The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 683 I'm Really Wronged

Chapter 683 I'm Really Wronged

Because old man Qingmi, a good wine and delicious NPC, intervened, Ji Xiaoyan didn't get a single answer to the question he wanted to ask, so he was directly taken by Mo Haihua to a prescription table in the lobby of the restaurant, and then she stared blankly. After Mo Haihua smiled and listened to the old man Qingmi finished ordering food and wine, she swayed her graceful figure and slowly disappeared from Ji Xiaoyan and the others' sight.

"Uncle!" Ji Xiaoyan came to his senses for a while, then glared at old man Qingmi with a bit of resentment.It's all because the old man stepped in at an untimely time, otherwise she could at least ask if there are private rooms in this restaurant, and by the way, ask about the situation in the town, right?It's better now, I didn't ask anything, but I will spend a lot of money instead!

Although, the money was going to be spent...
"What's the matter? You don't have enough money with you?" Old man Qingmi was taken aback, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked a little nervously: "Then should I go and talk to the boss, let's order less food, wait for the delivery Go to the town and find some monsters to kill and then fill your stomach well?"

"..." Ji Xiaoyan was silent for two seconds, and then said sullenly: "No need, I have money... But, uncle, didn't you tell you to wait at the door? Why did you follow me?" Already?" She still can't do the thing of wronging everyone in order to save a little gold coins!

"Didn't I hear the boss say that there is good wine from afar?" The old man Qingmi rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "Girl, you don't even know that in Qingshimen, the senior brother who is in charge They didn't let me take a few sips, so I finally came out with you, hehe, let me have a good time no matter what!"

"Uncle Master...Actually, if you want a drink, you can do it anytime! Look at you, you just popped up all of a sudden. I didn't even have a chance to ask if there are any private rooms in this restaurant. Now I'm sitting here..." Ji Xiaoyan Speaking of this, he sighed slightly, then looked at the players around who were always watching their movements and continued: "Look now, so many people are staring at us, are you still eating?"

"Just stare, girl, what are you afraid of?" Qingmi old man looked around at the players in the restaurant with disdain, and then said: "I am here with Shishu! Besides, I don't believe that they dare to play in the town. There's trouble in Chang's shop!"

Ji Xiaoyan gave old man Qingmi a weak look, shook his head and stopped talking.Her mental quality is not that good yet!So many wolf-like players staring at them with all kinds of eyes, but she is not used to it!Especially with the three blood-red names staring at her head!

Miao Xiaohei looked at the direction where Mo Haihua disappeared with admiration, and said enviously: "The female mayor! You are so handsome!"

"What's so strange about this?" Old man Qingmi gave Meow Xiaohei a white look, and then said: "When I was traveling before, I have seen more powerful female city lords than her!"

"Well, the mayor of Shacheng is also a woman, and she's a little girl!" Ji Xiaoyan also nodded, and then said: "But that girl looks much better than this mayor!" The pet Mimi beside the city lord is much more powerful than the little Mimi floating on her shoulders... By the way, I don't know if Ai and Huisheng left the maze at that time, did they bring the Shacheng transmission order she gave them? Cards go to Shacheng to eliminate the evil value! !
Ji Xiaoyan supported his chin with his arms, and began to be dazed when he sat at the table.She was thinking, if she was chased too hard by the players, should she encourage the little black girl to kill a few people to get some crime points, and then they would teleport to Shacheng to avoid the limelight, after all, the players in Shacheng, Not too much, is it?
"Serve..." Ji Xiaoyan studied for a while, and suddenly heard a loud shout from the restaurant. After a while, he saw an NPC dressed as a waiter holding a black wooden tray with layers on top of it. Stacking dozens of plates of dishes, he walked straight towards them, followed by another NPC shop waiter, holding more than a dozen jars of wine with several fonts in his hands.

"Uncle Master, you ordered so much?" Miao Xiaohei swallowed, and while watching the waiter happily put food and wine on their table, he asked the old man Qingmi hesitantly.

"Where is there too much? I'm afraid it's not enough to eat!" The old man Qingmi glared at Miao Xiaohei, then raised a smile, and said to the waiter at the side: "Okay, you can go when you set it up, if we don't have enough If so, ask you to add a little more to us!"

"Okay!" The two waiters in the shop immediately smiled happily when they heard the words, and immediately walked away after finishing what they were doing.

"Well, Uncle Master, can you finish all these things?" Miao Xiaohei looked at the dishes and wine jars on the table with some trepidation, and asked the old man Qingmi again.Didn't you see that a table was fully occupied?
"I didn't buy these for me to eat alone. You are not human? Besides, look at Jiajia's size, so many dishes, probably not enough for him to eat a few mouthfuls! Are you afraid that you won't be able to finish it?" Qing Old man Mi raised his chin, gestured towards a window in the restaurant not far from them, pointed to Jiajia who was squatting outside and watching them, and said something to Miao Xiaohei.If you can't finish eating, just throw it to Jiajia!This is what the old man Qingya wants to express.

Miao Xiaohei heard the words, took a look at Jiajia who couldn't come in because the restaurant's gate was too small, and had to shut up.Indeed, there is Jiajia, the dishes on their table are really not enough... What's more, there is a Friesman who can only live on food!
So, she just ate in silence.Thinking of this, Miao Xiaohei immediately raised her chopsticks and followed the old man Qingmi's movements.

In 10 minutes, the table full of dishes in front of Ji Xiaoyan and the others were all wiped out, and the players who had been watching them were stunned!You know, generally speaking, if the player's hunger bar is full, the player can no longer eat.Otherwise, various negative states will appear!But, look at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, after they finished eating a large table of dishes, they are still smiling and beckoning the waiter to continue ordering!What kind of stomach capacity is this!
Could it be that the hunger value has come to the end?Not right!If the hunger value is too low, the player cannot move around. When Ji Xiaoyan and the others entered the restaurant, they were in high spirits...
The surrounding players instantly fell into infinite guesses and doubts.

The old man Qingya glanced at the players disdainfully, and reported the name of the dish to the waiter with a smile, telling them to quickly serve them another table. After that, he suddenly swept to a corner of the restaurant, and his eyes lit up instantly. Liang immediately pulled Ji Xiaoyan, who was squinting his eyes to savor the dishes, pointed to the door of a small alley not far from the restaurant and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Girl, girl, look over there, I seem to see an acquaintance It's..."

"Acquaintance? Who is it?" Ji Xiaoyan was surprised when he heard the words, and looked in the direction pointed by the old man Qingmi, only to see a gray alley entrance and a few NPC shop waiters who shuttled there from time to time, "Master, is this your acquaintance? I know him?" Generally speaking, old man Qingmi's acquaintances are all NPCs, right?She doesn't seem to know much!
"Of course you know each other..." Old man Qingmi nodded, stroked his chin and pondered for a long time, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "That's the one who went with me before Xiye stayed in that town Who is that... I can't remember his name. What's his name... that's the one who knows how to cook..."

Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, then clapped his hands and asked, "Ye Ying layer upon layer?"

"Yes, yes, yes, that's the name! It's that kid!" Old man Qingmi nodded immediately when he heard that, and said to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Ye Ying layer is here too?" Miao Xiaohei looked at the old man Qingmi suspiciously when he heard the words, "Master Uncle, it's not that you read wrong, right?" The man Ye Ying layer, Miao Xiaohei I don't have a deep impression on him, it seems that I have only seen it once or twice, and I only know that he is a life player who can cook.And, where are they staying now? NPC's shop, what is the shop of the mayor of Wuli Town? Behind the shop is an NPC's territory. Can a player stay there?Old man Qingya must have read it wrong!

Could it be because this NPC felt that he had eaten so many dishes in the restaurant and felt distressed at spending money, so he suddenly thought of Ye Ying, a man who can cook, so his eyes were blurred?Meow Xiaohei was silent for two seconds, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his guess must be right!Just about to tell Ji Xiaoyan about this conjecture, he saw that Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi had stood up. The two looked at her tacitly, and said to her that they should go and have a look, and let her be in the original place. After waiting patiently, he just flashed away.

Miao Xiaohei stretched out his hand to scratch in the air, and finally had to hang down again.

These two...
"Xiao Hei, what does Yeying Layers do?" Friesman looked at Meow Xiao Hei curiously and asked.Along the way, he fully discovered one thing, that is, to have a good life with Ji Xiaoyan!Since leaving the maze, he has never been short of food; for fun, Ji Xiaoyan has been taking them around for sightseeing (of course, this is Friesman's understanding, he has always felt that when Ji Xiaoyan took them in All the errands in Qingshimen are to take him sightseeing and see things other than the maze); even, Ji Xiaoyan is willing to let him recognize his ancestors, so he deliberately brought so many people together to help him find his return home. The road to the undead....
This misunderstanding is huge, so Friesman was very moved!He felt that since he could remember, there really was no one who could treat him with such heart and soul like Ji Xiaoyan!Therefore, he must have a good understanding of everything about Ji Xiaoyan. In the future, he will resolutely refrain from doing things she doesn't like, and must like everything she likes...
"Ye Ying is a friend of Xiaoyan who knows how to cook!" Before Miao Xiaohei could reply, Xuan Mo immediately said, "Well, you don't need to pay for those dishes..."

Well, the latter sentence is the key point!Meow Xiaohei nodded with certainty in her heart.If Ye Ying heard Xuan Mo's words layer by layer, I don't know what mood he would be in!Miao Xiaohei looked into the distance, watching Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi rush to the door of the small alley, and didn't know what to say to one of the waiters, and then the two of them followed the waiter and disappeared into the small alley. inside the door.

"Ye Ying layer upon layer! Have you finished cooking today? If you are done, leave as soon as possible, this is not a place for you to stay long!" Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qing Mi walked through the door of the small alley, and heard There is a loud NPC male voice.

"Hey, little brother, isn't it hard for me to watch you pass the food? I don't need any wages, so you just let me help!" A familiar voice rang out flatteringly, and Ji Xiaoyan followed the voice Looking around, he immediately found Ye Ying, who was following a waiter in the shop, step by step.

"Go, go, go! It's already a great favor from the boss to let you in to cook, and you still want to stay here?" The waiter who was followed by Ye Ying frowned, turned around, and looked Looking at him, he said: "You have to leave here after finishing your daily quota! What? Afraid of being bullied after you go out? Our restaurant is not a shelter. If you don't leave, the boss will find out about it in a while. You start tomorrow." , I don’t even have the chance to come and cook... Hurry up, hurry up!"

"But... little brother, do you want me to stay for a while?" Ye Ying said with some embarrassment.

"No, no, you have to leave now! Come cook again tomorrow!" The waiter immediately shook his head and said, "Even if there are knives under the knife, you must leave! Letting you cook every day is already an extrajudicial favor from the boss! If you don't leave If so, I will tell the boss and let her drive you away!"

"Don't, don't, don't!" Yeying hurriedly grabbed the shop waiter layer by layer, and then asked cautiously: "Then, brother, I'll ask one more thing, just one thing, and I'll leave after asking!"

"Okay, tell me!" The waiter stopped, looked at Ye Ying and nodded in layers.

"Well, can't the store take some of the dishes I cook?" Ye Ying asked with endless expectations: "You also know that I have been in the store for so long, and I have saved a lot of things... I can’t fit my bag anymore! If I don’t clean up these things, I won’t be able to come tomorrow even if I want to…”

"No, no, no! I've already asked the boss about this for you! The boss said no!" Hearing this, the waiter shook his head and said, "Hurry up and leave!"

Yeying heard the words layer by layer, opened his mouth immediately, and finally let go of the hand holding the waiter, then lowered his head weakly, turned around in frustration, and was about to leave the restaurant.If he really doesn't leave and is blacklisted by the restaurant in the future, then he is really finished...

As a result, just as he took two steps with his head buried in frustration, Ye Ying heard someone call him, and when he raised his head, he saw those two familiar figures not far away.

"Xiaoyan? Uncle Qingmi?" Yeying was stunned for a while, his eyes widened with disbelief.

"Look at this kid, he's still stupefied!" Qingmi old man pointed at Ye Ying's layers of stupid looks, turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Look, girl, I'm right, I just Said that I saw the shadow of this kid. Just now I saw him swaying at the door and coming in again..."

"It's... really you guys!" Ye Ying's eyes were beginning to blur, and he looked at old man Qingmi and murmured, "I'm not dreaming, am I? Xiaoyan, didn't you go to that martial arts conference? So what?" It's almost over? Did you get eliminated?"

"Slap!" The old man Qingmi slapped Ye Ying on the head when he heard Ye Ying's stupid words, and then said viciously: "What kind of brains are you, kid? The girl I taught can be so bad ? What does it mean to be eliminated? Didn't you hear the announcement from the Lord God, saying that Xiaoyan and they all passed the test smoothly?"

With tears in his eyes, Yeying rubbed his head, looked at the old man Qingmi with an aggrieved face and said, "No... I didn't hear... I don't know!" He has only been online for a while, okay?

"Stinky boy!" The old man Qingmi slapped Yeying again and again, then raised his eyebrows, looked at him and asked, "I just heard you say that you can't hold all your things? Are there any good things left?"

"Uncle, Uncle, I have saved a lot of good food to honor you!" Ye Ying's eyes lit up when he heard the old man Qingmi's words, and he immediately said flatteringly: "A lot of them are what you like to eat."

"Really?" Old Man Qingya asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's true!" Ye Ying nodded hurriedly.

"Since you are filial to me, why did I hear you say that you want to sell all these things just now?" Old Qing Mi lifted Ye Ying into the air layer by layer like an eagle catching chickens, watching him panic Shaking his feet in the air at a loss, he curled his lips and said, "Come on, explain to me."

"Uncle Master..." Ye Ying's face turned pale in an instant, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan as if asking for help: "Xiaoyan, save me!"

Ji Xiaoyan smiled slightly, and then said to the old man Qingmi: "Okay, uncle, let Ye Ying come down! You can also see that he can't bear a lot of grievances..."

"Yeah, yeah! Uncle, I've been miserable recently! I went to Qingshimen to look for you, and those of you Qingshimen wouldn't let me in! As long as I'm kicked out of the restaurant here, I'll always be bullied! I It's so miserable... I can't wait any longer, but fortunately you came to find me!" Yeying said layer by layer, tears welled up in his eyes.It's not that he really messed up so badly, it's just that he finally met someone who can talk to him, and he felt more and more wronged during this time!

"Well, guest officer, if you want to reminisce about the old days, can you go out? This is the back hall of our restaurant after all, so it's not convenient for you to stay for a long time..." Ye Ying continued to tell how wronged he was, When the days were so sad, a waiter who was carrying a lot of dishes looked at the old man Qing Mi with a smile and said something.

This means that people are driven away.

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he immediately nodded apologetically, greeted the old man Qingmi and led Ye Ying out of the alley.

 PS: Continue to ask for recommendation tickets~~~~~~~~~~

(End of this chapter)

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