Chapter 762
The courtyard of the third lady in the mansion is actually not big, but the building is very exquisite.Both pavilions and pavilions are built in this yard, and even in this small yard there is a small artificial lake with a diameter of about four or five meters, which is full of aquatic plants with fat green leaves.

After the super thunder cat warned that someone was coming, Ji Xiaoyan and the others immediately lowered their bodies, and looked through the grass in the direction of people passing by.As for the NPC Xuan Mo, because he has the invisibility technique, he still didn't even move his body. After learning the skill book of native specialization given by Ji Xiaoyan in his hand, he stood obediently by the grass... ....
"Is anyone here yet? Do we want to do it?" Because Ye Ying is a life player, he doesn't need to participate in the battle directly, so the favorable observation position in the grass is not allocated to him at all, and the place he can see is also limited. It's just a large piece of rocks and plants.

"Hush! What are you doing so loudly?" Miao Xiaohei turned his head and glared at Ye Ying layer by layer, and then said in a low voice: "We haven't seen the figure yet, we only heard a voice coming. Can't you hear it?" What's more, even if people come and want to fight, you can't help, so you just lie here honestly and wait for our news... Don't make any more noise, or if we are discovered, turn around I will settle accounts with you!"

"Okay! I'm just concerned about the situation of the battle..." Ye Ying pursed her lips when she heard Miao Xiaohei's words layer by layer, and said something aggrieved, and then saw Ji Xiaoyan and the others holding their hands He took out his weapon, so Ye Ying's heart was instantly settled. It seemed that the third lady's nanny had come.

Sure enough, Ye Ying looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others tensely, and the cat stayed in the grass for about 5 minutes, and then rushed out one by one with weapons in hand.

"Isn't it just grabbing a brocade handkerchief from the hands of an NPC nanny? Using such a large force? It feels like going to kill the boss..." Yeying muttered in his heart puzzled After saying a word, he and Brick, who was left behind, looked at the vantage point of observation in the grass, and were a little stunned for a moment.

Miss San's nanny is indeed not an ordinary person!

The third lady's nanny is surnamed Chang, with three big red words "Changmao" on the top of her head, her face is very rough, if you don't pay attention, you will probably look at this Changmao Be a man!Her figure is very strong and tall. According to Ye Ying's estimation, it must be about 1.8 meters. She is wearing a dark green dress and a gray jacket with white fluff. Holding a pair of big black scissors with a cold light in it... just looking at this equipment, Mammy Chang can tell at a glance that she is definitely a BOSS type, a very aggressive NPC.

In fact, this Nanny Chang is indeed a big boss.

According to the game's settings, in the mansion, those with red names on their heads are extremely aggressive NPCs, that is, the NPCs that players need to challenge.However, these NPCs do not mean that if players meet them, they can directly challenge them, and they can see the red names above their heads.It may not be that you see this NPC today and still talk to you with a gentle face, but tomorrow he will become the target you need to challenge.

And only when the player completes, or obtains the corresponding plot, the NPCs in these mansions also have corresponding plots, and the challenge mission will really start.Of course, if a team of players finds the NPC they need to challenge, but encounters players from other teams intervening to make trouble, then the team of players who originally had a plot will be out of luck.

If the team of players with the plot fails to grab the NPC in the end, then their challenge mission will be regarded as a failure and they will be eliminated.And the players who won the NPC team without plot missions will be lucky. Not only can they get various rewards for defeating the NPC, but they can also get the plot of the team that lost, and then continue the plot below Go on and end up with a new challenge with even more rewards....
This is why game designers and masterminds set up such a large house and put so many NPCs here.It's all to make it more difficult for players to advance...
"Brick, do you think Xiaoyan and the others can win?" Ye Ying looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others in fear, hiding under the big scissors of the Chang mother, and pulled Brik with some worry. K asked.

"I believe in Xiaoyan!" Brick said firmly, then took out two bottles of potion from the package, drank one bottle, and handed a bottle to Ye Ying layer after layer and said: Don't come a little?"

"What potion?" Yeying took the potion in his hand layer by layer, looked at it slightly, and drank it in one gulp, and then heard the system prompt saying that he will be under the protection of life players in the next 10 minutes status, any combat attack that hits him will be directly reduced by 80%.
"Is there any more?" Yeying asked Brick excitedly after reading the effects of the potion layer by layer.

"Yes! But not much!" Brick nodded, and then said: "We need to save a little!"

"Oh!" Ye Ying scratched her head in embarrassment when she heard Brick's words.He originally thought that there must be a lot of this kind of potion in Brick, so he was going to ask him for more to keep on his body, but now he was a little embarrassed when he heard Brick say that.

"What are we drinking this potion for?" After a moment of silence, Ye Ying finally thought of this question, looked at Brick and asked.

"Save your life! Nuo, take all these things. If Xiaoyan and the others are in trouble later, we will rely on us in the rear!" Brick directly took out a few more bottles of potion and stuffed them into Ye Ying's hands, and then He pointed at the back of Ji Xiaoyan and the others fighting, and said to Ye Ying layer by layer: "I guess the noise here is so loud, someone will definitely come here soon..."

"You mean, when someone comes to help, just the two of us will carry it?" Yeying swallowed the saliva in his mouth in disbelief, looked at Brick and asked.Isn't that going to die?
Just thinking about it, Ye Ying saw the NPC Brick and nodded with certainty, "Well! As soon as someone comes, we will throw the potion on them to buy Xiaoyan and the others a little more time …..”

"Brick, maybe... Maybe you're thinking too much, maybe no one will come!" Yeying twitched the corners of his mouth, and said to Brick with a wry smile.He doesn't want to die or something!Now it seems that they can only pray that Ji Xiaoyan and the others will fight the boss here, and there will be no other NPCs to join in the fun.

"Someone will definitely come!" Brick looked at Yeying with certainty and said, "Let's go, while we are still safe, go over there and ambush first!! If someone comes later If we go any further, it will be too late..." After speaking, Brick directly pulled Ye Ying layer by layer and walked towards Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

Although Ye Ying kept praying in her heart that no one would bother Ji Xiaoyan and the others to brush up with Nanny Chang, but God's will tricked people.Not long after he and Brick found a good place to ambush, a few figures really appeared not far away. It seemed that they heard the movement here and were ready to come over to see the situation.

"Brick, how did you know someone would come?" Yeying looked at Brick in amazement and asked, wondering if this was the special prediction skill of NPCs.

"I said that someone will definitely come!" Ye Ying said to Ye Ying with a sullen face, and then tightened the medicine bottle in his hand, and then explained: "The Chang mother appeared The time has come earlier, and if she just came here to rest, she wouldn't bring a pair of big scissors. Looking at her current outfit, she must be here to cut flowers and go back!"

"You can see this?" Ye Ying looked at Brick suspiciously, wondering when this NPC was so smart.

"Yeah! Can't you see it?" Brick asked back, but found that Ye Ying's lips were tightly pursed, and he didn't say a word.So Brick coughed, and then continued: "Comprehensive of the two points I just said, and when Nanny Chang was surrounded by Xiaoyan and the others, she didn't have the slightest idea to pester her too much, she just kept thinking about it." If she had to run to find out, she must be in a hurry to go back. And during the period when she was surrounded and unable to go back, the third lady would definitely guess if something happened to Nanny Chang, so she would definitely send someone Come and have a look..."

"Wow! Brick, I now realize that you also have great potential as a detective!" After listening to Brick's analysis, Ye Ying immediately expressed admiration.

"Detective? What is a detective?" Brick looked at Ye Ying and asked back, and then said in a low voice without waiting for him to answer: "Everyone is here, Ye Ying, get ready to throw the potion!"

"Oh, oh!" Ye Ying nodded hurriedly, focusing on a few figures not far away.

It's just that the person who was originally thought to be sent to check on Nanny Chang's situation must be the third lady's men, or NPCs like confidantes, but to Ye Ying's surprise, they rushed towards them The few figures who came over turned out to be six players in warrior outfits...
"Player?" Ye Ying was stunned and murmured, then turned his head to look at Brick and asked, "Do we need to kill them? Or should we tell Xiaoyan to earn some crime points?"

(End of this chapter)

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