Chapter 758
Looking back at Miao Xiaohei and Ye Ying, who were arguing over which side to go in the courtyard during the day, Ji Xiaoyan accidentally saw a red dot in an attic not far from them at that time. At that time, Ji Xiaoyan immediately said to Miao Xiaohei and the others without even thinking about it, and then everyone rushed to the attic, and stepped on a long and tall wooden After the stairs, Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw the true self of the red figure.

Of course, as a lady from a big family, the lady in red was definitely not the only person in the attic at that time, so when Ji Xiaoyan and the others first saw the real lady in red, they were naturally attracted by several The NPC maid held the dagger to her neck.

"Who is it!" An NPC maid slammed the dagger on Ji Xiaoyan's neck with cold eyes, and asked her sharply.

"Don't, don't do it!" Before Ji Xiaoyan could speak, he heard Ye Ying screaming: "Sister, you must be careful! Our necks are very fragile, a little If you don’t pay attention, it will be broken.... Sisters, we are not bad people..."

"Aren't you a bad guy? If you're not a bad guy, then how did you find this place? Hmph!" The NPC maid who held Ye Ying layer by layer with a dagger squinted her eyes and asked him when she heard Ye Ying layer by layer. One sentence, "Say, are you sent by Miss San?"

"Miss San? What Miss San!" Yeying looked at the NPC maid in confusion and asked, then shifted his gaze to the lady in red, and shouted loudly: "Sister, everyone! Sister! We don’t know Miss San, we’re just passing by soy sauce party…”

"Passing by?" An NPC maid frowned when she heard Ye Ying's words, turned her head and glanced at the lady in red, and after seeing her nod, she continued to ask: "Are you coming to our Mu family?" A visiting guest?"

"Guests?! Yes, yes, yes! We are here to visit!" Hearing the words of the NPC maid, the super thunder cat quickly took the words, and then said with a very sincere attitude: "Girls, this time it is us Reckless! Again, on behalf of all our teammates, I would like to extend my sincerest apologies to all the girls... We just passed by here, and we wanted to stop by to visit the owner of this beautiful courtyard, but who knows, here The courtyard is too beautifully built and spectacular, so we spent all our time looking at the scenery, but got lost as we walked... Later, we suddenly saw a figure in the attic here, so we left abruptly Come up, ready to ask for directions, and ask for some water by the way..."

"Is that so?" An NPC maid asked in confusion when she heard what the Super Thunder cat said.

Before the Super Thunder cat had time to say yes, Ji Xiaoyan and the others heard the lady in red asking them innocently: "So, you are not from Third Sister? Are you a guest of our Mu family? !"

"Yes, yes!" Ye Ying nodded fiercely after hearing what the lady in red said, but accidentally cut his own neck on the dagger on his neck, so Ye Ying In an instant, layer upon layer saw that half of his blood had dropped, "Sister, this sister, can you put this thing off my neck first? This is an extremely dangerous thing, if you are not careful, it will kill you." Human life!" What's more, this thing is real and almost killed him!

"Miss?!" The NPC maid heard Ye Ying's words, looked at the blood on the dagger, and then turned her head to look at the lady in red.

"Let them go!" The lady in red didn't know if she was really innocent, or if she felt that Ji Xiaoyan and the others were nothing to worry about. After hearing Ye Ying's layer upon layer of requests, she actually smiled at Ji Xiaoyan and the others. , and then asked the NPC maids to take back the daggers on their necks.

"Miss, you are such a good person!" Yeying said to the lady in red flatteringly as soon as she saw her neck was free again, and then quickly touched a bottle of red medicine from the package Come out and drink it in one gulp.

"What are you drinking?" The lady in red looked curiously at Ye Ying's movements, blinked her eyes, and asked.

"You mean this?" Ye Ying shook the empty bottle in his hand layer by layer, looked at the lady in red and said, "This is for blood!"

"Add blood?" The red lady frowned suspiciously.

"Ye Ying, don't talk nonsense!" When the little black girl heard Ye Ying's words, she immediately stepped on Ye Ying's foot, warned him in a low voice, and then quickly pulled out a smiling face, facing the red-clothed girl. The lady said: "Miss, don't mind, my friend has brain problems, and his speech is a bit unclear... Hehe, in fact, the thing he drank is a kind of tonic! When there are symptoms of insufficient energy and blood, Drink this stuff and you'll be fine immediately!"

"It's so amazing!" The lady in red asked with her eyes widened when she heard Miao Xiaohei's words.

"It should be like this..." When Miao Xiaohei was asked by the lady in red, she felt guilty for a moment, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some uncertainty, and gestured to Ji Xiaoyan with her eyes, asking her to explain.No idea!Ye Ying's words about adding blood to the layers must not be discussed with the NPC, otherwise the mastermind will kill the NPC on the grounds of discussing taboo words for the NPC.That's why she came up with a reason to add energy and blood!Usually when you go to see a doctor, don’t the doctors always say something about the lack of Qi and blood?
"Well, that's how it is!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately said with certainty after receiving the words from Miao Xiaohei, "It's just that the effect of the medicine may vary depending on the person's physique..."

"So, you mean that this miraculous medicine won't be effective for just anyone who drinks it?" The lady in red lost a little bit of her eyes when she heard Ji Xiaoyan's words.

"Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then saw the adoring eyes of Miao Xiaohei.She is still very good at lying or something!
"That's it..." The red lady lowered her eyes and thought for two seconds, then immediately raised her head, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked calmly, "Do you know how many of you still have this miraculous medicine? "

"Miss want?" Ji Xiaoyan asked.

"En!" The lady in red nodded, and then said: "My little girl knows that this request is presumptuous, but... my little girl still hopes that you can give up your love!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the lady in red and the NPC maid standing beside her with calm eyes, and after thinking about it, she pretended to be reserved and said to the lady in red: "This matter... I hope the lady can do it. Give us some time to discuss it!"

"Okay! There's no problem with this!" When the lady in red heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, she immediately felt that something was going on, and her face was a little happy, and then she quickly told an NPC maid next to her: "You bring a few distinguished The guests go to the next room to rest, and call the butler over by the way, and help the guests arrange a place to rest later..."

"Yes! Miss!" The NPC maid also showed a big smile on her face when she heard what the red-clothed lady said, and nodded briskly. After glancing at Ji Xiaoyan and the others happily, she led them to the next room. went in.

After the NPC maid disappeared outside the door, Ye Ying hurriedly closed the door of the room layer by layer, then leaned in front of Ji Xiaoyan and the others, blinked, looked at Ji Xiaoyan curiously and asked: "Xiaoyan, isn't it just a bottle of red medicine? Why don't you just sell it to that young lady? Why are you so mysterious!"

"Ye Ying, you are an idiot!" Miao Xiaohei immediately gave Ye Ying a big roll of his eyes when he heard Ye Ying's layer upon layer of words, and then asked: "Things are rare! How can you sell it at a high price!"

"Oh, Xiaoyan, so that's what you planned!" Ye Ying suddenly came to his senses when he heard Miao Xiaohei's words, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said with a little admiration: "Xiaoyan, I think you are really good at fooling NPCs!" It's pretty high!"

"What is fooling around! Ye Ying, don't talk nonsense!" Ji Xiaoyan glared at Ye Ying layer by layer, glanced at Friesman and the others standing not far from them, said something in a low voice, and then continued Said: "I just think that, looking at the appearance of that young lady, she must be the kind of lady who stays at home and doesn't know anything. She needs medicine to add qi and blood, so it must be of some use. It may not be us What kind of tasks can I receive... Besides, if we immediately take out ten or eight bottles of potions and place them in front of her as soon as we hear that she wants to buy potions, won't she suspect that this potion is actually Not as magical as we say?"

"As long as the NPC lady thinks this potion is magical and expensive, she will think that this potion is very precious and worth buying, and then she will buy it at a high price, right?" Ye Ying reacted layer by layer. Hurry up, as soon as Ji Xiaoyan finished speaking, he immediately interjected.

"Of course! Think about it, if you see a magical and precious medicine on the street, just when you want to buy it and keep it, you suddenly find that the medicine is sold in batches. Appearing, can you not doubt the miraculousness of this potion?" Ji Xiaoyan twitched the corners of his mouth, smiled slightly, and then looked at Ye Ying and asked, "Generally, the real good medicine must be very rare in stock. ,Right?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Yeying grinned layer after layer, and nodded fiercely, "You're still thinking wisely, Xiaoyan! It's not a shame that you have been fooling people for a long time..."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard Ye Ying's words, he immediately wanted to slap him!What does it mean to be a fool for a long time? When did she fool people?
"However, then again, what are we doing here?" At this moment, Thunder Kitten suddenly looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others and asked, "Isn't this level still challenging NPCs? Why do you feel that the direction of doing tasks is developing now? Could it be that the NPC we need to challenge is the NPC lady in red?"

 PS: Thanks to "Yangyang Mizusawa" for the pink ticket! (*^__^*) Hee hee...

(End of this chapter)

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