Chapter 682 Wuli Town

The town Ye Ying is staying in is a town named Wuli Town.

Wuli Town, whether it is big or small, is a typical small but well-equipped town. The whole town is made of all-colored earth-yellow buildings, with various colorful carvings dotted here and there. It is a milky white stone path, the street is only about two meters wide, and there are various houses and shops beside it, and there are many small stalls; in the middle of the town is a circular flower garden with a diameter of about five meters, and there are many flowers in the flower garden. All kinds of bouquets, including many carnivorous flowers that will actively hunt, similar to the piranhas that Ji Xiaoyan has seen...
The origin of the name of Wuli Town, speaking of it, is entirely because of the special geographical location of Wuli Town.Starting from Wuli Town, choose any of the four directions, southeast, northwest, and walk on Wulidi, and you can enter another town.And it is precisely because Wuli Town is in the center of these four towns, and the distance to that direction is the same, so the players and NPCs in the four nearby towns have the opportunity to communicate and move around with Wuli Town. Naturally, there will be more than other towns.This has long since made Wuli Town the most prosperous and lively town among the five towns.

This is also the reason why Ye Ying and Yan Foil drifted away and finally chose to break up and stop here.

And just when Ye Ying was worrying about where he was going in the restaurant in Wuli Town, Ji Xiaoyan had already brought Miao Xiaohei and the others to see the gate of Wuli Town from a distance, running quickly to avoid the road The eyes of many players who went out to kill monsters from Wuli Town.Of course, following Ji Xiaoyan is still that clingy NPC, old man Qingmi.

According to the old man Qingmi, since Ji Xiaoyan is going to find that undead tribe, it will definitely not be too smooth on the way, (cough cough, of course, when the old man Qingmi just said this, Ji Xiaoyan still stared Glancing at him, she felt that if her journey really didn't go well, it was very likely that the old NPC would curse her! Of course, she could only think about it in her heart, after all, the old man Qingmi was kind.) So Later, the old man Qingmi naturally suggested that if Ji Xiaoyan and the others were accompanied by him, a well-informed and martial arts master, it would definitely be more effective with less effort!

Of course, this NPC would never admit that he couldn't get bored after being locked in Qingshimen, so he took the opportunity to come out to breathe.

The expert bodyguards are all delivered to the door, will Ji Xiaoyan push it out?Of course it's impossible, so, after Ji Xiaoyan thought for a second about taking the old man Qingmi on the road, the decision was made.

Therefore, when Ji Xiaoyan and the others ran outside Wuli Town and were recognized by many players, Ji Xiaoyan was extremely lucky, fortunately there was old man Qingmi!Otherwise, if she is really asked to kill anyone she sees, she really won't have to hang out in the Western Continent in the future!People can destroy her in a wheel battle......
The "enthusiasm" of the players in Wuli Town is slightly different from what Ji Xiaoyan imagined.Originally thought that if they were discovered, at most they would be surrounded by players curiously, all kinds of envy and jealousy, and then asked them to take care of them, take care of them, and give them some small benefits.As a result, who knows, after those players saw the names on the heads of her and Miao Xiao Hei, they reacted for about two or three seconds, and some players who recognized them roared loudly that they would explode them , and then everyone equally shared the rewards they got in the maze...
Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but sighed on the spot, it really is the kingly way to not reveal money.

Subsequent events came and went quickly.After the old man Qingmi shot all those players into the air impatiently, Ji Xiaoyan and the others safely entered the safe zone of Wuli Town, and directly asked Brick to ask the NPC about places to eat in the town , and then a group of people rushed to the only restaurant in Wuli Town!Who made old man Qingya and Friesman, two foodies, be hungry?
Wulilou is the only restaurant in Wuli Town. It operates all kinds of food and drinks, and sells some dishes that can be taken away for players to take away. Therefore, in the minds of players in Wuli Town, Wulilou status is still very high.It was second only to the only pharmacy in Wuli Town.

And when Ji Xiaoyan and the others attracted a bunch of players to follow to Wulilou with all kinds of envious eyes, a large part of those players stopped at the door of the restaurant tacitly and stopped following.As for the reason, it is very simple!The NPC boss of Wulilou has a rule that players who do not eat or consume are not allowed to enter the restaurant, and offenders will be fined heavily.Of course, if there is trouble in the restaurant, the death will be even worse.

Being pulled into the restaurant's blacklist, being unable to buy or sell, and so on are trivial matters. There used to be some players who quarreled with others in the restaurant, but the restaurant owner directly dragged the quarrelsome people into the back hall of the restaurant. Then, in the friends list of the other players, their status has been grayed out, and they have never been brightened again, and they don't know what happened to them!
"Xiaoyan, they have such a tacit understanding, is there something tricky about this restaurant? Why do I look at it, they seem to be afraid of this restaurant? Or, let's not go in?" Miao Xiaohei looked at it worriedly Seeing that the door had been blocked, those players who did not follow them into the restaurant at all asked Ji Xiaoyan a question.

"What are you worrying about? Uncle Master? What are you afraid of?" Hearing this, the old man Qingmi glared at Miao Xiaohei, and then said with a little disdain: "I have the ability, I am not afraid of heaven and earth! Just your cat Courage is because you are not capable enough, and you are scared out of it!"

"Then Master, please teach me how to do it!" Miao Xiaohei's eyes lit up instantly when he heard Old Man Qingmi's words, and he looked at Old Man Qingmi expectantly and said.She has always been envious of Ji Xiaoyan being able to be taught skills by NPCs like old man Qingmi and the others!
"Teach you? Why?" Hearing this, the old man Qingmi swept Miao Xiaohei from top to bottom with a displeased face, and then said, "With your aptitude... throwing you to those low-level disciples to teach you is still worth it." Almost! Do you still want to learn from me, Qingya? Humph..."

"Xiaoyan..." Miao Xiaohei felt aggrieved instantly when he heard old man Qingmi's words.She is so frustrated!

"Just change the race!" Ji Xiaoyan comforted, and after smiling at Miao Xiaohei, he was about to greet old man Qingmi, wanting him to see where they were sitting, it would be better, but he raised his eyes and looked into the restaurant In the lobby, I found that all the players sitting in it were looking at them.Eyes of excitement, excitement, covetousness, lust, and bloodthirsty all fell on them like knives.

"Uh, why don't I ask if there are any boxes?" Ji Xiaoyan swallowed dryly, and asked Miao Xiaohei and the others absent-mindedly.Being stared at so "focusedly" by the door and so many players in the restaurant, her pears are huge!

"Go, go! It doesn't matter where I sit! As long as there is something to eat!" Qing Mi waved his hand, said something to Ji Xiaoyan, then looked up at the furnishings in the restaurant, and looked down. He murmured: "However, from the outside, this place doesn't seem to be very high, and there is no second floor inside. Can there be boxes here?"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, his face turned black immediately.Although she really didn't want to admit it, the five-mile building in front of her was really just like the old man Qingmi said, except that the roof was relatively high, and there was really no second floor!However, if she didn't ask the owner of the restaurant, she would still be a little unwilling.Anyone who is stared at by so many people will lose their appetite, right?Not sure, what room is there behind this restaurant!

After gesturing to Miao Xiaohei, Ji Xiaoyan followed an NPC shop waiter, asked about the restaurant owner's location, and then followed the shop's waiter's route to find a beautiful female NPC owner!

The NPC female boss of Wulilou is amazing.Her magic does not lie in her beautiful face and enviable figure, but in the various golden titles on her head: [Wuli Town Flower] [Wuli Town Richest Man] [Wuli Town] No. 1 Good Man] [Outstanding Contributor of the Year in Wuli Town] [Popular King of the Year in Wuli Town] [Ingenious No. [-] in Wuli Town] [Boss of Wuli Building] [Mayor of Wuli Town] Mo Haihua!

After reading the long list of titles, Ji Xiaoyan rubbed his eyes fiercely with his hand, opened his eyes and looked at it twice again, and then he was sure that he was not mistaken.This restaurant female NPC owner named Mo Haihua is indeed the mayor of Wuli Town!
"You are the mayor?" Ji Xiaoyan stared at Mo Haihua and asked.

"Hey, new girl? Have you never seen her before? This is the first time you've come to our Wulilou?" Mo Haihua stroked the broken hair by her ear, with a bright smile on her face, ignoring Ji Xiaoyan's question , He opened his mouth and said to himself, "What do you want to eat? Would you like me to introduce you to my sister? What do you like to eat? Chicken, duck and fish? Or delicacies from mountains and seas, or all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits... By the way , Do you like to drink? The Wuli Liquor produced by our Wulilou is famous far and wide, and the fragrance is definitely not for bragging..."

"The wine that is fragrant for five miles? Then you have to go to a few jars to taste it!" As soon as Mo Haihua's words fell, the resonant voice of the old man Qingmi suddenly rang out, and when Ji Xiaoyan turned his face, he saw the old man Qingmi He ran towards her excitedly, while still shouting: "Madam, what else is there to eat and drink?"

Mo Haihua looked up at old man Qingmi slightly in surprise, and immediately put on a smile and said coquettishly to him: "Guest officer, you are calling me wrong! We don't have any proprietresses in Wulilou, only Mrs. boss!"

"The boss is the boss!" The old man Qingmi ran to Ji Xiaoyan, looked at Mo Haihua with anticipation and excitement and asked, "Apart from the five-mile wine you mentioned, what good wine and food do you have here?" Huh? Give us some..."

 PS: Thank you "Qishara" for your safety talisman and evaluation votes! !Thank you for your support, Qianqian continues to ask for recommendations, clicks, and favorites~~~~~~~~ Recommended tickets, I really want it!


(End of this chapter)

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