The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 662 Is it someone you know?

Chapter 662 Is it someone you know?

After Ji Xiaoyan got off the assembly line, he called Yu Qisi directly, the two of them got out of the house and greeted a suspension car on the street, and then rushed to the place that Luoye Fenfei had made appointment with.

Because Yeguang Meijiu lives near Fenghua District, it is very far away from Ji Xiaoyan and Luoyefenfei, so in the last two to one, Yeguangmeijiu set off ahead of schedule and honestly ran to the Aosu District where Luoyefei lived. Come here, where will the three of you meet? By the way, after dinner, Yeguang Fine Wine can still stay at Falling Leaves' home for a few days.

After Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi got on the suspension car, Ji Xiaoyan quickly grabbed Yu Qisi and started asking her about the game.

According to Yu Qisi, the falling leaves and the night light wine really did not deceive Ji Xiaoyan.The two of them are the same as Ji Xiaoyan, the current characters are still wandering in the maze, so after Yu Qisi built the character, entered the game, reached level ten and left the Novice Village, Yeguang Fine Wine sent a few players under his command I found Yu Qisi directly, and then led her to level up and do tasks in the game.As for the equipment, potions, and gold coins needed in the game, all of them were contracted by Yeguang Fine Wine, which saved Yu Qisi a lot of money.

For this, Ji Xiaoyan said that she was extremely satisfied.

"Then have you changed jobs now? I heard that you can change jobs once after level [-]!" Ji Xiaoyan felt a little regretful about not being able to learn a job, so he quickly asked Yu Qisi.

"It's changed!" Yu Qisi nodded, and then said: "I just left Novice Village, they told me about it, and when I reached level [-], they suggested that I go Sended."

"What career did you switch to?" Ji Xiaoyan asked curiously.In my heart, I watched Yu Qisi begin to calculate in his mind. For the first job transfer at level [-], generally only three professions can be chosen: magician, warrior and priest. According to Yu Qisi's preferences and temperament, he should It's not a job change, it's either a magician or a warrior!
"Pastor!" Yu Qisi replied with a smile.

"Huh? Pastor?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned when he heard the words.No way, a strong woman like Yu Qisi actually changed her job to become a pastor?Doesn't this match her temperament and personality too much?It's like turning a lion character into a kitten in an instant!Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately frowned, looked at Yu Qisi with a bit of displeasure and asked, "Who encouraged you to become a pastor?"

She now wants to know who bullied Yu Qisi because he didn't know how to play games, and deliberately tricked him into becoming a pastor.

"I thought about it myself!" Yu Qisi smiled consolingly at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said: "I have been thinking about what career to change to when I was in the tenth level, and I decided to change my job after thinking about it for a long time." Priest. What? Miss Xiaoyan, do you think I have changed my career in the wrong way? I heard from them that the priest is actually pretty good! He can add blood to teammates, save lives, etc. I think this profession is very good!"

"There's nothing wrong with that... I just think it's not suitable for you!" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, then said sullenly: "The priest can only stand behind the team and add blood, I'm afraid you don't like it. Habit."

"Well, I know that!" Yu Qisi immediately smiled when he heard this, and then said: "There are also priests in the team that led me to upgrade, and I know what they usually do! I think , The profession of priest is still good, if you do well, the hope of the whole team is on me! By the way, it seems that I heard that Master Jiang Xia is also a priest?"

"Well, he is also a pastor..." Ji Xiaoyan nodded upon hearing this, and then said, "I forgot to ask him what pastor profession he changed to when he changed his profession for the second time."

"I seem to have heard of this before. What is the name of the priest of the church..." Yu Qisi thought for a while, and then said: "I heard that the priest in our team said it, but I don't remember it clearly."

"Church priest? What are you doing?" Ji Xiaoyan was also puzzled.She doesn't have a job herself, so she doesn't know much about other jobs.

"I'm not sure, it's all about adding blood anyway!" Yu Qisi said with a grin.

Ji Xiaoyan gave her a look with a smile, and then continued to ask her about the game.How is her teammate treating her? How about her equipment? Now I'm wasting my time doing chores like killing monsters in the Eastern Continent.

An hour later, Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi's hover car arrived near a landmark building in Aosu district.After paying the fare, the two found a conspicuous corner and squatted there watching the night scene and the crowd while drinking the night breeze and waiting for the fallen leaves to blow over them.

However, the two of them had been standing there waiting for nearly an hour, and neither the falling leaves nor the luminous wine appeared, but at a fork not far from where they were standing, two menacing waves came from the left and right sides, which did not seem to be serious. Very easy to mess with guys.

"Miss Xiaoyan, I think this situation is a bit wrong, why don't we find a corner to stay for a while? I see the situation over there, it seems that there is going to be a fight!" Yu Qisi looked in the direction of the two groups of people worriedly. After looking at it, he said to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Well! Good!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, she didn't want to get into any trouble, not to mention, there are only two of them now, if they are involved and beaten or arrested, who will save them?But, "However, on July [-]th, the law and order in the Aosu district should be very good. How could this happen?" No matter how you look at it, the two groups of people seem to have a dispute and want to fight.Generally speaking, if this kind of situation happened in the slum where Ji Xiaoyan stayed before, she would have thought about it a little bit, but Aosu District is not a slum, so how could this happen?Why didn't those federal government security teams show up?

"Shh, Miss Xiaoyan, please keep your voice down." Yu Qisi looked around and found that many ordinary people who were just wandering around in the street like them just now quickly slipped away silently, so he whispered to Ji Xiaoyan said: "Both these two groups of people should have backgrounds, otherwise they wouldn't dare to be so blatant on the street... We are only two of us now, so let's find a place to hide!"

"Huh! Hurry up!" Ji Xiaoyan also noticed the surrounding situation, nodded quickly and pulled Yu Qisi to follow the crowd.After only taking two steps, they realized that a beautiful woman was walking towards her, leading a dozen burly men over. Judging by her imposing manner, she didn't seem to be a vegetarian. It has something to do with those two groups of people over there.

What's more strange is that Ji Xiaoyan felt that the woman walking towards her looked a little familiar to her...
However, Ji Xiaoyan felt a little funny again after thinking that he didn't know many people.In her current reality, there are only three women who are more impressive to her, Yu Qisi, Yixin Aidan, and Xiaomo.The powerful woman in front of her probably just looks a little like someone she knew in her previous life...
Laughing self-deprecatingly, Ji Xiaoyan followed Yu Qisi to the side, letting the woman and the dozen or so men go first.As a result, when the woman was about to approach Ji Xiaoyan and the others, Ye Fenfei appeared from nowhere and shouted at Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, come quickly, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyes and found the fallen leaves flying and Ye Guangmeijiu from behind the dozen or so men, so he quickly smiled at them, pulled Yu Qisi and was about to run over.

However, as soon as she lifted her foot, the woman who was coming towards her stopped her suspiciously: "Are you Xiaoyan?"

"Huh?" Ji Xiaoyan immediately turned his head to look at the woman when he heard the words.From the tone of this woman, do you know her?No way? !
"The two over there are Falling Leaves Flying and Yeguangmei Bar?" The woman looked back with a smile, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a clear face and said: "You haven't come back to the Eastern Continent yet? I haven't Where's your news!"

"Ah! That...hasn't come back yet, but.....Excuse me, are you...the one?" Ji Xiaoyan understood. The woman in front of her obviously knew her, and she also knew that she was not in the Eastern Continent. up.So, this woman should be a player from the Eastern Continent, right?In the Eastern Continent, who else does she know female players?Ji Xiaoyan couldn't remember.

"Hehe, Xiaoyan, you can't do this. How long have you been to the Western Continent with that stranger? How long have you forgotten about me?" The woman smiled heartily, and was about to say something to Ji Xiaoyan , a man following her bent down to her ear and said in a low voice: "Sister, we are still waiting there!" After finishing speaking, the man gestured towards the two groups of people, Then he looked at Ji Xiaoyan indifferently with his dark eyes.

"Well, I got it!" The woman responded lightly, with a gentle smile on her face, she smiled at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "I have something to do right now, Xiaoyan, are you talking to Luoye?" Did Fenfei and the others make an appointment to play around here? After I finish packing things in a while, I'll come to you to catch up..."

"Uh...Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan responded bravely, then looked at the woman and smiled at her, and led the dozen or so people towards the direction of the two groups of people.

"Miss Xiaoyan knows that woman?" Yu Qisi waited until those people had left before asking Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice.

"Maybe I know each other, I don't remember much!" Ji Xiaoyan scratched her scalp and said with a distressed face, her memory is really not that good!After sighing faintly, Ji Xiaoyan heard Fallen Leaves Flying Flying continue to shout at her: "Xiaoyan, what are you dawdling about? Come here quickly!"

"Come on, come on!" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly agreed, complaining in her heart: The falling leaves caused her and Yu Qisi to wait for an hour, and you blamed them for dawdling?
Trotting to the front of Luoye Fenfei and the others, Ji Xiaoyan greeted Ye Guangmeijiu with a smile, and then asked in a low voice: "Luoye, do you know that woman over there? It seems that she knows you guys!"

Ye Guangmeijiu heard the words, looked in the direction of the two groups of people, and then said arrogantly: "It's not unusual to know us, we are now the leader and deputy leader of the first gang in the game! Generally speaking, as long as they are players from the Eastern Continent, they should know us! However, whether we recognize them or not depends on whether they are famous or not."

"Yeah!" Luoye Feifei nodded in agreement.

Ji Xiaoyan curled her lips, glanced at Yeguang Fine Wine, "Yeguang, I find that you are quite narcissistic now."

"That's also the chance you gave me." Ye Guang Meijiu nodded without any objection, and then said with a smile: "Let's go, my brothers will take you to eat something delicious."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Ye Guang Meijiu contemptuously, and then smiled, and while following Flying Leaves and the others, he looked back at the direction of the two groups of people.On the other side, the woman was standing in front of a group of people, confronting a man on the opposite side. Looking at it, it seemed that they were negotiating.It is estimated that if the negotiation fails, they will fight, right?Ji Xiaoyan murmured in his heart, wondering if that woman could win?And, who is she?
"Master Jiang Xia, why are you here so late? Miss Xiaoyan has been waiting for you for an hour!" Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan's thoughts were still focused on the woman, Yu Qisi frowned slightly, and then Looking at the falling leaves, he asked.According to Yu Qisi's thinking, even if Ji Xiaoyan knew that woman, if he wasn't very familiar, it would be better not to get too familiar with her in the future.Who knows if this kind of gangster-like character will bring Ji Xiaoyan any trouble in the future!It's always good to mess around less.

"Waiting for more than an hour?" Hearing the words, Luoye Fenfei immediately turned his head to look at Yu Jiangxia, and then said, "You've been waiting there just now?"

"That's right! Didn't Ms. Xiaoyan say that she made an appointment to wait there?" Yu Qisi saw that Ji Xiaoyan's attention was drawn to Falling Ye Flying, so he hurriedly said.

"Xiaoyan..." Luoye Fenfei looked at Ji Xiaoyan dumbfounded when he heard the words, and then said, "I remember I told you about meeting under a green rose tree and I The building mentioned is for you to easily identify this tree, see for yourself, how far is the green Rong tree over here from the side you are waiting for..."

Saying that, Falling Leaves Flying Fly pointed to a dense tree in the distance, sighed to Ji Xiaoyan, and said: "Yeguang and I have been waiting for you for a long time, but no one came. I thought you I got lost or something happened, so I sent people around here to look for you... In the end, Ye Guang's eyes were sharp, and when I saw you suddenly popping up over there, we hurried over to call you... ..."

"Uh... did you say you were waiting under the tree?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the particularly eye-catching big tree in a large reinforced concrete ultra-modern city, looked at the falling leaves with a little uncertainty and asked said a word.

"Yes! I made it very clear!" Luoye Feifei nodded with certainty, so Ji Xiaoyan was embarrassed!
 PS: Thanks to "House Cat" for the pink ticket!Thank you "Tang 70" for the pink ticket! . Can you guess who that woman is?I guess a lot of people have forgotten it.
(End of this chapter)

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