The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 661 The teleportation array leads to...

Chapter 661
Paper Moon Flying is not crazy, he knows very well that with the map he bought forcibly with the few copper coins, it will definitely not easily show the end of the maze they are staying in now.However, people will have beautiful fantasies, and hope that many things can be the same as the best side of their imagination!Therefore, he expects that the teleportation array in front of him can directly lead to the end of the maze. In itself, it is not a very outrageous idea!It's just a little unrealistic.

However, after being told by the nightmare cleaner, Zhiyue Flying Fly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.After all, there is still a sliver of luck in his heart, and he hopes that things will really develop as he thought. When he steps into the teleportation array, the Nightmare Cleaner and Nightmare Foil will be able to express their admiration, sigh and excitement. Looking at the scene behind the teleportation array, he said to him: "Zhiyue, your guess is not wrong at all! It is really the end!"

Thinking of this, Zhiyue Fenfei looked eagerly at the teleportation array in front of him.Children who want to be praised always turn their minds very quickly...
"Zhiyue, what are you so dazed about?" Seeing that Zhiyue's eyeballs were flying and staring at the teleportation array in front of him, the nightmare cleaner immediately patted him on the shoulder, and asked, "Don't tell me you have a map? Can you see the scene behind the teleportation array or see where the teleportation array is teleporting to? Zhiyue, if you know, you can’t hide it from us! Tell me, tell me quickly, behind the teleportation array is What? Is it the end?"

"Didn't you just say that I was imagining?" Zhiyue Fenfei heard the sound, turned his head to look at the nightmare cleaner, and saw the eagerness on his face, and asked suspiciously: "Do you also believe that the end is behind the teleportation array?"

"Just think about it! Of course, if it's true, I'm still very happy!" The Nightmare Cleaner immediately smiled covetously, and then looked at Nightmare Foil Liuliu and asked: "Liuli, are you right?"

"You'll know when you go!" Nightmare Foil Lily smiled at Nightmare Cleaner and Paper Moon Flying, and then asked, "Should I go in first, or wait for you to think about it?"

"Think about it, you have to think about it!" Hearing the words, the Nightmare Cleaner immediately pulled the Nightmare Foil away, and then said: "As far as we know now, there are two teleportation arrays on the map of Zhiyue. Let's If you enter this, who knows where it can be teleported? What if the other teleportation array is sent to the end?...... Although I know this idea is not realistic, but no one knows the teleportation array Where does it go behind, can it be teleported back after going there!" The nightmare cleaner paused, turned its head to look at Zhiyue Flying and said: "Zhiyue, I just asked you, and you haven't answered me yet? You Can you see where the teleportation array leads to? It's still not shown on the map?"

"Nothing! I can't see anything!" Zhiyue Fenfei calmed down, shook his head at the Nightmare Cleaner, and said, "Anyway, our current situation is to choose one of the two, instead of taking the teleportation over there For a while, just go this way. We have already arrived here anyway, I think we should go in and have a look!"

"What's the choice? We still have a third way to go, and that is to not enter the teleportation array and continue walking through the maze!" Nightmare Cleaner shrugged at Zhiyue Fenfei, then thought for a while and said: "But , You are right, anyway, we have come here, if we don’t go in, we will waste time looking for another teleportation array, who knows what the situation is like there?... Uh, otherwise, we will go in ?”

"Go in!" Zhiyue Fenfei nodded in agreement.

"Then I'll go in and have a look! If I can teleport back, I'll teleport back to call you at that time?" Yan Foil Liuliu thought for a while, watching the paper moon flying and they said.

"What if it can't be teleported back?" Nightmare Cleaner frowned and looked at Nightmare Foil Drift for two seconds, then gritted his teeth and said, "If we want to go, let's go in together!"

"En!" Zhiyue Fenfei nodded excitedly.

Nightmare foil looked at the Nightmare Cleaner and the others, then smiled, and said: "Okay! Let's go there together! But, I'll go there first, and you can come back after 1 minutes. If there If there are monsters or other dangers, I can carry them first!"

"Well! This is no problem!" Hearing this, the Nightmare Cleaner immediately patted Nightmare Foil Liuli's shoulders, and said, "Although you have a beautiful face like a weak girl, I dare you Said, wandering your heart is a pure man! Kindness!"

Nightmare foil glared at the Nightmare Cleaner, and stepped directly into the teleportation array.

Although Nightmare Cleaner and Paper Moon Flying wanted to go outside the teleportation array to see the situation, they waited for 1 minutes before stepping in, but who knows, after Nightmare Foil drifted into the teleportation array and disappeared, the two of them A system prompt box suddenly appeared in front of him. Before he had time to see clearly what the system prompt said, Nightmare Cleaner and Zhiyue Flying found that his eyes were suddenly black and white, and after a second of dizziness, he suddenly saw it In front of them appeared the back of Yan Foil who had just disappeared in front of them.

"What's going on?" The Nightmare Cleaner asked in surprise.

Nightmare Foil heard the sound, turned his head and glanced at the Nightmare Cleaner and the others quickly, then frowned and looked at the surrounding situation, and asked, "Didn't you come back in a minute? Why are you so anxious to follow me?" coming?"

"We don't know either!" The Nightmare Cleaner shook its head in confusion, then quickly flipped out the system prompt, and said while looking at it: "I seem to have seen the system prompt box just now, let me look at it first What is it....I rub it, it turned out to be like this!"

"What?" Nightmare Foil asked.

"The system says that if there are players in the team who teleport, the rest of the team members will be forced to teleport together... Damn, is there such a strong buy and sell? They don't give anyone a confirmation!" Nightmare Cleaner deflated unhappily After pursing his mouth and cursing a few words, he raised his head and looked at the surrounding environment: "Hey, this is another part of the maze? Why is it a little different from the maze we just had? It seems that the style is different... …”

"Well, the name is different!" Yan Foil Liuli nodded, and then said: "This is called the 'Bei Xuan Dou' labyrinth."

"Huh? It's really different from the one we were in just now? So, this kind of teleportation array is a teleportation between two different mazes? My darling, aren't we in bad luck again? A maze hasn't gone yet We're done, and we're in another maze." Hearing this, the Nightmare Cleaner immediately yelled exaggeratedly.

"Anyway, it's a maze. You should be victorious as long as you find the end point." Nightmare Foil Wandering looked around and found that there was no danger. Said: "It may not be that we are lucky, and we were teleported to a place not far from the end point? Just think about the good side of everything..."

"Well, that's all I can think of now." The Nightmare Cleaner sighed and nodded.

"Wandering... why is there no teleportation array here?" At this time, Zhiyue Fenfei suddenly spoke, pointing to the place where they landed, he said to the Nightmare Foil and the Nightmare Cleaner in a little panic: "Could it be that the teleportation just now Is the array a one-time use? After we use it up, it will disappear? Or, is it a one-way teleportation array? It can only be teleported in, but cannot be teleported back?"

"Maybe!" Nightmare Foil and Nightmare Cleaner nodded solemnly, and then comforted Zhiyue Fenfei: "Actually, these are not important, as we just said, our destination is the end, whether it is Which maze, just find the end point!"

"Yes, Wandering is right!" The Nightmare Cleaner nodded, and then said with an obscene smile on his face: "Besides, we are no longer in the original maze, and we have reduced the number of people who were cleaned up by us in the river." The chances of encountering players with us, we are not afraid of encountering them and fighting again..."

"What you said seems to make sense..." Zhiyue Fenfei was stunned, and said something while watching Yan Foil Liuliu and the others dully.

"What makes sense, that's the truth!" The Nightmare Cleaner slapped Zhiyue Flying Flying across the face, and then said cheerfully: "Go, Master Nightmare will take Zhiyue to take you to a good look around this new maze today. What does it look like..." After speaking, the Nightmare Cleaner directly raised its foot to choose a direction, and walked away with its head held high.

Yan Foil Liuli smiled indifferently, gestured to Zhiyue Flying, and followed.

The maze they used to stay in is called "Nanzhugui" maze. The walls and floors in the maze are basically red and red. There are also large clouds of different shapes carved on the walls of the maze. patterns and feather patterns, while the Beixuan Dou Labyrinth is mainly dominated by black and blue. There are some flowers with complex petals carved on the walls, and there are many ice blue crystal flowers embedded in some walls.The corners of the labyrinth in the South Zhugui Labyrinth are all rounded, as if someone had rounded the right angles. It is not at all like the Beixuan Dou Labyrinth, where two walls are joined together. A 90 degree turn and it's over.....
The Nightmare Cleaner looked fearless, took the Nightmare Foil away and they ran around in the Beixuan Dou Maze.As we walked around, of course we encountered a lot of monsters, traps and the like.After the three of them easily packed up a pile of loot, they wandered around and found a group of big blue bird monsters running fast.

"Hey, this is a good dish delivered to your door!" The nightmare cleaner screamed excitedly when it saw the monster, put the dagger in its hand, and was about to charge forward.

When Nightmare Foil saw it, he quickly reached out and grabbed the Nightmare Cleaner, and said in a low voice, "Zhiyue, you hide behind...Nightmare, don't be too impulsive, and see the situation first. Look at these monsters. It looks like someone is chasing after him!"

"Don't be afraid, the big deal is to grab monsters! It's a common thing in the game!" Nightmare Cleaner said indifferently, then broke free from Yanbao's wandering hand, and ran straight towards a big blue bird monster closest to him. After passing by, the dagger stabbed the big blue bird with a few knives, and then saw a series of bloody numbers appearing on the top of the big bird's head: "Liu Li, Zhiyue, hurry up, the level of this monster It's not very good against defense, it's easy to kill...... Let's hurry up and kill two first!"

Nightmare Foil Liuliu looked behind the monster, but for a while, he didn't find any players chasing it away. After thinking for a while, he also raised his weapon and started killing with Zhiyue Flying Flying.

It's just that after killing a few big blue birds, Yan Foil drifted away when someone suddenly spoke.

"Hey, why don't the monsters run away? What's wrong with piled up here? Is it blocked in front?" A deep male voice said suspiciously. From that appearance, it seemed that he was talking to his companions.

Hearing the sound, Nightmare Foil immediately cast a look at the Nightmare Cleaner, and then the two quickly backed away in tacit understanding, and ran over a maze fork where the paper moons were coming, and then dodged the corner Next to the wall, holding a weapon, he stared closely at the movements of the group of big blue birds.

The number of people coming from the other party is unknown, and the origin is also unclear. If they continue to kill monsters blindly, there is no guarantee that after the team driving the monsters finds them, they will directly cooperate with the monster's attack to plot against them.But it is very safe for them to do this now, the enemy is open and the enemy is in the dark, and it will not be too late to make a move after hiding aside and seeing the situation clearly.

And the group of blue big bird monsters in front of them was running wildly together, but they were driven away by Nightmare. They rushed out and killed a few of their kind. The corpses were placed on the ground with big thorns. A little hesitant and afraid to continue to move forward, just stuck in place and wandered around, refusing to leave.

After a few seconds of silence, the male voice who had spoken just now rang again: "I said, must we drive all the monsters over? Isn't it the same to kill them here? It's also okay to drag the corpses back Yes!"

"We're here to scout the way and get some monsters back!" After a few seconds of silence, a crisp voice said with a little displeasure: "What? You want to change your mind at this time? Won't you drive all the monsters away?"

"No, no! I just think it's a bit troublesome!" The male voice said quickly, and then asked a little hesitantly: "I said, Xuan Mo, is what you and I said true? As long as we take the monster Put them in captivity, and when Xiaoyan and the others come back, will she really have a better impression of me?"

"Of course, believe it or not!" The crisp voice said disdainfully, and then greeted directly: "Hurry up and drive away these monsters... Gaga, be careful not to let one go..."

Xiaoyan, Jiajia, Xuanmo...Yan Foil squatted in the corner and heard these words, and his body froze immediately.Did he hear correctly?Is this meeting Ji Xiaoyan and the others?so lucky?He hasn't seen Xiaoyan for a long time...
 PS: Thank you for the pink ticket of "Juhua Campanula"........
(End of this chapter)

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