The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 757 The Oolong in the Mansion

Chapter 757 The Oolong in the Mansion

When Starry Sky was in the third level of the martial arts conference, the players in the team were still completely strangers, plus a few very close buddies and players in the guild that he was more familiar with.And in the first checkpoint, Xingkong Haohan and the others passed quite smoothly. Of course, the situation they encountered must be much better than that encountered by Ji Xiaoyan and the others, so it was so smooth .

Because the starry sky is vast and they are a group of enthusiastic male players, so when they met the NPC child in the first level, after a team of people did not express their opinions except for strangers, they all ran towards the child excitedly I went, and then the kid simply asked them to compare their skills with him, and asked them to pass the challenge within 5 minutes if the team did not suffer large-scale casualties.

Of course, apart from one very unlucky player in the vast starry sky who was seriously injured, the rest of the team just lost a bit of health, so this mission is over.

I thought it was a challenge that was so difficult, but it was passed so easily, Xingkong Haohan's heart was still a little uneasy and a little excited.So when entering the second level, the illusion, the man Xingkong Haohan was obviously vigilant a lot.In addition to the embarrassment of the children who did not have the first level, when they encountered the second level, the difficulty of the level was obviously much lower than that of Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

So, after the NPC man in the second level created a small-scale tactical illusion for them, and asked them to persist in it for 10 minutes without dying, the vast starry sky dealt with that environment very carefully, and it went smoothly Just challenged the second level.Then, like Ji Xiaoyan and the others, they entered the white light, chose a colored light curtain and stepped in.

Men on the left and women on the right, after Xingkong Haohan glanced at the two colored light curtains, he intuitively chose the left, and rushed in with strangers.When he opened his eyes, the map scene he saw was basically the same as what Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw, except that the sky was slightly different.

When Ji Xiaoyan and the others entered the third checkpoint, it was a bright spring.But when they entered the vast starry sky, it was rainy and dark at night.

"It's such a big yard, boss, where are we going?" Xiao Xingfu looked around, stretched out his hand to wipe the rainwater that had gathered into a waterfall on his face, and asked while looking at the vast starry sky.

Since the last time he showed his face in Panchi City and let Xing Kong Haohan remember him, Xiao Xingfu has quickly become a player with a sense of presence in the guild from an unknown person at the bottom of the guild.In addition, there are not many players from their gang who have successfully advanced to the third level challenge, so when forming a team in the third level, Xiao Xingfu was directly assigned to a team by the starry sky on the grounds that his name was familiar. action.

"Just walk in any direction! In such a big yard, I don't think there is only one NPC! The NPC we need to challenge must be here!" Xingkong Haohan thought for a while, and said to Xiaofufu, Then he greeted everyone and said: "Everyone must polish their eyes!"

"Yes! Boss!" Everyone was very excited to enter the third level, so after hearing what the starry sky said, they all nodded in agreement, and then began to chat excitedly while looking around. They began to gossip, and by the way, they also imagined what they would do after passing through the third level!
At night, the mansion was lit with gorgeous palace lanterns, clearly illuminating most of the corners of the entire courtyard.So when Xingkong Haohan and the others accidentally walked to the place where Ji Xiaoyan and the others stayed when they teleported here and there, the place where high-grade ingredients were planted, the strangers saw the piece exposed in the surrounding greenery , abrupt khaki.

"What's the matter, Susu?" Xing Kong Haohann saw that the stranger stopped and looked at a place in the yard in a daze, and immediately asked with some doubts, and then followed the stranger's eyes to look at the piece of soil .

"Go, go and have a look first!" The strangers did not directly answer Xingkonghaohan's words, but frowned slightly, said something to him, and then directly lifted their feet and stepped into the rain curtain from under the eaves, towards Walked over that area.

"Boss?" Xiao Xingfu looked at Xingkong Haohan with some confusion, and then looked at the stranger.

"Let's go, go and have a look first!" Xing Kong Haohann let out a breath and said something to Xiao Xingfu, and then followed closely the stranger.

"Susu, what's the matter? What's so strange about this open space?" Staring Kong Haohann looked at the stranger squatting in the field full of the fragrance of the soil, and asked with some doubts, "It seems that this land has just been After turning around for a while, do you feel that there are NPCs appearing around here?"

"Hmm!" The stranger nodded, then pointed to the soil on the ground and said, "The NPC who turned over this field should be nearby, let's take a closer look!"

"Yeah!" Xingkong Haohan nodded, looked up at the courtyard in the night, and then said with a sigh: "I just don't know if the NPC who turned over this land is the one we need to challenge ...Susu, you said that what we need to challenge is not a gardener NPC, right?"

"I don't know!" The stranger stood up after slapping off the dirt in his hand, stood beside Xingkong Haohan, and said, "Anyway, it will be clear when we meet, no matter how much guessing it is now, it's useless!"

"That's right!" Xingkong Haohan smiled, "Then let's go! Everyone pay more attention to the situation around here!"

"Okay boss!" Everyone nodded, and began to search nearby with a look of full energy.

It's just that what they don't know about the vastness of the starry sky is that the empty space they saw was not dug out by some NPC at all.

Speaking of the challenge mission of the third level of the martial arts conference, only the maps of the first two levels are exactly the same, and they are independent.And when entering the third level, there is only one map scene!That is to say, as long as the first two levels are passed, all players who pass the level may meet in the mansion in the third level.Of course, this mansion is not able to accommodate all the challenging players of the entire game.

There are four mansions in four game continents.It's just that these four mansions are not limited to only accommodate players belonging to this continent!It may not be true that some players from the Eastern Continent were teleported to the mansions in the Western Continent, North Continent, or Southern Continent to challenge NPCs after entering the light curtain!
As for Starry Sky, they were lucky enough to be transported into their big mansion in the Western Continent just like Ji Xiaoyan and the others.And all the props, plants, scenes, etc. in this mansion, if they are destroyed, they cannot be automatically restored by the system.That is to say, if there is no NPC to replant the high-grade ingredients collected by Ji Xiaoyan and the others, if those high-grade ingredients don’t re-grow, then this area will always be collected, leaving only The barren look of the soil.

Of course, if a player burns or destroys the house in the yard in the mansion, the system will not recover either.

This kind of setting directly caused a consequence. The NPCs living in this mansion will change their emotions and attitudes towards players according to the scene in the courtyard and encounter various emergencies, which also gives Players' challenges create unpredictable and predictable variability!That is to say, the player who enters this scene first is definitely the most beneficial!Because as long as they don't have any impact on the environment and NPCs in the courtyard, what they encounter will be the most original difficulty challenge task set by the system.

However, it is obvious that Ji Xiaoyan and Xingkong Haohan will not be able to meet such good things.

Ji Xiaoyan and the others' team were not the first team of players to enter this mansion.So when they stepped into this big mansion, what they encountered was the changed mansion.As for Xingkong Haohan and the others, their luck was even worse. They actually overlapped with Ji Xiaoyan and the others' routes, and they were unlucky enough to see the criminal place where Ji Xiaoyan and the others stole a large piece of high-grade ingredients that other NPCs worked so hard to grow. Moreover, I ran up to it and swayed around for a while, and then started looking for NPCs everywhere...
So, sometimes when you are unlucky, you can’t blame others, but yourself!

The starry sky and their eagerness to find the NPC were perfectly fulfilled after 10 minutes.And to their surprise, it wasn't just an NPC that appeared, but a team of NPC servants!

"Okay! You stole all the flowers and plants that our lady planted so hard during the day, but you still dare to come here to show your face at night!" A clearly dressed NPC uncle appeared with a dozen or so plainly dressed NPC servants. Immediately afterwards, they looked at the vast starry sky and scolded them angrily: "Really think our Mu family is so easy to bully? How dare a group of little thieves be so bold... Come on, arrest them all !"

"Hey, hey, uncle, there's something to say, something to say! We haven't done anything! How can you accuse us of stealing things!" Little Happiness yelled when he heard what the NPC uncle said, "Uncle, we have just arrived here, we haven't done anything..."

"Hmph, don't try to quibble! It's so easy to break in when you think of our Mu family's backyard!" The NPC uncle obviously didn't listen to Xiao Xingfu's explanation, and directly snorted coldly, and waved at the group of NPC servants behind him. He waved his hand, and then said: "Serious guests only visit during the day, and those who visit at night are thieves! Hmph, I have seen all the guests who come during the day... As for you Huh, you dare not even make a normal visit, and dare to say that you are innocent? I think you are Xiaoxiao, otherwise why would you dare to show up in the backyard of our Mu family in the middle of the night?"

"How do we know this!" Xiaofu felt aggrieved when he heard what the NPC uncle said, "The system will send us here at night, and there is nothing we can do!"

"Hmph, I don't want to listen to your nonsense! Come here, arrest them all, and hand them over to the master tomorrow!" The NPC snorted at Xiaofufu in disdain, and then stepped back indifferently. He retreated, allowing the dozen or so servants to pounce on Xingkong Haohan and them.

"Boss, what should we do?" Xiao Xingfu immediately aimed at the vast starry sky when he saw the momentum.

"What else can I do! Run of course!" Hearing Xiaofu's words, a player next to him immediately roared, and then said to the vast starry sky: "Boss, you go first, we come to the rear... .”

Xingkong Haohan glanced at the player, saying that he was not moved would be a lie.Of course, this touch is only a little bit.

"Don't run away! Let's stay and see how the plot develops tomorrow!" The stranger glanced at the player indifferently, and then said to the starry sky: "Then the NPC has already said, let us meet tomorrow!" What kind of master..."

When Xing Kong Haohan heard the words of strangers, his eyes lit up immediately, and then he hurriedly said to the other players in the team: "Just listen to Susu. Let's all be obedient and let's catch up. If there is anything to do, we will see you tomorrow." Let’s talk about the BOSS!" The one who can be called the master must be the owner of this mansion...
When everyone heard Xingkong Haohan's words, although they had different thoughts in their hearts, they still stood obediently according to Xingkong Haohan's words, shouting at the NPC that they were wronged, and honestly being caught by those servants, and then He was taken to a remote courtyard and locked in a large woodshed.

"Stay here honestly, and wait for the master to be punished tomorrow! Hmph, don't try to argue that you are wronged." The NPC uncle was watching the servants throw Xingkong Haohao and them all away. After entering the firewood room, he stood at the door of the firewood room with a sneer, and said to them, "Since you are not thieves who stole the flowers and plants that Miss has worked so hard to plant, you are also criminals who came in without invitation!"

Xingkong Haohan looked at the NPC uncle with some gloom, and after listening to him crackling and saying a lot of threatening words to them and leaving, he sighed faintly, and whispered next to the stranger: "Su Su, why do you think we are so unlucky? Then why is the NPC uncle trying to press us for the crime of stealing flowers and plants! He doesn't even look at what we need those flowers and plants for..."

"Boss, I think what this NPC did is not wrong!" A player in the team immediately opened his mouth and said something to him when he heard Xingkong Haohan's words, and after seeing Xingkong Haohan they looked at him suspiciously, The player quickly sat down on the ground, stretched out the soles of his feet, pointed at the soles of his shoes and said to the vast starry sky, "Boss, look here. We all stood in that open space just now, so our shoes are all stained." We got on the I think it is justifiable for that uncle NPC to charge us with crimes, who let us have evidence..."

Everyone lowered their heads, followed by the light of a candle left for them in the firewood room, carefully looked at the sole of the player's shoe, and then turned their own sole to look at it twice, and immediately looked at Su with some resentment. do not know each other.

"I didn't know it would happen like this!" The stranger frowned, let out a deep breath, and said to everyone.

"Hehe, Susu, what are you talking about!" Xing Kong Haohan immediately gave a dry laugh when he saw it, then patted the stranger's shoulder, and said to him and everyone: "Actually, it might not be a good thing! Right, Susu! You see, although we were all stained with dirt and wronged by NPCs for stealing those flowers and plants, everyone knows whether we stole or not. Will it be investigated clearly? I still don't believe that those NPCs can really wrong us and convict us!" Saying this, the smile on the corner of Xingkong Haohan's mouth widened, "Besides, Susu, don't you also say Did that NPC say it, take us to see that master tomorrow. The plot of the big boss must be much bigger than that of ordinary NPCs, it’s much better! Maybe we can get a blessing in disguise just like this …..”

"Yes, yes!" Little Happiness nodded immediately when he heard what the starry sky said, and then said: "There are so many NPCs in this mansion, I think if this third level is just for a team of players to challenge one If it is an NPC, it will definitely not arrange so many NPCs to appear. It is not necessarily true that if we did not encounter this matter, we would just meet a random servant and challenge it. At that time, the rewards we get will definitely be rubbish!"

"Yes, that's what I mean too!" Xingkong Haohan nodded, and then said confidently to everyone, "Maybe we got a chance to contact high-level NPCs because of this seemingly bad thing, If our luck is better in the future, we may not be able to get the guild building order..."

"Yes, yes, yes! What the boss said is very reasonable!" When several players heard Xingkong Haohan's words, they immediately smiled and looked excited.

The stranger who had never met before took a deep look at Xingkong Haohan, smiled unconsciously, patted him on the shoulder, and said nothing more.Some friendships don't need to be said...
And when the strangers were locked in the firewood room, waiting for dawn to meet the big boss, what were Ji Xiaoyan and the others doing?

Speaking of which, Ji Xiaoyan and the others' luck is simply too good or too bad.At the moment, they are sitting in a room in an attic without knowing it, accepting one of the little masters in this mansion, that is, the figure in red that Ji Xiaoyan saw flashing past in the veranda is also the same Grab the warm hospitality of the lady who planted that piece of high-grade ingredients that their NPC uncle said in the vast starry sky...

(End of this chapter)

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