Chapter 761 Reward!

The task Miss Hongyi wants to give Ji Xiaoyan and the others is not difficult at all, but not easy at all.

According to the plot introduced by Miss Hongyi, Ji Xiaoyan and the others summed it up. The background of the whole mission is like this: Miss Hongyi was in a courtyard in the mansion with the third lady who was born of her deadly rival concubine a few days ago. They met in Li, and then they quarreled over some trivial matters. As a result, during the quarrel, the lady in red accidentally lost a brocade handkerchief embroidered by herself that she was carrying with her.

One must know that brocade handkerchiefs, especially brocade handkerchiefs with obvious status symbols embroidered on them, if they fall into the hands of someone with a heart, it will definitely be a great disaster for the owner of the brocade handkerchief.The maids of the lady in red all guessed that the third lady must be the one who picked up the brocade handkerchief, and she would definitely use the brocade handkerchief to frame the lady in red.

Therefore, the most urgent thing for Miss Hongyi to do now is to find a way to get Fang Jinpa back.As for how to win it, to be honest, the lady in red has absolutely no choice!She couldn't go to the third lady to ask for it in a fair manner, so this matter got entangled...
"So, miss, you want us to bring back the brocade handkerchief for you?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned slightly, looking at the lady in red and asked.But I muttered in my heart: If their mission is to steal the Jinpa back, then how to solve the original intention of challenging the NPC?They can't be stuck in this big mansion all the time helping NPCs with tasks, can they?

"Yes!" The lady in red immediately nodded when she heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, then sighed lightly, and then continued: "As far as we know, Fang Jinpa is very likely to be by the third sister's side. on that nanny."

"Oh? Do you have any definite news?" Meow Xiaohei asked with raised eyebrows.

"En!" An NPC maid next to Miss Hong nodded eagerly, "That nanny has never been out of the mansion for so many years, and has always stayed by Miss San's side to help her advise. But since Miss's brocade handkerchief fell off, After that, the nanny repeatedly asked to go out of the mansion. Later, the lady heard the news and felt that something was wrong, so she went to the madam and asked the madam to ban the mansion on the grounds that the mansion needs to be cleaned up recently and there are not enough people. After the servants are not allowed to come in and out at will these days, it is considered that the nanny is temporarily locked up in the mansion for activities... However, the nanny seems to be not very peaceful, and it changes every day. The law asked to go out, so we are very suspicious, that Fang Jinpa is on the body of that mother, she is going to take the Jinpa out, and then try to frame our lady..."

"So vicious?" Ye Ying asked in surprise after hearing what the NPC maid said.

"En!" The NPC maid nodded fiercely, "Miss San has always targeted our young lady..." Then there was a burst of complaints.

Ji Xiaoyan and the others stared at the NPC maid with black lines on their faces, and after she finished complaining, they asked, "How can we get Miss your brocade handkerchief back from that nanny's hand? Just go and steal it." ?”

"This can only be done by the benefactors themselves! At most, the little girl can only provide the work and rest time of the benefactor's mother..." The lady in red looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others with some embarrassment, and looked down. Said loudly.

So, after finishing their meal in Miss Hongyi's room, Ji Xiaoyan and the others were taken out of Miss Hongyi's attic by an NPC uncle who claimed to be a housekeeper, and spent the night in a row of courtyard rooms next to the attic.

It wasn't until dawn the next morning that an NPC maid next to the lady in red came to bring them breakfast and told them the movements of the third lady's nanny by the way. In the evening, a group of unlucky players took the blame for them, and were arrested by the housekeeper and his servants, locked up in the firewood room for a night, and gained a little negative status for an hour...
The NPC maid's message is very detailed.

After serving Miss San, the nanny will go to the next embroidery room to help Miss San embroider for an hour, then go to the kitchen to help Miss San make some snacks, and then go to Miss San Go to the small garden in the courtyard to rest for a while, then go back to Miss San's room, and serve her lunch and nap. The afternoon arrangement is basically the same as the morning.

So Ji Xiaoyan and the others now have two opportunities to get in touch with that nanny alone.One is when she rests in the morning, and the other is in the afternoon.

Ji Xiaoyan and the others pondered for a while, and felt that it was not too late, they just started to act in the morning.

So, after calculating the schedule, Ji Xiaoyan and the others went to Miss Hongyi's place first, and took the reward promised by Miss Hongyi, and then asked an NPC maid to take them to Miss Sanjie's courtyard .

The reward given by the lady in red this time is indeed much better than that box of gold decorations.The styles and grades of the clothes sewn by the top tailors are indeed extraordinary. Most importantly, the clothes can be directly worn on the outside of the equipment as decorations, and they also have a little attribute of increasing vitality or magic!Of course, if this attribute is compared with regular equipment, it is absolutely rubbish, but it is better than nothing!What's more, this outfit doesn't occupy the equipment bar, so it's always good to have more stacks, right?
As for the lonely book, it was actually Ji Xiaoyan and the others' biggest gain.

According to the lady in red, these books are very precious, and basically there are only one or two books left in the world!And when Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw the lonely book, they were really pleasantly surprised!That's a skill book!Can it be precious, can it be found everywhere?
The lady in red gave Ji Xiaoyan and the others two skill books in total, one is for the priest profession, the big recovery technique, which can directly restore 50% of the health of up to ten people within five meters of your allies within ten seconds. Vitality and mana, with a buff effect of 1% blood recovery per second, lasting for ten seconds.The skill cooldown time is 1 minutes.

Another skill book is a passive skill called Soil Specialization, which is said to increase the specialization of soil spells by 30%.As for the great use of it, there is no introduction in the skill book.

"How do you distribute the skill books?" Ji Xiaoyan waited until the NPC maid who showed them the way left, and squatted with everyone in a flower bush in the third lady's courtyard, and asked them in a low voice.

"How to distribute what? Whoever can use it!" Ye Ying said in a puzzled manner, "Could it be that Xiaoyan is going to take it out to benefit others?"

"That's right, Xiaoyan, didn't I remember that you also have the skills of a priest? Why don't you just learn that great recovery technique... If you sell it to others, maybe you will cultivate an enemy for us in the future!" After hearing Ye Ying's words, Thunder Kitten immediately said, "As for the other skill book, isn't Xuan Mo a mage of the earth system? Can he learn it?"

"That's not good!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and then said: "In this case, wouldn't these two skill books become mine?"

"What's wrong! We are teammates in the same team!" Miao Xiaohei patted Ji Xiaoyan on the shoulder boldly, and then said: "Besides, back then, my race and skills were not the same. You gave it to anyone who needs it, and I don't believe that if there is something we can use, you won't give it to us?" After speaking, Miao Xiaohei blinked at Ji Xiaoyan.

"That's right, Xiaoyan, don't be coy, you weren't like this before! We are so familiar, who is with whom! Just accept the things!" Yeying also smiled layer by layer. , and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Look at the high-end ingredients you helped me get, didn't they all go into my package?"

Hearing the words, the big super thunder cat patted Ji Xiaoyan and nodded gently to her, finally letting Ji Xiaoyan accept the skill book.

"Then Yumo, try this skill first, can you learn it? If you can't learn it, we'll sell it!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and stood beside them with a big smile facing the hidden body Xuan Mo said something, and then handed over the skill book specialized in the native department.

"Is it really for me?" Xuan Mo looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, but couldn't help but ask.

"Of course! Xuan Mo, who else knows earth spells here besides you! If you can learn it, learn it!" Ye Ying said with a smile after hearing what Xuan Mo said.

Xuan Mo glanced at Ye Ying layer after layer, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan without moving, as if waiting for her to speak.

"Let's learn! It's good for us if you can be better!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Xuan Mo, a little puzzled why this NPC, Xuan Mo, got a skill book but felt a should I put it?Feeling unsure and hesitant?

"Why don't you learn Xiaoyan?" Xuan Mo rubbed the skill book in his hand, then lowered his head and asked.For Ji Xiaoyan, she can learn any skill, as long as she has a skill book and someone can teach her.That's why Xuan Mo was a little puzzled, why Ji Xiaoyan would take advantage of him!

Although, for Xuan Mo, this local specialization really makes him covet...
"Aren't you a mage of the earth system? Of course you are much better at learning than I am!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Xuan Mo as a matter of course, "This book is more useful to you than to me!"

Xuan Mo took a deep look at Ji Xiaoyan, didn't say anything, and after a while he mumbled, "Thank you Xiaoyan!"

Ji Xiaoyan smiled slightly, and was about to touch Yu Mo's head, telling him not to think too much.As a result, I heard the super thunder cat whisper: "Attention, someone is coming! Everyone get ready!"

(End of this chapter)

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