The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 660 There Will Be Small Conflicts

Chapter 660 There Will Be Small Conflicts

Regarding the fact that Li Huo Feiyang was only thinking about the material on her body, Ji Xiaoyan only implemented one policy in the end, that is, she could see nothing, hear nothing, and know nothing.So, in the end, when Mu Xianle had the cheek to ask Ji Xiaoyan to support some materials to exchange some potions for Lihuo Feiyang girl to practice her skills, Ji Xiaoyan also pretended not to understand, and asked innocently: "You want to buy my materials? Those materials are not low-grade goods, they are very valuable. Are you willing to pay a high price?"

So, Mu Xianle stopped talking.

You can ask for free materials, paid materials, or materials with high fees. What do they buy them for?Spending a lot of money to buy materials, and finally replacing them with intermediate potions, this deal is not very cost-effective no matter how you look at it!It's better to just spend money to buy some advanced potions from Ji Xiaoyan...
So, in the end, this matter had to be left alone.

Of course, except for the fact that Li Huo Feiyang's expression and eyes are still full of resentment.

With a bigger team and more meat shields, Ji Xiaoyan and the others obviously felt a lot more relaxed.

However, because the relationship between the two teams is really not very good, the matter of benefit distribution also needs to be considered in advance.So Ji Xiaoyan suggested that if everyone encounters a monster, then they will be distributed according to the principle of who kills the monster and who picks up the things.If you encounter a monster that requires several people to kill together, then several people will distribute the things that explode... If you encounter other situations, we will talk about it later.

So, in the end, Lang Lang Haoyue and the others, who were always looking forward to with eager eyes from the Lihuo Feiyang girl who was in need of materials in the team, whenever they saw monsters appearing, they immediately rushed up with enthusiasm. , It's just like they are afraid that someone will snatch their things.So, Ji Xiaoyan and the others are completely free!
No fighting means no consumption.Of course there is no gain!It's just that they just received a lot of things from Chuba. Ji Xiaoyan and the others think that they are already at the bottom of things. Instead of making Lihuo Feiyang jealous of Ji Xiaoyan's package, it's better to let Lang Lang Haoyue and the others kill more. It's a little strange!

As for the supply of potions, Lang Lang Haoyue and the others clearly looked down on the mid-level potions in Lihuo Feiyang's hands, so in the end they spent a lot of money to buy a lot from Ji Xiaoyan.It's impossible to let Ji Xiaoyan and the others provide supplies for free all the time, right?Are they thick-skinned, or are they not as shameless as kind and honest!
After cooperating with Lang Lang Haoyue and the others in such a tacit way in the maze for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan asked to log off.She still remembered that before she went online, she promised Flying Leaves to have a meal with Yeguang Fine Wine. If she really forgot the time, Flying Leaves might not be there to arrest people.

However, when Ji Xiaoyan wanted to go offline, Lang Lang Haoyue and the others were unwilling.You know, when Ji Xiaoyan goes offline, it means that their entire team will stop, and it is even possible that their entire team will go offline together.So, what are the rest of Lang Lang Haoyue doing in the maze?They also followed to stay?Lang Lang Haoyue is obviously unwilling, who knows how long it will take to wait?And what if they were allowed to go by themselves?Lang Lang Haoyue was also unwilling.

No matter how many potions are used, there will be a time when they are consumed.If they leave Ji Xiaoyan and they leave, who knows when they will meet again!Even, there is a possibility that they will never meet again.So, what should they do when they run out of potions and food in the future?

Thinking of this, Lang Lang Haoyue immediately put on a bitter face, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with displeasure and asked, "Can't you hold on for a little longer? Do you have to go offline?"

"Don't you think I'm teasing you when I say I'm going offline?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at Lang Lang Haoyue and asked back.

"I just think that everyone acts together, and if you go offline alone, it will affect everyone's arrangements..." Lang Lang Haoyue looked at Ji Xiaoyan with disapproval and said.At least stick to it until they are all ready to go offline, and then go offline!Ms. Ji Xiaoyan said that if she wants to go offline, she will go offline. Doesn't she have a sense of collective honor?

"You can act separately, we don't mind!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Lang Lang Haoyue, and then continued: "Besides, who said that I will affect everyone when I go offline? Our entire team will go down together Online!" This point has been told to everyone after Ji Xiaoyan and Super Thunder Big Cat met, and everyone also collectively expressed that they can act together, go offline together to exercise in reality, and then go online to meet.If the game is too realistic, then it is not the player playing the game, but the player playing the game.

Therefore, when Lang Lang Haoyue heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, his face turned dark immediately.

Co-author Ji Xiaoyan and the others did this on purpose?They have already arranged it, just waiting for them to feel that it is not good to go offline, and then act separately from them, wanting to take the opportunity to get rid of them?No, no!Lang Lang Haoyue shook her head quickly in her heart, and said to herself: Why can't they leave with Ji Xiaoyan and the others!Otherwise, who knows if they will meet again in the future?It is not easy to find a mobile warehouse in the maze where you can buy potions and food at any time!
If this opportunity is missed, who knows when the next encounter will be.

"Then how long are you guys going to be offline? Tell me a time, we'll also go offline for a rest, and then we will act together again." Mu Xianle frowned, and after letting out a sigh of relief in her heart, she still looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked One sentence.He is not the only one on the mountain, he is the only one who goes to the mountain...
"It's already evening outside the game now, so why not go online tomorrow morning!" Ji Xiaoyan pondered for a while, and honestly told Mu Xianle and the others about the time she made an appointment with Super Thunder and the Big Cat.

"Tomorrow? It's only evening now, and it won't be online until tomorrow morning. How many hours has it been in between?" Mu Xianyue stared at him immediately.If these few hours of real time were switched to the game, how far they could go through the maze!This girl wastes time and doesn't look at it...

"Then if I give you this little time, you will be able to get out of the maze?" Ji Xiaoyan asked with raised eyebrows, then continued after snorting: "Anyway, we have agreed to go online tomorrow, as for whether you want to go online at that time, It’s up to you. I’m just informing you, not discussing with you. If you want to leave on your own, then we’ll separate. We won’t have to wait for you when we go online.”

Originally, she planned to go offline for only a few hours and play games after dinner. Later, Thunder Kitten said that since he wanted to go out to play, he should just stay a little longer. ...So, the offline time was directly extended.

And after Ji Xiaoyan finished speaking, he didn't care about the expressions on Lang Lang Haoyue's face, he smiled apologetically at June Chongchong, then gave Mu Xianle a blank look, and the super thunder big cat and the others After saying a word, he directly ordered a few words to Xuan Mo, Jiajia, Brick and Friesman in a low voice, and then went offline.

"Haoyue, what should we do now? Are we really going to wait for them?" Mu Xianle looked at Langlang Haoyue and asked after watching Ji Xiaoyan go offline.

"Will you wait?" Lang Lang Haoyue frowned, looking at the others and asked.According to his opinion, it must wait.However, he still has to ask if others are willing.

"I'll wait for Xiaoyan..." June Chongchong was the first to express his opinion.

The rest of the people heard the words and nodded without hesitation.

"In this case, let's wait!" Lang Lang Haoyue smiled with satisfaction when he saw this, and then glanced at the Super Thunder and Big Cats who were looking for a place to go offline, and whispered: "However, if we go offline Otherwise, if Ji Xiaoyan and the others leave immediately after logging in, then we will lose a lot.” Most importantly, who knows if the girl lied to them by saying that she will be online the next day? What about?

"Yes, yes, yes!" Mu Xianle nodded, looked at everyone, and then said: "Which one of you has time at night, can you go online after a rest?"

"Me, I'll come up and guard! We will not let them lose us." Dazed and confused, he immediately raised his hand and said.

"How lonely you are alone, I'll come up to accompany you later!" Hearing this, he ground his teeth and said with a smile after he patted his head in a daze.

"I'll come up to accompany you when I have time..." The rest of the people also expressed their views with a smile.

Finally, after joking and joking, Lang Lang Haoyue and the others finally all went offline.

And at this moment when Ji Xiaoyan and the others were all offline, Nightmare Foil Wandering was standing in the vortex of a teleportation array curiously with Zhiyue Flying and Nightmare Cleaner, looking at the teleportation array curiously.

"Waiting, where do you think the teleportation array leads? Could it be that as soon as we entered, it would immediately teleport us to a certain wolf den in this maze?" Nightmare Cleaner smacked its mouth and guessed curiously Said, "If that's the case, we will be miserable."

"Probably not?" Zhiyue Fenfei frowned, and said worriedly: "If that's the case, we might as well continue walking through the maze! The map that the NPC merchant sold me is still good, although I saw There are fewer and fewer places, but it looks like it can still persist for a while, and it may not be able to take us to the end..."

"Dream, you can buy a map of the finish line with a little copper, you are stupid!" Hearing this, the Nightmare Cleaner immediately slapped Zhiyue Fen, and said, "You are the only one who is crazy, and the system is still watching!"

 PS: Thanks to "Vela" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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