan with a humiliated expression: "Let me go, Let me go, I am willing...I am willing to be your attendant..."

 PS: Look at the favorites and subscriptions that have been swiped away. . . . . .Qianqian was speechless. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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