The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 684 The Benefits of Consumption

Chapter 684 The Benefits of Consumption

Ji Xiaoyan was very surprised why Ye Ying saw Miao Xiaohei and the others did not act like she imagined, crying and being very excited, but just greeted Miao Xiaohei and the others lightly , After a slight smile, there is nothing.Afterwards, Ye Ying sat down next to old man Qingmi at the table, and kept taking out the dishes stored in his package to please old man Qingmi.After thinking about it for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan remembered that it seemed that the relationship between Ye Ying and Miao Xiao Hei was not very familiar...
"Then Xiaoyan, where are you going after eating? Will you take me with you?" Yeying looked at Ji Xiaoyan expectantly and asked.A life player is still very difficult to get along in Wuli Town, if Ji Xiaoyan can bring him along, that would be great!

"Well, this old man has made the decision, so I must bring you along!" The old man Qing Mi was very happy to be served by Ye Ying. He patted his chest immediately after hearing his words, and said, "As long as you do more in the future It’s enough to be filial to my father by eating... Of course, there are also Xiaoyan and the others!”

"Yeah, yum, this is what it should be!" Ye Ying nodded hastily.

"Girl, do you have any objections?" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan staring at him, old man Qing Mi quickly asked with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem. Ye Ying must be brought with me!" Ji Xiaoyan shrugged his shoulders irrefutably, then looked at the old man Qingmi and asked helplessly: "However, uncle, I want to ask, what do you eat?" Are you full? Friesman has almost eaten, do you want to continue eating?" By the way, which table is this old man eating?Is this restaurant expensive to eat?Is this old man really not afraid of making her poor?
"Eat, of course you have to eat slowly!" The old man Qingmi curled his lips, put a few more mouthfuls of food into his mouth, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a flattering smile and said, "However, after eating so much That's it, it's almost there. When I finish eating here, let's leave, okay?"

"Well, it's good if you can say that!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then asked tentatively: "Then shall I ask Xiaoer to settle the score first?"

"Okay!" Old man Qingmi nodded bluntly, and then asked again: "Well, girl, can you take some wine with you? This kid Ye Ying can only cook but not wine, if I get hungry on the way …”

"Understood, if the price is right, I'll buy you more!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded towards old man Qingmi, and then reached out to greet the waiter.

"It's suitable, it's suitable, it will definitely be suitable!" Old man Qing Mi laughed happily, and then continued to bury his head in eating, with a typical impatient look.

Ji Xiaoyan shook his head and smiled, and when the shop waiter approached, he said, "Please pay us the bill. By the way, brother, how do we sell the wine we drank?"

The shop waiter had a gentle and bright smile on his face, when he heard that Ji Xiaoyan was about to pay the bill and asked about the price of the wine, he knew her intimately and understood what she meant.Thinking of this, the smile on the waiter's face became even brighter: "Guest officer, your food and drinks are worth 360 gold coins in total. As for the price of drinks, the wine in our restaurant is the same price, the same price, five gold coins One jug!" After finishing speaking, the waiter in the store didn't rush to ask Ji Xiaoyan how many jars of wine they wanted to take away, but just looked at them with a gentle smile.

"Five gold coins for a pot of wine... Oh my God, why is it so expensive!" Miao Xiaohei clicked her tongue when she heard the waiter's words, her eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it.How much is five gold coins?Five thousand federal coins!If you put this in real life, you can still buy a lot of things. How expensive is a virtual drink in a game?Isn't this blackmailing people?Moreover, they didn't eat much food, did they?Why did you spend more than 300 gold coins?

This is a black shop, right?Right, right?

Thinking of this, Miao Xiaohei immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan.

"Girl, five gold coins are actually not expensive..." The old man Qingmi saw Ji Xiaoyan's complexion after listening to the waiter's words, so he quickly said, "Why don't you buy less? "

Ji Xiaoyan gave old man Qingmi a white look, thought for a while, and finally said to the waiter: "Please come to the Fifty Tan Bar!"

"Okay, wait a moment, guest officer!" Hearing this, the waiter in the shop smiled happily at Ji Xiaoyan, and then left happily.

"Girl..." Old Man Qingmi widened his eyes when he heard that, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and murmured.According to this girl's temper, shouldn't it be said that she has no money, or that she doesn't have much money, so she rejected him at this moment?Why are you willing to buy him fifty jars of wine?

"Xiaoyan, fifty jars of wine, it costs 250 gold coins! This... If this is exchanged for federal currency..." Miao Xiaohei also looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, and said a little at a loss.Although it was Ji Xiaoyan's freedom to spend the money however he wanted, but when he suddenly saw Ji Xiaoyan, who was usually so stingy, suddenly spend so much money, Miao Xiaohei felt very shocked!Even, Miao Xiaohei looked at the old man Qingmi, and began to guess in his heart, whether Ji Xiaoyan was going to ask this old NPC to help her with something particularly dangerous, and that's why he spent so much money to please him!
Could it be that this is a life-saving wine?
Thinking of this, Miao Xiaohei immediately shuddered, and then looked at old man Qingmi with sympathy.

"It's just a matter of a few hundred gold coins, as long as you like it!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled calmly, and then said: "Fifty pots of wine, the uncle doesn't think it's too little, does it?"

"Enough, enough." The old man Qing Mi quickly nodded in agreement, then swallowed, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked cautiously: "But, girl, do you have so much money on you? If you are tight , uncle can just have one or two jugs of wine..." You must know that he has never carried any money with him, but he still knows the value of several hundred gold coins.

"You don't have to worry about this uncle, I still have the money." Ji Xiaoyan smiled at the old man Qingmi indifferently, "The uncle will escort us all the way to find that place, what will happen to our life in the future depends on that." He also said that it might not be possible. If the uncle suffers from it in the future, the uncle can't run away and drag us back!" In fact, this is Ji Xiaoyan's goal.

Where are they going?Land of the dead!According to Friesman, in his memory, the Land of the Dead was a barren place, with basically nothing to see except bones and soil.Think about it, if you really went to such a place, would old man Qingmi be able to stay with this NPC?At that time, this NPC will definitely jump and leave as soon as they are sure. If they don't leave, this NPC will directly snatch them away...
So, let's take a break now and tie old man Qingmi tightly. If this happens in the future, it will be much easier to deal with!
"That's for sure, Master Uncle, I will protect you girl even if I do my best!" The old man Qing Mi immediately expressed his determination when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then laughed heartily.I thought happily of how comfortable the days to come would be.There is wine, there is food, and you can wander around, tsk tsk, what do you think of this little day, how beautiful it is!
Miao Xiaohei looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a deep smile on his face and looked at Old Man Qingmi, and then at the typical expression of Old Man Qingmi who had been immersed in his own fantasy world, and suddenly felt that she didn't realize what happened just now things.

"Guest officer, the wine is here." At this moment, the waiter who had just left immediately brought a few NPCs, brought over fifty jars of wine with various fonts written on them, and placed them next to Ji Xiaoyan and the others. , and then said with a smile: "Guest officer, please accept it, the total amount of the account is 61 ten gold coins!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and said to the old man Qingmi: "Master, can you pretend to be wine yourself?"

"Yes, yes!" The old man Qingmi shook his spirits, and responded happily, then called Ye Ying and Miao Xiaohei for help, and began to put wine in his own bag.

"610 gold coins?" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at old man Qingmi and the others, and then asked the waiter.

"Yes, guest officer." The shop clerk nodded with certainty, and then added: "Guest officer, do you want to pay now or wait until you leave later?"

"Just now! We won't add any more food." Ji Xiaoyan counted 610 gold coins from the package, and after passing them to the waiter several times, he asked suspiciously: "Why are the words on these wine jars?" Are they different?"

"Hehe, these are used to distinguish the effects of drinks." The waiter said generously to Ji Xiaoyan, and after collecting the gold coins, he said: "The account has been paid, and the guest officer wants to leave at any time. You can leave. However, our boss said that the guest officers take care of our restaurant's business so much. If you feel inconvenient when you leave later, you can call us, and the restaurant will send someone to guide the guests to leave safely... ..”

Ji Xiaoyan opened her mouth, and before she had time to continue to ask the waiter what the words meant, what effect those wines had, and so on, the waiter smiled at her and left directly .

"Xiaoyan, what do you mean by Xiao Er? Could it be that they can also be guards by the way?" After passing a few jars of wine, the old man Qingmi from Miao Xiao Hei Gang asked Ji Xiaoyan.

"Maybe!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, expressing that he was not sure, then looked at old man Qingmi: "Master, are you all ready?"

"Okay, okay, are you leaving now?" Qingmi old man patted the place where the package was kept preciously, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile and asked.

"It's always good to leave early." Otherwise, there will be no one knows how many players will gather outside in a while!

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan glanced around the restaurant, and suddenly came to his senses.In other words, did the waiter just mean that if they went out through the main entrance, not only would they be followed, they might even be robbed, so they said they wanted to send them away safely?

Is this an added benefit after consuming too many gold coins?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately scanned around those players who were still sitting in the restaurant without the old monk sitting still, but had been paying attention to them, and then said to old man Qingmi and the others: "Since the food is almost enough, let's Get ready to leave!"

"Leave now?" Yeying glanced at Ji Xiaoyan hesitantly, gestured towards the surroundings and the restaurant gate, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Don't wait for these people to leave before leaving?" Looking at their players, isn't that one looking covetously?He didn't think they could leave smoothly!
"Do you think they will leave if we continue to sit here?" Ji Xiaoyan asked back.

"If you get impatient with waiting, maybe... maybe some people will leave?" Ye Ying said with some uncertainty.

"Ye Ying, don't be naive!" Miao Xiaohei said to Ye Ying layer by layer with a serious face, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked: "How do we go? Leave directly from the gate?" It seems that breaking through is very difficult what!
"Didn't you hear what the waiter said just now?" Ji Xiaoyan smiled a little smugly, and then said: "He said that he can protect us from leaving safely. Since we have spent so many gold coins, we have obtained such benefits It’s better to make good use of it, right? Besides, this is the shop of the mayor of Wuli Town. Since the waiter dares to say such a thing, it must be the mayor’s promise. So, no matter whether they send us guards to take us out or not. Well, it’s better to send all those players away and take us out, in short, we don’t need to have a headache, just wait and see the result.”

"Well, good! What you said makes sense!" Miao Xiaohei frowned and nodded.

Ji Xiaoyan smiled, recruited another NPC waiter from the shop, told them about the situation that they wanted escort from the restaurant, then pointed to Jiajia who was still locked outside the window of the restaurant, and said to the waiter: "It is also You want to leave with us." She wanted to take Jiajia to the pet space for easy portability, but Xiye had been advancing in the pet space all the time, so the pet space was banned, and Jiajia could only be freed.

"Okay, please don't worry, customer officer!" The shop waiter nodded, and then whispered to Ji Xiaoyan: "If the customers are ready, then come with me! As for the one outside, our shop can Guaranteed to bring it to meet the guest officers as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately upon hearing this, stood up and prepared to go with the waiter.

However, I didn't expect that when Ji Xiaoyan and the others all stood up from the table, the players sitting in the restaurant also stood up instantly, and then the atmosphere of the whole restaurant became silent and condensed instantly. Inside, even the players outside the restaurant looked straight at them.

(End of this chapter)

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