Chapter 698 Celebration

South Osu District.

After Ji Xiaoyan took Miao Xiaohei and the others to the direction on the skull map and walked about one-tenth of the distance, they received a reminder from the game that someone was looking for them in reality.After explaining a few words to Miao Xiaohei and the others, and making a brief settlement with old man Qingmi, Brick, Xuan Mo, Jiajia and Friesman, Ji Xiaoyan went offline.

After opening his eyes, he saw Yu Qisi who was smiling all over his face.

"Qisi, what happened?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Qisi suspiciously and asked.According to her understanding, if there was no special event, Yu Qisi wouldn't have called her out of the game in such a hurry, right?Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the time displayed on the game compartment, it seemed that it was too early for dinner at this point in time.

"Miss Xiaoyan, Master Jiang Xia just asked me to tell you to pack up. He will come to pick us up in an hour and a half. At this time, Master Jiang Xia and the others have already played the game!" Yu Qisi said with a smile. Ji Xiaoyan explained, and started wandering around the room: "By the way, Miss Xiaoyan, would you like to wear that dress later? It seems that you can't even wear the clothes you usually buy..."

"Why did you take us out?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned suspiciously, "July [-]th, I haven't bought my clothes for long? Many of them have not been worn yet, and they are still brand new. Why can't I wear them? "You know, she basically doesn't have much time to go out, and she doesn't have a chance to put on a lot of clothes to show off.

"Miss Xiaoyan, the clothes we bought last time were for leisure time at home, this time we must wear them more grandly, not for those clothes!" Yu Qisi restrained the expression on his face and thought about it After thinking about it, he said a little anxiously: "No, no, Miss Xiaoyan, let's hurry up and buy some clothes..." After speaking, Yu Qisi hurriedly started digging through the travel equipment and prepared La Ji Xiaoyan went out.

"July [-]th, July [-]th!" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly crawled out of the game room, and shouted at Yu Qisi: "What is Luo Ye coming to pick us up for? Just wear any clothes!" At most She's wearing a new dress that she hasn't worn before!Ji Xiaoyan murmured in her heart, she thinks, it's just meeting Luoye Fenfei, it seems completely unnecessary to dress formally and grandly just for such a trivial matter, isn't that how it used to be?
But then again, it seems that it hasn't been long since the last time they met Luo Yefenfei!Could it be that the man from Yeguang Fine Wine is going to treat guests to dinner again?

Ji Xiaoyan touched his chin, thinking silently in his heart.

"Miss Xiaoyan, don't you remember what day it is today?" Yu Qisi heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, but quickly ran back to her, stared at her in surprise and asked a question.

"What date?" Ji Xiaoyan was depressed.Could it be that it was Flying Leaves' birthday or something?What date is it today?

Yu Qisi frowned slightly, and after thinking about it, he looked at Ji Xiaoyan tentatively and asked, "Miss Xiaoyan, don't you know that today is November 1010, 11?"

"I know this! It's also written here!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, pointing to the time displayed on the game cabin, and said to Yu Qisi.

"Miss Xiaoyan, it will be December 1010 in the new era in two days..." Yu Qisi stroked his forehead, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a serious face, "December 12st to 12rd is the federal celebration …..”

Speaking of this, Ji Xiaoyan finally remembered what the so-called December 12st to 1rd was.

Back then, when she was still in the slums, what she looked forward to the most was the so-called Federation Day and the New Year, because as long as these two important days came, the life of the poorest people living in the lowest class would be much easier.Many rich people will spend some money on these two major festivals, or buy some things, and distribute them on the street to show their love, and let many poor people get a lot of money in vain. benefits and benefits.Even many shops on the street provide a lot more work for the poor...

Federal celebrations and New Years are the days that the poor look forward to the most.

Ji Xiaoyan sighed faintly, and cursed himself in his heart: It really is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal!How long had she been out of the ghetto?In less than a year, he actually forgot such an important day!If it had been released before, it is estimated that she would have been looking forward to the federal celebration coming three months ago.

To put it bluntly, this federal celebration is the time when the federal government was officially established, and the time is December 12st.

It is said that before the establishment of the federal government, the whole world lived in the midst of water and fire.There are countless countries, large and small, in the entire continent, and the countries are not at peace. There are various mutated monsters threatening the lives of the people outside, and there are neighboring countries that are eyeing tigers ready to fall into trouble at any time and take the opportunity to annex them...
Then one year, a sudden herd of alien beasts swept and swallowed five or six small countries overnight. Only then did the countries realize that if they did not unite, everyone might not be able to survive. The alien beasts were not vegetarians.Therefore, many countries on the mainland united in the battle against the alien beasts and successfully defeated the wave of alien beasts.After the days became quiet and stable, many countries proposed to form a federation, so that all countries could be twisted into one rope, no longer be troubled by internal worries, and worry all day long that someone would annex and attack themselves.

After that, things naturally became much smoother. Although the leaders of many countries tried their best to take power into their own hands and did not want to give up the honor and title of their kings, they were still forced by various pressures. They were forced to participate in the so-called federal meeting at that time, and after a long time of negotiation, the leaders of many countries finally jointly established the so-called federal government on December 12st...

As for how the person in power takes office each year, Ji Xiaoyan said that she has no idea at all, it is a high-level secret, and for a little shrimp like her, even if she wants to care about it, she can't find any clues of.

Afterwards, December 12st was designated as a celebration day by the federation every year. As long as this day came every year, the federation would hold a grand celebration. As a very grand event, it would be a bit uncomfortable if it was completed in one day. In line with its importance, the federal government set December 1st to 12rd as the time for the celebration.And the place where the celebration is held is also different every year!
Since Ji Xiaoyan came to this world, to be honest, she has never seen what this federal celebration looks like.Based on her previous living conditions, it was very difficult to think of the slums in Rocks City, let alone find out which district the celebration was held in, and then ran over to have a look...

After a couple of wry smiles, Ji Xiaoyan withdrew his thoughts and saw Yu Qisi staring at her beautiful eyes in a little confusion, looking at her quietly.

"What's the matter, Qisi?" Ji Xiaoyan asked Yu Qisi with a big smile.

"No, it's nothing!" Yu Qisi suppressed the soreness in his heart after seeing Ji Xiaoyan's wry smile, and handed a piece of clothes from the closet to Ji Xiaoyan, smiling slightly Said: "Miss Xiaoyan, quickly change into these clothes, let's hurry up and go outside to buy some clothes for the celebration!" Ji Xiaoyan was picked up by her and Yu Jiangxia from somewhere, Yu Qisi has always been Remember, so when she saw the look of reminiscence on Ji Xiaoyan's face, she knew that this girl was thinking about her previous life in the slums.

Ji Xiaoyan took the clothes into his hands, and was a little puzzled: "Isn't there still two days left for the celebration? Why did Luo Ye come to pick us up? Where is he going to pick us up?"

"Miss Xiaoyan, this year's celebration is held in Qingkelin District, which is more than two days away from us, so we have to leave early, otherwise we won't be able to catch up with the celebration. If it weren't for Young Master Jiang Xia and the others who came out of the maze successfully today , I guess we won't be able to see the celebration this year..." Yu Qisi patiently explained to Ji Xiaoyan while pushing her to change clothes, "Master Jiang Xia said that they have already contacted a large airship. Pick us up, and we can set off for Qing Ke Phosphate."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, went back to the room and changed clothes, and continued to ask: "Luoye and the others have successfully exited the maze? Why didn't they hear the system announcement? By the way, who else wants to go together besides Luoye and us?" Huh? What does a large airship look like? It’s bigger than the ones we’ve been on before? I remember when you and Luo Ye came to pick me up last time, wasn’t it Luo Ye’s airship? Why are you still trying to get in touch now? airship?"

"Who else will go with us? I'm not sure about this. After all, we won't be the only ones! Ordinary families are only allowed to have small airships as a means of transportation. Large airships are under the jurisdiction of the federal government and cannot be taken lightly. It is used. Every year on important days, the small airships of ordinary families cannot be lifted into the air without the special approval of the military department. When it is empty, the federal government will assign quotas for large airships to the major families, and then plan a large destination, where to take people, and let them continue to take large airships for other destinations. Go where they want to go. Speaking of which, we can only go to this federal celebration because of the honor of Young Master Jiang Xia and a certain place in the Jiang family!" Otherwise, just her and Ji Xiaoyan who have no background It is absolutely impossible for people who live alone to get on the large airship, because there will be no places for them at all!
Yu Qisi stood outside Ji Xiaoyan's room, explained it happily, then thought for a while and asked again: "By the way, Miss Xiaoyan, do you want to play games these two days? Do you want me and Young Master Jiang Xia?" Tell me, prepare a game adapter for you?"

"Going to the game, I'm busy looking for a place!" While shaking the clothes on his body, he looked in the mirror with satisfaction and patted his face, then opened the door of the room, facing the door Yu Qisi outside said: "Let's buy the adapter later, and don't bother the fallen leaves."

"I'm afraid I don't have enough time..." Yu Qisi said a bit embarrassed, "Besides, Master Jiang Xia will definitely prepare a lot of unused connectors, we can save as much as we can!" This point , as the travel steward before Flying Leaves, Yu Qisi is quite clear about that.

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he immediately looked at Yu Qisi in surprise, and then burst out laughing while clutching his stomach.

Yu Qisi is really too cute!After all, Flying Leaves was also her former master, right?She sold Flying Leaves like this?
"Miss Xiaoyan, what are you laughing at?" Yu Qisi looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a straight face and asked.

"No, it's nothing!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly stopped laughing, took Yu Qisi's arm affectionately, and said, "See if there is anything left, take it all, and we'll leave after locking the door! I'll buy it later." Maybe the things don’t need to come back, right?” Yu Qisi was only thinking about saving her money, it would be strange if Ji Xiaoyan was unhappy!This proves that Yu Qisi's heart is for her, doesn't it?

"You don't need to come back, just give Young Master Jiang Xia a call and ask him to send someone to pick us up!" Yu Qisi said without even thinking, and then looked around the room to confirm that Ji Xiaoyan was fine again. After getting the things, he and Ji Xiaoyan walked out of their home arm in arm.

After making a bold move and quickly wandering around several high-end clothing stores on the street, after spending a lot of federal currency to buy a few sets of stately and gorgeous clothes, Yu Qisi and Ji Xiaoyan took the suspension car together I went to the game store and bought two game adapter glasses, then stood at the door of the game store, called Flying Leaves, and asked him to send someone to pick them up. In-game stuff to pass the time.

About 20 minutes later, Flying Leaves arrived in front of Ji Xiaoyan and the others in a hover car.

The driver was a young looking girl with a cute baby face.She was dressed in a neat black women's suit, her black hair was pulled into a bun, and was properly pressed by a delicate purple flower headband. She looked mature with a touch of mischievousness.The girl wore a pair of red lensless glasses that seemed to be for decoration, a silver ring on her left hand, and a bracelet with a faint white light on her arm!

It seems that it is not as simple as the driver.

Sure enough, after the suspension car came to a complete stop, Ji Xiaoyan heard the driver girl speak.

"Yo, July [-]th, long time no see!" The girl pressed an operation button on the suspension car, swung open the door, and put her head in front of Ji Xiaoyan and the others, showing a big smile, He greeted Yu Qisi.

 PS: Thanks for the comments on "Love Is Wandering"! !Thank you for your continued support!

(End of this chapter)

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