The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 697 Leaving Wanqi City

Chapter 697 Leaving Wanqi City

After wandering around Wanqi city for two times, Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi found an inn in the city for a rest.Climbing from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, they still did not find Miao Xiaohei and Thunder Kitten on any road in Wanqi City. Instead, their clothes were wet by the raindrops in Wanqi City. in half.

"Girl, why don't we just go down the mountain and don't look for them!" Old Qing Mi said to Ji Xiaoyan while gnawing on the food served by the waiter.

"No!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, and then said, "Little Cat and the others can be absent, but Xiao Hei must go with us!" Just kidding, why did she go to the Land of the Dead?To put it bluntly, the main purpose is to let Miao Xiaohei girl change races. If the protagonist is not around, what's the point of them going to the Land of the Dead?Simply to change Friesman's status as a servant?The NPC is still obedient even if she hasn't become a regular now, even if she follows her to the third level of the Martial Arts Tournament, there is no problem, she doesn't need to waste that time at all.

"Then what should we do now? We've searched twice, but still haven't found anyone. Could it be that we've been staying here all this time? I'm not sure when that city lord on the top of the mountain will think of some dirty tricks or something, and turn around He greeted us. Although the old man is not afraid of him, he still finds it a bit troublesome..." Qingmi old man spat the bones in his mouth on the table, and said something worried to Ji Xiaoyan.

However, as soon as the old man Qingmi finished speaking, he heard a voice that he didn't like to hear.

"Vice City Master, Elder Qingmi, you are still here!" A joyful voice rang in the old man Qingmi's ears, and when the old man turned his head to look over, he saw that Qi Qu was standing there. Face happily led a few city guards into the gate of the inn, and walked towards them.

"What are you doing here?" The old man Qingmi frowned, looked at Qi Qu and asked.

"Hehe, I just heard someone from my subordinates say that the two of you got the clues in the miscellaneous affairs Wanyi but never left Wanqi City. I thought that maybe the two of you have encountered some small trouble, so let's see if there is anything I can do to help. I'm just busy...Elder Qingmi, do you welcome me?" Qi Qu raised his eyebrows and asked old man Qingmi with a smile on his face.To be honest, Qi Qu was not worried about being driven away at all, he dared to come here because he was sure that Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi absolutely needed his help and would not drive him away easily.

Sure enough, just when the old man Qingmi was about to get mad, Ji Xiaoyan who was next to him hurriedly pulled him, and then said to Qi Qu with a smile: "We do need help with something."

"Sir, if you have anything to do, just say it. If we can help, we will definitely help!" Qi Qu sat down at the table with Ji Xiaoyan and the others with a smile, looked at her and said.

"You?" Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyebrows, thinking: It seems that Qi Qu didn't raise this matter alone.

"Of course!" Qi Qu puffed up his chest, and then said: "As long as our Lord City Master thinks of any difficulties you two have, it will be difficult for you to sleep and eat, so we specially send you down to help." Of course, if this helps, there must be someone It's just that how Ji Xiaoyan and the others repay the favor when the time comes depends on what the city lord thinks...
Qi Qu looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others suspiciously and smiled, waiting expectantly for Ji Xiaoyan to speak.

The old man Qingmi frowned, glanced at Qi Qu, and had the urge to beat Qi Qu hard, but when he thought of Ji Xiaoyan, the old man Qingmi could only endure it, and then approached Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice. Said next to him: "Girl, this man must have no good intentions, I don't know what is in his mind."

Ji Xiaoyan secretly nodded towards old man Qingmi, and then said: "But if we don't ask him for help, we don't know when we will find Xiao Hei and the others!"

The old man Qingmi frowned, then raised his eyes to look at Qi Qu, cleared his throat, and said to Qi Qu: "Tell me first, if you help us, what reward do you want to receive... Or, do you want to pay us?" What shall we do?"

Hearing this, Qi Qu suddenly smiled, caressed his robe casually, and then replied: "Elder Qingmi, you are thinking too much." After two seconds of silence, Qi Qu continued: "However, if two You feel sorry, but you can follow me down to meet the city lord."

"To put it bluntly, you came to help us because you want us to see your city lord again, right?" Old man Qingmi raised his eyebrows, looked at Qi Qu and sneered twice, and then said: "Where is your city lord looking for us?" What's the matter, you can just talk about it. You lied to us to meet up earlier, but you didn't say anything, and now you want us to go, what are you planning?"

This time Qi Qu didn't answer the old man Qing Mi's words, just looked at them with a silent smile.

Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and finally said to Qi Qu in a compromised way: "We need to find our companions, how long will it take for you to find them?"

"There is no problem with this, as long as they are in Wanqi City, I will definitely find them!" Qi Qu smiled confidently, then hooked his lips, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "That's good, two people Let me go down to the city lord's mansion first, and I will guarantee that before you leave Wanqi City, your companions will be brought in front of you."

Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi looked at each other and nodded.It's useless for them to stay in the inn, maybe it's not certain, they searched twice and couldn't find Miao Xiaohei and the others, it's because the NPC Qi Qu did something...

From the inn on the mountainside of Wanqi City to the city lord's mansion on the top of the mountain, Ji Xiaoyan and the others didn't spend much time.The meeting with the city lord of Wanqi City was not long, the old man Qingmi asked the question directly, and after the city lord made his words clear, Ji Xiaoyan and the old man Qingmi stood up and said goodbye.

Sure enough, when Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi stepped out of the city lord's mansion, Miao Xiaohei and Lei Ting kitten had already stood at the gate of the city lord's mansion.

"Xiaoyan? Why are you here?" Thunder Kitten looked at Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi who came out of the City Lord's Mansion in surprise and asked.

"Leave first, let's talk!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed helplessly, gestured to everyone, then turned to look at Qi Qu who sent them out of the city lord's mansion, and said, "Can you send us down the mountain?"

"Of course there is no problem with this! As the saying goes, give it away to the end!" Qi Qu gave Ji Xiaoyan a good look, bowed his hands at her, and took a few city guards to greet them to leave.

As soon as he left the sphere of influence of Wanqi City, Ji Xiaoyan dug out the clues he got from Miscellaneous Wan Yi.It was a plain map drawn on Bai Sensen's skull, with semi-automatic walking prompts.Ji Xiaoyan can choose the right direction while looking at the route and prompts on this map.

"Where did you go in Wanqi City? Do you know how long I and Xiaoyan have been looking for you? If it weren't for you, Xiaoyan and I wouldn't have to look at the face of the Wanqi City lord, and we were forced to agree. Help him find something." The old man Qingmi yelled at Thunder Kitty and the others angrily as soon as he saw Ji Xiaoyan went to look for the route.

"We are in Wanqi City!" Thunder Kitten replied a little aggrieved, and then said: "It's just that we were trapped by a mission. If there were not city guards who came to help us speak, we still don't know where we are going." How long have you been trapped!"

To be honest, if the city guards sent by Qi Qu hadn't directly found the NPC who issued the mission to Thunder Kitten and the others and demanded to take them away, who knows how long they would be locked up in that bamboo garden!You know, when Thunder Kitty and the others left, Piao Piao Hei Mu and the others were still trapped in that bamboo garden.

"Mission? Just to be greedy for a little thing... Hmph, virtue!" Old man Qing Mi gave Lei Ting kitten a displeased look.

As a result, the thunder kitten was even more aggrieved.In other words, when they left, they didn't get any rewards!The NPC who issued the mission said that if they left the party in Zhuyuan before it was over, they would give up halfway, and they were not punished because of the face of the city guards.

"By the way, uncle, what are you going to find for the city lord of Wanqi City?" Miao Xiaohei smiled indifferently, looked at old man Qingmi curiously and asked.

In the end, he just got a fierce stare from Old Man Qingya.

On the contrary, Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth to explain the confusion: "It is said that it is a kind of fruit, and it is found in the Land of the Dead." Ji Xiaoyan seriously suspected that the mayor of Wanqi City did it on purpose after knowing that they were going to the Land of the Dead. To make things difficult for them, come up with a task of finding fruit.

However, as long as he thought that when they left, the old man Qingmi insisted that the city lord of Wanqi City hand over a bunch of things as an apology for neglecting them, Ji Xiaoyan's heart instantly became more balanced.

"What kind of fruit?" Miao Xiaohei became even more curious, "Is there any special effect?" Otherwise, why did the city lord of Wanqi City look for it?

"Not sure!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "We'll know when we find that fruit."

"That's right!" Miao Xiaohei nodded, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "By the way, Xiaoyan, which way should we go now? How far is the Land of the Dead?"

"According to the manager of the miscellaneous affairs Wanyi, it will take five or six days for us to go to the Land of the Dead, and we will have to go through a few teleportation formations in the middle!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and said to Miao Xiaohei, "However, with the hint of this skull map, we can avoid a lot of detours."

"So, in a few days, I will be able to change race and become the undead?" Miao Xiaohei suddenly smiled excitedly.

"Well, it will definitely work! At that time, Xiao Hei, you will be of the same race as me!" Friesman immediately answered with a smile when he heard Meow Xiao Hei's words, "When you change races, I will definitely say more good things for you, so that you can get more benefits!"

 PS: Thank you for the pink ticket of "The Empress"!Thanks to "ZXY7" for the pink ticket!Thanks for the pink ticket of "Bookfish 2"! .The electricity was cut off for two days, but the call finally came, and it started to rain again. . . . .The most feared thing is that the heavy rain will cause mudslides. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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